AILY NEWS List Garden Club Winners I04th YEAH; NO
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Bergman Tops Senate Race Term County Vdli9 A "very light" Emmet County ty Supervisor in Tuesday's pri- ceived 857 votes; Peterson, Clerk man a distant third with 109. voter turnout of 1,064 participat- mary. of District Court, received 864 Bergman, from Harris, will ed in Tuesday's primary election. All three incumbants, Chris- votes; Sheriff Dahl 862 votes now oppose Democrat H. Ken- Republican voters totaled 891, tensen led the voting with 795, and County Attorney Ridout 173. neth Nurse in the Nov. 7 Gener- and 173 Democratic voters were Rouse had 781, Whitehouse 645 al election for the right to rep- counted. while Harold A. Michaelson, resent the second Senatorial Dis- making his first bid for super- Senatorial trict next term. The last primary election in a visor, had 515 votes. Nurse was unopposed in the presidential election year, 1968, Irvin L. Bergman emerged as This was the first year that the 'Second district Republican primary election. saw 1,505 Republicans and 291 Emmet County has voted on Su- nominee for State Senator from Bar- Berg- Holt Democrats vote for a total elec- pervisors at large. ger man tion vote of 1,796. Apparently, the second district, edging Lee On the Democratic ticket, Neal Holt on the strength of votes Emmet Co. 223 109 225 the new youth vote of 18-to-21- A. Armstrong was unopposed and from the northwest tier of coun- Clay Co. 120 205 963 year-olds has not mushroomed will be on the party's ticket in ties in the district Dickinson Co. 263 508 390 voter turnout yet. "We have re- November. Armstrong received Bergman compiled a total of Osceola Co. 127 924 263 ceived a large number of re- 164 votes in the light Democratic 2,674 votes to Holt's 2,541 while Lyon Co. 12 145 14 quests for absentee ballots for primary vote. Lloyd Barger, Jr., received 902. Sioux Co. 16 104 36 the November general election When voters go to the polls The home county supported Palo Alto Co. 15 23 82 already," Emmet County Audi- in November they will choose both Bergman and Holt, Osceola O'Brien Co. 126 656 568 tor Mildred Danielsonsaid. "Ma- three supervisors. County providing Herman with TOTALS 902 2674 2541 ny of them are from young people, 661 more votes than Holt and Clay but they did not ask for primary County Offices County giving Holt 758 more than election ballots." Bergman. Representative Incumbants Republicans Mil- But Dickinson, Lyon, O'Brien dred Danielson, Mary Peterson Rollin C.Edelen.unopposedfor and Sioux Counties all gave Berg- the 2nd District Republican Supervisor and Richard Dahl along with the man a substantial majority of incumbant Democrat William Representative nomination, re- Rudolph Christensen, Ralph the Republican vote. ceived 1,772 votes in the dis- Ridput were all unopposed in the The race in Emmet County Rouse and Bob Whitehouse won primary and will again be unop- trict while his Democratic foe seemed split between Barger and this fall, Robert A. Williams the right to appear on the Re- posed in the November election. Holt, Holt leading with 225 votes, publican ballot for Emmet Coun- Danielson, County Auditor, re- Barger receiving 223 and Berg- (Please Turn to Page 7) Visit the Emmet County Fair Winter Sports Festival WINTER SPORTS 10 PAGES TODAY This flower arrangement, using a husky dog on a slab that could tunda Building across from the fairgrounds, the show was CAPITAL OF be snow or ice, developed the theme Estherville Winter Sports sponsored by the Estherville Federated Garden Clubs.— Festival and was a blue ribbon winner for Mrs. Donald Pro Photo by Stan Brotherton of Estherville at the flower show yesterday. Held at the Ro- AILY NEWS List Garden Club Winners I04th YEAH; NO. 213 ESTHERVILLE, IOWA, 51334, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1972 WEEK, 60c; COPY, 15c Award winners for the "Days Saha; Cosmos — Mrs. Frank Mrs. Roy Hood; Lily—A n n i e Do Your Own Thing - Mrs. to Remember" Garden Club show Ellwanger; Dahlia, both small Welsh; Marigold, dwarf— Mrs. Marge Larsen, Ellington, Mo.; at the Emmet County Fair have and large — Mrs. 0. Harold Ralph A. Johnson; Pansy—Mrs. Beach Party — Mrs. Arnold Sa- been announced. Johnson; Daisy — 3 stems with Donald Pro; Petunia: single- ha; Made In Japan — Mrs. Hen- foliage — Mrs. Charles Hein- Mrs. Jane Ellerston and Annie ry Larsen. Bob Merrill's Crossbred Winners in the Division I— rich; Gladiolus: large purple- Welsh; double — Mrs. George Mother Goose — Mrs. Ralph Horticulture were as follows: Mrs. William Henn; large, red- Chipman; ruffled — Fern Carl- LaRue; Hobo's Holiday - Mrs. Achillea, Golden Plate—Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Johnson; large, pink son; Phlox: perennial — 1 bloom Donald Pro; Birthday of a King Robert T. Johnson; Bachelor's — Mrs. Torger Winterton; large, — Ivadell Ross; Roses, Hybrid - Mrs. Louis Obye; The Goblins Button— Mrs. S. Myhre; Bells of yellow-1 spike-Mrs. William Tea — Mrs. Julia Hanson; Snap- will get you — Mrs. Ralph La- Named Fair's Top Beef Ireland — Mrs. Robert T. John- Henn. dragon — Mrs. Julia Hanson; Rue; Over the river and through son; Calendula — Mrs. Arnold Hemerocallis (Day Lily) — dwarf—Mrs. Frank Ellwanger; the woods — Mrs. Edgar Mar- Zinnia: large—Mrs. Ralph La- tin; Estherville Winter Sports Crossbred Charolais - Angus Howard Haywood of the Center ard, Jay Poyzer, Carol Tonder- — David Blagg, Terry Christen- Rue; small—Mrs. Arnold Sana; Festival — Mrs. Donald Pro; Be swept top honors at the Emmet Champions took first, and Gary um, Cindy Christensen, Kimber- sen (3), Oliver Anderson (2), Any other annual — Mrs. Jer- My Valentine — Harland Berge- County Fair yesterday as bro- Madden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lo- ly Howard, Kathleen Nielsen. Pam Lepird, Donna Chrestian- "if ald Johnson; Any other peren- son; Here Comes the Bride1-— ^Iners Bob and Tom Merrill fin- ren Madden, Denmark Dandies,, Heavy Herefords, Blue—David. sen (4), .Kim Hdward.;Relil,TT. Ix>. nial—Mrs. Ed Meehan; African Mrs. Loyal Smith; Drifting and ished in that order with their ba- second. Blagg (4); Boyd Kesler; Dennis ren Kinnander, Gary Dallmann, Violets, single-Mrs. Milo Gil- Dreaming — Mrs. Marge Lar- by beef. With Herefords, Bob Merrill's Nelsen (3); David Johansen (2); Richard Howard, Harlo Ahrens, lespie; double—Mrs. Henry Lar- animal placed first and Boyd Dennis Johansen (2). Red — Dan sen; Have a Happy Day — Dav- Bob showed his animal in the Sharon Lepird, Annette Peter- GENERAL ELECTION OPPONENTS sen. id Johnson and Scott Larsen; Kesler showed the second place Herbrandson, Robert Sorensen sen, Valerie Poyzer, Jay John- Oc-Denotes Incumbent) Begonias—Mrs. Harold John- heavy class, the animal weigh- beef. He is a member of the (2). May Day — Kevin Johnson; Col- ing in at 1165. Tom had a med- son. U. S. SENATE son, award of merit; Any vine- lection of Named Annuals — Center Champions and son of Heavy Angus, Blue — Gary Light Herefords, Blue — Ter- X-Jack Miller, R, vs. Dick Clark, D, vs. William Pocap, AI. Mrs. Ruth McDonald; Any other ium weight animal, just over a Mr. and Mrs. Junior Kesler. Smith (4); Paul Smith, Kathleen Kris Evans. thousand pounds. ry Twito (3), Brenda Crouch, Da- blooming plant — Annie Welsh; Corsages — Mrs. Louis Obye; Here are the ribbon winners Nellsen, Gary Madden, Dennis vid Blagg, Paul Haywood (5), GOVERNOR Non-blooming plant—Mrs. Gra- Mother's Day—Mrs. Henry Lar- The boys are members of the in the baby beef show: Nelson (2); Mike Stafford, Jerry Arlen Tirevold (2), Kurt Ma- X^- Robert Ray, R, vs. Paul Franzenburg, D, vs. Robert Dilley, AI. cia Higgins; Mini-manner—Mrs. sen; Independence Day — Mrs. Estherville South Siders club and Heavy Crossbred, Blue—Boyd Christensen (3); John Howard, thias (2). Red-Cheryl Martin, Ralph LaRue; Welcome Neigh- Earl Hornby; Buffet Table—Mrs. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kesler (4); Gary Madden (3); Bob Ronnie Lee Moore. Red—Rich- Brian Crouch. White — JoAnn LT. GOVERNOR bor — Mrs. Art Kaltved; Grand- August Anderson; Panel type and Merrill. Bob took second in beef Merrill, Jerry Christensen, ard Howard, Sue Richard. White Schacherer, Brian Crouch. Arthur Neu, R, vs. William Gannon, D. ma's Birthday — Mrs. Henry Niche type — Ivadell Ross; Sculp- showmanship and Tom third. Mark Neppel (2); Paul Smith, — Greg Dallmann. Light Angus, Blue — Lonl Larsen and Mrs. Art Kaltved; ture type — Mrs. Ralph John- In the Angus division, Paul Nancy Christiansen. Red— Ron Medium Crossbred, Blue — Solberg (2), Gary Smith, Lisa SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE School Days — Mrs. Louis Obye; son. Haywood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, John Golly, John How- Steve Thiel, Tom Merrill (5); Solberg (3), Renata Solberg (4). Robert Lounsberry, R, vs. Kenneth Owen, D. Connie Moore, Terry Christen- Red — Gary Dallmann, Mark sen (3); Karen Peterson, Mark Evans, Scott Evans, Gary Han- SECRETARY OF STATE Neppel (2). Red — Steve Ros- sen, Valerie Poyzer, Tod Gun- X— Melvin Synhorst, R, vs. Daryl E. Beall, D. burg, Annette Petersen, Kathleen ther. White — Jim Evans, Nan- Rain Delays Tractor Pull Nielsen, Ron Olson. White—Steve cy Evans. STATE AUDITOR Rosburg, David Howard, Suzanne Light Crossbred, Blue — Boyd •X— Lloyd R. Smith, R, vs. Harold Forret, D. Kesler. Kesler, Donald Juhl, Kurt Ma- Driving a Farmall tractor in an hour due to a steady rainfall Allisj Erlin Dalen, Estherville, therville, 150-5>/4, Farmall. Medium Herefords, Blue — thias, Steve Westergard, Oli- STATE TREASURER Class E (15,000 pounds and un- that scattered spectators, driv- 146-9V2, Allisj Leon Hansen, Es- CLASS E - Steve Christen- Sue Richard, Cheryl Martin, Nan- ver Anderson, Karen Petersen, X— Maurice Baringer, R, vs. Albert Anderson, D. der), Steve Christensen of Es- ers and judges and made the therville, 145-9, Oliver; Robert sen, Estherville, 191-3, Farm- cy Chrestiansen (2), Richard Ho- Donna Chrestiansen, Nancy therville outpulled all the ma- track somewhat slippery.