Meeting date: 11 April 2011

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This reports provides members with a summary of the Seascale “Together We Can” activities which took place during March 2011.


2.1 The committee has the delegated executive function “to determine the level and nature of Neighbourhood Development work in the area”.

2.2 There are no equality implications arising out of this report.


3.1 That members note and comment as they see fit on the Appendices attached.


4.1 Copeland Local Committee has, for several years, approved and funded the provision of two “Together We Can” projects in communities across Copeland.

4.2 Members have previously received a report on the first project in 2010/11, . This report provides members with an early report back on the project carried out in Seascale during the week of 14th – 18th March 2011. 4.3 Appendix A reports on the programme of activities which took place under the “Together We Can” banner including some examples of the range of community issues which were reported to the team either in person or via returned survey forms whilst Appendix B gives feedback from the various organisations who took part in the “You Said; We Did” drop-in event.

4.4 The detail collected from community members is used:

 during the week to solve problems quickly

 reported to agencies for dealing with after the project week

 collated together and used to inform locality and area level planning


5.1 Members may comment as the wish on this report.


6.1 Local Committee approved funding of £16,660 in June 2010 to support the delivery of the Together We Can initiative.

6.2 There has been additional resource commitment of officer time in support of this project.

6.3 No other additional resource implications arise from this report.


7.1 The Constitution provides that to encourage community engagement and enable communities to make their voices heard, Local Committees may pursue local initiatives that will encourage and support local communities in their relationships with the Council, Council services and with other public bodies. [CW]


8.1 The “Together We Can” programme is a well regarded badge for a range of intensive activities carried out over a short period of time and involving a number of agencies in a distinct identified community.

8.2 Previous years‟ activities in Millom, Hensingham, Cleator Moor and Frizington have been welcomed by communities and partner agencies alike. Jill Stannard Chief Executive [24 March 2011]


Appendix A: Report on Seascale Together We Can Week, 14 - 18 March 2011 Appendix B: Feedback from agencies at the “You Said, We Did” drop in.


Electoral Division(s): Seascale & Whicham * Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision No

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Copeland Local Committee 02.06.2010.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.

Contact: Jonathan Marriott, 01946 505042 [email protected] Marilyn Pritchard 01946 505023 [email protected] Suzanne Cooper 01946505019 [email protected]

Appendix A Seascale Together We Can, 14 - 19 March 2011

This report gives an overview of the Seascale Together We Can week, held from 14 – 19 March 2011. Following on from the Together We Can week delivered in Frizington in January 2011.

The timing and content of these weeks has reflected the needs and wishes of the two communities, each profoundly affected by the West shootings in June 2010. The week in Seascale was further affected by these events as the enquiry into the shootings was taking place whilst the TwC was happening, this did affect the type of activity we planned.


The Seascale week was coordinated by one Neighbourhood Development Officer and one Community Involvement Worker from the team, and involved the following organizations, in alphabetical order:

Age UK Active for Life Age UK Promoting Independence & Prevention Project Connexions Cumbria – National Citizens Scheme Copeland Borough Council Coastal Initiative Copeland Borough Council Customer Services Copeland Borough Council Enforcement Team Copeland Borough Council Locality Team Copeland Borough Council Sports Development Copeland Borough Council Waste Management Services Copeland Borough Council Youth Engagement Copeland Citizen‟s Advice Bureau Copeland Community Fund Cumbria County Council Highways Cumbria County Council Library Service Cumbria County Council Neighbourhood Forums in Copeland Cumbria County Council Public Rights of Way Team Cumbria County Council Passenger Transport Cumbria County Council Trading Standards Cumbria County Council Community Waste Education Officer Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service – Seascale Crew Seascale First Responders Seascale Parish Council Seascale Primary School Shackles Off Youth Centre Shanks Waste Management South Copeland Disability Group Ways into Successful Enterprise West Cumbria Carers , Egremont & District Credit Union


We attended a meeting of Seascale Parish Council in September to propose the week in Seascale, and discuss ideas they might have for the week. They came up with

Timing – It was agreed to go for week commmencing 14 March 2011 Key Area of focus for the door to door - Hallsenna Road, Hallsenna Lane, Gosforth Road, Santon Way, Lingmell Crescent, Scawfell Crescent, Fell View Road, Wastwater Rise and The Drive Seascale PC were particularly keen to have a drop in information session with as wide a range of organisations and agencies available as possible.

We attended a subsequent Parish Council meeting to firm up ideas and to progress planning, and asked the wider public for input and ideas at a special public meeting in November 2010. From this meeting a long list of issues and ideas was compiled and used as a basis to plan the week with partner organisations,.

In parallel, we pulled together meetings of partner organisations to see what could be offered, and to build a programme to reach out into and across the community. It was noticeable that, following successes of our previous Together We Can weeks, more organisations were readily willing to commit to the week and the partnership

Prior to its start, the Together We Can week was also publicised through the local media, through posters throughout the village and a display in the library, on the Seascale Parish Council Website, and by information through the doors of most of the households in the village.


During the week all properties in the target area were door visited with a doorstep questionnaire, but as many residents were not in we actually knocked on most properties in the village, we achieved 110 replies. If we received no answer, or if residents preferred to answer later, we left the questionnaire with the option to return it to boxes in the Post Office, Library or School, or to post it back to our office. Quite a high proportion of the replies came by these routes – a significant indication that people did want a chance to have their say on local service delivery.12 people from 6 organisations took part in interviewing.

The issues highlighted are now being collated for follow up. Many issues such as Highways defects were dealt with throughout the course of the week and the remaining issues have been, or are being, referred on to appropriate organisations.

In conjunction with this, the recycling officers from Cumbria County Council and Shanks delivered recycling boxes and „hats‟ (covers) as they were requested.

Throughout the week Cumbria Highways were busy fixing potholes, many as they were reported, and remedying other minor defects, including blocked gullies.

The Fire and Rescue service provided individual household Fire Safety advice within the target area.

Seascale Primary School were very involved in the Together we can week with activies been held everyday that week

The week generated a real feel good factor in Seascale, and a core group of residents, including many members of Seascale Parish Council, stayed involved throughout the week. A visible difference has been made, Issues and priorities will be picked up by different partner organisations, and will inform future action – particularly important in the face of budget cuts.

All the information from the week is now being collated to feed into future actions, and to feed back to the community of Seascale.

Events Round up

Area Walk – Monday 14 March

Seascale Area Walk Monday 14 March

Responses to the questionnaires showed that most residents like living in Seascale and there was an overall satisfaction with the local area. The main issues ranged from a better bus service especially on Sundays and a later service, dog mess on the beach and pavements, litter and the untidy area near the Pharmacy/Fire Station, speeding throughout the village, access under Arch hill, parking around the school and on pavements to requests for a swimming pool, local dentist, and better mobile phone signal. Generally residents feel that they can have their say on things that affect Seascale or know who to contact and six residents were interested in finding out more about becoming a parish councillor. Some residents are already involved in a Neighbourhood Watch group and there was significant interest from others in forming new groups, although the majority of residents said that they already look out for each other. Residents are keen to see an increased police presence on their streets during the daytime and at night, to address problems such as young people/kids racing around the village in cars, drinking and alleged drug taking and/or suppliers; also to enforce speeding and parking violations. Requests for 14 black recycling boxes and 57 hats were made and these have been delivered throughout the week.

Drop in and Find Out Event – Tuesday 15 March

The drop in information giving event was high on the priority list of events for Seascale Parish Council, who were very keen for as many agencies/organizations as possible to be available, making a wide range of service information available to local people.

Around twenty organizations set up a stall in the Windscale Club and provided information and advice to over fifty people who dropped in throughout the day. We felt the day was successful as a wide range of information was given out by agencies, unfortunately the weather was very bad which probably affected the attendance. Please see appendix B attached which gives feedback from the agencies who were involved.

Free Dog Micro Chipping Service Tuesday 15 March

Copeland BC Enforcement Team was kept very busy by local dog owners who brought their dogs to take advantage of this opportunity to have their pets micro- chipped. The Enforcement manager was very pleased with the response and they chipped 17 dogs making it a very lively afternoon! After the event the team took the opportunity to look around the village and remove any dog poo!

Seascale Evergreens Club – Age UK Active for Life- Tuesday

Members of the Evergreens club spent and enjoyable afternoon keeping fit and active with a Wii session supervised by Age UK Active for Life Co-ordinators, followed by a cream tea!

Adopt a Footpath – Guided Walk - Wednesday

Cumbria County Council Countryside Ranger took 16 year 5 pupils from Seascale School on the Cringley Well route which is near the school, which the school would like to use for their studies. The path needs some minor clearance work which Bob will look to do as a first task with the youth group.

Public Rights of Way Workshop - Wednesday 16 March

This Workshop was led by Andrea Bonacker, Ranger & Volunteer Officer and Bob Muscat Countryside Ranger, both from the Countryside Access Team and was attended by 5 parish councillors, 1 youth leader and 2 residents; 1 teacher from the school was unable to attend. As Seascale parish council, school and local youth group are keen to improve paths in the parish, the workshop gave an overview of public rights of way, identifying public footpaths, bridleways and routes for all traffic and improvements that have been accomplished in other areas. There are several paths in the parish requiring work but the Team recommended that the group gets together and starts by looking at one footpath, possibly Cringley Well as their first practical project.

Seascale Library Activity Sessions – Thursday 17 March

Seascale Library staff provided a storysack and storytime session for young children and their parents, the event was very lively and well attended with 22 children and 18 adults participating in the event.

The IT drop in session attracted 3 adults wanting various information ranging from Local history advice to basic internet tips

The health walk also started from the library which encouraged people from the village to visit who may not be members. Refreshments were provided for both adults and children and we managed to get 2 new members as a result of the event.

Altogether this was a very successful activity which encouraged all age ranges from the village to participate, and a lovely atmosphere mainly down to the hard work of both Sally and Beth the librarians.

Community Health Walk

The walk started at the Library and was lead by Kimberly Miller Sports Development Officer and Graig Robson Health Improvement Officer, Copeland BC. The walk lasting around an hour, took us through the village over Seascale golf course and back along the beach. Six of us set off in rather damp weather which turned to sunshine by the end of the walk.

Fire Safe – Cumbria Fire Service

Ten officers took part, from Seascale Fire Station, Workington locality and 2 Fire Service Volunteers.

They covered most of the estates on Seascale. Thirty Home Service Visits were carried out where free smoke alarms were fitted. Home Safety Advice was given to approximately 20 households.

As there had been a fire at a property in Wastwater Rise the previous week, which didn‟t have a smoke alarm fitted, this area was made a special target area.

A Charity Car Wash took place at the Fire Station on the Saturday, David Moore felt this benefited by being at the end of the Together We Can week and was well supported – Raising £600.00.

Youth Forum - Shackles Off Youth Centre

The Youth Forum held at Shackles Off Youth Project, which was organized by Emma Dickinson, Youth Engagement Officer CBC and was attended by 10 young people, volunteers and staff of Shackles off plus Sue Brown County Councillor for the area and members of Seascale Parish Council.

The Forum was a chance for young people to come together and have a voice on issues that affect them in Seascale. The main issue raised by young people was lack of transport to and from Seascale at times that would allow them to engage in social activities independently. They were also very concerned about the possibility of charges being introduced for school transport. Living in somewhere like Seascale young people need to travel fairly long distances to access a sixth forum or college, the fear is that many families will not be able to afford these extra costs, especially now the student allowance has stopped. This would inevitably result in more young people who were not in either education, employment or training. The County Councillor and NDO undertook to make enquiries about school transport charges and feedback to the next youth forum.

MPs Question Time – Seascale School

Jamie Reed MP for Copeland held a question and answer session with the school councils from Seascale, Gosforth and Thornhill Schools. Jamie explained what being a member of parliament involved and the difference between living in a democracy to living in a totalitarian state. The children had some very good questions and the session lasted about an hour. The children raised some good questions about issues relevant to their lives, which Jamie promised to follow up on personally.

Free Archery Workshop and Coaching Session

This event was held in Seascale Sports Hall and organized and run by Copeland Borough Council Sports Development Officers. Gary Stewart, Sports Development Officer CBC said, the Archery session was a huge success with over 30 children and 15+ parents participating in the archery event, this was great opportunity to engage the residents and particularly young people and discover a different perspective on life in their communities.

We had hoped to have the Fire Service Portable Sports Arena to provide street sports event to run alongside the archery event, but unfortunately the vehicle was off the road that week.

Community Beach Clean Saturday 19 March

The Beach clean was organized by Rachel Osborn of the Copeland Coastal Initiative. Who said of the event “Sunny weather helped to produce a good turn out of enthusiastic children and adults to the Seascale beach clean. The beach is a great asset to Seascale that both residents and visitors enjoy. However like most beaches, litter gets washed up on the tide. As well as looking unsightly, beach litter is a hazard to people and wildlife. We managed to collect 30 bags of rubbish. Common items included plastic bottle lids, fishing net and balloons but tyres, a cone and even a wooden door were added to the pile. Shackles Off kindly offered refreshments and Copeland Borough Council provided litter picking equipment and rubbish collection. I enjoyed it myself and thanks to Marilyn and Suzanne for helping to organise it”.

We were very pleased with the amount of local residents that turned out for beach clean, ranging from young children with their parents, teenagers and adults right through the age range. Quite a lot of litter was collected from the beach and car park and an added bonus was sunny weather.

Follow Up

All the information received during the week is being collated and passed to the appropriate organizations for follow actions 1 We have received some follow up information from partners, and will be in touch with partners for follow up information and evaluation. 2 As in previous Together We Can weeks, we are in the process of compiling information to feed back to residents in Seascale in the „You Said…We Did…‟ format

Marilyn Pritchard, Neighbourhood Development Officer Suzanne Cooper, Community Involvement Worker March 2011

Programme of Events - Together We Can  14th –19th March 2011

Morning Afternoon Evening Area Walk 10.00am - 12.30pm Area Walk 1.30pm - 4.30pm 14 Representatives across a range of organisations will By the end of the day we hope to have visited around 350 Mon be going door-to-door to talk to residents about their properties in the village. Those who are not in will have a satisfaction with the area and services available to questionnaire posted through their door which can be them. returned to Seascale Post Office or Library. Questionnaires Credit Union collections 9.30am – 10.30am will also be available at Seascale School for completion and Seascale Methodist Church hall. return. Drop in Event 12.30pm - 7.00pm at The Windscale Club 15 Find out more about services available to you in Seascale and meet the providers ALSO: Tues 12.30pm – 3.30 pm Health Checks 2.00pm – 4.30 pm Free Dog micro chipping You will be able to speak with your County, District and Parish Councillors Presentations will be happening throughout the afternoon PLUS 5.00pm Seascale First Responders –Heartstart Demonstration 6.00 pm Road Awareness Presentation from Seascale Fire Service aimed at young people aged over 14. Refreshments available. Seascale Evergreens Club 2.30pm – 3.45pm at Seascale Methodist Church Hall Wii session with Age UK Active for Life; free cream tea. Adopt a Footpath – Guided Walk with Countryside Parish Paths Initiative – Countryside Access Team 16 Ranger and Seascale school children Public Rights of Way workshop 1.30pm – 4.00pm Seascale Methodist Church Hall Wed For information and /or to confirm attendance please telephone 01946 505019 Seascale Library 10.30am – 11.30am Health Walk – 11.30am meet at the Library Youth Forum 7.00pm - 8.00pm 17 Storysack storytime session CBC Health Co-ordinator will lead a one hour walk around at Shackles Off Youth Centre Thurs Storytime for children aged 0-4 years. Seascale. A chance for young people to come (under 8s must be accompanied) together and have a voice on Learn to search the internet – Drop in session Seascale Community Development Centre issues that affect them in Seascale. Advice and tips on searching the internet or setting Open afternoon 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Seascale Primary up an e-mail account. All Welcome. School. Fire Safe – Seascale Fire Station will be carrying out Home Safety visits in Seascale If you have requested a safety check a Fire Officer will visit you today. Presentation of Wind Turbine by EDF followed at From 11.00 am there will be a Display and Presentation Free archery workshop and 18 11.00 am by MP’s Question Time. by Turbine Services at Seascale Community coaching session Fri MP will meet with the School Councils from Development Centre. Please call in if you would like to 6.00pm – 8.00pm Seascale, Thornhill, Gosforth and Frizington Primary learn more about domestic wind turbines. Everyone at Seascale Sports Hall. Schools. Welcome. 19 Community Beach Clean – 11.00am meet at Seascale Beach Car Park; litter picking equipment provided. Everyone welcome. Sat

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Cumbria Highways will be in the village all week including, Highways Inspector, Maintenance Team, Patching Team and Gulley Cleaning Cart. Police Community Support Officer with the Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Van will be at various locations in Seascale Monday and Tuesday. Copeland Borough Council will be carrying out Street cleans. A Community Payback Team will be helping on a number of projects during the week.


Feedback sheet responses from organizations Involved in the session Age Uk West Cumbria Active – Active for Life

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Confidence building  Computer training  Intruder Alarms  Retirement courses  Activities available

Queries raised that require further investigation:

Look into the possibility of holding computer drop in sessions in Seascale

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

A worthwhile event. We received a number of referrals and very useful networking.

Connexions Cumbria

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Generally about what Connexions do  Most attendees were from the older generation who will have had less involvement with Connexions and don‟t know what we do

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

No young people attended in the period that I was there, at least none of Connexions age (13 – 19) The event seemed like a good opportunity for residents to speak to the relevant agencies about their issues. The transport lady I was next to was very busy!!

Copeland Citizens Advice Bureau

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Seeking benefits advice – directed to local CAB  Homeless provision – advised to attend bureau  Employment Issue - provided telephone numbers of other organizations, and advised to attend bureau, Millom office or outreach

 General enquiries about the work of the CAB

Copeland Borough Council – Coastal Initiative

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Explained what the Coastal Initiative is about and what is happening e.g. Coastal Partnership launch  Improving signage, particularly brown signs to attractions – explained the Copeland Coastal Initiative will be doing a signage audit at Quality Coast Award beaches but the location of brown signs will be included.  Details about the Seascale Business Workshop – gave out flyers for the workshop

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

It was good to see so many agencies there and useful for them to speak to each other to find out what services they provided.

Although there weren‟t floods of people through the door the even was very worthwhile.

Copeland Community Fund

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Useful feedback from Monday‟s door-to-door surveys to support Seascale community gym project  Enquiries on grant support from for the Citizen‟s Advice Bureau  Enquiries on how we can help promote local attractions to tourists – sign posted to South Copeland Tourism Partnership

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

A great mix of organizations from CBC to CVS. Good opportunity to talk to partner organizations. Had I emailed groups beforehand I could have set up some appointments to help with funding applications.

Copeland Borough Council Customer Services

Copeland Borough Council Waste Management Services

Cumbria Council For Voluntary Service

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Volunteer Training

 Membership of C.V.S

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

Seemed to be quite a buzz at the event, good networking between organizations and a few enquiries. Good Heart start presentation.

Cumbria Trading Standards

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Scams and phone call – gave leaflets  Requests for talks on the work of trading standards – gave contact details  People asking about Pay with confidence – provided them with information  Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

Very good event. Impressive stands. I made some good contacts Very well organized

Shanks Waste Management

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Requests for recycling boxes and hats  Enquiries re recycling of various waste materials e.g. polystyrene  Enquiries about materials accepted at Frizington recycling centre  Cost of disposal of large amounts of household waste  Which plastics can be recycled  Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

The drop-in was very well organized and well attended. It was nice to speak to local residents as well as find out about other services in the area. Overall the week is a big success

South Copeland Disability Group

Networking with various groups

BS standard for the gradient of the ramp is 1:20 to 1:12 the gradient of the ramp into the Windscale Club Building is about 9 or 1:11 which is out of the BS range and proved difficult for our wheel chair users to negotiate independently

West Cumbria Carers

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 General information about the organisation  Volunteering opportunities

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

After a slow start the afternoon got busy and friendly. Good networking opportunities

Whitehaven, Egremont and District Credit Union

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Am I the kind of person who can join the Credit Union? Yes, Credit unions are for everyone  Do you do workshops for community groups? - Shackles Off Youth Group Yes, contact details were given  Can adults have piggy banks? No maybe for a fee – will look into it  Sue the County Councillor‟s husband – asked about saving. – membership pack given  Copeland Council wanted to sign up to do payroll deduction – yes can provide that

Cumbria County Council – Passenger Transport

Type of enquiries received today and feedback given:

 Can we have flags on the bus stop in the village  Fares on railway between Seascale and Newcastle  Access on to trains at Seascale need improved (a Harrington Hump)  Information sought about Rural Wheels  Publicity material for local services

Queries raised that require further investigation:

Bus stop flag required for stops. Rail fares

Overall opinion of the drop in and find out session:

Useful session. Particularly to speak to Parish Councillors about setting up a voluntary car scheme in the village.

Shame more of the public didn‟t attend but the weather was really appallingly wet!!