Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021


Town of Guilford, CT BOS Budget Workshops Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Zoom Meeting

First Selectman Matt Hoey called the meeting to order at 9 .m.

Present: Board Members: Matthew Hoey, Susan Renner, Charles Havrda, Sandra Offredi and Louis Federici

Town Officials: Jennifer Bernardo, Mitch Goldblatt, Maryjane Malavasi, Butch Hyatt, Rob McCoole, Barbara Hammarlund, Mark Larkins, Michael Ayles, Christopher Massey, Pamela Ellman, Robert Hartmann, Jonathan Trotta, Stephen Neydorff, Robert Welch, Karen Quercia, Clint Haverkampf, Janice Plaziak, Veronica Wallace. Joining the meeting in progress: Charles Herrschaft, Mike Shove, Ken Wilson, Jr. and Ken Gamerman

1. To meet with the following departments to discuss budget requests:

1. Assessor

Assessor (Jennifer Bernardo)

-.2 % or $425 decrease.

Major changes include Reductions in printing and scanning and field work.

Revenue - dropped down to $1,500 due to covid and smaller amount of traffic in the office.

Ms. Renner said with regard to Education and training, last year it doubled and this year the request is level.

Ms. Bernardo said it is because of changes in staffing. She needs two employees to go through education. She is hoping to get one person into two classes for one year, but covid put a damper on things.

2. Board of Assessment Appeals


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Board of Assessment Appeals (Barbara Hammarlund):

$25 or .6% increase in budget

Only thing that increased is legal/advertising and public notice. Shore Publishing increased fees.

Next revaluation for 2022, which means BOAA hearings would be March of 2023. The way the market has been lately, values have increased significantly. Depending on where market is there could be an influx of appeals.

If the clerk to the board if works over certain number of hours she takes compensation time. If the get into the situation of 400-500 appeals, it becomes a great amount of work and if it came to that, there would not be enough hours to comp her time.

Ms. Hammarlund said she would like the board to come up with a secondary scenario on how to handle that situation, possible reinstating a part-time salary.

Mr. Hoey said this is something they need to consider, but it would be in the subsequent budgets.

3. Library

Library (Rob McCoole):

$1,813 or .2% increase

He talked about a few things they were able to save. Allowing to take a flexible approach with covid they were able to loan employees to other departments and saved about $50,000. He thanked the Friends of the Library and said he always warns there is going to be a year when they are not as successful. They brought in $75,000 less than previous year. He is asking for a modest increase in the book line and electronic materials line. saving on utilities so increase is not that large.

Mr. Hoey said he appreciates the willingness of Mr. McCoole and his staff to continue to provide services during these times. Interactions with the public could put individuals health at risk, but he appreciated that they continue to maintain many of the services as possible.

Mr. Trotta said some of the cost to maintain the roof got moved to another budget account and he asked how much.


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Mr. McCoole said in the last few years it was $5,000 in capital. Last year it was moved into maintenance line.

4. Human Services

Human Services (Pam Ellman):

$21,000 or 23.4% increase

Increase is due to the pandemic. They asked applicants how covid effected their ability to carry out missions and goals. Had 15 applicants this year. Guilford Before and Care provided full day programs community center and church. Filled need for parents on days kids are distance learning. Fully support this request.

Ken Gamerman joined at 9:23 a.m.

Meals on Wheels despite increase in meals because of COVID did not ask for more funds. Serve100% Guilford residents and in addition to meal delivery, are a visual check in for residents.

BH Care - Result of pandemic transitioned to telehealth for outpatient services. Were able to hold some in person appointments in summer, but have been scaled back because of increase in cases.

Women and Family Life - Assists social service agencies in various towns in processing complex cases and provided covid fund.

Ms. Ellman said all organizations tried to adapt to pandemic. They have never asked for an increase like the one this year, but this year has been like no other in the human services area.

Mr. Hoey asked if these increases are related to covid activity, given the likelihood of the vaccine and widespread adoption before the expiration of the 2022 budget, he asked if they saw this as a temporary increase for these organizations.

Ms. Ellman said they did see it as temporary. For example the Before and After Care is not like it was last spring that elementary schools are back to four days. There may be fewer kids who need scholarships.

Ms. Renner asked if the application process considers some of ways these organizations may have benefited from other covid resources.


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Ms. Ellman said they asked if they received other covid resources. Most did not, but large ones like VNA did take advantage of it. Some don't have infrastructure or expertise in making the application.

Mr. Havrda said maybe some volunteers would be willing to step in and help those organizations.

Mr. Hartmann said he has done it on behalf of a number of charities. It behooves everyone to ask them and if they need help can find it for them.

5. Parks and Recreation

The Parks and Recreation presentation has been moved to tomorrow.

6. Police Department/Municipal Animal Control

Police Department/Municipal Animal Control (Butch Hyatt, Christopher Massey and Robert Welch):

$85,954 or 1.7% increase in budget

Chief Hyatt said he tried to keep the budget very close. Things that have impacted budget are covid and the police accountability bill. Most of the increases are related to either of those.

Contractual salary increases. Civilian Salaries went down, lost a dispatcher and was replaced with lesser pay. Overtime also decreased, based on a three year average.

Increase in Training Salaries line - Have some new personnel that need training.

Sick Leave Exchange - Went down only a few people that still have that benefit.

Education Benefits - Increase is contractually related.

Utilities and Fuel is up slightly. Building Maintenance up slightly.

Increase in Service Contracts - A couple of things added this year. Some contracts have gone up, have to do with IT and maintenance. Another area is the computerized fingerprint system provided by state. The state changed contractors this year. There is a service contract associated with it that the town has to pay for. They did add in money for a social media


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

archival service, takes screen shots of everything goes out and comes in. If there is an FOI request they can retrieve information. The cost is $4,500 a year.

Increase in Health and Welfare - Impacted by police accountability bill. It requires at least one-fifth of department receive a mental health evaluation per year. For Guilford that is 8 people a year for about $300 a person. That will be every year going forward. Each officer is required to provide urinalysis. Prior to recertifying any police officer they need to take this which looks for drugs and steroids. Problem is there are so many steroids so the cost can range from $300 to $1,400 per person. They anticipate $300 to $500 per year, they will have 13 people per year.

Increase in Operating Supplies - Food for MACO and two police canines. Also have vet fees. Medical Supplies line increased because of covid, they are going through gloves, masks, cleaning supplies, etc. Requesting reimbursement for some of the covid costs.

Slight Increase in Computer Hardware - Refreshing hardware and desktops and buying a new server.

Increase Training and Development - to have people in house that are trained as trainers. Equipment and items are needed for the training. Online training course is added in there, which provides ability to train people online in a number of areas.

Increase in Vehicle Maintenance - Based on mileage and working with Public Works they are able to anticipate what is needed going forward.

Revenue - Use a three year average. It has increased over the 2020-21 adopted budget, but is less than last year's estimate.

Mr. Hoey asked if they already have a contract for the Social Media Archival Service.

Chief Hyatt said this is in anticipation of that, but they are still discussing it.

Mr. Hoey said he is entertaining a sales call regarding that for social media FOI requests and they should look at combining efforts.

Mr. Hoey asked about the 20% increase on vehicle maintenance.

Chief Hyatt said some numbers have increased because of age of vehicles, they have more maintenance schedules for older vehicles. They looked at


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

last several years of what we have done and asked Public Works what will need to be done in future. Towing costs have increased as well.

Mr. Trotta said he was looking at vehicle maintenance line too. It is up to $52,000 from $31,000. He thought moving to new more efficient vehicles would require less maintenance. He guesses the parts on newer cars are more expensive.

Chief Hyatt said the cars are much more complex today. In addition their cars idle much more than a regular person's car. One item on each of these cars is related to a spark plug and they are burning out regularly. It's because of the idle times on the cars.

7. Town Properties

Town Properties (Steve Neydorff):

$110,662 or 11.1 decrease in budget

Increase in Overtime. They are essential personnel. It got reduced last year, but he increased it.

Decrease in Utilities. Added 52 Church Street and Whitfield parking lot.

Decrease in Streetlighting. Town now owns it and they have been upgraded to LED. They have to do maintenance, but it is still saving the Town money.

Decrease in Fire Hydrant Rental went down $100,000, but will have to add 11 new hydrants at some point for Mulberry Point water project.

Ms. Malavasi said there was a merger that caused the reduction in cost.

There was discussion as to whether the new Mulberry hydrants are online. Based on number of hydrants it doesn't appear they have been added.

Increase in Repairs and Maintenance - Increase in contract for EV charging station outside Town Hall. Yearly maintenance contract for the station.

They do receive revenue from station, will be will reviewing it since they are not meeting expenses even aside from the maintenance contract.

8. Engineering


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Engineering (Janice Plaziak):

$2,267 or .7% increase in budget

Increase in Hazardous Waste Disposal - Based on fact that they are to have a satellite collection this year. Budgeted for it last year, but with covid hitting, it was cancelled. Planning to move ahead with that this year at Bittner Park. Hazardous Waste Disposal at Long Wharf did proceed with covid happening and they did have a higher use this year.

Mr. Federici said he is curious about the Hazardous Waste expense, and asked if it is offset by a revenue item.

Ms. Plaziak said it is not. In order for town to participate with HazWaste, they pay per user from the town that utilizes it. They] are charged based on the number of users from our town that have visited. Even the satellite collection site is open to any person from a member town to use. They pay based on each user. The waste oil disposal is a separate charge as well and there are also overhead and maintenance fees for them to host and operate.

Discussion of products they take at the facility.

9. Public Works

Public Works (Tom Fillion and Mark Larkins):

$85,209 or 3.7% increase in budget.

Full-time Salaries reflect contractual salaries and one new employee

Slight increase in Overtime

Slight increases in Utilities and Fuel

Slight increase in Equipment Repair & Maintenance

Slight increase in Contracted Services, Road Maintenance Winter

Mr. Fillion explained that he put the budget in without commission approval due to timing. The commission would like to get the position and they wanted him to cut the budget by $50,000 to get the additional employee. He is willing to do that if it comes to that. With the way it's situated if he cut the $50,000 he would be under last year's budget.


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Mr. Larkins said at their last commission meeting they voted unanimously that if they were given the additional employee they would cut the budget by $50,000. Public Works touches every department in the town. They took down 120 trees for Mr. Magee. Today they are putting a bathroom floor in transfer station. With storms, they are not able to get outside contractors to plow snow. Every year down one to two guys due to surgeries or health issues. They have no people to pull from when down two guys. With police and fire, they can pull from another shift. Another person will help save on overtime and they are having trouble finding outside contractors. With this extra person they will be fully staffed and be in good shape. Last year they asked for two and got one and now they are asking for another.

Ms. Renner said the budget includes salary for the extra person and if they received that they are willing to reduce it $50,000.

Mr. Larkins said that is correct and then the budget increase will only be 1.5%.

Ms. Renner said if snow removal is main reason, could they possibly bring on the new person for half a year.

Mr. Fillion said it is not always snow plowing, the extra person allows him to split crew in certain spots where they can get more done.

Mr. Hoey said the nature of the work often results in injuries despite best precautions. It is not uncommon to have at least one or more out on worker's comp cases.

Mr. Fillion said there are two out now.

Mr. Hoey said in police and fire they see replacement salaries, but they don't have that luxury with public works. Last year the sentiment was to do one last year and one this year, which brings them back to a full complement they had ten years ago when two positions were cut.

Mr. Trotta asked where they would cut the $50,000.

Mr. Fillion said probably in overtime and then a small amount in fuel and signage. He can also cut summer road maintenance by $20,000, but it will hurt. He can also cut a little education and rental.

Mr. Hoey said they may be able to do more on maintenance using dedicated road funds.


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

Mr. Fillion said there is some money for Long Hill and Wildrose, not a lot, but some for about three of the roads they are looking at.

10. Fire Department

Fire Department (Charlie, Mike and Ken)

$225,475 or 4.5% increase in budget.

According to Mr. Wilson, they had over 160 additional calls last year. From revenue perspective they are on point this year.

Increase in Full-Time Salaries - Due to investment town made in SAFER Grant a few years ago. Each year the percent received decreases and as of next year they will be required to fund entire 100% of individuals who were hired. There was also a salary increase for management and IAFF. Next year they will go into negotiations. There are also grade or step increases for employees.

Increase in Overtime - Represents hours worked over Garcia time.

Increase in Stipends - Two FF/EMT's went to FF/Paramedics so Stipends increased.

Increase Replacement Salaries - Increases with holiday, , personal and worker's compensation incidents. Those are unforeseen, do not know what they will have during the year. Each year have a minimum of worker's compensation cases that impacts replacement salaries, because they cannot go down on a shift. It's 10 personnel per shift so they have to backfill if someone is down.

Increase in Building Maintenance - Due to more cleaning supplies needed.

Increase in Operating Supplies - Cost of medications, replacement equipment is going up and something they have to absorb. Medications only have a certain shelf life, once expired they have to dispose and purchase new.

Slight increase in Education and Training - Have trained and specialized teams and the need to make sure they are up to date in their training. Rescue, SWAT, Dive Teams.

Increase in Vehicle Maintenance - Mostly for large vehicles due to age of apparatus. Try to keep them to 15-20 year life cycle and as they get older


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

there are unforeseen expenses. One of units under a major repair that was unanticipated.

Mr. Ayles asked what the amount was that they took on this year for SAFER Grant.

Mr. Shove said this year the performance period ends March 14 so this next budget will absorb 100%, so an additional 35% over last year. However, they did not use all of the money so there is a request to use the additional funding of $200,000 remaining for SAFER. They have received so far $1,316,000 from SAFER. If they get the remaining money they can put an additional $77,475 toward this budget and $122,000 toward the next budget.

Mr. Wilson said the application has been submitted, but they haven't received approval yet.

Mr. Shove said if it is granted, it will offset another year into next year's budget.

Discussion Energy Performance Contracting and the major repair on the vehicle.

Discussion on Calls and medication.

11. Communications

Communications (Mike Shove):

$21,238 or 3% increase

Slight increases in Full-Time Salaries

Slight increase Overtime - Additional vacation for employees.

Telephone - Increased usage.

Maintenance Contract - Increase in those.

Mr. Hartmann noted that overtime is a third of full-time salaries.

Mr. Shove said this is to cover dispatch for all the time employees have off.


Board of Selectmen Budget Workshop Minutes of January 20, 2021

There was discussion of hiring part-time people to cover those shifts instead of using overtime. It was noted in the contract that full-time employees have first right of refusal for those fill in shifts.

Mr. Goldblatt said he and the chiefs will look at it to see if the numbers make sense and if there are any other solutions.

The board adjourned the meeting at 11:46 a.m.