Land at Churchend Lane

South Archaeological Evaluation

for Orion Heritage

on behalf of CEG

CA Project: 6527 CA Report: 18173

April 2018

Land at Churchend Lane Charfield

Archaeological Evaluation

CA Project: 6527 CA Report: 18173

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for Approved by revision A 20/03/2018 D Sausins C Bateman C Bateman B 23/04/2018 D Sausins C Bateman Comments C Bateman from Orion Heritage

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

© Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


SUMMARY ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3



4. METHODOLOGY ...... 5

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2-8) ...... 6

6. THE FINDS ...... 11


8. DISCUSSION ...... 14

9. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 17

10. REFERENCES ...... 17



Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Fig. 2 Trench location plan showing archaeological features, geophysical survey results and cropmarks (1:5000) Fig. 3 Plan showing Trenches 10-12 (1:400) Fig. 4 Trench 10: section (1:20) and photographs Fig. 5 Trench 10; sections (1:20) and photographs Fig. 6 Trench 11: section (1:20) and photographs Fig. 7 Trench 12; sections (1:20) and photograph Fig. 8 Trench 6: photograph

1 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


Project Name: Land at Churchend Lane Location: Charfield, South Gloucestershire NGR: 372228 191439 Type: Evaluation Date: 16 February-9 March 2018 Location of Archive: To be deposited with Museum and Art Gallery Site Code: LCL 18

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology between February and March 2018 on land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire. Sixty-six trenches were excavated.

The evaluation identified a limited number of archaeological features within the proposed development area, predominately within the northwest of the site. This principally comprised evidence for a Roman road, with evidence for remodelling and flanking ditches, which correlated closely with both documentary and cartographic evidence for the Roman road between and Berkeley and equally with the results from recent geophysical and aerial imagery assessments. The recovery, albeit a limited number, of medieval and post- medieval artefacts from the fill of the associated flanking ditches hints that the road may have been long-lived and subject to various stages of remodelling possibly into the later medieval and/or post-medieval period.

The remaining features either remained undated or could be associated with post-medieval field boundaries and enclosures.

2 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


1.1 Between February and March 2018 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological evaluation for Orion Heritage, on behalf of CEG, on land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire (centred at NGR 372228 191439; Fig. 1). The site is being promoted for strategic housing growth through the Joint Spatial Plan for the West of (November 2016). Following consultations between Orion Heritage and Paul Driscoll, Archaeology and Historic Environment Record Officer, South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), it was agreed that a phased programme of archaeological evaluation would be undertaken. This current, initial phase (for which this report has been generated) will allow the determination of an outline application for residential development.

1.2 The evaluation was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2018) and approved by Paul Driscoll. The fieldwork also followed Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014). It was monitored by Paul Driscoll, including a site visit on 7 March 2018.

The site 1.3 The site is currently part of an agricultural landscape containing pasture and arable fields as well as discrete wooded areas. A watercourse flows north from Devil’s Lane to Little Bristol Lane in the eastern half of the site. Charfield is located to the north and the smaller settlement of Churchend is located to the southwest.

1.4 The underlying bedrock geology throughout the majority of the site is mapped as Mercia Mudstone Group (Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone). Blue Anchor Formation (Mudstone) is present in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the site and along the southern half of land running parallel with Churchend Lane. Damery Beds (Mudstone and Sandstone Interbedded) extend southward from the 20th-century housing development adjacent to Little Bristol Lane. No superficial geological deposits are recorded within the site (BGS 2018). Silts, clays and limestone brash were identified during the evaluation

3 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


2.1 The archaeological and historical background of the site has been assessed in detail in an Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (Orion 2017). In addition, the site has been subject to geophysical survey and aerial imagery assessment (Magnitude Surveys 2017 and Air Photo Services 2017 respectively). The following is a summary of these investigations.

2.2 The desk-based assessment noted that there are no prehistoric entries within the current site on the South Gloucestershire Historic Environment Record (HER) and that none of the archaeological investigations carried out within the immediate vicinity had recorded evidence for prehistoric activity (Orion 2017). T h e assessment also noted that the geophysical survey and aerial imagery analysis did not identify anomalies likely to represent prehistoric activity (ibid.).

2.3 The assessment established that there is a moderate to high potential for evidence of a Roman road surviving within the northwestern extent of the application area and a moderate potential for the remainder of the site to contain further evidence of Roman activity (ibid.).

2.4 The Roman road, which extends from Bitton to Berkeley (Margary 1973; road 541a Berkeley Road to Iron Acton), has been identified from RAF aerial photographs dated to 1946 and these records are further enhanced by site observations and excavations elsewhere along its route (ibid.). Within, and immediately outwith, the proposed development area, the Roman road is recorded on the HER (PRN 6052) extending northeast from the scheduled Roman small town at (NHLE 1021404) which is located over 3km to the southwest. Geophysical survey and aerial imagery analysis confirmed the presence of the Roman road within the current site; the remains being recorded as two parallel ditches and a slight bank (Magnitude Surveys 2017 and Air Photo Services 2017).

2.5 During the medieval period, the proposed development area lay within an agricultural landscape, punctuated by nucleated farmstead settlements (Orion 2017). The assessment noted that there was little potential for such settlement extending into the current site, but that there was a moderate potential for artefactual and agricultural evidence (ridge and furrow) being identified. It also noted the potential for a former deer park within the southeastern part of the study site, however no

4 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

definite elements were identified by aerial imagery analysis and there may no longer be any clear markers of this feature remaining within the modern landscape (ibid.).


3.1 The objectives of the evaluation were to provide information about the archaeological resource within the site, including its presence/absence, character, extent, date, integrity, state of preservation and quality, in accordance Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014). This information will enable SGC to identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset, consider the impact of the proposed development upon it, and to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the development proposal, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG 2012).


4.1 Fieldwork comprised the excavation of 66 trenches (65 trenches measuring 30m in length and 1.9m in width) in the locations shown on the attached plan (Fig. 2). Trench 47 measured approximately 15m in length and 1.9m in width due to a tree line and field boundary restricting access. Trench 10 was moved approximately 8m to the east to avoid a public footpath. The trenches were set out on OS National Grid (NGR) co-ordinates using Leica GPS and surveyed in accordance with CA Technical Manual 4 Survey Manual.

4.2 All trenches were excavated by mechanical excavator equipped with a toothless grading bucket. All machine excavation was undertaken under constant archaeological supervision to the top of the first significant archaeological horizon or the natural substrate, whichever was encountered first. Where archaeological deposits were encountered they were excavated by hand in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual.

4.3 Deposits were assessed for their palaeoenvironmental potential in accordance with CA Technical Manual 2: The Taking and Processing of Environmental and Other Samples from Archaeological Sites and four samples were recovered and

5 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

processed (see Appendix C). All artefacts recovered were processed in accordance with Technical Manual 3 Treatment of Finds Immediately after Excavation.

4.4 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner the artefacts will be deposited with Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, along with the site archive. A summary of information from this project, set out within Appendix E, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.


5.1 This section provides an overview of the evaluation results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts, finds and environmental samples (palaeoenvironmental evidence) are to be found in Appendices A, B and C respectively. Details of the relative heights of the principal deposits and features expressed as metres Above Ordnance Datum (m AOD) appear in Appendix D.

5.2 The natural geological substrate, consisting of silts, red clay and limestone brash in the north-west of site (Trenches 1-31); light grey orange clay and red silt clay in the east of site (Trenches 50-59) and light red silt clay and yellow mudstone in the centre and south of site (Trenches 32-49 and 60-66) was identified between 0.2m and 0.4m below present ground level (bpgl). The natural substrate was typically sealed by subsoil measuring approximately 0.15m thick, the exception being in Trenches 11 and 12 where a mid grey brown silty clay colluvium, up to 0.25m in thickness, had accumulated at the base and lower reaches of Charfield Hill. The latter was in turn overlain by subsoil. The foregoing deposits were sealed by topsoil/ploughsoil measuring approximately 0.25m thick.

5.3 Post-medieval ditches, some of which correlated with boundaries depicted on the 1832 Charfield Tithe Map, were identified cutting through the subsoil in Trenches 5, 8, 29, 38 and 40. All were aligned parallel or perpendicular with extant field boundaries. A 20th-century ‘Yeast-vite’ jar was recovered from fill 805 within ditch 806 (Trench 8). Modern glass was recovered from fill 3803 of ditch 3804 (Trench 38) and from fill 4004 within ditch 4003 (Trench 40).

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5.4 Post-medieval quarrying, cutting through the subsoil, was identified in Trench 32 (quarry pits 3205 and 3206) with post-medieval bottle glass being recovered from fill 3204 within quarry pit 3206. Evidence for furrows associated with former ridge and furrow cultivation were identified within Trenches 33-66 and tree-throw pits were identified in Trench 3 (303) and Trench 13 (1303 and 1306). No archaeological features or deposits were identified in Trenches 1-3, 7-9 and 13-66. All archaeological features described below cut the natural substrate and were sealed by subsoil unless otherwise stated.

Trench 4 & 6 (Figs 2 & 8) 5.5 Ditch 403, broadly aligned north-east/south-west, measured approximately 3m in width and contained undated clay silt fill 404. Its relationship with the subsoil was not established due to the shallow nature within the trench. A continuation of ditch 403, indicated by a geophysical trend, was identified within Trench 6 as ditch 603.

5.6 Ditch 603 was also broadly aligned north-east/south-west with moderate sides and a concave base (see Fig. 8). It measured 2.09m in width, 0.52m in depth and contained silty clay fills 604 and 605 which remained undated. It was recut along its north-western extent as ditch 606. The latter had steep sides, a flat base and measured 1.37m in width, 0.56m in depth and contained silty clay fills 607 and 608 that remained undated. Ditch 606 was in turn recut along its north-western extent by ditch 609. The latest of the ditches had irregular sides, a flat base and measured 1.58m in width, 0.54m in depth and contained three undated silty clays fills, 610-612 inclusive. The relationship between the ditches and the subsoil was not established due to the shallow nature of the deposit.

Trench 5 (Fig 2) 5.7 Pit 503 was circular in plan with moderate sides and concave base. It measured approximately 0.65m in diameter, 0.14m in depth and contained undated sandy clay fill 504.

5.8 Pit 511 was sub-circular in plan with moderate sides and a concave base. It measured approximately 0.5m in length, 0.4m in width, 0.15m in depth and contained undated silty sandy clay fill 512. Its relationship with the subsoil was truncated by post-medieval ditch 505.

7 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

5.9 Posthole 509 was circular in plan with moderate sides and a concave base. It measured approximately 0.35m in diameter, 0.1m in depth and contained undated silty clay fill 510.

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Trench 10 (Figs 2, 3 & 4) 5.10 Trench 10 targeted the Roman road previously identified by both the geophysical survey and aerial imagery assessment. Evidence for two phases of metalling (1012 and 1013) and for flanking ditches (ditch 1009 to the east and ditches 1016 and 1014 to the west) was identified (Fig. 4, section AA). All were aligned north- east/south-west and correlated closely with the geophysical and aerial photographic evidence (see Fig. 3).

5.11 The area between the flanking ditches measured approximately 10.2m in width. Surface 1013, revealed within shallow construction cut 1011, comprised small rounded pebbles in a dark blue-grey clay matrix that measured 4.6m in width and 0.16m in depth. It was partially sealed by surface 1012 that was constructed with medium-sized worn cobbles and survived for at least 2.6m in width and 0.2m in depth. Both surfaces had been heavily truncated by modern ploughing, with evidence for stone associated with the later surface, 1012, being visible within the ploughsoil beyond the confines of Trench 10.

5.12 Ditch 1009 had moderate sides and a concave base. It measured 1.2m in width, 0.2m in depth and contained clay silt fill 1010 from which six pieces of residual prehistoric flint were recovered. It broadly correlated with a linear geophysical anomaly. Posthole 1007 was partially exposed in plan approximately 0.1m south- east of ditch 1009. It measured approximately 0.25m in diameter, 0.16m in depth, with vertical sides, a flat base, and contained undated fill 1008

5.13 Ditch 1016 was partially exposed in plan and also had steep sides and a flat base. It measured at least 1.62m in width, 1.04m in depth and contained three distinct fills. The earliest, silty fill 1019, remained undated but was sealed by fill 1018 from which four sherds of pottery (one sherd of prehistoric, two sherds of medieval and a sherd of post-medieval pottery) were recovered. The final fill in the sequence was 1017 from which an undated iron nail was retrieved. Ditch 1016 was recut along its south- eastern extent by ditch 1014 that measured 1.16m in width, 0.28m in depth and contained silty fill 1015 from which a single sherd of 18th to 19th-century pottery was recovered. Both ditches correlate with a linear anomaly identified during the geophysical survey and cropmark evidence.

5.14 Two pits, 1003 and 1005, were revealed 3m south-east of ditch 1009 to the east of the Roman road. Pit 1003 was partially exposed in plan with steep sides and a

9 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

concave base (Fig. 5, section BB). It measured at least 0.56m in length, 0.76m in width, 0.43m in depth and contained undated silty clay fill 1004. Pit 1005 was also circular in plan with steep sides and a slightly concave base. It measured 0.6m in diameter, 0.2m in depth and contained undated silty clay fill 1006 (Fig.5, section CC). No environmental evidence was recovered from the samples taken from the pits.

Trench 11 (Figs 2, 3 & 6) 5.15 Colluvium 1102, up to 0.27m in thickness was observed sealing the natural substrate throughout much of Trench 11. It was cut by pits 1104, 1108 and 1110 which were in turn, sealed by subsoil 1101.

5.16 Pit 1104 was partially exposed in plan with steep sides and a concave base (Fig. 6, section DD). It measured at least 2.05m in diameter, 0.66m in depth and contained three silty sandy clay fills, 1105-1107 inclusive, that remained undated.

5.17 Pit 1108 was sub-circular in plan with an irregular profile and a flat base. It measured 1.32m in length, 0.92m in width, 0.21m in depth and contained undated silty clay fill 1109.

5.18 Pit 1110 was partially exposed in plan with steep sides and a concave base. It measured approximately 1.6m in diameter, 0.48m in depth and contained three sandy silt clay fills, 1111-1113 inclusive which remained undated.

Trench 12 (Figs 2, 3 & 7) 5.19 Ditch 1204, identified close to the southern extent of the trench, was broadly aligned north-west/south-east with moderately sloping sides and a flat base (Fig. 7,section FF). It measured 0.65m in width, 0.1m in depth and contained undated silty clay fill 1205.

5.20 Feature 1206 was partially exposed in plan at the northern extent of the trench cutting the natural substrate (Fig. 7, section EE). It had an irregular side/edge and base, measured at least 6.74m in length, 0.8m in depth and contained six sandy silt fills, 1207-1212 inclusive, all of which remained undated. A sample recovered from secondary fill 1208 identified no environmental data.

10 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

5.21 Feature 1206 was sealed by deposit 1214 comprising small fragments of burnt limestone within a dark grey-black silty clay matrix. This deposit extended beyond the limits of feature 1206, measuring at least 8.06m in length and 0.46m in depth. No artefactual material was recovered from this deposit either during hand excavation or the subsequent processing of an environmental sample. The latter contained some small charcoal fragments interpreted as oak that are deemed unsuitable for radiocarbon dating given the longevity of oak’s life cycle. Deposit 1214 correlates with a large irregular geophysical anomaly (see Fig. 3) and was partially sealed by undated sandy silt deposit 1213 that was in turn overlain by subsoil.

5.22 Posthole 1215 was partially exposed in plan immediately beyond the southern extent of deposit 1214. It measured at least 0.25m in diameter, 0.23m in depth, with vertical sides and a concave base, and contained undated clayey silt fill 1216.


6.1 Artefactual material was hand-recovered from 14 deposits (ditch, quarry pit, furrow and roadside ditch fills, as well as topsoil and subsoil deposits). The recovered material dates to the prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post-medieval/modern periods. Pottery fabric codes (in Appendix B and in parenthesis in the text) are equated to the Gloucester pottery type series (Vince 1983). Where applicable, National Roman Fabric Reference Collection codes are also given in Appendix B (Tomber and Dore 1998).

Pottery: Late prehistoric 6.2 Topsoil deposit 1000 (Trench 10) produced an unfeatured bodysherd (4g) in a vesicular fabric, which is likely to have resulted from the leaching out of calcareous inclusions such as limestone. In the absence of form or decoration this sherd is broadly dated to the later prehistoric period (Late Bronze Age to Iron Age) on the basis of characteristics of fabric and firing.

Roman 6.3 Four sherds of Roman pottery (22g) were retrieved as residual finds in topsoil deposit 4800 (Trench 48). A heavily abraded rimsherd from a decorated bowl with a bead rim (most likely a Drag. 30 or Drag. 37) in south Gaulish samian would have

11 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

been imported during the mid or later 1st to early 2nd centuries AD (Webster 1996, 2). It features a post-firing perforation which indicates that the vessel had been repaired. Three unfeatured bodysherds of a charcoal-tempered variant of Severn Valley (oxidised) ware (TF17) most likely date to the mid 1st to 2nd centuries.

Medieval 6.4 Pottery of medieval date totals 11 sherds (72g), all of which are redeposited in topsoil deposit 1000 (Trench 10) or post-medieval dated fill 1018 within possible roadside ditch 1016 (Trench 10). Several ware types are represented; – Oolitic limestone-tempered ware (TF41) of 11th to 13th century date, Gloucester sand and limestone tempered ware (TF43, 12th to 13th centuries), North Wiltshire oolitic limestone-tempered ware (Minety ware, TF44, mid 12th to 15th centuries) and Lacock-Nash hill ware (TF50) which was manufactured in Wiltshire from the late 13th to 16th centuries. One small, heavily abraded bodysherd from topsoil deposit 1000 presented in a sandy, reduced-fired fabric of uncertain origin (TF42); dating in the 12th to 14th centuries is most likely. The only identifiable form is a jar with a thickened, everted rim in fabric TF43 from topsoil deposit 1000.

Post-medieval/modern 6.5 Two unfeatured bodysherds (2g) were recovered from this date range both from probable roadside ditches identified in Trench 10. Glazed earthenware (TF50), of mid 16th to 18th century date, was recovered from fill 1018 of ditch 1016 and porcelain (TF66, mid 18th to 19th century) from fill 1015 of ditch 1014.

Lithics 6.6 Worked flints total 14 (119g) from five deposits; nine flakes (four of which are broken), two broken blades, two cores and a burnt scraper. All were retrieved from topsoil/subsoil with the exception of the six items from fill 1010 of roadside ditch 1009. The scraper (from subsoil deposit 1001 within Trench 10) is missing much of the left dorsal edge due to spalling (as a result of burning) and features regular, semi-abrupt retouch along the distal dorsal edge. It has been made on a flake blank and is not a chronologically diagnostic type. The core from ditch fill 1010 is a multi- platform type, from which flakes were removed from at least four platforms in a controlled manner. That from topsoil deposit 1000 (Trench 10) has been used to produce flakes and possible bladelets – some flake scars are unclear due to a flaw in the flint – however, it is most likely of Mesolithic/Early Neolithic date. The presence of blades also suggests Mesolithic/Early Neolithic dating for at least a

12 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

proportion of these flints. The condition of the lithics from ditch fill 1010 is mixed in terms of edge damage, although all are minimally rolled (abraded). This suggests they may not be stratified but they are unlikely to have moved far from where they were originally deposited.

Other finds 6.7 A fragment of pale green window glass, of post-medieval/modern date, was recorded from fill 3803 within ditch 3804 (Trench 38). Fill 806 of ditch 805 (Trench 8) produced a small clear glass bottle (34g) with “Yeast.Vite” moulded on one side. Yeast Vite has been in use since at least the early 20th century and is still being manufactured.

6.8 Four copper alloy items were recovered (43g). The item from topsoil deposit 900 (Trench 9) is a fragment from the body of a vessel such as a cauldron or skillet, dateable to the 14th to 17th centuries. The other objects were from topsoil deposit 1000 (Trench 10) and comprise a copper alloy farthing of George V, dating to 1925, a ring of uncertain use and date (measuring 22mm in external diameter and 2mm in thickness) and the base of a modern shotgun cartridge casing.

6.9 A total of eight iron nails (116g), of uncertain date, was retrieved from road metalling 1012 and fill 1017 of probable roadside ditch 1016.

6.10 Two lead shot (14g), measuring 9mm and 12mm in diameter, were recorded from topsoil deposit 1000 (Trench 10). Both are too small for musket balls and most likely were intended for pistol/carbine use and date to the 16th to early 19th centuries.


7.1 Four environmental samples (68 litres of soil) were processed from undated pits 1003 and 1005 adjacent to the Roman road in Trench 10 and from undated irregular feature 1206 and burnt stone spread 1214 in Trench 12. The samples were intended to evaluate the preservation of palaeoenvironmental remains within the site with the intention of recovering environmental evidence of domestic or industrial activity as well as any material suitable for radiocarbon (14C) dating. The samples were processed by standard flotation procedures (CA Technical Manual No. 2). The assessment results are noted in Table 2 in Appendix C.

13 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

7.2 The flots were small with 25-75% rooty material and modern seeds. The charred material was poorly preserved.

Trench 10 7.3 No charred remains were recovered from pit 1003 (sample 3) and only a few charcoal fragments greater than 2mm were noted from fill 1006 (sample 4) of pit 1005. This assemblage is likely to be representative of dispersed material and the charcoal fragments are not suitable for radiocarbon dating.

Trench 12 7.4 Fill 1208 (sample 1) of irregular feature 1206 produced no charred remains, while a moderate number of charcoal fragments and no plant remains were recorded from overlying burnt stone spread deposit 1214 (sample 2). There is no indication from the sample whether this burning episode was related to domestic or industrial settlement activities. The charcoal fragments included small pieces of oak with no roundwood fragments being observed. These mature oak charcoal fragments would not produce a reliable date for the feature and activity if they were selected for radiocarbon dating.

Summary 7.5 There is no evidence from these sample assemblages of any domestic or industrial activities taking place in the immediate vicinity nor is there any indication of the likely date for these features. There is no suitable material for radiocarbon dating to assist in determining the date of these features.


8.1 The evaluation identified a limited number of archaeological features within the proposed development area, predominately within the northwest of the site. Unfortunately only a small quantity of artefactual material was retrieved during the current works, principally from topsoil deposits, preventing detailed interpretation of the majority of identified features.

8.2 The current works have successfully demonstrated that there was good correlation between the previously identified strong geophysical anomalies and the identified archaeological features. Only a limited number of additional features, predominantly shallow ditches of post-medieval date and pits/postholes, were revealed during the

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trenching that were not previously identified by the geophysical survey, however it is noteworthy that many of the targeted geophysical anomalies (principally the weaker anomalies) were not revealed suggesting that they are likely to be agricultural anomalies within the top and subsoils and/or indicative of the changeable geology (Magnitude Surveys 2017). The aerial imagery assessment (Air Photo Services 2017) identified possible linear features within Trenches 27-31 inclusive with only those suggested in Trench 29 being identified during the subsequent trenching. These ditches were recorded cutting the subsoil and are most probably post- medieval in date. The features suggested in the other trenches are likely to be associated and form agricultural features contained within the topsoil and/or subsoil.

Prehistoric 8.3 A small quantity of prehistoric pottery and a limited assemblage of worked flint was recovered exclusively from the northwestern extent of the site, albeit from topsoil deposits or as residual finds in later contexts within Trenches 6, 7 and 10. No evidence for in-situ prehistoric activity was revealed, although the possibility that some of the undated features are prehistoric in origin cannot be wholly dismissed at this stage.

Roman 8.4 The only Roman artefacts recovered were four sherds of pottery (three of which may be from a single vessel) retrieved from the topsoil within Trench 48 in the central southern area of the site. Little can be interpreted from these seemingly isolated stray finds that may equally originate from either general manuring as from previous ploughing having disturbed a Roman feature within the immediate vicinity.

8.5 A road with evidence for remodelling and flanking ditches was identified in Trench 10 in the northwest of site. Its location correlates closely with both documentary and cartographic evidence for the Roman road between Bitton and Berkeley and equally with the results from both the recent geophysical and aerial imagery assessments. Indeed, the latter assessments identified the continuation of the flanking ditches on a broadly north-east/south-west alignment, particularly to the north of Trench 10, whilst to the south, the road alignment projects towards an extant hollow-way that subsequently climbs Charfield Hill towards Churchend Lane. Large stones were visible in the ploughsoil over the projected alignment of the road further confirming its course.

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8.6 It is noteworthy that no material dating to the Roman period was recovered from either the roads surfacing or from the associated flanking ditches. Rather, six pieces of residual worked flint were retrieved from fill 1010 within eastern flanking ditch 1009. Interestingly, a small assemblage comprising three sherds of medieval and post-medieval pottery was recovered from fill 1018 within western flanking ditch 1016, with a fragment of late post-medieval/modern pottery being recovered from possible ditch 1014. Such evidence suggests that if it is accepted that the road has Roman origins, it is likely to have been long-lived and subject to various stages of remodelling possibly into the later medieval and/or post-medieval period.

Post-medieval/modern 8.7 An undated, multi-phased boundary ditch was excavated in Trench 6 with its continuation recorded in Trench 4. It corresponded with a geophysical anomaly that identified the ditch running across the field but not continuing past the extant field boundaries. Its relationship with the subsoil was unclear due to the shallow nature of the deposit within the trenches but its alignment, both parallel with other post- medieval ditches identified in Trench 8 and being perpendicular with extant field boundaries suggests these ditches formed part of a post-medieval field system that predates the 1832 Charfield Tithe map. Modern glass was recovered from ditches 3804 (Trench 38) and 4003 (Trench 40).

8.8 Within Trench 32, evidence for two quarry pits, one of which contained a fragment of post-medieval bottle glass was identified. This trench lies approximately 15m south of an irregular cropmark measuring approximately 25m by 10m identified during the aerial imagery assessment (Air Photo Services 2017) that may be indicative of further quarrying activity in the immediate area.

Undated 8.9 The three pits identified cutting the colluvium in Trench 11 all remained artefactually undated. Although all were subsequently sealed by subsoil, it remains undetermined as to the date and function of these features.

8.10 Within Trench 12 both ditch 1204 and feature 1206 remained undated, although both were sealed by subsoil. Ditch 1204 does not correlate with any nearby geophysical anomalies or with any boundaries depicted on historic cartographic sources. Its alignment, broadly perpendicular to Charfield Hill (modern B4058 and its former alignment), is noteworthy & may suggest that it is contemporary, or even later

16 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

than this road and therefore of probable post-medieval origin (especially if it is accepted that the postulated Roman road continued in use into the later medieval/post-medieval period cf section 8.6 above).

8.11 Feature 1206 and overlying burnt stone deposit 1204, revealed on the lower slopes of Charfield Hill, is intriguing. It correlated closely with the southern extent of the geophysical anomaly from which it may be proposed that the actual feature is irregular in plan (see Fig. 3). The paucity of artefactual and ecofactual material prevents detailed interpretation, and it remains unproven whether its represents a single episode of activity, or whether deposit 1204 represents later infilling/levelling of an earlier feature whose fills had naturally slumped perhaps into a quarry. Alternatively, the possibility that feature 1206 is a natural variation in the natural clay geology and that deposit 1204 (and 1203) represents the archaeological activity cannot be wholly discounted at this juncture.

8.12 The pits identified in Trench 5 remained undated with no artefacts or charcoal present. It is likely, due to the frequent variations of natural within this trench, that they represent periglacial features.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Daniel Sausins, assisted by Michael Joyce, Gary Baddeley, Holly Young and David Humphreys. The report was written by Daniel Sausins. The finds and environmental evidence reports were written by Jacky Sommerville and Sarah Wyles respectively. The illustrations were prepared by Charlotte Patman. The archive has been compiled by Daniel Sausins, and prepared for deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Cliff Bateman.


Air Photo Services 2017 Land at Charfield, South Gloucestershire. Assessment of Aerial Imagery for Archaeology.

BGS (British Geological Survey) 2018 Geology of Britain Viewer Accessed 2 February 2018

17 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2108 Lane off Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Evaluation

Heighway, C. 1983 The East and North Gates of Gloucester and associated sites: Excavations 1974–81. Excavation Monograph No. 4. Bristol. Western Archaeological Trust

Magnitude Surveys 2017 Geophysical Survey Report of Land at Charfield, South Gloucestershire.

Orion Heritage 2017 Land at Charfield South, Gloucestershire; Archaeological Desk Based Assessment

SWARF (Southwest Archaeological Research Framework) 2018 A Regional Research Framework for the Historic Environment in the South West of England Accessed 2 February 2018

Tomber. R. and Dore. J. 1998 The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection: A Handbook. London. MOLaS Monograph 2 Vince, A. G. 1983 ‘The Medieval Pottery’. In Heighway, C. 1983, 125–31

Webster, P. 1996 Roman Samian Pottery in Britain. Practical Handbook in Archaeology 13. York. Council for British Archaeology

18 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . 1 100 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.23 loam 1 101 Layer Subsoil Light red brown clay sand 30 1.8 0.11 1 102 Layer Natural Light brown red clay sand - - - Substrate and limestone brash 2 200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.23 loam 2 201 Layer Subsoil Light bred brown clay sand 30 1.8 0.12 and silty clay 2 202 Layer Natural Light brown red clay sand - - - Substrate and limestone brash 3 300 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 3 301 Layer Subsoil Light yellow brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.15 3 302 Layer Natural Yellow clay, pink clay and - - - Substrate limestone brash 3 303 Cut Tree throw pit Irregular in plan and profile >2.1 1.4 0.07 3 304 Fill 303 Tree throw pit fill Light grey brown silty clay >2.1 1.4 0.17 4 400 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 4 401 Layer Subsoil Light reddish brown clay silty 30 1.8 0.09 sand 4 402 Layer Natural Light brown red sand clay - - - Substrate and limestone brash 4 403 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW. >8.0 >3.0 unexcavated 4 404 fill 403 Ditch fill Dark yellow brown clay silt >8.0 >3.0 with stone 5 500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.25 5 501 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.12 5 502 Layer Natural yellow silty clay and gravel - - - Substrate with limestone brash 5 503 Cut Pit Circular in plan, moderate 0.64 0.14 sides, flat base 5 504 Fill 503 Pit fill Mid brown red and yellow 0.64 0.14 sandy clay 5 505 Cut Ditch Aligned NW/SE, moderate >1.8 1.1 0.34 sides, flat base 5 506 Fill 505 Ditch fill Mid brown red silty clay >1.8 1.1 0.34 5 507 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW, shallow >1.03 0.9 0.07 sides, flat base 5 508 Fill 507 Ditch fill Light brown red silty sandy >1.03 0.9 0.07 clay 5 509 Cut Posthole Circular, moderate sides, 0.35 0.1 concave base 5 510 Fill 509 Posthole fill Mid brown red silty clay 0.35 0.1 5 511 Cut Pit Sub-circular, moderate 0.49 0.15 sides, concave base 5 512 Fill 511 Pit fill Mid red brown silty sand 0.49 0.15 clay 5 513 Cut Ditch Same as 505 5 514 Fill 513 Ditch fill Same as 506 6 600 Layer Topsoil Dark brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.30 6 601 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown sandy clay 30 1.8 0.12 silt 6 602 Layer Natural Pink clay, light orange brown - - - Substrate sandy clay and limestone brash

19 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . 6 603 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW, moderate >1.8 2.09 0.52 sides, flat base 6 604 Fill 603 Ditch fill Light grey brown silty clay >0.8 1.39 0.2 6 605 Fill 603 Ditch fill Mid brown grey silty clay >1.8 1.77 0.32 6 606 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW, steep sides, >1.8 1.37 0.56 flat base 6 607 Fill 606 Ditch fill Light grey brown sandy silt >0.8 1.12 0.19 6 608 Fill 606 Ditch fill Light-mid brown grey sandy >1.8 1.16 0.41 clay silt 6 609 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW, steep sides, >1.8 1.58 0.54 flat base 6 610 Fill 609 Ditch fill Light grey brown with >0.8 0.68 0.16 orange hew sandy silt 6 611 Fill 609 Ditch fill Light grey brown silty clay >0.8 1.2 0.13 6 612 Fill 609 Ditch fill Light-mid grey brown sandy >1.8 1.58 0.28 silt clay 7 700 Layer Topsoil Light brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.27 7 701 Layer Subsoil Light red brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.16 sand 7 702 Layer Natural Light brown yellow sand - - - Substrate with limestone brash 8 800 Layer Topsoil Mid brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.25 8 801 Layer Subsoil Light reddish brown silty 30 1.8 0.18 sandy clay 8 802 Layer Natural Light silver sand, dark silver - - - Substrate purple sand and limestone brash 8 803 Cut Ditch Aligned E/W, moderate >1.8 1.1 0.33 sides, concave base 8 804 Fill 803 Ditch fill Mid orange brown silty clay >1.8 1.1 0.33 8 805 Cut Ditch Aligned E/W. unexcavated >1.8 0.8 8 806 Fill 805 Ditch fill Dark black grey clay silt with >1.8 0.8 Modern limestone 9 900 Layer Topsoil Mid grey silty clay with sand 30 1.8 0.28 9 901 Layer Subsoil Light reddish brown silty 30 1.8 0.11 sandy clay 9 902 Layer Natural Light silver sand, dark silver - - - Substrate purple sand and limestone brash 10 1000 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown clay silt 30 1.8 0.4 loam 10 1001 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown clay silt 30 1.8 0.12 10 1002 Layer Natural Light yellow brown silty clay - - - Substrate 10 1003 Cut Pit Sub-circular, steep sides, 0.78 0.43 concave base 10 1004 Fill 1003 Pit fill Light brown grey silty clay 0.78 0.43 10 1005 Cut Pit Circular, moderate sides, 0.6 0.19 concave base 10 1006 Fill 1005 Pit fill Mid brown grey silty clay 0.6 0.19 10 1007 Cut Posthole Sub-circular 0.26 0.16 10 1008 Fill 1007 Posthole fill Mid orange brown clay silt 0.26 0.16 10 1009 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW, moderate >1.8 1.2 0.2 sides, concave base 10 1010 Fill 1009 Ditch fill Pale brown yellow clay silt >1.8 1.2 0.2 10 1011 Cut Construction cut Aligned NE/SW, shallow >1.8 4.64 0.34 sides, flat base 10 1012 Fill 1011 Surface Mid grey brown clay silt with >1.8 4.64 0.16 50% medium to large cobbles 10 1013 Fill 1011 Surface Dark blue grey clay silt with >1.8 2.4 0.16

20 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . >50% small cobbles 10 1014 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW. shallow >1.8 1.16 0.28 sides, concave base 10 1015 Fill 1014 Ditch fill Mid brown yellow clay silt >1.8 1.16 0.28 MC18-C19 10 1016 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW. steep side, >1.62 >1.62 1.04 flat base 10 1017 Fill 1016 Ditch fill Mid orange brown clay silt >1.0 >1.2 0.22 10 1018 Fill 1016 Ditch fill Mid grey brown clay silt >1.0 >1.62 0.38 MC16-C18 10 1019 Fill 1016 Ditch fill Mid reddish grey silty clay >1.8 >1.26 0.44 11 1100 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.28 11 1101 Layer Subsoil Light brown yellow sandy silt 30 1.8 0.31 11 1102 Layer Colluvium Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.27 11 1103 Layer Natural Pink clay, limestone brash - - - Substrate and light orange brown clay sand 11 1104 Cut Pit Sub-circular. Steep sides, 2.05 >0.81 0.66 concave base 11 1105 Fill 1104 Pit fill Mid-dark brown grey sandy 0.80 >0.81 0.2 silt 11 1106 Fill 1104 Pit fill Light brown grey silty clay 1.84 >0.43 0.23 11 1107 Fill 1104 Pit fill Mid grey brown silty clay 2.05 >0.81 0.28 11 1108 Cut Pit Sub-circular. Steep sides, 1.32 0.92 0.21 flat base 11 1109 Fill 1108 Pit fill Light brown grey silty clay 1.32 0.92 0.21 11 1110 Cut Pit Sub-circular. Steep sides, 1.62 0.83 0.48 concave base 11 1111 Fill 1110 Pit fill Light grey brown sandy silt 0.42 0.83 0.12 11 1112 Fill 1110 Pit fill Light brown grey silty clay 0.78 0.67 0.23 11 1113 Fill 1110 Pit fill Mid greyish brown silty clay 1.62 0.83 0.18 12 1200 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.33 12 1201 Layer Subsoil Light brown yellow sandy silt 30 1.8 0.27 12 1202 Layer Colluvium Mid orange brown clay silt 30 1.8 0.10 12 1203 Layer Natural Pale yellow and light grey - - - Substrate silty clay 12 1204 Cut Ditch Aligned NW/SE. shallow >1.8 0.65 0.1 sides, flat base 12 1205 Fill 1205 Ditch fill Light brown silty clay and >1.8 0.65 0.1 sand 12 1206 Cut Feature Irregular in plan and profile >6.74 >1.8 0.8 12 1207 Fill 1206 Feature fill Mid brown grey silty clay >0.28 >0.6 0.14 12 1208 Fill 1206 Feature fill Mid brown grey sandy clay >1.44 >0.6 0.37 12 1209 Fill 1206 Feature fill Mid yellow clay >0.59 >0.6 0.12 12 1210 Fill 1206 Feature fill Light orange brown silty >2.92 >0.6 0.26 sand 12 1211 Fill 1206 Feature fill Light brown grey silty sand >0.71 >0.6 0.34 12 1212 Fill 1206 Feature fill Light brown range silty sand >3.01 >1.08 0.13 12 1213 Layer Silting Mid brown grey clay silt >0.97 >1.8 0.17 12 1214 Layer Hardstanding Sub angular burnt limestone >8.06 >1.8 0.46 pieces in a charcoal rich silty matrix 12 1215 Cut Posthole Sub-circular. Steep sides, 0.25 0.23 rounded base 12 1216 Fill 1215 Posthole fill Mid grey clay silt 0.25 0.23 13 1300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey silty clay loam 30 1.8 0.31 13 1301 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.08 13 1302 Layer Natural Degraded pale yellow - - -

21 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . Substrate limestone with mid brown clay mottling 13 1303 Cut Tree throw pit Irregular in plan and profile 1.96 1.08 0.43 13 1304 Fill 1303 Tree throw pit fill Mid orange brown and light 1.96 1.08 0.3 blue grey clay 13 1305 Fill 1303 Tree throw pit fill Mid orange brown clay silt 0.83 1.08 0.13 13 1306 Cut Tree throw pit Irregular in plan and profile 1.6 0.97 0.42 13 1307 Fill 1306 Tree throw pit fill Mid orange brown and light 1.21 0.97 0.2 blue grey clay 13 1308 Fill 1306 Tree throw pit fill Mid orange brown clay silt 1.21 0.97 0.2 14 1400 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.34 loam 14 1401 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.12 14 1402 Layer Natural Light brown red sand, clay - - - Substrate and gravels 15 1500 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 15 1501 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.15 15 1502 Layer Natural Light brown red clay and - - - Substrate limestone fragments 16 1600 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.29 loam 16 1601 Layer Subsoil Light yellow brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.11 16 1602 Layer Natural Light grey brown and brown - - - Substrate red clay and sand with limestone fragments 17 1700 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.33 loam 17 1701 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown sandy clay 30 1.8 0.16 17 1702 Layer Natural Light yellow grey sand and - - - Substrate red clay inclusions 18 1800 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.23 loam 18 1801 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.11 18 1802 Layer Natural Light grey brown and green - - - Substrate grey clay silt 19 1900 Layer Topsoil Mid red- brown grey silty 30 1.8 0.34 clay loam 19 1901 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.11 19 1902 Layer Natural Light brown red silty clay - - - Substrate and sand 19 1903 Cut Drain cut NW/SE alignment, vertical >30 0.3 sides 19 1904 Fill 1903 Drain cut fill White silt clay >30 0.3 20 2000 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.30 loam 20 2001 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown sandy 30 1.8 0.14 clay 20 2002 Layer Natural Light brown red silty clay - - - Substrate and sand 21 2100 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.29 loam 21 2101 Layer Subsoil Light brown red silty clay 30 1.8 0.21 and sand 21 2102 Layer Natural Light brown red and grey - - - Substrate clay and clay silt 22 2200 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 22 2201 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.14 22 2202 Layer Natural Mid brown red silty clay and - - - Substrate sand 23 2300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.26

22 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . loam 23 2301 Layer Natural Limestone brash with light - - - Substrate red clay sand 24 2400 Layer Topsoil Mid red grey silty clay loam 30 1.8 0.28 24 2401 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.12 24 2402 Layer Natural Mid yellow grey clay and - - - Substrate limestone brash 25 2500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown sandy clay 30 1.8 0.32 loam 25 2501 Layer Subsoil Light grey red sandy clay 30 1.8 0.21 25 2502 Layer Natural Light brown orange sandy - - - Substrate clay and limestone brash 26 2600 Layer Topsoil Lid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.23 loam 26 2601 Layer Natural Light orange red silty clay - - - Substrate and clay 27 2700 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.19 loam 27 2701 Layer Subsoil Light orange-red brown silty 30 1.8 0.13 clay 27 2702 Layer Natural Light brown red and yellow - - - Substrate clay sand 28 2800 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey sandy clay 30 1.8 0.19 loam 28 2801 Layer Natural Light red orange sandy clay - - - Substrate with limestone brash 29 2900 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.12 loam 29 2901 Layer Subsoil Mid grey sandy clay 30 1.8 0.10 29 2902 Layer Natural Light orange red sandy clay - - - Substrate with limestone 29 2903 Cut Ditch N/S alignment, moderate >1.8 0.8 0.4 sides, concave base 29 2904 Fill 2903 Ditch fill Mid grey orange silty clay >1.8 0.8 0.4 29 2905 Cut Ditch N/S alignment. Moderate >1.8 0.7 0.4 sides, flat base 29 2906 Fill 2905 Ditch fill Mid grey brown clay silt >1.8 0.7 0.4 30 3000 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 30 3001 Layer Natural Light grey red silty clay with - - - Substrate brown grey silt 31 3100 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.17 31 3101 Layer Natural Light grey orange silty clay - - - Substrate 32 3200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty loam 30 1.8 0.24 32 3201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 32 3202 Layer Natural Mid orange- red clay silt - - - Substrate 32 3203 Fill 3205 Quarry pit fill Red clay mottled with mid >11 >1.8 grey brown sandy silty loam 32 3204 Fill 3206 Quarry pit fill Red clay mottled with mid >5 >1.8 Post-med grey brown sandy silty loam 32 3205 Cut Quarry pit Unexcavated >11 >1.8 32 3206 Cut Quarry pit Unexcavated >5 >1.8 33 3300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.22 33 3301 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow grey-brown clay 30 1.8 0.10 silt 33 3302 Layer Natural Vivid red and pale grey- - - - Substrate white clay silt 34 3400 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam

23 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . 34 3401 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.14 34 3402 Layer Natural Mid grey-orange clay silt - - - Substrate 35 3500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 35 3501 Layer Subsoil Light yellow brown clay silt 30 1.8 0.14 35 3502 Layer Natural Vivid red clay and limestone - - - Substrate brash 36 3600 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 36 3601 Layer Subsoil Mid orange grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.14 36 3602 Layer Natural Mid grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 37 3700 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 37 3701 Layer Subsoil Mid brown orange silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 37 3702 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 38 3800 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 38 3801 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey silty clay 30 1.8 0.12 38 3802 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay - - - Substrate 38 3803 Fill 3804 Ditch fill Mid grey-brown clay silt >2.0 0.56 Post-med /mod 38 3804 Cut Ditch NW/SE alignment. >2.0 0.56 Unexcavated 39 3900 Layer Topsoil NW/SE alignment. 30 1.8 0.22 Unexcavated 39 3901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.14 39 3902 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay - - - Substrate 40 4000 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 40 4001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.14 40 4002 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 40 4003 Cut Ditch Aligned NE/SW. >2.1 0.46 unexcavated 40 4004 Fill 4003 Ditch fill Mid grey brown clay silty >2.1 0.46 41 4100 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 41 4101 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 41 4102 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay - - - Substrate 42 4200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.20 loam 42 4201 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.08 42 4202 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 43 4300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.25 loam 43 4301 Layer Subsoil Mid red brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.20 43 4302 Layer Natural Mid brown orange clay silt - - - Substrate 44 4400 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.26 loam 44 4401 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.06 44 4402 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 45 4500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam

24 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . 45 4501 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.06 45 4502 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 46 4600 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.30 loam 46 4601 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay - - - Substrate 47 4700 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 47 4701 Layer Natural Light grey orange silt clay - - - Substrate 48 4800 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.20 loam 48 4801 Layer Subsoil Light orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.08 48 4802 Layer Natural light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 49 4900 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.18 loam 49 4901 Layer Subsoil Mid brown orange silt clay 30 1.8 0.08 49 4902 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 50 5000 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.26 loam 50 5001 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 51 5100 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 51 5101 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 52 5200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 52 5201 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 53 5300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 53 5301 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 54 5400 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 54 5401 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 55 5500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 55 5501 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silty - - - Substrate 56 5600 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.26 loam 56 5601 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay silt - - - Substrate 57 5700 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.26 loam 57 5701 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 58 5800 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.30 loam 58 5801 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay silt - - - Substrate 59 5900 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 59 5901 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay silt - - - Substrate 60 6000 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 60 6001 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.16 60 6002 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate

25 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation

Trench Context Type Fill of Context Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date N N interpretation o o . . 61 6100 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.16 loam 61 6101 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silty clay 30 1.8 0.12 61 6102 Layer Natural Light orange clay silt - - - Substrate 62 6200 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 62 6201 Layer Subsoil Mid orange grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 62 6202 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay silt - - - Substrate 63 6300 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 63 6301 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 63 6302 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 64 6400 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.24 loam 64 6401 Layer Subsoil Mid orange grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.12 64 6402 Layer Natural Light orange grey clay - - - Substrate 65 6500 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.22 loam 65 6501 Layer Subsoil Mid orange grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.08 65 6502 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate 66 6600 Layer Topsoil Mid grey brown silt clay 30 1.8 0.28 loam 66 6601 Layer Subsoil Mid orange grey silt clay 30 1.8 0.10 66 6602 Layer Natural Light grey orange clay - - - Substrate

26 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


Table 1: Finds concordance Context Category Description Fabric Count Weight Spot-date Code/ (g) NRFRC* 600 Flint Flake 3 18 - 700 Flint Flake 3 4 - 900 Copper alloy Vessel 1 36 - 806 Modern glass Bottle 1 34 Modern 1000 Late prehistoric Vesicular fabric VES 1 4 - pottery Medieval pottery Oolitic limestone-tempered TF41 1 4 ware Medieval pottery Gloucester sand and TF43 7 60 limestone tempered ware Medieval pottery Sand-tempered fabric 1 2 Copper alloy Coin, ring, shell casing base 3 7 Lead Shot 2 14 Flint Core 1 23 1001 Flint Scraper 1 12 - 1010 Flint Flakes, blades, core 6 62 - 1012 Iron Nail 1 39 - 1015 Post-medieval/ Porcelain TF66 1 1 MC18-C19 modern pottery 1017 Iron Nail 7 77 - 1018 Prehistoric pottery Vesicular fabric VES 1 5 MC16-C18 Medieval pottery North Wiltshire oolitic TF44 1 2 limestone-tempered ware (Minety ware) Medieval pottery Lacock/Nash Hill Fabric A TF50 1 4 Post-medieval pottery Glazed earthenware TF50 1 1 3204 Post-medieval glass Bottle 2 276 Post-medieval 3803 Post-medieval/ Window 1 1 Post-medieval/ modern glass modern 4800 Roman pottery Severn Valley (oxidised) TF17/ 3 19 - ware (charcoal-tempered SVW OX2 variant) Roman pottery South Gaulish samian TF8A/ 1 3 LGF SA * National Roman Fabric Reference Collection codes in bold

27 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation


Table 2: Assessment table of the palaeoenvironmental remains

Proce Unproc Notes ssed essed Flot size Root Charred for Charcoal Feature Context Sample vol (L) vol (L) (ml) s % Grain Chaff Other Table > 4/2mm Other Trench 10 - Pits 1003 1004 3 20 0 15 75 ------1005 1006 4 8 0 10 50 - - - - */* - Trench 12 - Irregular feature 1206 1208 1 20 20 5 25 ------Trench 12 - Burnt stone spread 1214 2 20 20 40 30 - - - - **/*** -

Key: * = 1–4 items; ** = 5–19 items; *** = 20–49 items; **** = 50–99 items; ***** = >100 items


Levels are expressed as metres below current ground level and as metres Above Ordnance Datum (AOD).

Trench Current ground Top of Roman Top of Roman Top of pits Top of level road surfacing roadside ditches archaeological feature 10 0.00 surface 1012 ditch fill 1015 Pit fill 1004 n/a- (54.85-55.88) 0.13 0.26 0.40 (55.54) (55.58) (54.98) 11 0.00 n/a- n/a Pit fill 1107 n/a- (58.34-60.14) 0.46 (57.94) 12 0.00 n/a- n/a n/a Deposit 1214 (61.47-65.44) 0.48 (61.25-61.78)

Upper figures are depth below modern ground level; lower figures in parentheses are metres AOD.

28 © Cotswold Archaeology Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation



Project Name Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire Short description The evaluation identified a limited number of archaeological features within the proposed development area, predominately within the northwest of the site.

This principally comprised evidence for a Roman road, with evidence for remodelling and flanking ditches, which correlated closely with both documentary and cartographic evidence for the Roman road between Bitton and Berkeley and equally with the results from recent geophysical and aerial imagery assessments. The recovery, albeit a limited number, of medieval and post- medieval artefacts from the fill of the associated flanking ditches hints that the road may have been long-lived and subject to various stages of remodelling possibly into the later medieval and/or post- medieval period.

The remaining features either remained undated or could be associated with post-medieval field boundaries and enclosures. Project dates 16 February to 9 March 2018 Project type Evaluation trenching Previous work Air Photo Services 2017 Land at Charfield, South Gloucestershire. Assessment of Aerial Imagery for Archaeology

Magnitude Surveys 2017 Geophysical Survey Report of Land at Charfield, South Gloucestershire.

Orion Heritage 2017 Land at Charfield South, Gloucestershire; Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire Study area (M2/ha) 70ha Site co-ordinates ST 7222 9143 PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator None Project Design (WSI) originator CA Project Manager Cliff Bateman Project Supervisor Dan Sausins MONUMENT TYPE ?Roman road SIGNIFICANT FINDS None PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content

Physical Bristol Museum and Art Gallery Pottery, worked flint, glass, modern copper alloy coin Paper Bristol Museum and Art Gallery Context sheets, matrices Digital Bristol Museum and Art Gallery Database, digital photos BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2018 Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire: Archaeological Evaluation. CA typescript report 18173

29 3 372000 3 374000 7 7 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 119400094000



N Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w M GLOUCESTERSHIRE ONMOUTHSHIRE e [email protected]


CAERPHILLY PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire NEWPORT SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE CARDIFF FIGURE TITLE CITY OF BRISTOL NORTH BOUROUGH OF Site location plan SOMERSET SWINDON BATH AND 0 1km NE SOMERSET WILTSHIRE DRAWN BY CP PROJECT NO. 6527 FIGURE NO. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CHECKED BY AO DATE 14/03/2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 APPROVED BY CMB SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 3 3 3 7200 715 72 N 500 00

ditch 0 403

T4 T1T1 Site Boundary TT22 seesee ffig.ig. 3 TT99 Cut feature 000 192000 Mag Interpretation Lines T8T8 LittleL Bristol Lane ditch it T10T10 T3T3 t 805 le Mag Interpretation Polygons

B T11T11 T17T17 r TT77 is TT1212 t T16T16 o l T4T4 L T6T6 d a oa n TT1515 ill R e T13T13 erh nd TT1818 UnderhillU Road T8 TT55 site boundary TT1414 T19T19 TT2323 evaluation trench T22T22 archaeological feature ditch T24T24 803 T29T29 T30T30 T20T20 post-medieval feature T27T27 T28T28 nor L TT3131 a an field drain M e TT2626 TT5858

T59T59 Geophysical Survey Results T21 TT5757 T25T25 geophysical anomaly (strong) T38T38 geophysical anomaly (weak) TT3434 TT3737 TT6565 TT5555 ditch T54T54 cropmarks 2903 TT6666 T56T56 ditch TT3232 TT3636 2905 ChurchendC Lane T39T39 T64T64 h u r c h T29 e proposed spine road n TT3333 T63T63 d TT5353 L proposed attenuation a n 00 1915001915 e TT6262 T35T35 T40T40 T52T52 TT6161

quarry pit 3205 T41T41



I T60T60

NE f TT5151


T32 T42T42 RCH quarry pit T50T50 3206


s\6527 s\6527

t TT4949



Dr TT4343


tio TT4848


r T47T47





VA 0 200m 01:5,000 250m

Glos E

th © Crown copyright© Crown andcopyright database and databaserights 2018 rights Ordnance [year of Survey supply 0100031673 or date of publication] ou TT4444 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 Andover 01264 347630

ield S ield

f 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 01285 771022 Exeter 01392 826185

Char Cotswold 01392 826185 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 ne ditch Archaeology 01908 564660

La 3803 w 000 191000 T45T45 e [email protected]


Churc Land atLand Churchend at Churchland Lane, Charfield, Lane, Charfield South

at GloucestershireSouth Glos TT4646


FIGURE TITLE Trench location plan showing


\ Survey update


: archaeological feautres, geophysical

ath survey results and cropmarks


Do 37 371 3 71

1650 N 70 750 0


ditchditch 11016016 constructionconstruction cutcut 10111011 dditchitch A 10091009 pit 1005 ditch C pit 1014 C 1003 site boundary postholeposthole 10071007 evaluation trench TT1010 A B B excavated/unexcavated archaeological feature structural feature field drain A A section location

Geophysical Survey Results

geophysical anomaly (strong) pit 1108 geophysical anomaly (weak) pit pit cropmarks 1104 1110

T11 D D



featurefeature 11206206

posthole 1215 T16 E


01:400 20m

ditch F © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 1204 Andover 01264 347630 F Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire

FIGURE TITLE Plan showing Trenches 10-12


SE 55.9m AOD

1000 surface 1012

surface 1013

1001 construction cut 1011 1010 1008 posthole ditch 1007 1009


1000 1000

1015 1017 1017 1018 ditch 1014 1019 ditch 1018 1016 1:20 01m 1019

ditch 1016

ditchditch 10141014

ditchditch 10161016

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire

FIGURE TITLE Roadside ditches 1014 and 1016, looking south-west (scale 1m) Pre-excavation of possible Roman road in Trench 10, looking north-east Trench 10: section and photograph


SE NW 55.4m AOD 1000 Section CC


1001 54.9m AOD 1006 pit 1005 1004

pit 1003


pitpit 10031003

Trench 10 overview showing road surfaces, looking south-east (scale 1m) Pit 1003, looking north west (scale 0.5m) Pit 1005, looking north (scale 0.3m)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 10: sections and photographs


SE NW 58.4m AOD 1100


1102 colluvium 1107 1102



pit 1104


pitpit 11041104

pitpit 11081108

ccolluviumolluvium 11021102 pitpit 11101110 Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Pits 1104, 1108 and 1110, looking east (scale 1m) Pit 1104, looking north-east (scale 1m) Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 11: section and photographs


NE SW 62.5m AOD



posthole 1201 colluvium 1202 1215

1212 burnt stone 1214 1206

1212 1213



1209 1208

1207 feature 01m1:20 1206

Section FF

NE SW bburnturnt sstonetone 64.7m 11214214 AOD

1205 ditch 1204

featurefeature 12061206

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 postholeposthole w 11215215 e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire 01m1:20 Overview of trench 12, southern extent, looking north-east (scale 1m) FIGURE TITLE Trench 12: sections and photograph

DRAWN BY CP PROJECT NO. 6527 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY AO DATE 14/03/2018 APPROVED BY CMB SCALE@A3 1:20 7 ditchditch ditchditch ditchditch 603603 609609 606606

Trench 6, post-medieval ditches 603, 606 and 609, looking south-west (scale 1m)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land at Churchend Lane, Charfield, South Gloucestershire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 6: photograph