Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2018 No. 168 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, October 12, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2018 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was vote to deliver the most substantial in- ring the Army Corps from prohibiting called to order by the President pro frastructure legislation yet considered fishing in the tailwaters of Barkley and tempore (Mr. HATCH). by this Congress to communities across Wolf Creek Dam. For so many commu- f America. nities in my State, fishing is both a Yesterday, I spoke about President PRAYER hobby and a way of life. This is not an Trump’s challenge to improve our Na- area where the Federal Government The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- tion’s infrastructure, and I laid out needs to jump in between Americans fered the following prayer: how America’s Water Infrastructure and their own backyards. We had to Let us pray. Act will represent a major step toward pare back this regulatory overreach. Eternal Lord God, You are our hiding meeting that challenge nationwide. This legislation does exactly that. place. You alone are our mighty rock This comprehensive legislation meets and fortress. Thank You for directing all sorts of pressing needs unique to Here is one more example. In States our steps. different corners of our country—from like Kentucky where waterways play Today, provide our lawmakers with dams, levees, and flood control, to safer such a pivotal economic role, it is also Your peace, infusing them with the drinking water and sewage systems. crucial that the Army Corps be wisdom that strives for faithfulness. There are national issues at stake, equipped to demolish defunct parts of Lord, let that faithfulness so energize such as the ability of American pro- our waterways infrastructure that now them that harmony will triumph over ducers and manufacturers to access stand in the way of progress. These ef- discord. May the effects of this unity markets around the world, but the forts will allow communities along be felt in our Nation and world. questions at stake are also very local. Kentucky’s Green and Barren Rivers to Teach us all to serve You with all our By way of example, I would like to make these waterways healthier, safer, hearts, souls, minds, and strength. highlight just a few of the ways this We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. and more attractive for outdoor recre- legislation will have a direct impact on ation. f communities in my home State of Ken- I am proud this legislation authorizes PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tucky. First, the bill before us includes a these important steps forward. The President pro tempore led the measure that will protect property This is the beauty of America’s wa- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: owners from paying thousands of dol- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the terways. It is a national issue, but it lars in fees to fix decades-old surveying touches local communities across the United States of America, and to the Repub- mistakes by the Army Corps of Engi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, country in very direct and specific indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. neers. This is a critical issue for Ken- ways. tucky’s Rough River community, f where the Army Corps’ own errors I am proud of the ways this legisla- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY threatened to stick local landowners tion will help Kentucky. I know each of LEADER with a steep bill. I was pleased to lead my colleagues knows just as many The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- the charge in crafting a commonsense ways this bill will impact their own TON). The majority leader is recog- solution to prevent this Kentucky com- State for the better. That is under- nized. munity from paying a financial price scored by last night’s overwhelming bi- partisan vote of 96 to 3. I look forward f for government mistakes. This legislation also halts the impo- to a similar bipartisan vote later this S. 3021 sition of burdensome fees on water use morning to send this significant infra- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in Lake Cumberland, and it extends my structure bill to the President’s desk later this morning, the Senate will Freedom to Fish Act for 5 years by bar- for signature into law. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6735 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:14 Oct 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10OC6.000 S10OCPT1 S6736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 10, 2018 HEALTHCARE THE ECONOMY RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under another matter, today the Senate will final matter. While the Senate was fo- the previous order, the leadership time also vote on an effort by my Demo- cused on Justice Kavanaugh’s con- is reserved. cratic colleagues to strip away health firmation last Friday, our economy f insurance options for families whom reached a major milestone. According ObamaCare has failed. CONCLUSION OF MORNING to the latest Department of Labor re- The first 4 years of the ObamaCare BUSINESS port, unemployment in the United experience was one of failure after fail- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning States of America has now fallen to 3.7 ure—skyrocketing premiums and bro- business is closed. percent. That is the lowest unemploy- ken websites built on broken promises. f Many families were caught right in the ment rate since 1969. It is now 3.7 per- middle of the ObamaCare mess—those cent—the lowest unemployment rate LEGISLATIVE SESSION who earned too much to receive sub- since 1969. The share of Americans who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under sidies but not enough to keep pace with are seeking work but cannot find it is the previous order, the time until 11:30 premiums—so it became even more im- as low as it has been in just shy of 50 a.m. will be equally divided between portant to look for alternatives. The years. the two leaders or their designees. American people are resourceful. Some There was other good news as well. Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- held on to so-called grandfathered and Unlike what happened too often in the sence of a quorum. grandmothered plans, and others previous decade, this drop in unem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The looked for lower cost, short-term plans ployment did not come from discour- clerk will call the roll. that could be held for up to a year. aged workers giving up their search al- The senior assistant legislative clerk We all know that Big Government together; to the contrary, 150,000 more proceeded to call the roll. doesn’t like it when citizens try to Americans joined the labor force last Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask avoid the micromanagement and run month, and the unemployment rate unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. their own lives as they see fit, so in the still went down. Now, that is an oppor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without waning months of the Obama adminis- tunity economy. That is exactly what objection, it is so ordered. tration, Democrats issued a new regu- an opportunity economy looks like. lation that cut these plans from 12 S. 3021 months down to 3 months and made Day after day, my Republican col- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as you them nonrenewable. I guess the goal leagues and I have come to the floor know this week we are voting and con- was to force even more Americans into and outlined all the things we are sidering an important bipartisan piece ObamaCare. The real effect was just to doing to try to help generate precisely of legislation known as America’s punish these people twice for Demo- this kind of economic momentum for Water Infrastructure Act, the most crats’ bad policy. the American people. This unified Re- sweeping infrastructure package to be Fortunately, this year the Trump ad- publican government has rolled back considered by Congress this year. It ministration righted the ship. They regulations and cut redtape at a pace will literally reauthorize billions of undid the restriction and restored the that hasn’t been seen for years. We dollars of spending for our Nation’s status quo that was in place from the have handed American families and job ports, harbors, and waterways, and it 1990s through most of the Obama ad- creators the most significant Tax Code will end wasteful spending on water ministration. It was a simple fix. It overhaul in 30 years, lower tax rates, a projects that are no longer necessary. doesn’t take away the choices they bigger child tax credit, more help with I thank Chairman BARRASSO and have under ObamaCare but empowers small businesses, and better incentives Ranking Member CARPER for spear- Americans to use this alternative to invest and create jobs right here on heading this legislation through the choice if they prefer it. According to American soil. Our actions have been Committee on Environment and Public even the liberal Urban Institute, more clear, and our economy is sending Works. They deserve a tremendous than 1.7 million Americans will likely equally clear signals in response: the amount of credit for bringing us to be insured with this option, who other- highest consumer confidence we have where we are today.