Ask a Feminist A conversation with Cathy Cohen on Black Lives Matter, feminism, and contemporary activism

With Cathy J. Cohen and Sarah J. Jackson


I had the pleasure of having this con- versation with Cathy Cohen, the David and Mary Winton Green Professor of vol 31, no. 14 Dec. 30, 2015 Political Science and chair of political science at the University of Chicago, in late 2015. Cohen’s work, both academically and as an activist, has inspired my own, particularly in terms of making connec- tions between black feminist theory, so- cial movements, and issues of race and racism in the United States. Cohen is the principal investigator of two major social change projects: The Black Youth Project and the Mobilization, Change and Political and Civic Engagement Project. Her books, Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics and The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics have offered important interventions in scholarship on race and politics. She is also the coeditor, with Kathleen Jones and Joan Tronto, of Women Transform- ing Politics: An Alternative Reader. Since the publication of my book, Black Celebrity, Racial Politics, and the Press: Framing Dissent, I have been par- ticularly compelled by the use of tech- nology by racial justice activists like the women who started #BlackLivesMatter. My recent collaborative work with Brooke Foucault Welles, “Hijacking #myNYPD: Social Media Dissent and Net- worked Counterpublics” and “#Ferguson is Everywhere: Initiators in Emerging Counterpublic Networks” (in press), has illustrated that everyday citizens—par- ticularly young women and people of Cathy Cohen. color—are having a very real impact on national narratives of equality and citizenship. see feminism, and feminist scholarship in particular, playing In the following conversation, Cohen and I discuss the po- in today’s racial justice movements, as well as what you think tentials for feminist theory in racial justice movements, the scholars can learn from activists and vice versa. unique ways in which race and gender intersect in state vio- Cathy Cohen (CC): That’s a really big and important ques- lence, challenges for feminist academics of color engaged in tion. At its most basic level I think that feminism at the activism, and the shape of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. very least—and maybe most importantly—makes us stop and KIT DUFFY DIES You can follow us on Twitter at @cathyjcohen and @sjjphd ask about the role that women, and here I mean both cis respectively. and trans women, are playing at this particular time in the Longtime ally of the LGBT community, —Sarah J. Jackson multiple movements that are emerging, and particularly, at Mayor Washington’s gay liaison, has died. least for the work that I’m doing and thinking about, in what Photo by Israel Wright 8 Sarah Jackson (SJ): I’d like to begin by asking what role you Turn to page 10

CONTROVERSY LINGERS HAPPY NEW YEAR! BURNING BOWL People speak out after the FDA eases See our NYE calendar listings in Nightspots. Affinity’s annual event to take place in blood-donation ban. Photo of New Year’s Eve 2014 at @mosphere by Jerry Nunn January. Official headshot of U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley 13 20 Photo of 2015 event by Carrie Maxwell 18 2 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES

Actual Size

One pill contains elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, New Genvoya® and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF).

is now available Ask your healthcare provider if GENVOYA is right for you.

To learn more visit

Please see Brief Summary of Patient Information with important warnings on the following pages.

GENC0003_WindyCity_10.x13.5_Sprd.indd 1-2 12/3/15 3:23 PM WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 3

Actual Size

One pill contains elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, New Genvoya® and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF). is now available Ask your healthcare provider if GENVOYA is right for you.

To learn more visit

Please see Brief Summary of Patient Information with important warnings on the following pages.

GENC0003_WindyCity_10.x13.5_Sprd.indd 1-2 12/3/15 3:23 PM 4 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES

Brief Summary of Patient Information What is GENVOYA? What should I tell my healthcare provider What are the possible side effects of GENVOYA? about GENVOYA GENVOYA is a prescription medicine that is used without other HIV-1 before taking GENVOYA? GENVOYA may cause serious side effects, including: GENVOYA (jen-VOY-uh) medicines to treat HIV-1 in people 12 years of age and older: Before taking GENVOYA, tell your healthcare provider if you: • See “What is the most important information I should know (elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, and tenofovir • who have not received HIV-1 medicines in the past or • have liver problems including hepatitis B infection about GENVOYA?” alafenamide) tablets • to replace their current HIV-1 medicines in people who have • have kidney or bone problems • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 been on the same HIV-1 medicines for at least 6 months, have medicine. These changes may include increased amount of fat Important: Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about • have any other medical conditions medicines that should not be taken with GENVOYA. an amount of HIV-1 in their blood (“viral load”) that is less than in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if There may be new information about GENVOYA. This information is only 50 copies/mL, and have never failed past HIV-1 treatment GENVOYA can harm your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare the middle of your body (trunk). Loss of fat from the legs, arms a summary and does not take the place of talking with your healthcare HIV-1 is the virus that causes AIDS. provider if you become pregnant while taking GENVOYA. and face may also happen. The exact cause and long-term health ® effects of these conditions are not known. provider about your medical condition or treatment. GENVOYA contains the prescription medicines elvitegravir (VITEKTA ), Pregnancy registry: there is a pregnancy registry for women cobicistat (TYBOST®), emtricitabine (EMTRIVA®) and tenofovir alafenamide. • Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution What is the most important information who take HIV-1 medicines during pregnancy. The purpose of this It is not known if GENVOYA is safe and effective in children under Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. I should know about GENVOYA? registry is to collect information about the health of you and your 12 years of age. baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about how you can take Your immune system may get stronger and begin to fi ght infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell GENVOYA can cause serious side effects, including: When used to treat HIV-1 infection, GENVOYA may: part in this registry. your healthcare provider right away if you start having any new • Build-up of lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). • Reduce the amount of HIV-1 in your blood. • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you symptoms after starting your HIV-1 medicine. Lactic acidosis may happen in some people who take GENVOYA. This is called “viral load”. take GENVOYA. Lactic acidosis is a serious medical emergency that can lead • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your • Increase the number of CD4+ (T) cells in your blood that help – You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk to death. Lactic acidosis can be hard to identify early, because healthcare provider should do blood and urine tests to check your fi ght off other infections. of passing HIV-1 to your baby. kidneys before you start and while you are taking GENVOYA. Your the symptoms could seem like symptoms of other health problems. Reducing the amount of HIV-1 and increasing the CD4+ (T) cells in your – At least one of the medicines in GENVOYA can pass to your Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking GENVOYA if you blood may help improve your immune system. This may reduce your baby in your breast milk. It is not known if the other medicines develop new or worse kidney problems. following symptoms, which could be signs of lactic acidosis: risk of death or getting infections that can happen when your immune in GENVOYA can pass into your breast milk. • Bone problems can happen in some people who take GENVOYA. • feel very weak or tired system is weak (opportunistic infections). – Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed Bone problems may include bone pain, softening or thinning • have unusual (not normal) muscle pain GENVOYA does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. You must stay on your baby. (which may lead to fractures). Your healthcare provider may need continuous HIV-1 therapy to control HIV-1 infection and decrease • have trouble breathing Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, to do tests to check your bones. HIV-related illnesses. including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and • have stomach pain with nausea or vomiting The most common side effect of GENVOYA is nausea. Avoid doing things that can spread HIV-1 infection to others: herbal supplements. Other medicines may affect how GENVOYA works. • feel cold, especially in your arms and legs Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that Do not share or re-use needles or other injection equipment. Some medicines may interact with GENVOYA. Keep a list of your • feel dizzy or lightheaded • bothers you or that does not go away. Do not share personal items that can have blood or body fl uids medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist • have a fast or irregular heartbeat • • These are not all the possible side effects of GENVOYA. For more on them, like toothbrushes and razor blades. when you get a new medicine. information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. • Severe liver problems. Severe liver problems may happen in You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of • Do not have any kind of sex without protection. Always practice • • Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. people who take GENVOYA. In some cases, these liver problems can safer sex by using a latex or polyurethane condom to lower the medicines that interact with GENVOYA. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. lead to death. Your liver may become large and you may develop fat chance of sexual contact with semen, vaginal secretions, or blood. • Do not start a new medicine without telling your healthcare in your liver. Ask your healthcare provider if you have any questions about how to provider. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take General information about the safe and effective GENVOYA with other medicines. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any prevent passing HIV-1 to other people. use of GENVOYA. of the following symptoms of liver problems: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice) Who should not take GENVOYA? How should I take GENVOYA? Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed • in a Patient Information leafl et. Do not use GENVOYA for a condition for dark “tea-colored” urine • Do not take GENVOYA if you also take a medicine that contains: • Take GENVOYA exactly as your healthcare provider tells you which it was not prescribed. Do not give GENVOYA to other people, even if light-colored bowel movements (stools) ® to take it. GENVOYA is taken by itself (not with other HIV-1 • • alfuzosin hydrochloride (Uroxatral ) they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them. loss of appetite for several days or longer ® ® ® ® medicines) to treat HIV-1 infection. • • carbamazepine (Carbatrol , Epitol , Equetro , Tegretol , This Brief Summary summarizes the most important information about • nausea Tegretol-XR®, Teril®) • GENVOYA is usually taken 1 time each day. GENVOYA. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare Take GENVOYA with food. • stomach pain • cisapride (Propulsid®, Propulsid Quicksolv®) • provider. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for If you need to take a medicine for indigestion (antacid) that information about GENVOYA that is written for health professionals. • You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver • ergot-containing medicines, including: dihydroergotamine • ® ® contains aluminum and magnesium hydroxide or calcium For more information, call 1-800-445-3235 or go to problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have mesylate (D.H.E. 45 , Migranal ), ergotamine tartrate ® ® ® ® carbonate during treatment with GENVOYA, take it at least been taking GENVOYA for a long time. (Cafergot , Migergot , Ergostat , Medihaler Ergotamine , Keep GENVOYA and all medicines out of reach of children. Wigraine®, Wigrettes®), and methylergonovine maleate 2 hours before or after you take GENVOYA. • Worsening of Hepatitis B infection. GENVOYA is not for use to treat (Ergotrate®, Methergine®) • Do not change your dose or stop taking GENVOYA without fi rst Issued: November 2015 chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV). If you have HBV infection and take lovastatin (Advicor®, Altoprev®, Mevacor®) talking with your healthcare provider. Stay under a healthcare • provider’s care when taking GENVOYA. GENVOYA, your HBV may get worse (fl are-up) if you stop taking midazolam, when taken by mouth GENVOYA. A “fl are-up” is when your HBV infection suddenly returns • Do not miss a dose of GENVOYA. phenobarbital (Luminal®) • in a worse way than before. • ® ® • If you take too much GENVOYA, call your healthcare provider or • phenytoin (Dilantin , Phenytek ) go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away. • Do not run out of GENVOYA. Refi ll your prescription or talk to ® your healthcare provider before your GENVOYA is all gone. • pimozide (Orap ) When your GENVOYA supply starts to run low, get more from your ® ® ® ® • Do not stop taking GENVOYA without fi rst talking to your • rifampin (Rifadin , Rifamate , Rifater , Rimactane ) healthcare provider or pharmacy. This is very important because • ® EMTRIVA, GENVOYA, the GENVOYA Logo, GILEAD, the GILEAD Logo, GSI, healthcare provider. • sildenafi l (Revatio ), when used for treating lung problems the amount of virus in your blood may increase if the medicine is TYBOST, and VITEKTA are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its ® ® ® • If you stop taking GENVOYA, your healthcare provider will need • simvastatin (Simcor , Vytorin , Zocor ) stopped for even a short time. The virus may develop resistance related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property to check your health often and do blood tests regularly for • triazolam (Halcion®) to GENVOYA and become harder to treat. of their respective owners. several months to check your HBV infection. Tell your healthcare • the herb St. John’s wort or a product that contains St. John’s wort © 2015 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. GENC0003 11/15 provider about any new or unusual symptoms you may have after you stop taking GENVOYA.

GENC0003_WindyCity_10.x13.5_Sprd.indd 3-4 12/3/15 3:24 PM WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 5

Brief Summary of Patient Information What is GENVOYA? What should I tell my healthcare provider What are the possible side effects of GENVOYA? about GENVOYA GENVOYA is a prescription medicine that is used without other HIV-1 before taking GENVOYA? GENVOYA may cause serious side effects, including: GENVOYA (jen-VOY-uh) medicines to treat HIV-1 in people 12 years of age and older: Before taking GENVOYA, tell your healthcare provider if you: • See “What is the most important information I should know (elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, and tenofovir • who have not received HIV-1 medicines in the past or • have liver problems including hepatitis B infection about GENVOYA?” alafenamide) tablets • to replace their current HIV-1 medicines in people who have • have kidney or bone problems • Changes in body fat can happen in people who take HIV-1 been on the same HIV-1 medicines for at least 6 months, have medicine. These changes may include increased amount of fat Important: Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about • have any other medical conditions medicines that should not be taken with GENVOYA. an amount of HIV-1 in their blood (“viral load”) that is less than in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if There may be new information about GENVOYA. This information is only 50 copies/mL, and have never failed past HIV-1 treatment GENVOYA can harm your unborn baby. Tell your healthcare the middle of your body (trunk). Loss of fat from the legs, arms a summary and does not take the place of talking with your healthcare HIV-1 is the virus that causes AIDS. provider if you become pregnant while taking GENVOYA. and face may also happen. The exact cause and long-term health ® effects of these conditions are not known. provider about your medical condition or treatment. GENVOYA contains the prescription medicines elvitegravir (VITEKTA ), Pregnancy registry: there is a pregnancy registry for women cobicistat (TYBOST®), emtricitabine (EMTRIVA®) and tenofovir alafenamide. • Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution What is the most important information who take HIV-1 medicines during pregnancy. The purpose of this It is not known if GENVOYA is safe and effective in children under Syndrome) can happen when you start taking HIV-1 medicines. I should know about GENVOYA? registry is to collect information about the health of you and your 12 years of age. baby. Talk with your healthcare provider about how you can take Your immune system may get stronger and begin to fi ght infections that have been hidden in your body for a long time. Tell GENVOYA can cause serious side effects, including: When used to treat HIV-1 infection, GENVOYA may: part in this registry. your healthcare provider right away if you start having any new • Build-up of lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis). • Reduce the amount of HIV-1 in your blood. • are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you symptoms after starting your HIV-1 medicine. Lactic acidosis may happen in some people who take GENVOYA. This is called “viral load”. take GENVOYA. Lactic acidosis is a serious medical emergency that can lead • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your • Increase the number of CD4+ (T) cells in your blood that help – You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk to death. Lactic acidosis can be hard to identify early, because healthcare provider should do blood and urine tests to check your fi ght off other infections. of passing HIV-1 to your baby. kidneys before you start and while you are taking GENVOYA. Your the symptoms could seem like symptoms of other health problems. Reducing the amount of HIV-1 and increasing the CD4+ (T) cells in your – At least one of the medicines in GENVOYA can pass to your Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking GENVOYA if you blood may help improve your immune system. This may reduce your baby in your breast milk. It is not known if the other medicines develop new or worse kidney problems. following symptoms, which could be signs of lactic acidosis: risk of death or getting infections that can happen when your immune in GENVOYA can pass into your breast milk. • Bone problems can happen in some people who take GENVOYA. • feel very weak or tired system is weak (opportunistic infections). – Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed Bone problems may include bone pain, softening or thinning • have unusual (not normal) muscle pain GENVOYA does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. You must stay on your baby. (which may lead to fractures). Your healthcare provider may need continuous HIV-1 therapy to control HIV-1 infection and decrease • have trouble breathing Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, to do tests to check your bones. HIV-related illnesses. including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and • have stomach pain with nausea or vomiting The most common side effect of GENVOYA is nausea. Avoid doing things that can spread HIV-1 infection to others: herbal supplements. Other medicines may affect how GENVOYA works. • feel cold, especially in your arms and legs Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that Do not share or re-use needles or other injection equipment. Some medicines may interact with GENVOYA. Keep a list of your • feel dizzy or lightheaded • bothers you or that does not go away. Do not share personal items that can have blood or body fl uids medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist • have a fast or irregular heartbeat • • These are not all the possible side effects of GENVOYA. For more on them, like toothbrushes and razor blades. when you get a new medicine. information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. • Severe liver problems. Severe liver problems may happen in You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of • Do not have any kind of sex without protection. Always practice • • Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. people who take GENVOYA. In some cases, these liver problems can safer sex by using a latex or polyurethane condom to lower the medicines that interact with GENVOYA. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. lead to death. Your liver may become large and you may develop fat chance of sexual contact with semen, vaginal secretions, or blood. • Do not start a new medicine without telling your healthcare in your liver. Ask your healthcare provider if you have any questions about how to provider. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take General information about the safe and effective GENVOYA with other medicines. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any prevent passing HIV-1 to other people. use of GENVOYA. of the following symptoms of liver problems: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice) Who should not take GENVOYA? How should I take GENVOYA? Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed • in a Patient Information leafl et. Do not use GENVOYA for a condition for dark “tea-colored” urine • Do not take GENVOYA if you also take a medicine that contains: • Take GENVOYA exactly as your healthcare provider tells you which it was not prescribed. Do not give GENVOYA to other people, even if light-colored bowel movements (stools) ® to take it. GENVOYA is taken by itself (not with other HIV-1 • • alfuzosin hydrochloride (Uroxatral ) they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them. loss of appetite for several days or longer ® ® ® ® medicines) to treat HIV-1 infection. • • carbamazepine (Carbatrol , Epitol , Equetro , Tegretol , This Brief Summary summarizes the most important information about • nausea Tegretol-XR®, Teril®) • GENVOYA is usually taken 1 time each day. GENVOYA. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare Take GENVOYA with food. • stomach pain • cisapride (Propulsid®, Propulsid Quicksolv®) • provider. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for If you need to take a medicine for indigestion (antacid) that information about GENVOYA that is written for health professionals. • You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver • ergot-containing medicines, including: dihydroergotamine • ® ® contains aluminum and magnesium hydroxide or calcium For more information, call 1-800-445-3235 or go to problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have mesylate (D.H.E. 45 , Migranal ), ergotamine tartrate ® ® ® ® carbonate during treatment with GENVOYA, take it at least been taking GENVOYA for a long time. (Cafergot , Migergot , Ergostat , Medihaler Ergotamine , Keep GENVOYA and all medicines out of reach of children. Wigraine®, Wigrettes®), and methylergonovine maleate 2 hours before or after you take GENVOYA. • Worsening of Hepatitis B infection. GENVOYA is not for use to treat (Ergotrate®, Methergine®) • Do not change your dose or stop taking GENVOYA without fi rst Issued: November 2015 chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV). If you have HBV infection and take lovastatin (Advicor®, Altoprev®, Mevacor®) talking with your healthcare provider. Stay under a healthcare • provider’s care when taking GENVOYA. GENVOYA, your HBV may get worse (fl are-up) if you stop taking midazolam, when taken by mouth GENVOYA. A “fl are-up” is when your HBV infection suddenly returns • Do not miss a dose of GENVOYA. phenobarbital (Luminal®) • in a worse way than before. • ® ® • If you take too much GENVOYA, call your healthcare provider or • phenytoin (Dilantin , Phenytek ) go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away. • Do not run out of GENVOYA. Refi ll your prescription or talk to ® your healthcare provider before your GENVOYA is all gone. • pimozide (Orap ) When your GENVOYA supply starts to run low, get more from your ® ® ® ® • Do not stop taking GENVOYA without fi rst talking to your • rifampin (Rifadin , Rifamate , Rifater , Rimactane ) healthcare provider or pharmacy. This is very important because • ® EMTRIVA, GENVOYA, the GENVOYA Logo, GILEAD, the GILEAD Logo, GSI, healthcare provider. • sildenafi l (Revatio ), when used for treating lung problems the amount of virus in your blood may increase if the medicine is TYBOST, and VITEKTA are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its ® ® ® • If you stop taking GENVOYA, your healthcare provider will need • simvastatin (Simcor , Vytorin , Zocor ) stopped for even a short time. The virus may develop resistance related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property to check your health often and do blood tests regularly for • triazolam (Halcion®) to GENVOYA and become harder to treat. of their respective owners. several months to check your HBV infection. Tell your healthcare • the herb St. John’s wort or a product that contains St. John’s wort © 2015 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. GENC0003 11/15 provider about any new or unusual symptoms you may have after you stop taking GENVOYA.

GENC0003_WindyCity_10.x13.5_Sprd.indd 3-4 12/3/15 3:24 PM 6 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES

WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 7 WINDY CITY TIMES INDEX When A Great Deal Matters, Shop Rob Paddor’s... NEWS Former mayoral liaison Kit Duffy dies 8 download A conversation with Cathy Cohen 10 this issue Evanston Subaru in Skokie Blood donation; Pride Parade 13 Viewpoints 14 and browse the archives at ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Scottish Play Scott 15 Year-End Deal-Time Theater reviews 16 Ask A Feminist Preview of Burning Bowl event 18 A conversation with Cathy Cohen on Black Lives matter, feminism, NIGHTSPOTS 19 and contemporary activism


introduction HOLIDAY HOURS

I had the pleasure of having this con- versation with Cathy Cohen, the David and Mary Winton Green Professor of vol 31, no. 14 DeC. 30, 2015 Political Science and chair of political science at the University of Chicago, in OUTLINES late 2015. Cohen’s work, both academically and as an activist, has inspired my own, Calendar Q 21 particularly in terms of making connec- ecember a p tions between black feminist theory, so- D 30 (9 -9 ) cial movements, and issues of race and racism in the United States. Cohen is the principal investigator of two major Classifieds 22 social change projects: The black Youth Project and the Mobilization, Change and Political and Civic Engagement ENDS Project. Her books, Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics and The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics have offered important interventions in ew ear s ve a p scholarship on race and politics. She is N Y ’ e (9 -6 ) also the coeditor, with Kathleen Jones and Joan Tronto, of Women Transform- ing Politics: An Alternative Reader. Since the publication of my book, SATURDAY Black Celebrity, Racial Politics, and the Press: Framing Dissent, I have been par- ticularly compelled by the use of tech- nology by racial justice activists like the women who started #BlackLivesMatter. My recent collaborative work with Brooke Foucault Welles, “Hijacking loseD ew ear s aY #myNYPD: Social Media Dissent and Net- c N Y ’ D worked Counterpublics” and “#Ferguson is Everywhere: Initiators in Emerging Counterpublic Networks” (in press), has illustrated that everyday citizens—par- ticularly young women and people of Cathy Cohen. color—are having a very real impact on national narratives of equality and citizenship. see feminism, and feminist scholarship in particular, playing In the following conversation, Cohen and I discuss the po- in today’s racial justice movements, as well as what you think tentials for feminist theory in racial justice movements, the scholars can learn from activists and vice versa. unique ways in which race and gender intersect in state vio- Cathy Cohen (CC): That’s a really big and important ques- lence, challenges for feminist academics of color engaged in tion. At its most basic level I think that feminism at the at aN a p activism, and the shape of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. very least—and maybe most importantly—makes us stop and You can follow us on Twitter at @cathyjcohen and @sjjphd ask about the role that women, and here I mean both cis s . J . 02 (9 -6 ) KIT DUFFY DIES respectively. and trans women, are playing at this particular time in the Longtime ally of the LGBT community, —Sarah J. Jackson multiple movements that are emerging, and particularly, at Mayor Washington’s gay liaison, has died. least for the work that I’m doing and thinking about, in what Photo by Israel Wright 8 Sarah Jackson (SJ): I’d like to begin by asking what role you turn to page 10 subaru of america will DoNate $250 to oNe-of-six

CONTROVERSY LINGERS HAPPY NEW YEAR! BURNING BOWL charities with aNY New subaru purchase. People speak out after the FDA eases See our NYE calendar listings in Nightspots. Affinity’s annual event to take place in blood-donation ban. Photo of New Year’s Eve 2014 at @mosphere by Jerry Nunn January. Official headshot of U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley 13 20 Photo of 2015 event by Carrie Maxwell 18 online exclusives at

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8 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES

Kit Duffy. Kit Duffy dies, Mayor Photo by Tracy Baim Washington’s gay liaison

By Tracy Baim and Matt Simonette unfortunate position of, as NEVER has been the case before, not having the luxury of time for Katherine “Kit” Duffy, 71, Chicago’s first liai- diversions and in particular those diversions son to the gay community, under Mayor Harold that divide, antagonize, and exclude. To have Washington, died Dec. 22 from complications a chance at all of stopping this rush toward of heart surgery. selling this city to tourists and the elite the Duffy remained active in Chicago politics base has to grow, not shrink into the realm of until just weeks before her death, staying en- irrelevant symbolism. Someone has to step up gaged in progressive Democratic electoral and and help people see what paths are productive activist efforts. and which ones aren’t. Not everyone will love Mayor Washington appointed her in 1984 as you for it but that’s one of many prices you pay the first mayoral liaison to Chicago’s LGBT com- for the joy of knowing you’ve actually helped munities. move things forward.’ As a heterosexual ally, Duffy was a constant “After the Chuy for Mayor Run-off Election in force in the 1980s Chicago gay community. As April, Kit joined Lisa Marie-Pickens and me on AIDS started to take its toll, and as the com- several occasions to talk about the possibility munity fought for a civil-rights bill, Duffy was of creating a city-wide coalition to influence a key link for the community to the mayor, and electoral politics. She was sharp and committed vice versa. to the very end. Kit was a fearless trailblazer lationships. So we ended up keeping track of Kit became my mentor. I love her deeply and She was inducted into the city’s Gay and Les- committed to building future progressive lead- each other; chatting about religion, politics, owe her a great debt for what success I had in bian Hall of Fame in 2008, in part for her help ership who strategized through intersectional- the Kinsey Sicks, Harold Washington, life, loss. city government.” in securing passage of the 1988 ordinance bar- ity to bring more people in. There are many She was a great comfort when my mother died, “Kit was always a wealth of knowledge on the ring discrimination against gays and lesbians lessons to be learned from her life and work, and full of good advice and encouraging words city, city history, and the Cook County Demo- in Chicago. but our communities are better today because when I was trying to dispose of mom’s things. cratic Party,” said Ald. Tom Tunney. “When in The Hall of Fame website notes that after be- of her tireless championing of civil rights.” Kit was just like that. Radicalism and rela- doubt, I would ask Kit who invariably knew ing appointed by Washington, one of Duffy’s Irwin Keller, who worked on Chicago’s gay- tionships. My last conversation with Kit was the answer or connected me with the person first actions was to arrange an open-ended rights ordinance and was also a founding mem- about Fred Hampton and Huey Newton—and who could address the issue. She was extremely meeting between city department heads and a ber of the Kinsey Sicks singing group, said, Andrew Patner too. I remain stunned and sad. pragmatic with a great sense of humor. Kit wide-ranging group of lesbian and gay activists “When I was in my early 20s, I thought I was And Tuesday night I sat down at the dinner upheld tremendous passion for the everyday and leaders. so radical for being gay. And then I met Kit. table, and began by saying to my children, ‘Let Chicagoan. She is truly an incredible Chicago “That was very symbolic of what Harold was She brought to our activism a revolutionary me tell you the story of a woman named Kit legacy who will be greatly missed.” trying to do for the whole community,” Duffy edge that made me look like the sheltered sub- Duffy…’” “We are so sorry to hear about the passing of recalled in 2007, emphasizing that Washington urban boy I actually was. She was already a William Greaves, who was director and com- Kit Duffy. We are grateful for all of Kit’s con- was determined to give everyone equal access seasoned organizer who had done support work munity liaison for the Chicago Commission on tributions to AFC—and to the advancement of to city services and power. for the black Panthers. I heard one rumor she’d Human Relations’ Advisory Council on Lesbian, LGBTQ equality. Kit was a true stalwart and will “The one thing that really struck me through- been a gunrunner for them, which I suspect Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues a few be missed,” said Kathye Gorosh, AIDS Founda- out the time that I served as liaison to the was meant to discredit her but had the effect years after Duffy, said that she “opened the tion of Chicago’s senior vice president of strat- community was the way that process paralleled of making people sit up and pay attention doors of city government to the LGBT com- egy and business development. what Harold was trying to do for the entire when this rosy-cheeked Irish woman spoke. Kit munities: a community that was fed up with Legacy Project Executive Director Victor Salvo city. It was certainly time for that change,” she brought us a bigger vision. We suddenly saw waiting for favors from politicians and well- called Duffy “a titan in this community’s histo- said. “We were flying blind, but with a com- our work as part of a much larger struggle for connected community ‘leaders.’ She created the ry” who “helped to transform how this commu- plete commitment to fairness.” justice that included women, people of color, liaison position, which I subsequently held, nity worked and how it thought of itself. She In 1985, Duffy convened Mayor Washington’s people with disabilities, immigrants, workers. and she inspired the gay community to become was an unrivaled community organizer, tacti- Committee on Gay and Lesbian Issues. Also in We were at the margins of power, but at the such an important and demanding constituen- cian, and strategist: brilliant, knowledgeable, 1985, she became the first executive director center of a movement. cy that the city had to respond by establishing and eloquent. She had contacts and friends in of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. “I left Chicago in 1988, and only the Inter- the liaison position and the Advisory Council every part of the rainbow and was universally After Washington’s death in 1987, Duffy con- net brought us back together some years ago. on Gay and Lesbian Issues. loved and respected. She was also fascinating tinued to push for the gay-rights law. In 1991, I discovered that besides being devoted to the “When [journalist] Paul Varnell introduced to talk to and a helluva lot of fun. She died Duffy was one of the co-founders of the Illinois cause, Kit was deeply loyal to all her comrades us, it was one good Maryland girl meeting an- peacefully with her friend Bill Greaves at her Federation for Human Rights (forerunner of to- and had an enduring investment in those re- other. We instantly became close friends, and side. Kit was the first liaison; Bill was the last. day’s Equality Illinois), along with Jon-Henri The Alpha and the Omega. We are devastated Damski, Rick Garcia, Lana Hostetler, and Art by her loss and extend our sincere condolences Johnston, the Hall of Fame notes. to her family, friends, colleagues and many, Duffy was born July 2, 1944 in Funkstown, many fans. R.I.P., Kit … please watch over this Maryland, in 1944, and moved to Chicago in community you so loved …. you are one of our 1964. Her friend Janet Rowland said Duffy’s guardian angels now.” family all preceded her in death. “Kit Duffy’s fingerprints are on almost every- Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Gar- thing we have in the gay community in Illinois cia recalled that, “Kit Duffy was an angel of today,” said activist Rick Garcia. “She was ac- justice for people who have suffered through tive in a time when there were few straight oppression and discrimination. Her life, since allies and even fewer openly gay politicians. I she was an adolescent, was about wiping out really think that she is the midwife of the suc- injustice. She leaves a legacy of fighting dis- cesses we have in Illinois. She took me around, crimination and bigotry in the city of Chicago.” under her wing, and introduced me to all the Garcia also praised Duffy’s political acumen, right people. … Just a few months ago, she adding, “When I was running for mayor, and and I met with [activist] Emanuel Garcia to my people were struggling through a speech plot strategy. She said to me, ‘Rick, this is the or needed some background material, we could future of our movement.’ turn to Kit. She always wanted progressives to “When she was the liaison, she didn’t think be on point. The fact that she was so wonky it was her job to speak for gay people. She was such a help—she always had answers for thought her job was to teach gay people to us, and didn’t send a bill afterward.” speak for themselves. She would tell activists Activist Emmanuel Garcia said, “The first time that they needed to speak with city depart- I met Kit Duffy she handed me the book Every ments. It was Kit who said [to activists], ‘You Day Is Election Day by Rebecca Sive. She said, have to speak to the health department’ in the ‘I heard about your work and I think you should early days of the AIDS crisis. take some time to read this.’ You didn’t meet “This is a loss for the city, a loss for the pro- Kit and doubt you played a necessary role in af- gressive-independent movement, and a loss for fecting change, it was just up to you to accept the gay community.” her plea to do more. “When Kit Duffy was appointed to be Mayor “Kit always spoke with a sense of urgency— Harold Washington’s liaison to the LGBT com- one that inspired me to rethink what it means munity in 1984, some people were surprised to lead in these times. In one of our last ex- that she, a straight woman, was so dedicated changes she wrote, ‘Your generation is in the to LGBT issues,” said journalist Albert Williams. Kit Duffy in the April 10, 1986 Windy City Times, for her AIDS Foundation of Chicago post. WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 9 “But for her it was all part of a seamless fabric Chicago style. She did it all—and did it better “What a pleasure it was to know this mag- “The truth is that it was such a very different of fairness, justice and equality. She taught the than anyone else. nificent woman. Her heart was as big as all time back then, when open discussion of sexu- LGBT community that power is never shared “My friend Kit stood head and shoulders outdoors, her wit was dry and wicked, and if ality and particularly gay sexuality was taboo, willingly; it must be taken. She nurtured the above the blithering ‘talking heads’ when it Kit was on your side, you had a friend for life. I and very nearly all politicians were resistant community’s sense of self-empowerment, pav- came to racism, , feminism, civil did. I had it for her life. How fortunate for me.” to talking openly about what realistically was ing the way for the long-overdue passage of rights; her entire life was dedicated to fairness, In an Aug. 10, 2011 interview for the Windy needed to combat AIDS, the first and most es- an LGBT-inclusive Chicago Human Rights Ordi- community, and righting the wrongs amongst City Times AIDS @ 30 series, Duffy spoke about sential step of course being that very thing, nance in 1988 as well as subsequent electoral those have been denied for so long. her work during the early years of the AIDS open discussion,” Duffy said. “I had real con- and legislative victories. She was a shrewd stra- “I admired her supreme intelligence and fair- crisis. flicts with the head of the Health Department tegic thinker (even Machiavellian when neces- at the time over some statements he’d made sary) but also a passionate idealist. She cared about AIDS and his handling of the issue in deeply about the issues, but also reveled in the general, which reflected that same reticence in ‘game’ of politics. She was one of a kind.” dealing openly with needs such as clean needle Chicago Sun-Times columnist Laura Washing- programs, condom use, bathhouses, education ton added, “I have worked with and known Kit of sex workers, etc. I felt the same I think as Duffy since our days in Harold Washington’s any other GLBT activist, anger that the dis- City Hall. Kit was Chicago’s go-to on all things ease was spreading needlessly because people progressive. A fierce strategist and social jus- couldn’t or wouldn’t talk about sex and in par- tice intellectual. She was always pushing and ticular gay sex.” prodding friends, allies and enemies alike to do “AIDS forced a generation to become activ- more, and then more—on a slew of progressive ists, it required people to get organized and causes, from LGBT rights, to health care inequi- to fight for the resources for prevention and ties, racial profiling, to police brutality. What research,” she said. “It brought a community a loss for Chicago, at a time when we need her to the political arena to solve a problem. The political genius now, more than ever.” AIDS crisis showed that the gay community “I will miss Kit’s unfailing commitment to here in Chicago had stunning organization fairness for all,” said Equality Illinois co-found- skills.” Kit Duffy (second from right) at a 2015 LGBT rally for Chuy Garcia’s mayoral campaign. er Art Johnston. “Kit’s work organizing in our Duffy concluded that 2011 interview with Photo courtesy of Robert Castillo communities, beginning in the mid-1980s, led this: “If there is hope it’s going to have to not only to the passage of Chicago’s historic come from the young. I see in the GLBT youth 1988 Human Rights Ordinance but became the ness. She and I first crossed paths during her As early as 14, the article stated, “Duffy no- a lot of hope. They are unencumbered by the foundation for a new LGBTQ movement which legendary tenure as executive director of the ticed the injustices of segregation while living confines of the identity politics older genera- led directly to all the political and legisla- AIDS Foundation of Chicago. She deeply re- in her Appalachian Maryland hometown. Even- tions found necessary to get power and there- tive gains we have made, up to and including spected my best friend, the fiery and explosive tually Duffy would help form a group that would fore whole ranges of strategies are available to full equal marriage. She was, quite simply, the AIDS activist Danny Sotomayor, and his clever back the NAACP in the late 1960s. Throughout them, if they learn the system and work at it. best.” and unique strategies to create AIDS awareness the 1970s in Chicago, Duffy became involved They remind me of the Teddy Kennedy quote, Activist Lori Cannon said, “Kit Duffy had a in the most dramatic and successful way. with several other activist groups including ‘Some men see things as they are and say why, lifetime of good ideas and leaves a remarkable “She worked behind the scenes with Danny, Women Employed, a group that helped pass I dream of things that never were and say why legacy of major efforts, mentorship and intel- consulting and approving his tactics, as bold the first laws in Illinois making sexual harass- not.’” ligence when it comes to those less fortunate, and shocking as they were. Kit got it. She and ment illegal.” Funds are being raised to cover costs of or without a voice. her dear friend, the late journalist Jon-Henri “I am not gay, but I have many gay friends funeral expenses. See https://www.gofund- “Starting with creating a local NAACP/Chica- Damski, and myself made for a curious and and during the late ‘70s and ‘80s the Chicago . A memorial will be held go Chapter, on the South Side of Chicago while wacky threesome. They were both into every- gay scene was very raucous,” Duffy told Windy Sunday, Jan. 31, 3-6 p.m. at Sidetrack. still a teenager, becoming a nationally known thing and coached me in the world of success- City Times. “In a Midwestern-conservative city Also see: http://www.windycitymedia- civil-rights activist, all the while honing her ful and peaceful negotiations, which are not like Chicago sometimes the anti-gay senti- skills as an unparalleled community organizer, my usual style. ments were overwhelming.” change/33246.html.

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Learn more at 10 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES FEMINIST from cover the organizations that are part of a network us—particularly those of us who are women of status has allowed us to be deeply engaged of groups working under the broad framework color—are already deeply engaged in the ac- and accountable to communities outside the people are calling the “black lives movement.” of the Black Lives Matter movement look dif- tivism we’re studying. academy: the communities from which we But I think that feminism does a number of ferent and structure their leadership differ- The academy as The Academy is, like any oth- come, the communities that we call home, and different things, in relation to racial justice ently than organizations significant to the civil er American institution, often an oppressive the communities that many of us study and movements today. I am especially thinking rights movement in part because of feminist force and contradictory in nature to antiracist promote. So it’s not surprising, I would argue, about the role of black feminism. I’ll give you teaching, feminist scholarship, especially black and feminist activism, but those of us within in particular for women of color and feminists three things that I think it does: first, it makes feminist teaching and scholarship and the fact the academy who as individuals subscribe to of color, that this idea of bridging what we do us think differently about or, hopefully, expand that many of these young activists have been antiracist and feminist politics can have au- inside the academy and outside the academy where we look for victims of and resisters to in the classroom learning about these alterna- thentic ties to activism. So I wonder if you is almost second nature—that’s what we’ve state violence. It says that while there’s a tra- tive forms of organizing and leadership. could say a little bit about what possibilities always done. And for most of our careers this ditional or normative model of who we think Third, I think that feminism should also re- and roles you see for academics in relation to duel status has been the thing that people about as the victim of state violence, which quire us to think broadly and radically about these movements. have often used to dismiss our work. is often a heterosexual man in a confrontation what we are fighting for—the outcomes we CC: This is a hard one. I can think of at Now, with the emergence of liberation move- with police, we know that state oppression seek to the oppression that we face. Radical least four or five examples of organizations ments in communities of color, people who manifests not only in that model but in lots of black feminists, in particular, have argued that that have either been started by academics are not politically engaged in the same way different places. It happens through the denial while immediate policy changes can be part of or are deeply in conversation with academics are excited by it. But, sadly, I believe this too of state welfare assistance, and it happens in what we fight for, the structural transformation that are helping to fuel the Black Lives Mat- will pass and there will be another genera- the ways we militarize the public schools that primarily black, Latino, and poor kids attend. These are different forms of state violence. And I think feminism fundamentally makes us ask the question, when we confront the traditional model, what are the other examples of state violence or state oppression that we need to be paying attention to? Of course, feminism has us intervene in tra- ditional sites of state violence by asking the very basic question about the status of wom- en. So if we’re looking at campaigns that are mobilizing against direct police violence and only mention men as targets, feminism would have us ask, where are the women? The Say Her Name campaign, the work that the BYP100 is doing in Chicago around the Rekia Boyd case, and, some would argue, even the Sandra Bland case are examples of attention to direct police violence where we can say, “Well, wait a min- ute, this is also happening to women.” SJ: And there was just the Charnesia Corley case in Texas, where the police did a vaginal search during her traffic stop. CC: Yes, and we can go down the list of inci- dents that people will recognize as police vio- lence. But again I think what feminism says Sarah J. Jackson. is that we have to expand how we understand Photo from Jackson state oppression and more specifically state violence. We have to not only be attentive to what are now recognizable forms of state vio- of the lived condition of marginal communi- ter movement. For instance I could talk about tion of young people, young scholars, young lence but also move beyond the “traditional” ties has to guide our struggle. For example, if the BYP100, which grew out of The Black Youth feminists, doing political work in and outside models of state violence to mobilize for justice you take the work of someone like Beth Richie, Project, which I head. We held a convening of the academy who will again be discredited for for broader communities of people. who is an exceptional black feminist scholar one hundred young black activists on the same doing such work but who will understand that Second, I think feminism is informing the focused on issues of incarceration and violence weekend in which the George Zimmerman ver- their calling is not only about getting tenure movement for black lives in terms of how it’s against women, she has written that when dict was announced. Out of disgust with the but also leveraging the privilege and resources structured and its leadership. There’s some im- most think about violence against women, the verdict and as a result of the skills that these that can come with a life in the academy to re- portant feminist work that tells us that there traditional response in the mainstream domes- organizers and activists have, they created this sist and transform oppressive institutions that are different forms of leadership that we should tic violence movement has been to involve the new organization called the BYP100, which has too often includes the academy. be paying attention to. Whether it is Belinda state, specifically passing laws against domes- really taken off and is doing incredible work. SJ: Thank you so much. Honestly that was Robnett’s work on the civil rights movement tic violence and involving the police. But this And I’ve been honored to be in conversation a very self-indulgent question because this is and bridge leaders or the exceptional work that response doesn’t take into account the fact with the leadership of that organization. We something that I think a lot about, personally. Barbara [Ransby] has done thinking about Ella that the state is the oppressor in many com- are getting ready to do a special issue with CC: Can I say one more thing? Something Baker and more democratic forms of radical munities of color and poor communities. the journal Souls that will focus on black youth else that interests me about this moment and leadership, I think many of the young leaders So involving the state or turning to police activism and will include both academics and the intersection of the academy and organiz- in the Black Lives Matter movement recognize intervention cannot be the place we land when activists. This is one model of an activist aca- ing outside the academy—and I’ve said this in that the male charismatic leader, or the singu- building a movement to address the structural demic supporting the work of activists rooted other venues—is that we’re seeing the emer- lar charismatic leader, is not the form of lead- conditions that foster or contribute to violence outside the academy. gence of a leadership that has often been in ership that they adhere to or they going to put against women. Similarly, feminist organiza- You could also look at Salamishah Tillet’s our classrooms. Many of the young leaders that forth. tions like INCITE! and the BYP100 have argued work with A Long Walk Home; you could look at I’ve interacted with have been in African Amer- In fact, many of these new organizations that working against the prison industrial com- Barbara Ransby’s work with the Social Justice ican studies classes, have been in ethnic stud- are led by young black women who identify as plex must be focused on improving and trans- Initiative and Ella’s Daughters; you could look ies classes, have been in feminist, gender, and queer and who promote the idea, as Barbara forming the conditions under which incarcer- at academics like Angela Davis or Beth Richie, women’s studies classes—these might even be Ransby has noted, that far from this movement ated folk exist, but we must also question the who are both involved in INCITE!, or Kimberlé their majors. So our entry into the academy being led by one person or having no lead- existence of prisons and seriously contemplate Crenshaw’s work with the African American may not have transformed that institution, but ers, it is a leaderful movement with cis and a broader structural approach that promotes Policy Forum and the Say Her Name campaign. it has informed the thinking of a generation trans women taking positions of power. So a prison abolition agenda. The point is that We can go down a very long list of feminist of young people who are now leading these feminism should turn our attention to struc- academics doing work with the Black Lives movements, and I think it’s being manifested ture, not just as a limiting factor but also as Matter movement organizations or doing their in decisions about how they structure their or- a jumping off point as we imagine a broader own political work—and I apologize to people ganizations, or what leadership looks like to Ask a Feminist: A Conversation liberation agenda. I didn’t include. I would argue that the black them and who they understand to be members with Cathy Cohen on Black Lives SJ: Yes, absolutely. I think all of those points feminists I just named and many more have of their communities—for example, they are Matter, Feminism, and Contemporary needed to be made. And something that you been engaged in activism as much as they’ve conceiving of the black community in ways Activism” was originally published just said made me think about how, as a black been engaged in the academy. Particularly for that are perhaps much more expansive than on the website of Signs: Journal woman scholar, I have been very interested to women of color, there is an understanding that what we’ve seen before. I think that’s another of Women in Culture and Society see how the contemporary movement is rede- you may never be fully embraced in the acad- way in which the academy and activism are ( fining what questions are being asked, who’s emy, and what this understanding does is it productively intersecting. inist-cohen-jackson) as part of the in leadership, etc. It’s also been interesting to gives you a kind of freedom to pursue the work SJ: That’s so true. Speaking of the leader- Feminist Public Intellectuals Project see what role academics think they should or that will transform institutions of oppression, ship, we know that the hashtag #BlackLives- and will appear in the Summer 2016 shouldn’t play in the movement versus what including the academy. So I think women of Matter was created by queer black women, issue of Signs. © 2015 University of role activists think academics should and color have always endured a kind of love-hate which probably can’t be said enough, and in Chicago Press. Reprinted with per- shouldn’t play. These expectations sometimes relationship with the academy, with our posi- some media outlets there’s been a lot of buzz mission. seem to butt heads, but there is also a space tioning allowing us to be insiders-outsiders. and there have been several major newspapers for academics who are activists, and many of At our best moments this insider-outsider or online magazines that have written pieces WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 11 about the new civil rights movement and the communities that I don’t think we’ve seen ar- new leaders, especially among the Black Lives new face of racial justice activism. They have ticulated in the past. The way in which people Matter network, who are going to say that in suggested that the inclusion of queer folks and are also pushing back by using a queer lens fact the deaths of black women matter and women, or queer women, is maybe a new thing. to challenge the static nature of categories who are going to try to hold up names and the But we know that these folks have been central and identities is also important. This perspec- experiences of cis and trans black women, try- to activist movements all along—we know who tive is not always articulated or productively ing to make other organizations and even the threw the first rock at Stonewall—and we know struggled with, but I do think there’s the pos- mainstream media pay attention to their lives. that this is part of the story that has actu- sibility for these organizations to borrow from Today we have that kind of pushing and the or- ally been erased. This may be something that a queer lens, we might say, and to think about ganizational capacity to try to make that case. we both know the answer to, but do you think the ways in which different bodies are margin- Of course, I think the role of digital media is that the inclusivity of this moment is new? You alized and made to be queer in the eyes of the also important here. There’s a way in which have suggested just now that in some ways state as well as in their own communities. using the tools of new media, activists can it may be, but perhaps in some ways it isn’t. This idea of queering marginalized bodies, circumvent what might be thought to be the So I’d like you to talk a little bit about that, in particular those of color was an argument mainstream or dominant press and try to build and also discuss how intersectional politics in I tried to articulate in my article “Punks, Bull- the story themselves, using platforms such as particular might be evidenced in today’s move- daggers, and Welfare Queens.” This lens allows their organization’s website, Twitter, YouTube, ment and how this is similar to or different for and promotes different types of allegiances, and Facebook. from a previous moment. not only racialized allegiances but also alle- I think Bland’s case also resonated nation- CC: You’ve got a lot packed into these ques- giances based on the positionality of people ally because it seemed so extreme. While the tions! On the question of whether it’s new: not relative to the state, which queers us all or pro- country may be prepared to accept the killing completely, but partly. There have always been duces a bond of unity needed for the type of of black men and marginalized black women at radical black women or radical women engaged mobilization that we’re beginning to see. For the hands of the state, the idea that someone in mobilization, organizing, and leadership: we me, that is what’s new and significant about like Sandra Bland would end up dead in po- know that is not new. We can read the books on the forms of leadership and organizational lice custody seemed extreme and unthinkable Fannie Lou Hamer; we can read the books on structures that we’re seeing in this moment. to many in this country. Bland, while a black Ella Baker; we can read books by Elaine Brown The other new development we could talk woman, was also a middle-class, college-edu- (although I’m not sure if you can call her a about is the constant articulation of the in- cated, light-skinned black woman who was en- radical, but ...); we can read Anna Julia Cooper. tersectional nature of both the oppression that gaged in an act that was not deemed violent. We can go through that individualized history people feel and the type of liberation and re- In fact she was doing something that everyone to say that women have been a part of the sistance that they want to mount; even though has done, which is changing lanes without sig- leadership; they’ve been a part of the strat- the framework for the moment is appropriately naling. So everybody can say, “Damn, I’ve done egizing. And I would argue that trans women focused on police violence, people also under- that.” have also had a long history of organizing and stand the ways in which race and class and So I think it was the perceived extreme nature resistance that far too often is not held up, gender intersect. If we look at a campaign like of the case, the insignificance of the infraction ranging from the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot, to Fight for $15, which is about securing a liv- (and I don’t even know if changing lanes quali- Stonewall, to the mobilization around CeCe ing wage—often for women of color, who find fies as an “infraction”), the way the officer’s McDonald and beyond. So we know that the themselves doing more work for less money— outrageous behavior escalates, the fact that women, women of color and queer folk have al- that’s a kind of intersectional approach to un- Bland was in town to accept a job, thus fulfill- ways been central to our struggles. That part is derstanding the significance and uniqueness ing the American norm of self-dependence, the not new. I think it’s new information for some of the positionality of black women while also ability to see so much of the interaction unfold people, but if you think about the history and saying that their positionality can speak to on video, and the capacity of organizations to know the history, it’s not new. the condition of black people more generally. push and to organize around the story with a I do think what’s new is the ways in which, I don’t think we have often seen movements leadership that understood how important it at this moment in the Black Lives Matter move- say that the common thread of blackness is was to bring attention to the police violence ment, young, black, often queer women are not not just the male body, or the presumed cis black women face, all of this results in the San- just doing the work but are part of a collective male body, but in fact that cis and trans black dra Bland death becoming a national story. I leadership. The fact that they are visible and women can represent the intersectional posi- think it’s one of those moments where many vocal, not just in one organization but across a tionality and oppression that black communi- factors came together. number of organizations, shaping the direction ties face. But I’m not sure I’m prepared to say that the of this movement—this is something that’s And finally, I think we’re in a technological Bland case, as important as it was, marks a new. And they are leading not specifically context that allows people who have tradition- tipping point. When I see the same type of women’s organizations but also what many of ally been silenced or made invisible to have a mobilization nationally around the Rekia Boyd us recognize as black liberation organizations. voice or at least to have their voices and issues case or the Marlene Pinnock case or the Dajer- While the inclusion and in some cases leader- amplified. When we think about how the Black ria Becton case, that we have rightfully seen ship of women, queer and LGBT folks in our Lives Matter movement started with a hashtag, around the cases of Trayvon Martin, Michael movements is not new, these individuals like I wouldn’t want to discount the significance of Brown, and Eric Garner, then I’ll say we’ve , haven’t always had the opportu- technology as an important tool for organizing reached a tipping point. I’m not sure if it was nity to be a visible or foregrounded part of the today. I would not say that technology is a this confluence of characteristics that allowed black struggle, so in that sense I think that it’s driving force, but it has been a critical tool in people to pay attention to the Bland case spe- new. terms of democratizing the voices who can be cifically or if it’s a longer trend, but I think the Another thing that’s new at this moment is a part of this movement. pieces are at least in place to help put forward the recognition and articulation of a kind of SJ: That’s actually a really good bridge to my more and more cases of women, trans and cis, black queer nationalist politics, that’s inform- next question. You already mentioned Sandra who are the targets of state abuse, often police ing the politics of many organizations involved Bland, and it seems to me that the Bland case abuse. I just hope people will pay attention. in the black lives movement. I should say that was the first time in recent memory that the Lastly, I also think there has been a form of when I say “black lives movement,” I’m talk- mainstream media, not just the black media or training that has gone on over the past year. ing about the multiple organizations that are the alternative media, actually covered an in- We’ve trained people to pay attention to cases engaged in the national or international mo- stance of state violence against a black woman of police abuse, which has helped with peo- bilization that is commonly known as Black as a major news story. It seemed to be a tip- ple’s recognition of the Bland case. Sadly, now Lives Matter, not just the one organization of ping point, in that this case was pushed into that people have seen so many cases of black the same name. To assert the significance of visibility by the current moment, and it sud- people being killed by the police, it is a famil- queer bodies as part of the black community denly became possible to realize, “Oh, it’s not iar story that is recognizable and people are is new and important. That is a struggle that just black men!” Now of course Bland in par- able to say, “Oh, that happened again, and this has existed for some time and really took root ticular was a middle-class cis black woman, so time it was to a woman.” They are able to pro- when black activists were responding to HIV in many ways she was also an “easier” victim in cess the Bland case because far too many cases and AIDS in black communities, where we were terms of the media’s framework, but I wonder prior to the Bland death trained the public to trying to say that there were lesbian and gay if you could talk a little bit about the fact that pay attention. I don’t know if this training and bisexual and trans folks who were part of we know that there are countless incidences of process helps your point about having reached our communities and their issues, in this case violence against trans women of color, against a tipping point, but at least people are more their struggle against HIV/AIDS had to be ad- immigrant women of color, against cis black likely to believe, listen to, and pay attention dressed by both national organizations and the women, that we don’t see. Could you talk about to these types of stories. state but also indigenous black organizations. whether you think we’re at a tipping point in SJ: Thank you for that. Were you at the Move- But now activists are saying that not only the visibility of these other types of stories? Or ment for Black Lives Convening in ? are gay, lesbian, trans, and queer folk part of what other work might need to be done to fully CC: I was not, but I heard many reports about our communities, but they are part of the lead- integrate those conversations? it. ership and they—for example, cis and trans CC: That’s a great question. I don’t think I SJ: Yes, so did I. At this convening, there women—have to be at the center of how we have a great answer. This feels confusing to was a moment in the middle of the meeting think about black liberation. The centering me in the sense that, even given all the things when a deliberate effort was made to reaffirm of cis and trans women and lesbian and gay you said, there are reasons why we might ex- the value of the inclusion of black trans lives. I men as members and leaders of our communi- pect that the Bland case would resonate. One wonder if you could speak a bit about the sig- ties, that to me is significant and new. It is has to do with what we were talking about an expansion of our understanding of black before: I think we now have a generation of Turn to page 12 12 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES FEMINIST from page 11 A radical trans analysis makes clear that our trans as inherently radical. I think there are for people to point, but I think if you dig a struggle is not so that everyone can find their many instances where marginal individuals are little deeper, beyond generation, you will see nificance of trans inclusivity in both contem- essentialist selves, but instead this movement inserted into traditional institutions or move- different political and ideological commit- porary black activist and other activist spaces, is about breaking down systems of oppression ments and they do something to change the ments driving the differences in the approach as well as in scholarly spaces and in the work based on gender and class and race and sexual- dynamics but they don’t necessarily change to social movements or in opinions about the that we’re doing in feminist scholarship. ity, that limit the ability of people to have full these spaces and entities in a radical way that Black Lives Matter movement. To me, this di- CC: I think that it’s important for any move- and happy lives—from having good jobs, to is open and more equitable. I’m interested in vide maps onto the issue of the waves model ment concerned with the liberation in particu- having the kind of intimate partners that they trans feminist politics in the same way that I’m in feminist studies because, as you know, black lar of black people to be thinking about those want, to experiencing joy, to having agency, to committed to a black feminist politics that is feminists have contested the wave theory and individuals who are most marginalized nation- having control over their bodies and sexuality. tied to a transformative liberatory agenda. questioned when waves start and end and who ally and in our own communities. And those Getting us to that point probably means more SJ: That makes perfect sense. There also has gets included. In the waves model you see the are often poor people, trans and cis women, as dialogue, more struggle, as Bernice Johnson been a lot of talk about this idea that there’s flattening of differences and dissension within well as LGB folks. So while we have made some Reagon would say, more being uncomfortable a generational divide among racial justice ac- waves as a way to bring into stark contrast progress in having activists and scholars detail around the coalition and intersection of work tivists. The media can’t seem to get enough those differences that exist between waves. the role that racism, sexism, and class play in that we want to do. I sometimes worry that of comparing contemporary activists to civil SJ: It’s interesting because now that you say structuring and truncating the lives of all black we’ve accepted a dialogue around trans politics rights movement activists, which is problem- that, I think it does map: it seems like the di- people, we still have much work to do to ex- that we haven’t struggled with enough. I think atic in and of itself because the contextual vide within racial justice activism around what plain and challenge how and het- there is a way that both in the academy and differences are endless, as well as because leaders look like and whose story should be eronormativity work to limit the lives of black outside of the academy, we haven’t figured out everyone’s public memory of the civil rights included maps more onto the conflicts—both people. Similarly, I think there’s still a lot of where the space is to really have this dialogue movement has been so sanitized. But there is inside and outside of academia—between up- work to be done in support of trans members of and come to an understanding around the kind this idea that there is a generational divide, per- or middle-class white feminists and femi- our community, acknowledging their struggles, of trans feminist politics that I think is radical and I think we have seen this divide in some nists of color and working-class feminists, who vulnerability and growing resistance. and transformative and not primarily essential- spaces. For example, there was that moment have always had this ideological head-butting, It’s important for those of us who profess to ist. in 2014 when Al Sharpton got shouted down. where feminists of color, for example, have be concerned with the liberation of black peo- SJ: Would you say that that’s the case both People were saying, “We didn’t ask you to be been saying, “Your feminism isn’t necessar- ple, who say we love black people, to include for feminists working within the academy and here to talk about this.” Maybe I’m wrong ily inclusive; you’re helping prop up the car- and make central to our work those most mar- for activists outside of it? about this, but I think in some ways these ceral state, and so on.” And that’s interesting ginal in our communities because improving CC: That’s a great question. I think there is a generational differences—I don’t like the word because it’s less about generations and more their lives should help move us all down the way that, yes, both in the academy and outside “conflict”—are analogous to the waves of about where one’s standpoint is coming from road toward liberation. In this case it means of the academy, we haven’t figured out where thought in feminism, and maybe this current in the first place. That’s a really interesting way modeling trans inclusivity, making visible and the space is to really have this dialogue and moment of activism looks more like the fourth to look at it. central the struggles of trans folks in our anal- come to an understanding around the kind of wave of feminist thought. Or maybe it doesn’t? CC: But—to go back to the topic of trans in- ysis and movements. trans feminist politics that I think is radical I wonder if you have any thoughts about that. clusivity—I think another interesting aspect is The hesitation to making trans struggles cen- and transformative and not primarily essen- CC: Here’s the problem for me with the gen- that many of the trans women that we are talk- tral to our work, at least among many black tialist. Because of trans-exclusionary radical erational framework, and I guess we could ing about often come from poor backgrounds feminists of my generation, those who came feminists, I think it’s been hard to find a space say it mirrors my concerns about the wave rather than middle-class backgrounds. They’ve to feminism when second-wave feminism was where people feel like they can actually have framework that other people have already ar- been in completely vulnerable positions in dominant (if we even want to adhere to that that dialogue and move to a more informed ticulated: when you start comparing waves or terms of their lived experience. To me, that’s wave structure), is that some of the most vis- position. I’m not sure that we’ve done enough generations, you homogenize those waves and a different positioning than a middle-class cis ible or prominent trans spokespeople seem to either in the academy or outside the academy, generations. So I shudder when I hear you say black feminist, so I think the question is, are affirm a strict, conservative, and essentialist but we’ve probably done more in the academy, Sharpton might speak for my generation. I’m we prepared to look at all of these differences gender binary. I think people often confuse the actually. like, “Oh my God, no! That’s just scary!” I think in standpoint, as Patricia Hill Collins might more public and visible articulations of some SJ: This is something that I’m also still think- that’s what happens when we start to say that talk about, and say that they’re all significant? trans celebrities with a universal trans politics. ing about. And I have been talking a lot about there are certain individuals that represent a The divide that we saw, for example, in sec- I believe that we have to pay attention to the this recently because Suzanna Walters’s book generation. ond-wave feminism, between black feminists nuances in trans politics. Just as LGBT politics basically makes the same argument about the One major problem with that approach is that or feminists of color, Latina feminists, Native is different from queer politics and women’s LGB folks who say, “I was born this way; it’s in the political/ideological tensions between in- feminists, and white feminists—that’s an im- politics is different from feminist politics, we my genes,” and how this is actually counter to dividuals within the generation are made invis- portant one. But we know that we’ve compli- have to acknowledge that an essentialist trans a radical feminist liberatory theory that would ible. As I see it, if there is any divide, it’s more cated that account and that many people in politics is very different from a radical feminist say, “actually we shouldn’t justify treating peo- an ideological one: it is the divide between the academy are in the academy because they trans politics. ple like human beings by any sort of genetic or those who understand themselves to be femi- have access to resources and some form of Thus, concern emerges when one hears the biological criteria.” So I like how you distin- nist and who insist that cis and trans women class mobility. language of what seems like a call to biologi- guished that narrative that has arisen around are just as important to our conversation and So while folks of color can challenge and cal essentialism—such as when Caitlyn Jenner trans identity as being an essential thing as movement as cis men versus those that don’t open up new possibilities in terms of thinking says “I am a woman. … My brain is much more opposed to a radical trans identity that is root- share this understanding. To me, that’s the di- about feminism, we also want to pay attention female than it is male.” I think that essen- ed in a more feminist liberatory ideology. It vide. It’s a divide that’s built around, as we to the class positioning of those women of col- tialist propaganda drives me and my feminist seems like a really good way to think about it. talked about earlier, our larger vision of black or who are speaking in the academy, often to friends crazy. But when we hear the informed CC: I’m still struggling to figure it out as well. liberation and who is a central part of black the exclusion of poor women or trans women, and radical stories of trans folks who refuse to To me it’s the difference or the tension between communities; it’s a divide between the struc- who often have a very different positionality live on the binary or someone like Janet who, a women’s rights politics and a feminist poli- ture of more traditional civil rights organiza- with regard to both feminism and their lived while choosing a more traditional gender per- tics, or an LGBT politics and a queer politics. tions and the organizations mobilizing today; day-to-day experiences. formance, talks incisively about the ways being What I’m looking for and have found, I hope, is it’s a divide between those who support new Ask a Feminist: A Conversation with Cathy a trans woman is related to the positionality a radical trans feminist politics that is think- models of collective leadership in our protest Cohen on Black Lives Matter, Feminism, and of cis black women, who also are at the bot- ing about and rooted in the transformation of organizations versus those who want one char- Contemporary Activism” was originally pub- tom of the racial order and gender hierarchy, institutions that would oppress and limit peo- ismatic leader to point to. That, I think, is the lished on the website of Signs: Journal of the connection between the lives and struggles ple’s understanding and performance of gender. divide, and this speaks to Sharpton also. He Women in Culture and Society (http://sign- of black cis and trans women are made clear, I am, thus, interested in a politic that is rooted comes out of a tradition, an ideological posi- highlighting the larger structures that we’re in and investigates life in contrast to binaries tioning, that would lead him to seek the role as part of the Feminist Public Intellectuals both fighting against. and static categories. That’s the kind of femi- of the male charismatic leader and believe that Project and will appear in the Summer 2016 nist trans politics that I’m committed to, and there should be one person and one organiza- issue of Signs. © 2015 University of Chicago that’s the inclusion I want in the Black Lives tion leading the way. Press. Reprinted with permission. Matter movement. People may not like this, I think the divide is less about generation, but without an intentional politics, I don’t see even though I think that’s the easiest place

vol 30, no. 52 Sept. 23, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES 30th Anniversary Issue Download this special souvenir issue at: YEARS WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 13 Controversy lingers Creating Change Pride Parade to Jan. 20-24 have fewer entries Thousands of LGBT individuals are expected By Matt Simonette after blood-donation at the 2016 Creating Change Conference, slated to take place Jan. 20-24 at the Hilton The 2016 Pride Parade will have just 150 en- Chicago, 720 S. Michigan Ave. tries—down from the 200 entries that the The National LGBTQ Task Force sponsors event had in 2015, according to its orga- regulations eased and organizes the event, promoted on its nizer. website as “the pre-eminent political, lead- The reduction is an effort to get all the sion doesn’t go far enough—and I expect the ership and skills-building conference for the entries to the ending point quicker, Pride Pa- FDA to maintain its commitment to work with LGBTQ social justice movement.” rade coordinator Richard Pfeiffer told Windy stakeholders to develop better blood donor Among the items scheduled are Day Long City Times. policies based on science.” Institutes, trainings in the Academy for Lead- “The city permit guidelines require that the Scott Schoettes, senior attor- ership and Action and a special programming last unit of a city parade has to cross the ney and HIV Project director, said in a state- segment called “Practice Spirit, Do Justice” starting line in two hours and 15 minutes ment, “We are glad that the proposed new for faith leaders and organizers. There will which signals the end of the parade,” Pfeiffer guidelines allow a subset of gay and bisexual also be approximately 250 workshops and said. “However, longtime traditional city pa- men who have abstained from sex for a year to caucus sessions, four keynote plenary ses- rades are allowed to go on longer. The Pride donate, and we are pleased transgender people sions, worshipful gatherings, film screenings, Parade averages two hours and 45 minutes will be allowed to self-report their gender in meetings, receptions, social events and other for the last unit to cross the starting line.” the donation process, but the policy still ex- networking opportunities. The parade’s application has yet to be ap- cludes the vast majority of gay, bisexual and Registration fees range from free to $450, proved, so organizers are still ironing out de- transgender men from donating.” depending on an attendee’s age, when one tails. They had initially asked for an earlier “The United States government has to stop chooses to register, and whether an attendee starting time, but Pfeiffer said a noon start is reacting to HIV like it is the early 1980s,” add- seeks financial support to attend. again likely. Paradegoers should also expect ed Gay Men’s Health Crisis CEO Kelsey Louie. See increased security. “Other countries have implemented risk-based “We had 90 security personnel last year, deferral systems that reflect modern science and we are going to try to double that this and screen all donors for behavior that could Conversion-therapy year,” Pfeiffer said. lead to HIV transmission. ... It is time for the law starts Jan. 1 The Crime in Wrigleyville + Boystown blog FDA to implement a policy that is truly based A statute prohibiting conversion therapy broke news of the parade application on Dec. U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Illinois). on science, not blanket bans on certain groups for individuals younger than 18 is among the 22. Official photo of people.” new laws that will take effect in Illinois Jan. The venue had been in question since the 1, 2016, according to an NBC News item. 2014 parade, when Lake View-area residents By Matt Simonette Lesbian Air Force HB 217, the Youth Mental Health Protec- complained of disorderly behavior by para- tion Act, passed the Illinois Senate in late degoers as well as a strain on city resources While key limitations still apply, the Food and May after sailing through the state House. and services. Some said that year that the major killed parade should be moved to downtown Chi- Drug Administration (FDA) announced Dec. 21 Air Force Major Adrianna Vorderbruggen was State Sen. Daniel Biss and state Rep. Kelly cago, where wider streets could better ac- that it was easing some restrictions on blood one of six service members killed Dec. 21 while Cassidy sponsored the measure in their re- commodate spectators, while others argued donations from gay and bisexual men. serving in Afghanistan. spective chambers. that the event was an integral part of the Previous restrictions, which had been in Vorderbruggen leaves behind a wife, Heather, Among some of the other laws that will Lake View neighborhood. The 2016 applica- place for about 32 years, included a “lifetime and son, Jacob. NBC News reported that she take effect that same day are the ban of tion has the parade following the established deferral” for gay and bisexual men, meaning was one of the first U.S. service members to powdered alcohol (and those under 18 being route through Lake View and Uptown. Orga- any men who had ever had sex with men since be wed in a same-sex ceremony following the banned from purchasing powdered caffeine); nizers will be meeting with city reps at a 1977 were prohibited from making donations. repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” stricter rules to prevent pet abuse and ne- later date, Pfeiffer said. Under new rules, only men who have not had Vorderbruggen, 36, of Plymouth, Minnesota, glect; regulations for the use of body cams, Many residents have also said that the pa- sex with men in the previous 12 months will be was assigned to the Air Force Office of Special data storage, and the release of video to the rade itself is less of a problem than people prohibited from doing so. Investigations (OSI), the main law enforce- public; and pumpkin being the new state pie. raucously celebrating in the hours that fol- “In reviewing our policies to help reduce the ment branch of the Air Force. She was also the The NBC item is at http://www.nbcchi- low. There were 52 arrests made in conjunc- risk of HIV transmission through blood prod- first female OSI agent killed in the line of duty, tion with the 2015 Pride Parade, according to ucts, we rigorously examined several alterna- The Duluth News Tribune noted. to-Official-State-Pie-Newest-Illinois-Laws- Chicago police. tive options, including individual risk assess- Ariana Bostian-Kentes, president and co- in-2016-363426371.html. ment,” said Peter Marks, M.D., deputy director founder of Military Partners and Families Coali- of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation tion, said in a statement, “Major Vorderbruggen and Research, in a statement. “Ultimately, the was a person who lived for her family and for 12-month deferral window is supported by the her country. She was one of the most friendly best available scientific evidence, at this point and laid-back people you could ever hope to in time, relevant to the U.S. population. We meet and was an accomplished airman, a great will continue to actively conduct research in athlete and, most of all, a wonderful mom. She Balance your priorities today this area and further revise our policies as new leaves an indelible legacy of strength and self- data emerge.” lessness to all those touched by her life.” for a more confident tomorrow. While the FDA regards the shift as a progres- The News Tribune article is at http://www. sive step in the right direction, many advo- ALEXANDRA MORAN cates and stakeholders have regarded even the minnesota-woman-among-six-americans- Financial Advisor Call me today for a one-year ban as an overreach that contributes killed-afghanistan-attack. complimentary initial to stigmatization against gay and bisexual men Branch Manager Confident Retirement® and HIV-positive individuals. 15255 S 94th Ave U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Illinois), vice-chair Greece allows conversation. of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, said Orland Park, IL 60462 in a statement, “This past year, we saw tremen- civil partnerships 708.226.3438 dous progress for the LGBT community with the Greece enacted a human-rights bill that per- [email protected] legalization of same sex marriage nationwide. mits civil-partnership agreements between Unfortunately, today’s official policy change same-sex couples, according to a Newsweek by the FDA on blood donations from men who item that cites Reuters. alexandra.j.moran have sex with men (MSM) from a lifetime ban The development (which happened when 193 to one-year deferral does not keep up with that members of the 300-member parliament voted same progress. A time-based deferral focus- for the bill) occurred despite protests and op- ing solely on men who have sex with men is position from political parties and the Ortho- still discriminatory and fails to exclude donors dox Church. The Confident Retirement approach is not a guarantee of future based on actual risk factors. However, I remain A growing number of European countries financial results. The initial Confident Retirement conversation encouraged by the ongoing conversation to have established legislation allowing regis- change this outdated policy.” tered partnership rights for same-sex couples; provides an overview of financial planning concepts. U.S. Sen. (D-), however, the issue remains contentious in You will not receive written analysis and/or recommendations. added, “I am encouraged that the FDA swiftly many other EU states, especially those in east- Investment advisory products and services are made available finalized this guidance to move forward and re- ern Europe. vise the discriminatory lifetime ban on blood The article is at through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered donations. However, this is just the first step greece-gay-couples-lgbt-civil-partnerships- investment advisor. toward ending an outdated policy that is medi- europe-human-rights-408418. cally and scientifically unwarranted. This revi- © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (3/15) 14 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES viewpoints Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas) did not per- Dec. 14, granted an emergency stay of the or- WINDY mit same-sex couples to adopt children jointly der, giving the woman visitation with her chil- before Obergefell, according to a report from dren until the U.S. Supreme Court either rules the Pew Charitable Trusts, citing the Human on the case or refuses to take it. The whole CITY Rights Campaign. After Obergefell, however, situation is ugly, with one mom trying to deny Dana that restriction has crumbled in all but Mis- her ex-partner any parental status and calling RUDOLPH sissippi. Four couples are now challenging the into question the validity of adoptions from Mississippi ban in federal court with the help state to state. TIMES MOMBIAN of attorney (a lesbian mom her- A similar case of parental breakup shows VOL. 31, No. 14, Dec. 30, 2015 self), who successfully argued before the U.S. that we still are not equal when it comes to The combined forces of Windy City Times, Supreme Court in 2013 to bring down part of recognizing unmarried parents. In September, founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, 2015: A year of founded May 1987. the . a Maryland court upheld a ruling denying pa- progress, with Our equal access to adoption and fostering rental (and thus visitation rights) more to do is threatened, however, by “religious freedom” to a nonbiological mom because she and the PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE EDITOR laws in North Dakota, Michigan and Virginia biological mom were not married at the time Tracy Baim (and under discussion in several other states). of their child’s birth—even though they had What a year. It’s tempting, in a year-end wrap- ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky These laws permit child-welfare agencies re- planned and were raising the child together, up, to put a big bow on what we put a ring MANAGING EDITOR Andrew Davis on and call it a day. While marriage brought ceiving state money to refuse to place children and eventually married. The judge indicated ASSOCIATE EDITOR Matt Simonette us many advances, however, it also highlighted with same-sex couples or other LGBTQ people that in the same circumstances, the father in BUSINESS MANAGER Ripley Caine if doing so conflicts with their religious beliefs. a different-sex unmarried couple would likely DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright other issues that we still need to tackle in or- Kirk Williamson And Kansas state Rep. Jim Ward (D-Wichita) have been recognized, but current law did not ART DIRECTOR der to bring full equality and inclusion to LG- SENIOR REPORTER Gretchen Rachel Hammond BTQ parents and our children. has requested that legislative auditors inves- allow recognition of a nonbiological mother. Senior Account Executives Terri Klinsky, Kirk Marriage equality is, of course, a big deal. tigate the state’s Department of Children and We also lack full equality in other areas. Lack Williamson, Amy Matheny, Chris Cheuvront, Gretchen Families over what he calls “systemic” discrim- of non-discrimination protections means that Rachel Hammond, Mike O’Bleness The win in Obergefell v. Hodges not only Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 ination against LGBT people in adoption and people can still be fired or denied housing NATIONAL SALES brought marriage to same-sex couples, but SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Tony Peregrin, Lisa put same-sex parents and our children front foster care. in many states for being LGBTQ. Transgender Keen, Yasmin Nair and center in the case and in the public eye. Same-sex couples have also had to file law- people, married or not, are still in much ear- THEATER EDITOR Scott C. Morgan suits in several states in order to have both lier stages of legal recognition and social ac- CINEMA WRITER Richard Knight Jr. Most of the plaintiffs were parents. And Jus- Ross Forman parents’ names put on their children’s birth ceptance. These inequalities negatively impact SPORTS WRITER tice , who wrote the majority ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS opinion, showed he understood the importance certificates. In October, a couple in Utah was children of LGBTQ parents as well. Mary Shen Barnidge, Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, of marriage for our children, saying, “Without awarded $24,000 in legal fees after they won Additionally, respect does not necessarily Jerry Nunn, Jonathan Abarbanel their case, but cases from couples in Arkansas, follow legality. There are still places in this COLUMNISTS/WRITERS: Yvonne Zipter, Jorjet Harper, the recognition, stability, and predictability Charlsie Dewey, Carrie Maxwell, Billy Masters, Sarah Florida, Indiana, North Carolina and Wisconsin country where I would be afraid to hold hands marriage offers, children suffer the stigma of Toce, Dana Rudolph, Melissa Wasserman, Joe Franco, knowing their families are somehow lesser. are still pending or being appealed. with my spouse. Kids still get bullied for being Nick Patricca, Liz Baudler, Rex Wockner, Marie J. They also suffer the significant material costs A note of caution: While accurate birth cer- LGBTQ or having LGBTQ parents. LGBTQ families Kuda, Angelique Smith, Meghan Streit tificates are necessary for enrolling a child in of color remain at a disadvantage because of SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Mel Ferrand, Hal Baim, Tim of being raised by unmarried parents, relegated Carroll, Ed Negron school, getting a passport and applying for the systemic racism in our society. And despite to a more difficult and uncertain family life. WEBSITE LISTINGS VOLUNTEER Gene Naden The marriage laws at issue thus harm and hu- various other benefits, they are still not suffi- advances, we need even more representation miliate the children of same-sex couples.” cient for someone to be recognized as a parent in books and other media of LGBTQ families in CIRCULATION He wisely cautioned, though, that marriage in all jurisdictions and circumstances, many all our diversity—of family structure, race, reli- CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jean Albright is also meaningful even for those who cannot LGBTQ legal organizations have said (and the gion, socioeconomic class, and more. DISTRIBUTION: Ashina, Allan, Dan, John, Sue and Victor or choose not to procreate—thus addressing judge in the Arkansas case himself indicated). This year will stand as a watershed year, Second-parent adoptions or court judgments of however. Our work towards LGBTQ equality WEB HOSTING: (lead one of the leading arguments against marriage programmer: Martie Marro) equality, that marriage is entirely about pro- parentage are still recommended. is not done, nor is the work of social justice Copyright 2015 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media creation. Even adoptions, however, are under attack in other arenas done—but 2015 gave us one shining example of what progress looks like. Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back Marriage equality expanded parental rights (although I have great hope the threat will issues (if available) for $5 per issue (postage included). in some states. Twelve states (Alabama, fail). The Alabama Supreme Court, in Septem- Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, ber, refused to recognize three second-parent of Mombian (, a GLAAD Me- and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and , Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mis- no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. sissippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, adoptions done in Georgia by a lesbian mom dia Award-winning blog and resource direc- All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy living in Alabama. The U.S. Supreme Court, on tory for LGBTQ parents. City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, Why homelessness? the American Journal of Public Health’s web- cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City Because many of us do not really have a site, it’s stated that when it comes to the pri- Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of home to go to where we can sit at the family vate institution of the home, our LGBTQ youth a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the table and be fully out—or if out, fully accept- are disproportionately thrown out of theirs, sexual orientation of such person or organization. While ed. As with Mary and Joseph during the time of more often than their heterosexual peers, espe- we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make Rev. Irene this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept Jesus’ birth, many of us travel from inn-to-inn cially in communities of color like the African- responsibility for advertising claims. MONROE to only find there is no room. American ones. (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 “I’m Queer. I’m Homeless. I’m Hungry. I’m Some years ago when I wrote about home- e-mail: [email protected] or Scared. I’m Tired,” was the ad one year by New lessness of African-American LGBTQ youth, this [email protected] Remember our Alternatives for LGBT Homeless Youth asking was a typical type of response I received from the public to give the gift of $10 during the an irate blogger who read my piece on “Black podcast: homeless LGBTQ youth holiday season to help their homeless. Commentators” website: this holiday season “Every night, thousands of lesbian, gay bi- “Given that our resources are tight & these WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, sexual and transgender youth and young adults youth are not at all psychologically prepared 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL, 60640 U.S.A (MAILING ADDRESS ONLY) The holiday season is a difficult time of year are experiencing homelessness in New York for our liberation struggle, they are expend- for many. City. Whether they have been kicked out by able. Such are the realities of war. It’s gonna Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. Too often we see the glitz and glamour that homophobic families, forced to flee conser- take all of our resources to salvage the hetero- Nightspots Deadline Wednesday prior to street date. this holiday brings, totally missing its spiritual vative communities, aged out of foster care, sexual youth, who will hopefully form strong, OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE or come from families torn apart by poverty, loving, heterosexual relationships & produce message.The underlying message in celebrating AIDS, drug abuse or eviction, these youth sleep healthy children. This is how we will produce a the season is the full embrace of human differ- ence and diversity. in the City’s parks, on the subway, and in pub- strong [B]lack nation/community. The dysfunc- “Windy City Media Group generated enormous I truly believe if Americans—Christians and lic facilities such as Port Authority and Penn tional youth you are asking us to rescue can- interest among their readers in this year’s LGBT non-Christians alike—stayed more focused Station,” New Alternatives for LGBT Homeless not/will not be able to make the contribution Consumer Index Survey. Out of approximately 100 Youth website reminded us. we need, so they are expendable.” print and online media partners who participated on the message and teachings of this holiday in the survey, Windy City was the best performing season, many LGBTQ youth and young adults While homelessness of teen and youth popu- The perception that African-American fami- regional media in the U.S. Only survey partners would not have the annual angst of searching lations are often attributed to family neglect, lies and communities do not throw away their with a nationwide footprint were able to generate for homes for the holidays. family tragedy, poverty, AIDS, drug abuse, children because of the much-touted old Afri- a greater number of responses.” ­­—David Marshall, Research Director, Community Marketing, Inc. Although Christmas is mostly thought of eviction, or being aged out of foster care, our can adage that espouses Black unity, “It takes in terms of feasting and celebrating, Jesus’ LGBTQ teen and youth populations that are a village to raise a child,” rings false, it seems, birth—like his death—was borne of struggle, homeless are, first and foremost, if not solely, when it comes to our LGBTQ youth. FOUNDING MEMBER and that struggle was to be fully accepted. because of their sexual orientation. “The high risk of homelessness among sexual Similarly, when I think of the birth of Jesus, And sadly, it sends a message that these minority teens is a serious problem requiring one of the themes that looms large for me is homes would rather have no child than a queer immediate attention,” said Heather Corliss, LGBTQ youths and young adults experiencing child. PhD, MPH, of the Division of Adolescent and homelessness. According to a 2011 study from Boston’s Children’s Hospital that is published online on Turn to page 22




17 20 19 Get the point? WCT reviews the musical-theater classic Guys and Dolls. Chuck’s among the year’s best. Queen. Photo by Mona Luan

SCOTTISH PLAY SCOTT Countertenors are having their voices heard

BY SCOTT C. MORGAN natural sounds of the jungle. “Cesar’s character is so timid that he couldn’t Countertenors (male altos) once were some- assert himself very much at the beginning of thing of a rarity in the opera world. But in this, but he really comes out of his shell by the many ways nowadays, they’re all the rage. end,” Costanzo said. “And watching that and With the ongoing revival of Baroque music, knowing that makes his downfall that much countertenors have increasingly proven that more emotional.” they can take on roles originally written for Onstage in Bel Canto, Costanzo is costumed star castrati in the 17th and 18th centuries largely in a drab T-shirt and military fatigues. so modern-day opera companies don’t always But offstage, Costanzo has built up a reputa- have to turn to casting mezzo-sopranos in male tion for intermingling with stars of the fashion drag. And there are several new operas debut- world. Designer Austin Scarlett of Project Run- ing that prominently feature roles specifically way fame is a friend, and they captured some written for the countertenor voice. media buzz when they appeared together at the For proof, just look to award-winning singer 2013 opening night of the Metropolitan Opera and actor Anthony Roth Costanzo. The gay in matching flowing capes created by Scarlett. countertenor is performing in six world pre- “Growing up mostly in New York and mak- mieres this season. ing it my prerogative to be culturally diverse Two of Costanzo’s most high-profile assign- and have a whole different set of inspirations, ments include the current run of the tragedy I found my way into the world of fashion and Bel Canto by composer Jimmy López and li- art and film and all different kinds of things,” brettist Nilo Cruz for the Lyric Opera of Chi- said Costanzo, who was recently named a cura- cago, and the comedy Great Scott by composer tor for the new Brooklyn performance art venue Jake Heggie and librettist Terrence McNally National Sawdust and by Vanity Fair as one of Anthony Roth Costanzo. that debuted this past October for Dallas Op- “7 Emerging Artists You Should Know About.” Photo by Pix Talarico era. Costanzo will reprise his Great Scott role “I generally think that people in fashion, or of stage manager Roane Heckle for San Diego art, or in film—even if they know nothing Opera in May. about opera—are primed because of their fixa- be effeminizing, which is really interesting 5 and 13 with 2 p.m. matinees Jan. 8 and “I’m working with 13 different compos- tion on the aesthetic to really love it.” because of course I am singing ‘like a girl,’” 17. The performances on Jan. 5 and 8 will be ers on different projects for future seasons,” And Costanzo stressed that all of his work in Costanzo said. “But it’s a very powerful sound, recoded for future broadcast on Great Per- said Costanzo, excited about the vitality of new operatic repertoire has strong roots in the and in a way it’s louder than what I could do formances on PBS. Tickets range from $20 new music. “As countertenors, we’re sort of Baroque era. with my chest voice or with my male register.” to $349. Call 312-827-5600 or visit http:// relegated to before 1750 and after 1950 and “Handel and the baroque works are really not Bel Canto continues at the Lyric Opera of we miss the 200 years of the repertoire that only my bread and butter but my home base— Chicago, 20 N. Wacker Dr., through Sunday, most opera companies do. It’s exciting for us both vocally and technically,” Costanzo said. Jan. 17. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Jan. to expand that repertoire on this end of that “They really give me grounding and a point of divide and have a new set of things to sink our departure and they give me an emotional depth teeth into.” which I use in almost everything I do—even in Jan. 15-21, are $10-$20 each). Tickets are In Bel Canto, Costanzo portrays the teenage Bel Canto.” About Face’s available at, 773- terrorist Cesar. It’s a character that Costanzo Costanzo is also very proud to follow in the ‘Le Switch’ Jan. 15 404-7336 or at the Theater Wit box office. first encountered when he read Ann Patchett’s footsteps of out star David Daniels, whom he About Face Theatre (AFT) will open its best-selling 2001 novel Bel Canto that was credits with helping with the resurgence of ba- 20th-anniversary season with the world-pre- ‘Menagerie’ at inspired by the drawn-out hostage crisis of roque opera music and popularizing the coun- miere romantic comedy Le Switch, by Artistic 1996 and ’97 when mostly young members of tertenor voice part. Associate Philip Dawkins. Le Switch will play Den Jan. 22-March 6 The MRTA (Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Move- “[David Daniels] defined a new age of coun- Jan. 15-Feb. 21, 2016, at Theater Wit, 1229 Hans Fleischmann reimagines his concep- ment) took over a Japanese Embassy residence tertenors, one in which major opera houses W. Belmont Ave. tion of Tennessee Williams’ classic drama in a in Lima, Peru. Even on the page, Costanzo could have them because they were singing The production—in which a man and his new The Hypocrites production of The Glass thought that Cesar should be a countertenor if with a full-blooded sound,” Costanzo said. non-traditional family must decide for them- Menagerie Jan 22-March 6 at The Den The- the work was ever transformed into an opera. “He’s been so kind to me and we’ve become selves what it really means to be commit- atre, 1329 N. Milwaukee Ave. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for a counter- colleagues in multiple productions we’ve done ted, what it means to be married and what it The cast will include Fleischmann as Tom, tenor because as a teenage boy, it seems to together.” means to be queer—will feature AFT Artistic Joanne Dubach as Laura, Donna McGough as sort of fit in a way that feels uniquely other- Although Costanzo emphasized that not all Associates Mitchell Fain and Elizabeth Ledo, Amanda and Zach Wegner as The Gentleman worldly, especially the way that Jimmy [Lopez] countertenors are gay, he said he realizes there with LaShawn Banks, Stephen Cone and Col- Caller. has written it,” said Costanzo, highlighting may be a misconception about that among the lin Quinn Rice. Admission is $15 (students)-$36; visit The- his big Act II aria where Cesar reflects on his general public. Tickets are $20-$35 each (preview prices, troubled past and how he found solace in the “I don’t find singing as a countertenor to 16 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES THEATER REVIEW Brandon Bennett Million Dollar as Elvis Presley Quartet in Million Dollar Book: Colin Escott and Floyd Mutrux; Quartet. Score: Various Photo by At: Apollo Theatre, 2540 N. Lincoln Ave. Paul Tickets: 773-935-6100 or Natkin; $25-$95 Runs through Jan. 17


Hey procrastinators! Million Dollar Quartet, of- ficially “Chicago’s longest-running Broadway musical,” is closing up shop in the Windy City after running more than 3,000 performances in seven years. Yet Million Dollar Quartet didn’t officially be- come a Broadway musical until 2010. Inspired by the 1956 December night in Memphis, Tennessee, when rock legends Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins came together for a studio jam session at Sun Records, Million Dollar Quartet debuted region- ally in 2007 at the Village Theatre in Issaquah, Washington, and also played Florida’s now-de- funct Seaside Music Theater. Yet it was the successful and critically ac- almost lasted an extra year there. no slouches performance-wise between Bran- the volume shifts between the dialogue and claimed Chicago launch of Million Dollar Quar- I’d previously seen Million Dollar Quartet off- don Bennett as Elvis Presley, Colte Julian as over-amplified songs. tet in 2008 at the Goodman Theatre that truly Broadway, but missed it in Chicago. It’s still Jerry Lee Lewis, Adam Lee as Johnny Cash and Once Million Dollar Quartet closes in Chicago, put the musical on the map. Producers soon playing like a better-than-average jukebox mu- Shaun Whitley as Carl Perkins. Zach Lentino the show will live on via its Las Vegas engage- transferred the show for an open-ended run at sical, with just enough drama involving nar- and Patrick Morrow consistently offered great ment and the current non-Equity national tour Chicago’s 450-seat Apollo Theatre. rating Sun Records founder Sam Phillips (Andy and youthful backing support respectively on before regional productions start cropping up. A concurrent New York production of Million Ahrens) trying to keep his remaining stars bass and drums, while veteran cast member So see this long-standing part of Chicago the- Dollar Quartet came next in 2010, giving the signed to his scrappy and pioneering label. Kelly Lamont returned to offer a smart and ater history while you can locally, even if ear- show an official Broadway label. Out performer This plot framing device keeps the show from sultry take on Elvis’ fictionalized romantic love plugs might be advisable. You’ll also get the Levi Kreis won a featured actor Tony Award for becoming a celebrity impersonation revue. interest, Dyanne. chance to personally ponder why the Windy his portrayal of the surly and ambitious Jerry Yet what truly impresses about Million Dollar Now if only Kai Harada’s blaring sound design City embraced this show for so long. Lee Lewis. The musical transferred off-Broad- Quartet is how it deploys skilled actor/musi- was toned down. Many of the show’s lyrics are way to save on production costs in 2011, and cians to rock out in the starry roles. There were garbled, and there’s a whiplash effect from all

THEATER REVIEW preclude individual toasts, drinking games worry about missing your cue after the sixth or The show’s content changes every three serve to lend structure to an evening of bend- seventh tipple—a stageside sign lights up to months, with the fall season’s “Wasted Edition” Drink! The Sketch ing elbows. remind stragglers of their assigned task. resuming on Jan. 2 and continuing to Jan. 23. The concept behind these revels designates The topics at the holiday edition of the show You might have lost the opportunity to sing Comedy Drinking certain words, signs and/or occurrences to I attended included a dating-app for mall San- “It’s the Most Wonderful Time for a Beer” until Game: serve as commands for the assemblage to suck tas, a meteorological nativity story involving fa-la-la time in 2016, but you still have a few firewater (or, for thirsty teetotalers, a Sharps two easterly winds giving birth to El Nino and more weeks to sip winter warm-ups and laugh Wasted Edition or Red Bull). While Chicago’s official staged a party attended by a guest recently suffering at a human Roomba, a parody of Grease enti- Playwright: the ensemble versions of this popular pastime can be traced severe facial surgery (suggested by a Freddy tled Raised By Motorcycles, and the “Horse and At: Corn Productions at the to Byron Hatfield’s Bye, Bye, Liver (running Kreuger mask from the Cornservatory’s exten- Dad” radio program hosted by—you guessed Cornservatory, 4210 N. Lincoln Ave. continuously since 2007), the 25-year-old sive special-effects collection). Lower-brow it—a dad and a horse. Then again, you could Tickets:; $12 Corn Productions company joined the guzzle- humor was provided by the elf-on-a-shelf’s wait for Jan. 30, when Drink! The Hollywood Runs through: Jan. 23 and-guffaw leagues in 2013 with this late-nite lesser-known siblings, imp-on-a-blimp and Edition makes its debut. nightcap revue. troll-in-a-bowl, as well as a proposed family BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE The agenda in the North Center “Cornserva- gathering divided between Bulls and Packers tory” is sketch comedy geared to customers fans. What can you expect, though, when your In cultures embracing the consumption of in- bringing their own liquid refreshment (fortu- emcee—in this case, director Seth Wanta— c toxicating beverages as a socially beneficial itously, an Osco with a liquor department is proclaims himself to be Tim Burton and pro- activity, citizens rarely need an authority fig- located right next door). At the beginning of ceeds to deliver a survey of some violent yule- ure granting them permission to participate. each episode, we are apprised of the trigger tide folk customs to make Krampus look like a CRITICS’ However, when informality or sheer numbers word embedded in the subsequent scene. Don’t wuss. PICKS THEATER REVIEW station, but guarded by sentries, neverthe- ties? As the detainees offer differing opinions Assassination Theatre, Museum of Broad- less. One of the occupants is a corporate busi- on the reason for their—temporary, surely— cast Communication to Jan. 3. After a five- Incident at Vichy nessman, another an unemployed actor, while incarceration and argue among themselves, month run, Hillel Levin’s historical docudrama Playwright: Arthur Miller a third is an electrician. The others represent their numbers lessen. By the time somebody involving the mysterious deaths of presidents At: Redtwist Theatre, a likewise diverse social spectrum—a waiter, suggests that they could escape by acting to- might still be short on the “drama” aspect, but 1044 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. an artist, an elderly rabbi, a vagabond, a gether, their depleted strength renders this makes for fascinating investigative journalism, Tickets: 773-728-7529; teenage boy, an army psychiatrist in the pre- no longer an option. nevertheless. MSB; $30-$35 vious war—even a titled Austrian aristocrat. Armed with the benefit of hindsight, we Elf, Marriott Theatre, Lincolnshire, through Runs through: extended to Jan. 10 What they share at the moment is the discon- may view with incredulity the complacency of Jan. 3. This 2010 film-to-stage musical adap- certing experience of having been pulled in a civilian populace assured of their person- tation of the popular 2003 Will Farrell holiday BY MARY SHEN BARNIDGE off the street by unidentified agents to await al immunity from harm—but did I mention vehicle receives a superlative staging thanks to individual interrogation in the adjoining pri- that playgoers in Redtwist’s cloakroom-sized director/choreographer Marc Robin. SCM Arthur Miller’s play might be set in 1942 vate office. The artist Lebeau suspects racial auditorium are also seated on bare wooden Hellcab, Profiles Theatre, through Jan. 10. France, but with our own would-be leaders profiling, but businessman Marchand shrugs benches, alley-style, separated from the hap- Although the words may remain the same, Will in 2015 testing the boundaries of Godwin’s off the inconvenience as a random security less victims by mere inches? Under Ian Frank’s Kern’s survey of the urban landscape is reborn Law, it’s high time we were reminded of the check. Significantly, his are the sole identi- tight-as-a-fist direction, however, a superla- every year to showcase anew the diversity of wisdom in setting aside personal prejudices fication papers to meet with the approval of tively selected ensemble unperturbed at be- Chicago’s lower depths. MSB to unite with our fellow citizens—a major lit- their captors. ing viewed within their claustrophobic con- Good for Otto, Gift Theatre, returning from erary theme in the years following World War So when would you begin to get nervous? fines from 180 degrees, featuring Tim Parker Jan. 14 to Feb. 7. Both profound and invigorat- Two, before falling out of fashion in the wake When Lebeau tells of having had his nose and Jeremy Trager as the playwright’s chief ing, David Rabe’s world premiere looks at two of the 1960s’ emphasis on ancestral ethnicity. measured? When rumors emerge of prisoners spokesmen, generates palpable suspense suf- community mental health workers and their pa- As Martin Neimoller once famously warned, if ordered to drop their trousers? When railroad ficient to inspire our collective endorsement tients struggling with parental abandonment. we do not defend one another, who will de- mechanic Bayard reports hearing distressed at each small heroic act of resistance. Rabe’s skill makes it’s more exciting and enter- fend us? human freight in the trains bound for “labor taining than you’d think. JA Our play opens on a group of men seated in camps” in Poland? When the uniformed staff —By Abarbanel, Barnidge a quasi-industrial room—not a formal police officer expresses unease at his assigned du- and Morgan WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 17

Sarah Larson in Guys and Dolls. Photo by Mona Luan e SPOTLIGHT

The popular performance art comedy spectacular Blue Man Group has been running off-Broad- MUSICAL REVIEW Light Opera Works has mounted finer produc- way since 1991 and in Chicago since 1997. Yet it’s not the same show as when it started, since tions than Guys and Dolls, and not just in the the creators of Blue Man Group have frequently updated the routines and comedy bits to keep Guys and Dolls complexity of its show choices. The company’s up with shifting technologies and sociological talking points. So if you think you already know Written by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows production values, namely the set pieces, tend what goes on in Blue Man Group, you’ll likely be surprised at what has changed. Blue Man Group based on story by Damon Runyon to be higher and the finished products a little continues in an open run at the Briar Street Theatre, 3133 N. Halsted St. For more information Music and lyrics by Frank Loesser more crisp, but Guys and Dolls opts to be sim- on the performance schedule, call 773-348-4000 or visit At: Light Opera Works at Cahn ple and relies on its cast to transport the au- Photo by Ken Howard Auditorium, 600 Emerson St., Evanston dience to gangster-era Manhattan—and their Tickets: 847-920-5360 effort is superb even they ultimately cannot the character. even in some cases, the orchestra, keep the; $34-94 shoulder that burden. Sarah Larson also gives Adelaide a nicely charms of this musical from completely wash- (ages 21 and younger half price) Light Opera Works’ hallmark of casting controlled personality as opposed to overplay- ing over the audience. Many of the jokes don’t Runs through: Jan. 3 strong, classical vocal talent does not wa- ing the whiny voice and shtick of the perpetu- land as they should (or once did). ver, at least with the show’s big four of Sarah ally ill nightclub singer awaiting marriage to Perhaps Guys and Dolls has become a bit BY STEVEN CHAITMAN Brown (Elizabeth Telford), Sky Masterson (Jus- Nathan Detroit, who Steve Silver makes easy to cookie-cutter and dated in 2015, and that pro- tin Adair), Nathan Detroit (Steve Silver) and despise and love, as he should be. In general, ductions of it these days need to take more Guys and Dolls has been a musical-theater Adelaide (Sarah Larson). Telford and Adair are the acting here is not a far second to the vocal risks if they’re going to resonate rather than mainstay for 65 years, thanks to a simple plot, terrific together and separately as the opti- ability, as is sometimes the case in Light Opera simply pacify the audience. Light Opera Works lovably flawed characters and songs that broke mistic mission sergeant and the gambler who Works’ productions. gets the core pieces of the show right and taps into the mainstream like “Luck Be a Lady” and makes the toughest bet of his life. Their pow- But even with the talent in the right places, into the magic of the timeless music, but for “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat.” Although erful vocals are this production’s highlight and the bigger picture of the production isn’t as audiences beyond families and nostalgia-seek- the show feels a bit dated, specifically in its beautifully intertwine in “I’ll Know” and “I’ve transporting as perhaps it should be given its ers, there’s no need to roll the dice before this views on “men and women,” it remains a ter- Never Been in Love Before.” Given how difficult reputation as a crowd-pleaser. The painted one closes Jan. 3. rific introduction to Broadway-caliber musical Sarah Brown is to play as a high soprano asked backdrops and lack of polish in the dancing and theatre for children and therefore a great pick to perform some jazz/swing numbers and move for Light Opera Works holiday season produc- from morally uptight to passionate and free, tion. Telford finds the sweet spot vocally and with

From the 2014 Center on Halsted event. Photo by Jerry Nunn

25 years of operation. ‘A Night with Oscar’ In part, the letter reads, “It has been an honor to serve the City of Chicago for the Feb. 28 at Center past 25 years. We have been blessed to work The Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St., in and with over 40 of Chicago’s 77 official will host the Academy Award-related event neighborhoods and to bring our unique brand “A Night with Oscar” on Sunday, Feb. 28. of spectacle to some of our finest institu- Doors will open for red-carpet arrivals at 6 tions; to many of the city’s most revered pub- p.m., and there will be bar service and a buf- lic sites; and, most importantly, to some of fet. The Oscars telecast starts at 7:30 p.m. its most overlooked neighborhoods. There will be the Green Room, described as “... Our core mission was to bring massive, “a sparkling party for radiant red-carpet rev- unexpected free art to public spaces—to elers.” The ceremony will stream live on the bring people together across difference in big screen in the Screening Room. acts of momentary and meaningful celebra- Tickets and more information are at Cen- tion. From the Fire Festival in recent years to some of our earliest outdoor work, our dream was to create a new kind of urban ritual.” Regarding why it’s closing, the letter states, Redmoon closing “There is no funding model for this civic and social artistic vision. ... [Q]uite simply and its doors quite sadly, our innovations haven’t been Redmoon Theater announced on an open able to keep up with our civic goals.” letter on its website that it is closing after 18 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES said,” and a lot more information about our initiatives will be available at the town hall.” The date of that meeting will also be re- vealed at Burning Bowl. “There’s more to passing the torch than just the change in the executive director,” Rainey asserted. “It’s also about expanding our areas of influence and interest, the services we pro- vide and our presence in the community—con- tinually focusing on more and more people. I Burning Bowl attendees hope that this isn’t the first and last year that at last year’s event. we as a community burn things and then set Photo by Carrie Maxwell an agenda.” “We will be coming out of our 20th year,” Davis added. “That is huge for us in terms of the work that we plan to do in the next 20 years and beyond and how that work is struc- Burning Bowl tured. There’s a lot of violence in the world and the city of Chicago. We want to focus on the intersectionality of women of color and provide passes torch more direct services. So it’s more than just a change in leadership, it’s a shift in the organi- zation as a whole.” That shift that has already been felt through- to community out the offices of Affinity and among its con- stituents. “We are nationally known now,” Davis said. “So we are being very intentional about the work that we pursue. There isn’t an organiza- tion like Affinity that provides direct services By Gretchen Rachel Hammond to the rise in crime and gun violence to the horrific numbers of transgender women of color to women of color. We recognize that the time is now to get that work done.” For over a decade, Chicago social-justice and who lost their lives to societal ignorance and “We don’t want to be isolated anymore,” human-rights nonprofit Affinity’s Burning Bowl hatred. Rainey added. “We want to represent all people event has kicked off a new year with attendees According to Davis and Rainey, this is a time in our community as we talk about improve- bringing past and future together in empower- for healing. ments all the way around.” ing affirmation on a deeply individual level. “Out with the old and in with the new,” Rain- Interspersed between the old and the new However, Burning Bowl 2016 promises some- ey stated. “We want to lift out some things to will be performances which have always been thing different both for those who attend and remove from the community and put them in one of Burning Bowl’s definition of the unique. the organization itself. the fire. We will open it up to those who can However, Davis would not betray any early se- It is the start of a new era for Affinity. The to call those things out. Then we will call out crets. passing of the torch from former Executive Di- the change that we want to create in our com- “We have some amazing co-hosts this year,” rector Kim Hunt—who will serve as the event’s munity.” she said. “We do have some great performances speaker—to a new leader who will be formally “For us to move forward and be intentional who I will just identify as ‘special guests’. I’ll announced at the event is not merely this about the work we do, we really need the com- leave it to people to anticipate who those in- year’s theme but an idea of deeper significance. munity to come together,” Davis added. “What dividuals are.” Affinity Board President Ebonie Davis and better time to do it than at Burning Bowl?” Regardless, Burning Bowl’s attendees will member Malissa Rainey sat down with Windy Davis described Burning Bowl 2016 as a “call still feel the sense of cleansing and renewal City Times to talk about the Jan. 9, 2016, event to action.” that is the event’s trademark impression. to be held at Saint Martin’s Episcopal Church “We want to allow people space to talk about “We’re coming together to release things for on the West Side. It is expected to draw more things that they may have experienced and to ourselves but also locally and internationally,” than 300 people from Chicago and beyond. share their experiences but also walk away edu- Affinity’s Ebonie Davis. Rainey said. “We will write things down as a “It is at St. Martin’s for the every first time,” cated about the upcoming issues that Affinity Photo courtesy of Davis plans on tackling for 2016 so that the commu- group and we will declare things that we want Davis said. “It’s a historical moment for us that violence and poverty suffered by transgender nity can participate in those events,” she said. to work on together as to how we can make speaks to the expansion of Affinity’s work that women of color as well as much needed im- One of those goals includes a voter-rights things happen for ourselves and for our com- we want to do citywide. What you can expect migration reform in much the same way. “We’re campaign. “A lot of changes come about be- munity.” from this Burning Bowl is a change in format planning a town hall meeting in February to cause of the vote,” Davis asserted. “We can’t “My hope is that people walk away with a and really getting participants and constitu- highlight these issues,” Rainey said. “Most of just talk about [Cook County State’s Attorney] renewed sense of purpose in the work,” Davis ents involved in more of a community-type our base is women who are very interested in Anita Alvarez being put of office, we have to added. “After they leave Burning Bowl, they ceremony this year.” justice all the way around, so at the meeting vote her out. We have to educate and orga- will realize that they are an important part The decision by Affinity’s board and staff we are hoping to bring more awareness, discuss nize around things like that. When we pass the of the community. It is their voice and their for a communal rather than individual feel to strategies for next steps and get folks excited torch, we will do so invigorated and ready to seat at the table that is going to stop the on- the event was made following what has been about that.” do that kind of true social justice work on the slaught. They are important. They are Affinity.” a tumultuous 2015 for the City of Chicago and “We have a panel discussion at Creating ground.” For more information about Burning Bowl, nationwide—from the cold-blooded killings of Change this year that will focus on immigra- Affinity attends to address the continual visit: Black community members by police officers tion education for the LGBT community,” Davis

Sinfonietta MLK Jr. CULTURECULTURE CLUBCLUB shows Jan. 17-18 The Chicago Sinfonietta, with Music Di- rector Mei-Ann Chen leading, continues its 2015-2016 season with its “Annual Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” The shows will take place Sunday, Jan. 17, at 3 p.m. at Wentz Concert Hall of North Cen- tral College, 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville; and Monday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p.m. at Chica- go’s Orchestra Hall of Symphony Center, 220 S. Michigan Ave. Part of this year’s program includes Richard Smallwood’s “Anthem of Praise” followed by Conni Ellisor and five-time Grammy-winning artist Victor Wooten’s “The Bass Whisperer,” featuring Wooten on bass. Single tickets range from $18-$60 for con- certs at Symphony Center and $48-$60 for concerts at Wentz Concert Hall, with special $10 pricing available for students at both concerts. Call 312-284-1554 or visit Chica- Mei-Ann Chen. PR photo WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 19 Billy Masters

“I could listen to you and Don Lemon talk sports all night long.”—Kathy Griffin’s quip last New Year’s Eve when Anderson Cooper and Lemon discussing football. Well, Don was dis- Thomas Roberts (left, with husband Patrick cussing football. Coop was talking about his Abner) made history this year. favorite halftime shows. Facebook photo In recapping the top stories of 2015, I’m going to be somewhat selfish and start with nounced that he’s retired from show business. me. This year, we celebrated the 20th anniver- He’s getting a doctorate in clinical psychology sary of this weekly column—a column that I and planning a private practice. Someday you thought would only last a few months. I fully could say, “My therapist is the kid from Dr. expected to be the Neil Patrick Harris of print Quinn!” media. That reminds me: Never say this is the Say what you will about the Kardashians, but “Best Column Ever!” Caitlyn Jenner has brought the transgender is- One of my favorite stories involved pal Leslie sue to the forefront of the American psyche. Jordan. He was at a Starbucks in the heart of But she didn’t do it alone. Laverne Cox laid West Hollywood and stood up to three thug- most of the groundwork with the success of Or- gish types who loudly complained about all ange Is the New Black and an Emmy nod—and the “fucking faggots.” Jordan yelled, “Shut the she has the good sense to not be a Republican! fuck up! Not in my house, not in my neighbor- We heard memorable coming-out stories from hood!” The guys left, but Leslie made sure they Joel Grey and Holland Taylor. Since their aver- didn’t go far—at least not until the police ar- age age is 78, we’re glad to have Reid Ewing rived to take them in. from Modern Family to bring down the average. The dashing Thomas Roberts hosted NBC’s And seeing him nude being mounted by a dog Nightly News, making him the first openly gay was a bonus. (Check out person to anchor the evening news on a major That reminds me: Andy Cohen admitted that network—Mrs. Muir doesn’t count, for obvious the most famous person he slept with was reasons. Lance Bass! Details may not have been forth- Speaking of hot newsmen, Gio Benitez had coming, but Lance said, “Sex is a broad term ... been squiring top fitness modelTommy Di- like ‘Andy banged Lance’—when did he ever say Dario for months, and they chronicled their that? This is an old story.” romance online. Still we were all shocked when Nick Jonas continued courting the gays with the ABC reporter got down on his knees in front hot shirtless photos and appearances in gay of Tommy. If they weren’t at the Eiffel Tower, clubs. But he really showed his stripes when I’d have anticipated something more sexual. Iggy Azalea had to cancel performing at Pitts- But leave it to a gay man to execute a perfectly burgh Pride. It was Jonas to the rescue. “When planned proposal in a romantic setting—and I heard about the difficult position Pittsburgh to the other gay man to get the vapors! Pride was in just days before their event, I Lea DeLaria proposed to Chelsea Fairless, knew I had to find a way to help. I’m excited to and they plan to wed later in 2016—with San- do what I can to support the LGBT community dra Bernhard officiating. Gay-porn starH arry in Pittsburgh,” he said. Louis got engaged on live television in Spain That brings us to celebrity nudes. The most to Allyson Chinalia, a guy often referred to as popular one came courtesy of the LA revival of his lookalike. And while we don’t know exactly Bent. Yes, the show featured Jake Shears act- who went down on his knees (but one of ‘em ing and singing in drag, but it was stolen by has oodles more experience), Dustin Lance Tom Berklund’s perfect body, gravity-defying Black and Tom Daley announced their engage- ass and enormous (semi-erect) penis. Every bit ment in The Times of London. of Jake and Tom’s “work” can be seen on Bil- At the beginning of 2015, The View was host- ed by Whoopi, Rosie Perez, Rosie O’Donnell Lenny Kravitz and his penis burst onto a and Nicolle Wallace. Now we have Whoopi, Stockholm stage. If I didn’t see it for myself, Michelle Collins, Raven-Symone, Candace I wouldn’t have believed it. And what about Cameron Bure, Paula Faris and Joy Behar. The 20-year-old soccer player Aaron Moody from only real constant is Mario Cantone. No mat- the UK? He posted photos under the name ter what drama unfolds, we can always count “bigwhitecock20”—talk about truth in adver- on Mario! tising! Besides a big white cock from Britain, After campaigning to replace Joan Rivers we got a kinda average-sized white cock from on Fashion Police, Kathy Griffin crashed and Canada, courtesy of Justin Bieber. See all of burned. It was a bad match from the start and, these nudes on when the going got tough, Griffin got going. The year’s biggest gay-porn scandal was Then Melissa Rivers joined the panel. Now about porn star Brodie Sinclair, aka Leif Der- she’s bringing in someone Joan would approve ek Truitt, who was allegedly hired to fly to Chi- of—Margaret Cho. The show returns with a cago and have an overnight “date” with Conde Golden Globes recap. Nast CFO David Geithner, the brother of former The show of the year was Empire—a dishy, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Once Bro- catty, well-written nighttime soap. Taraji P. die/Leif figured out that Geithner had connec- Henson is chewing up scenery like she hasn’t tions, he asked for help with a legal dispute. eaten in weeks! Someone who isn’t going hun- Geithner cancelled the date, but paid Brodie/ gry is Mo’Nique, who claims Lee Daniels of- Leif in full. Nonetheless, Brodie/Leif leaked de- fered her the role first. The show also brought tails to the press, Geithner denied it, proof was us an openly gay character played by an openly produced, and lawsuits were filed. gay actor. And we have his full-frontal nude When I’m delivering gossip for a landmark 20 photo. Jussie Smollett and his ponderous years, it’s definitely time to end yet another penis made many of my readers’ dreams come year of columns. You can find an expanded true. Someone who saw the photo confirmed version of this column (and much more) on that it is indeed legit, saying cryptically, “I, the site that’s always couldn’t sit down for a week.” If you’re won- celebrating something. If you have a ques- dering what that means, check it out on Bil- tion, send it along to [email protected], and I promise to get back to you before Ryan SMART BAR HBO cancelled Looking, although it’s return- Seacrest’s balls drop, if they haven’t already. ing for a wrap-up movie. Suze Orman signed So, until next year, remember: One man’s filth Yaaas, Queen, Sun., Dec. 27. off after 13 years on CNBC. And Chad Allen an- is another man’s bible. Photos by Jerry Nunn 20 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES the DISH Weekly Dining Guide in nightspots WINDY CITY TIMES SAVOR the big

Highlights of 2015 Above left: Magnolia Cupcakes. Above right: Spiaggia pastry chef Melanie Diamond-Manlusoc. Below left: Poached loup de mer at Senza. Below right: Junk food platter at Chuck’s: A Kerry Simon Kitchen. TO-DO BY ANDREW DAVIS Photo of Senza by Andrew Davis OUR WEEKLY PICKS TO PLAN One of the perks of my job at Windy City Times in- YOUR NIGHTLIFE CALENDAR volves bringing readers information and thoughts regarding just a few of Chicagoland’s thousands of restaurants—which includes everything from NEW YEAR’S EVE behind-the-scenes interviews with chefs to, of Thu., Dec. 31 course, critiques of dishes. Below are just a few of the highlights of Savor 2015: The Sofo Tap, —Senza: One of the greatest local culinary 4953 N. Clark St. tragedies this year involved the January closing No overpriced drink packages and never a cover. Just a fun night with of Senza, a Michelin-starred Lake View restaurant. party favors and a champagne toast at There was a single gluten-free menu of nine to 12 lusoc the pastry chef at the much-revered res- Located in the Hard Rock Hotel, this spot fea- midnight. courses—and every item was beyond delicious. (In taurant Spiaggia—and she happens to be an out tures some pretty innovative and delicious items, Sidetrack, addition to that, the server actually brought me a lesbian. What’s more is that the gelato specialist including the Classic Chicago Hot Dog Flatbread, 3349 N. Halsted St. pint of Ben & Jerry’s and a can of Yoo-Hoo when had a fascinating and fulfilling life—and that she which tastes exactly like the best hot dog you’ve Doors open at 7. Champagne toast at I jokingly suggested I wasn’t full.) Fortunately, schooled me on a concept I didn’t think was pos- ever had. The only pall over this is Simon’s unfor- midnight with Sidetrack’s New Year’s husband-and-wife duo Noah and Cara Sandoval are Babies. Fun surprises throughout the sible: pairing desserts with beer. tunate passing earlier this year. slated to open Oriole in the Loop early next year. night. $25 advance sale tickets to ben- —Magnolia Bakery: Chicago has scores of bak- —Firefly Kitchen: Really good restaurants are —Melanie Diamond-Manlusoc: Diamond-Man- efit Equality IL. eries, but this one (part of a global chain) can certainly not confined within city limits. Wil- Club Krave, satisfy any sweet tooth. Although I still mette’s Firefly Kitchen really impressed me, thanks 13126 S. Western Ave. wish there were sandwiches, soups and to Chef Dean Salerno’s smoked-pork mac ‘n’ cheese Fireworks, outdoor ball drop, cham- the like, there’s no complaint about the and Maine lobster spring rolls. pagne toast at midnight. Win tickets cookies, mini-cheesecakes, scores of to see Janet Jackson. Tickets are $10 cupcakes and other sweet items avail- Table fifty-two closing in advance or $15 at the door. able. On Thursday, Dec. 31, Table fifty-two will serve Hamburger Mary’s/Mary’s Attic, —Taus Authentic Food & Drink: Chef its final dinner service at 52 W. Elm St. 5400 N. Clark St. Michael Taus went from closing Zealous For nearly a decade, Table fifty-two has served Two floors of fun with midnight toast, to opening this Division Street restau- both A-list celebrities and Chicago natives alike, balloon drop and a DJ in the Attic. No rant with cuisine that he described to me providing elevated Southern cuisine and hospi- cover; just come as you are and dance in the new year. as “modern French with global influenc- tality at the hands of Chef Art Smith, who once es.” I still dream about the seared foie cooked for Oprah Winfrey. Manhole, (in a mini-brioche sandwich with apple- “I feel that I’ve reached my peak at Table fifty- 3208 N. Halsted St. smoked bacon and Japanese pickles). two. Everything I set out to accomplish there has Doors open at 8; no cover until after 10. DJ Neon the Glowgobear. —Piccolo Sogno Due: Chef/Partner been accomplished,” Smith said in a statement. Tony Priolo made magic happen again “Moving forward, I’m excited for a new culinary Touche, (following Piccolo Sogno) with this River challenge.” 6412 N. Clark St. North spot. With its coastal Italian cui- Next year, Smith and Ideology Entertainment 38th annual Black and Blue Ball. Free buffet at 9. DJ Freddie Bain. Special sine, I actually like this place more than plan to reopen the space as Blue Door Kitchen & appearances by adult film stars Aleks its predecessor. Garden. Buldocek and Lorenzo Flexx. Cham- —Chuck’s: A Kerry Simon Kitchen: Visit pagne toast at midnight, then begins the blackout. Tickets available at the bar. Berlin, video that borrows from Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” what a powerful pop culture rocketship we are. You 954 W. Belmont Ave. in it simplicity and perfection, “Hotling Bling’ even know, Nick, a nude pictorial or sex tape might be a Doors open at 9. DJs Greg Haus and DANCING spawned a great response album (Erykah Badu’s good next step. Larissa. Performances by Fox E. Kim, “But You Can’t Use My Phone”). Alexis Bevels and more. $5 cover ABOUT Biggest Comeback Without An Album: Lady before 10. Champagne specials at Best Use of Opportunity to Make a Comeback: Gaga. Somehow with only one single all year, a midnight. ARCHITECTURE See Badu above. sexy Tom Ford disco ad and a role in American Hor- Bobby Love’s, ror Story, the down diva worked her way into be- 3729 N. Halsted Ave. By marc ‘moose’ moder coming Billboard’s Woman of the Year and getting It’s a karaoke New Year’s with Creaoke. a Golden Globe nomination. After the disappoint- Every singer/every song gets a shot. ing show of ArtPop, America was happy to take her Countdown of top 20 songs of 2015. down a notch, only to build her back up this year. Champagne toast at midnight. Gotta love America.

The 2015 The “Opposite Of Last Award” Award: Rihanna. Ri Ri? Where are you? These bitches have your NEW YEAR’S DAY Moosey Awards money, and we’d love to give it to you, but you Fri., Jan. 1 insist on constantly reworking and delaying your Lost somewhere in all those pesky Grammy Award Anti or R8 album after each new single bombs. Last Sidetrack, press releases was my shortlist for the annual time we heard she was demo-ing another batch of 3349 N. Halsted St. Moosey Awards. I guess I should take John Tesh off new songs. At this point, let’s just quietly put it One One Onesie party. Doors open at my press list. If you’re just tuning in, The Moosey out and move on. Even Dr. Dre and Axl Rose are 3. TGIFriday showtunes 5-9 pm. Party Awards are not quite as prestigious and The Gram- making fun of you at this point. goes until 2 am. Wear your onesie of mys or The Mercury Prize, snarkier than The Village PJs with Team Sidetrack. Voice pics, and a bit higher-end and more viewed Every Other Award: Adele. She took a few years Scot’s, than the AMAs. If you missed the short list, it’s off, made us salivate and it was worth it. The fact fine. I was probably drunk when I wrote it … much 13126 S. Western Ave. that it was just a good album was beside the point Let’s see what you wear to bed! like the Golden Globes. Without further ado, the when she outsold an entire year of Taylor Swift’s Doors open at 11 am. Wear your PJs Moosey Awards 2015 go to … Best Use of Gay Community For a Hit: Nick Jo- 1989 in just a few days, breaking all other records and have a drink. Omelet bar brunch nas. From his multiple appearances at gay bars to for first-week sales in history. This in a time when opens at noon. The Most Unexpected Hit – “Hotline Bling” by having two gay/gayish characters on TV at once, album sales are at an all-time low. Now if only she Drake. Released quietly, sans video or accompany- no one this year was as gay as Nick Jonas. Only could figure out where all those pesky concert tick- ing album, “Hotline Bling” hit the web in July and, thing is, he’s not gay. Really. Kudos for him taking ets ended up for her sold-out tour, we’d all have a without any fanfare, earwormed its way into our a page from Gaga, Madonna and Cher and knowing great 2016. hearts and minds. Followed by an equally infectious WINDY CITY TIMES Dec. 30, 2015 21

11:00am - 12:30am Center on Halsted an open-mic opportunity where anything community building for Black lesbian, bi- COMMUNITY 3656 N Halsted Chicago http://dbsa-glbt- is fair game. $10 9:00pm Uptown Under- sexual, and transgender women and LGBTQ ground, 4707 N. Broadway, Chicago youth of African descent in the Chicago 74th annual Christmas Around the World metropolitan area. 1:00pm - 3:00pm Af- CALENDAR and Holidays of Light Fifty trees and dis- Thursday, Jan. 7 finity Community Services 1424 E. 53rd St. plays beautifully decorated by volunteers 15th anniversary Chicago Sketch Comedy Suite 306 Chicago 773-324-0377 http:// from Chicago’s ethnic communities to re- Festival Largest festival of its kind in the Wed., Dec. 30 flect their diverse culture and holiday cus- world, attracting over 1,000 artists, in- Genderqueer Chicago A grassroots group toms. Santa Claus on weekends. Through cluding GayCo annually. Through Jan. 17. Friday, Jan. 22 that works to create safe spaces for every- Jan. 3, 2016 10:30pm - 4:30pm Museum All-fest passes $115 before Dec. 31. Day Are We Still Fabulous? Are LGBTQIs too one to talk about, think about, explore and of Science and Industry 5700 S Lake Shore passes $37-$57. Time:TBA Stage 773 integrated into the mainstream? Jenni- express gender. 7:00pm - 8:15pm Center Dr. Chicago 1225 W Belmont Chicago 773-327-5252 fer Brier, director of Gender and Women’s on Halsted 3656 N Halsted St. whats-here/exhibits/christmas-around- Tickets: http://www.ChicagoSketchfest. Studies at the University of Illinois at Game Night Bring yourself, some friends, the-world/events/december/ com Chicago, moderates panel with Ricardo and a board game to share. There is a Gamboa, performance artist and academic; TV available for anyone who prefers vid- Sunday, Jan. 3 Saturday, Jan. 9 Yasmin Nair, PhD, independent writer and eo games. Just bring your own system, The Family of Women Book Group This Burning Bowl 2016 Theme: Passing the academic; Francesca Royster, PhD, profes- games, controllers, etc. This event is free group reads fiction and non-fiction ex- Torch. Speaker Kim Hunt. Reception fol- sor and chair of English at DePaul Univer- and open to people of all ages. 6:00pm - ploring women’s familial relationships. lows. 1:00pm - 3:00pm St. Martin’s sity and Joseph Varisco, founder and cre- 9:00pm Gerber Hart Library and Archives The group meets the first Sunday of each Eposcopal, 5700 W. Midway park, Chicago ative director of JRV MAJESTY Productions. 6500 N Clark St Chicago month at 2 p.m. 2:00pm Women & Chil- 773-324-0377 $20, $15 members and students. 5:30 pm L Lounge A safe place where Lesbians can dren First Bookstore 5233 N Clark St Chi- Catie Curtis and Maia Sharp Veteran singer/ reception, 6:30 pm program. 5:30pm connect to each other as a community NEW QUEERS’ EVE cago http://www.womenandchildrenfirst. songwriters in the folk scene 7:30pm Chicago History Museum 1601 N Clark Chi- in a friendly, helpful environment. Free. Thursday, Dec. 31 com/familyofwomen Evanston SPACE 1245 Chicago Ave Evan- cago 6:30pm - 9:00pm Center on Halsted Domesticated Funny, unpredictable play ston, IL 60202 3656 N Halsted Chicago http://www. Ring in the new year at about a marriage burst apart by a sex scan- Saturday, Jan. 23 dal investigates gender politics, modern Sunday, Jan. 17 Lesbian Feminist Artemis Singers “Wild- various spots around the cfm?ID=9899 marriage and the sexual mysteries of the QueerReaders Book Group Welcomes folks est Dreams” concert Concert reflecting city. animal kingdom. Through Feb. 7. 3:00pm of all ages, genders, identities and abili- chorus members’ collective dreaming about Thursday, Dec. 31 Photo by Jerry Nunn Steppenwolf 1650 N. Halsted St., Chicago ties who love to read queer-centric works. the environment, social justice, feminism, Fifth annual Black & White New Year’s Eve Tickets: Meets every third Sunday of the month. empowerment, love and passion. Click bold Party: Masquerade 2016 Live burlesque, 2:00pm Women & Children First Bookstore heading for more information. Through DJ All the Way K, DJ Kirby, champagne Wed., Jan. 6 5233 N. Clark St., Chicago http://www. Jan. 24. 7:00pm Ethical Humanist Soci- toast. Masquerade contest. Back Lot Bash Free HIV/AIDS testing at Affinity Com- ety of Chicago 7574 N. Lincoln Ave Skokie, & The L Stop present. $25 or $35 VIP munity Services Affinity is a social jus- IL 60077 7:00pm Halsted’s Bar + Grill, 3441 N Hal- tice organization that focuses on health Wed., Jan. 20 New Year’s Eve Cornstravaganza Booze, sted St Chicago Tickets: http://TheLStop. and wellness, leadership development, and 28th National Conference on LGBT Equal- Thursday, Jan. 28 food and laughs. $55. Doors 8 pm. Show org community building for Black lesbian, bi- ity: Creating Change National LGBTQ Chicago Red Dress Party Dine Out Day Rais- 8:45 pm. Midnight champagne toast and New Year’s Eve Hullabaloo T-hour perfor- sexual, and transgender women and LGBTQ task force’s annual organizing and skills- es funds and awareness for the HIV/AIDS dancing ‘til 2 am. For info email corntick- mance by The Kiss Kiss Cabaret, Chicago youth of African descent in the Chicago building conference. Runs through 1/24. movement and aims to build a strong, uni- [email protected] 8:45pm Cornservatory, Magic Lounge, Muffy Fishbasket, Boy Toy’s metropolitan area. 1:00pm - 3:00pm Af- 9:00am Chicago Hilton and Towers 720 fied LGBT community. 6:00pm - 10:00pm 4210 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago Tickets: Pocket Cabaret and other special guests on finity Community Services 1424 E. 53rd St. S Michigan Ave Chicago https://www. Location to be announced. two stages. Red-carpet welcome and com- Suite 306 Chicago 773-324-0377 http:// Tickets: https://www. plementary cocktail ands hors d’oeuvres. Saturday, Jan. 2 Full service bar featuring New Year’s Eve Brass Chuckles Comedy: Comedy that Kicks for-conference/ Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance drink specials and a dessert buffet. Flap- Ass Hosted by Tamale Rocks. Each Wednes- Free HIV/AIDS testing at Affinity Com- (LGBTQ) Support meeting to talk about per Girl Sins and her Jazz Ensemble till 2 day comedians performing stand-up and munity Services Affinity is a social jus- illnesses, symptoms, treatment, doc- am. 8:00pm Uptown Underground, 4707 improv based on a nightly “Performer Chal- tice organization that focuses on health tors, and personal issues such as dating, N. Broadway St., Chicago http://www.Up- lenge.” After the mainstage show, there is and wellness, leadership development, and relationships and work. Every Saturday.

BOOK REVIEW discography. The bottom line is that this is a difficult book to like because it’s overly- New Year’s Day You Don’t Own Me: breathy and swooning, music-industry-driven, or it consists of reconstructed conversations. 5K on lakefront Chicago’s 31st annual New Year’s Day (NYD) The Life and Times I would’ve loved reading more about Gore’s 5K Run & Walk will take place Jan. 1, 2016. personal life—Tolliver hints at some tumult of Lesley Gore The NYD 5K’s course route is north along the with the woman she loved—but, instead, we’re by Trevor Tolliver lakefront bike path to Diversey Harbor before plunged back into more about her flagging ca- returning to North Avenue. A portion of run/ $24.99; Backbeat Books; 209 pages reer. Even that could have been more interest- walk proceeds will benefit the Central Lakeview by TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER ing, were it given a less-chatty spin. Merchants Association. Advance and on-site Overall, I think there’s an audience for You registration price options are $25-50. Your closet is packed with mistakes. Don’t Own Me, probably with “ardent fans” or Odd-colored shirts, patchwork jeans, alliga- The annual run/walk starts at 11 a.m. at music-industry folks only. For the rest of us, 1600 N. Stockton Dr. (near North Avenue) at tors, prairie wear, weird ties, you wore it all well, you won’t want to own this book, either. once. But will those things ever be in style the south end of Lincoln Park. To register, visit Want more? Then look for Quincy Jones: His or call 773-868-3010. again, even if you wait long enough? Life in Music, by Clarence Bernard Henry; or No, Nehru jackets, leisure suits, and knitted Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country knickers are best left in the rag bag. As you’ll Singer, by Chely Wright. see in the new book You Don’t Own Me: The Auto show has Life and Times of Lesley Gore, by Trevor Toll- iver, some things may never return. new website, app Born into an era of lush crooners and Big Rustin home OK’d The Chicago Auto Show has an all-new web- Bands, Lesley Sue Goldstein (later, Gore) was, site and will launch an accompanying smart- according to her parents, a musical prodigy al- as state landmark phone app in January designed to enhance The New York State Historic Preservation Of- most from birth. At six months, they claimed, the attendee experience and bring ’s British Invasion. Gore’s music continued to hit fice unanimously approved the Bayard Taylor she could “duplicate the melody of a song”; as largest auto show to life across the globe. the charts but, in the end, the new sound and Rustin home in New York City as a state land- a toddler, she loved to perform for her parents’ The 2016 version of the not-so-innocent times wore away at her mark. friends. will have, among other things, historical videos popularity. By 1969, “Her career, for all out- The New York State Historic Preservation Of- After joining a “girl group” in middle and social-media integration that is purport- ward appearances, was over.” fice will forward the nomination to the Nation- school—one that “fizzled” rather quickly— edly smoother than in years past. And yet, says author Tolliver, Gore contin- al Park Service for inclusion on the National Gore entered an all-girl school and sang in a The website’s “Vehicles on Display” section ued to have some professional success until Register of Historic Places. If accepted to the chorus. There, she realized that if she was go- adds real-time inventory from Chicagoland’s her death about a year ago, with a few minor National Register, it will join four (only) other ing to sing professionally, she needed a vocal new-car dealers, provided by DriveChicago. hits but mostly as a songwriter and in golden- LGBTQ sites on the register. coach. com. This allows site visitors to sift through oldies circles. As for her personal life, she en- Rustin was an African-American activist who The one her mother found eventually led Gore more than 40,000 new cars directly on Chica- joyed a decades-long relationship with another led social movements in the areas of civil to a “tiny recording studio” where she recorded woman, which was something her 16-year-old, as they are browsing their rights, nonviolence and gay rights. He is prob- favorite vehicles. a few discs for the benefit of family. A cousin 1963-self hadn’t dared to do… ably best-remembered as the organizer of the The show’s updated app is designed to be passed a disc to a bandleader, who invited Gore When a book starts out with a foreword en- 1963 March on Washington. a digital companion for the attendee, allow- to perform at a gig where the president of Mer- titled “A Gushing Fanboy,” take note. That’s ex- The home is one of 28 properties, resources ing them to request more information and get cury Records was in attendance. In early 1963, actly the tone you’re going to get in the whole and districts the office has recommended to instant updates on the daily schedule, among he gave Gore’s demo to music producer Quincy book, which is likewise true for “You Don’t Own the state and national registers of historic other things. Jones and, some two months later, at age 16, Me. ” places, according to The 2016 public show will be Feb. 13-21, Lesley Gore was a pop-music star. And while that may seem chummy, I couldn’t 2016, at McCormick Place. But as quickly as her star rose, it began to stop thinking of a supermarket tabloid or an fall, perhaps because of the Beatles and the old confessions-type magazine mixed with 22 Dec. 30, 2015 WINDY CITY TIMES MONROE from page 14 HOME IMPROVEMENT & PAINTING MAKE YOUR HOME LOOK FABULOUS! We do Bathroom Remodeling, Carpen- CLASSIFIEDS try, Drywall Repairs, Painting and more. “A+” with BBB. Licensed-Bonded- Young Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital. “Teens with a ADVERTISE HERE Insured, One year Warranty. Free Estimates! Andy OnCall 847-328-3100 sexual minority orientation are more likely than heterosexual ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, service, etc. to thousands (12/16/16-16) teens to be unaccompanied and homeless rather than part of of readers? Place an ad in the Windy City Times! We offer affordable rates, a homeless family. … These teens face enormous risks and all convenient service, and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online section RELIGIOUS SERVICES types of obstacles to succeeding in school and are in need of for free. To place an ad, contact Terri at 773-871-7610 ex 101, a great deal of assistance.” [email protected], or go to our website http://www. In Luke 2:6-7, it states, “While they were there the time came for [Mary] to have her baby, and she gave birth to a son—her firstborn. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, ADULT MALE ENTERTAINMENT and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for BORED?? WE HAVE THE SOLUTION! Check out Buy DVDs, Stream Gay Movies, Download them or just Pay Per Minute and watch them in the inn.” only the scenes you want to! You will love these xxx gay movies. WWW. Our birth, as LGBTQ individuals and as a movement, mir- GAYFLICKS.COM (1/6/15-4) rors that of Jesus. It comes at a time where there is still neither room nor tolerance for us—even in 2015, with U.S. BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE Supreme ruling in favor of marriage equality—in some homes QUICKBOOK BOOKKEEPER AVAILABLE. Accounts Payable/Accounts Receiv- and families. able, Invoicing, Collections, Time Tracking, Bank & Credit card reconcilia- Unfortunately, many of our homeless LGBTQ youth and tions, Financial Statements, Journal Entry, Reports for accountants for year- young adult across this country this holiday season will not end and Much More! have a queer-friendly shelter to go to. And too many will spend the time alone even where homeless LGBTQ shelters CLEANING SERVICES across the country will be open because they gravely miss CHESTNUT CLEANING SERVICES: We’re a house cleaning service for homes, SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS their families and communities. small businesses and small buildings. We also have fabulous organizational ARE YOU INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED? Are you interested in meeting other During this holiday season, let us enjoy the time. Let us skills (a separate function at a separate cost that utilizes your assistance) LGBTs like you? Come join the LGBT and Allies Special Interest Group in make home, if not with biological family, then certainly for what hasn’t been cleaned in many months or years due to long-term Chicago Area Mensa. To inquire, contact [email protected]. (4/20/16-52) with beloved friends. But let us also not forget the contin- illness, depression, physical/mental challenges, for the elderly, if you have downsized and more. Depressed about going home to chaos? We can orga- ued struggle of the LGBTQ homeless youth and young adults WINDOW TREATMENTS searching for home for the holidays. nize your chaos, straighten out your chaos, help you make sense of your chaos and finally clean what is no longer chaos. Can we help you? Bonded WONDERING WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE WINDOWS?: Call me! I take care of and insured. Chestnut Cleaning Service: 312-332-5575. www.Chestnut- it all from design through installation, customizing to your needs. JOSEPH (11/23/16-52) RICE Interiors, Inc. Full Decorating Services with a specialty in window ‘Fabulous’ panel treatments for over 25 years. 773-799-8707. www.JosephRiceInteriors. event Jan. 22 FIREWOOD com (3/9/16-13) As part of its annual “Out at CHM” program, the Chicago History Museum, 1601 N. Clark St., will host “Are We Still Fabulous?” on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, 5:30-7:30 p.m. GOOD WOOD A reception with refreshments and appetizers will start at FIREWOOD REAL ESTATE 5:30 p.m., with the program commencing at 6:30 p.m. 30 Years Experience ONE BEDROOM APTS FOR RENT A panel will weigh, among other things, how LGBTQ indi- EDGEWATER COMMUTER ADVANTAGE. Walk to beach, red line, bus and PREMIUM SEASONED FIREWOOD viduals identify themselves, now that marriage equality is shops. large kitchen with pantry and dining room. Big bedroom with the law of the land. Jennifer Brier, director of gender and Oak • Apple • Cherry • Birch unique and large closets. $925 with heat. Plus laundry, video intercom, women’s studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago, will patio and storage. Call 773-275-3216 (12/30/15-4) moderate a panel that will include performance artist/aca- No Criss Cross demic/activist Ricardo Gamboa; activist/writer Yasmin Nair, No Tree Service Wood TWO BEDROOM APTS FOR RENT Ph.D.; Francesca Royster, PhD, professor and chair of English EDGEWATER COMMUTER ADVANTAGE. Walk to beach, red line, bus and at DePaul University; and Joseph Varisco, founder and cre- 773-975-0251 shops. Awesome living room with lots of windows. Big kitchen with ative director of JRV MAJESTY Productions. pantry. $1500 with heat. Plus laundry, video intercom, patio and stor- The cost is $15-$20 per person; visit age. Call 773-275-3216 (12/30/15-4) 1ST & 3RD FLOOR Sunny Apartments near Pratt & Ridge. Close to HELP WANTED Metra, shopping, park, golf course. $1150. Interested? Call Mal 312- Davis on ‘Say Yes ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRITS WANTED. Achieve Personal & Financial FREE- 320-0030 (1/13/16-8) to the Dress’ Jan. 15 DOM. Help us help you help others. It’s what we do. Earn while you learn to invest VERY PROFITABLY in Real Estate. For a brief online overview, call or HOUSE FOR RENT Local transgender figure Precious Davis will appear on the DEERFIELD SINGLE FAMILY HOME 4 RENT Great little house (900+sqft) TLC show Say Yes to the Dress on Friday, Jan. 15, according text your name to 708-292-8778. (12/30/15-8) HIRING: PATRON SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE. The Leather Archives & Mu- available to rent now. WALK to train, grocery, & suburban amenities. to TransGriot. seum is looking for a qualified candidate who will assist museum patrons Detached garage, HUGE yard, newly refinished wood floors + new floor- The episode (which will air a few days before the Creating and operate the museum store as well as perform other administrative tasks ing in kitchen, mudroom, & bath, w/d in unit, newer refrig & stove, Change conference that Davis will help kick off in Chicago at the LA&M. Apply ONLINE ONLY central a/c, & in an awesome neighborhood. $2020 / month + utilities. on Jan. 20) chronicles her effort to find the perfect wedding html (12/23/15-3) Addl $25/month for pet fee. For appt, please call: 847-607-9365 (lv dress for her upcoming nuptials with Myles Brady. msg if no answer) (12/23/15-1)

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We Bring the Showroom To You® Helping our clients with: Flooring Projects including Wood, Laminate, Carpet, Vinyl and Tile. Window Covering Projects from Shades to Family Owned & Operated Since 1965 Shutters to Draperies. 24-Hour Emergency Service We Service ALL Makes & Models • Residential • Service Schedule a Free Estimate • Commercial • Installation Charles Jones Mention this ad for (773) 935-8700 a 20% discount • Industrial • Sales (773) 915-3271 Cell/Text 2014 Angie’s List [email protected] Super Service Award Find us on Facebook at 847-729-7889 Gay owned and operated 1435 W. Rosemont Ave, #1W , Chicago, IL, 60660 Chicago small business since 2007 550 Anthony Trail, Northbrook, IL

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