The London Gazette

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The London Gazette 17014. [ 945 J The London Gazette. SATURDAY, M\Y 20, 1815. Lord Chamberlain's-Office, May 20, 1815. alliance and permanently advantageous to tlie OTICE is hereby given, that His Royal High- world. N ness the Prince Regent will hold a Levee at We entreat your Royal Highness to accept the Carlton-House, on Thursday next the 25th in- humble assurance of our strenuous support, and of stant, at two o'clock. our devoted attachment to your Royal Highness's illustrious Louse and person. Signed, in name ami by appointment of the HE following Address has been presented Hieeting., at HaddLngton, tlie Sth day of May T to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent; J815. Haddington, Lt. Pra&ses. which Address His Royal Highness was pleased [Transmitted by Lord Binning, and presented by to receive very graciously : Lord discount Sidiuouth.~] To His Royal Highness the PRINCE REGENT. The Address of the. Noblemen, Landholders, Foreign- Office, May 20, 1815. Justices of Peace, and Commissioners of Suppty, of the County of Haddington, in a His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has General Meeting assembled. been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to approve of Mr. Joseph Leigh, as Con- WE, His Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, sul for the Emperor of Russia at Liverpool. the Noblemen, Landholders, Justices of Peace, and His Royal Ilighaess the Prince Regent has also Commissioners of Supply, of the county of Had- been pleased, in the name and -on the behalf of His' dington, beg leave to convey to your Royal High- --Majesty, to approve of Mr. Ignatius Seiler, as ness the sentiments which we entertain on the CoiJSttilfor the Emperor of Austria at Malta. present state of public affairs. We deplore those occurrences which have cast a shade, we trust, a temporary shade, over the brigbest prospects ever held out to the world. The Whitehall, May 20, 1815. unexampled bad faith—the unprincipled ambition— His Royal Highness the Prince Regent hatfr the whole character and conduct of the person now been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His replaced by a lawless soldiery, at the head of the Majesty, to give and grant unto Captain George Government of France, convince us that no reliance Story, late of the Staff of His Excellency General can be reposed on any compact to which he is a Count de Langeron, His Majesty's royal licence party, or which he has the power to infringe.— and permission, that he may accept and wear the We therefore most cordially applaud the measures insignia of the Imperial Russian Order of St. which have been adopted by your Royal Highness, Wladimir of the fourth class, with which the Em- in conjunction with your Allies, for the restora- peror of Russia hath been pleased to honour him, tion of order arul security to Europe. in testimony of His Imperial Majesty's approbation- • The lustre which has been reflected on tlie of the distinguished services rendered by the said national character under your Royal Highness's Captain George Story in the field ; provided Government—the tone which pervades your coun- nevertheless, that His Majesty's said licence and cils—the well-tried skill find valour of your forces permission doth not authorise, and stall not be and of those of your Allies, and above all, the deemed or construed to authorise, the assumption principles on which the present union is founded, of any style, appellation, rank, precedence, or pri- fill our minds with unreserved, confidence, that the vilege appertaining unto a Knight Bachelor of. these, result of the impending contest will, under the realms : blessing of, prove honourable to the And Hi-s Royal Highness hath been further.

—— Preview end. ——

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