CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1140 HON
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E1140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 10, 2014 IN HONOR OF HOOSIER HERO, of their livestock. Without a timely and perma- (Bonamici Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy OFFICER PERRY RENN nent resolution, the livelihoods of these small and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year businessmen and women remain in jeopardy. 2015, increasing the Department of Energy’s HON. ANDRE´ CARSON The report language not only encourages Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ac- OF INDIANA the Walla Walla District to continue working count by $9 million and reducing the Depart- with the affected cattlemen but also directs the mental Administration account by the same IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps to maintain the status quo use of these amount) Thursday, July 10, 2014 lands as long as good-faith efforts are being 3. On rollcall No. 381 I would have voted Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise made to find a solution. To ensure that Con- ‘‘no.’’ with a profound sense of sadness, as I grieve gress remains informed on this issue, the lan- (Speier Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy with the City of Indianapolis and the entire law guage also directs the Corps to provide both and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year enforcement community over the loss of a true House and Senate Appropriations Committees 2015, reducing the Fossil Energy Research public servant. Today, we remember Indianap- with an update on the status of the situation, and Development account by $30.9 million olis Metropolitan Police Department Officer including any actions taken, as well as any and applying the savings to the Spending Re- Perry Renn, a fallen Hoosier who dedicated legislative authority needed to resolve the dis- duction Account) his life to serving others. pute. 4. On rollcall No. 382 I would have voted Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, Mr. Chair, I believe this language does a ‘‘yes.’’ Officer Renn responded to a call where shots great deal in helping resolve a serious issue (Titus Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy had already been fired at the scene. Upon his affecting residents in my district and across and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year arrival, he acted without regard to his own life the entire lower Snake region. I am grateful for 2015, eliminating funding for the Yucca Moun- in order to protect those of his fellow officers its inclusion in the Committee Report and I tain project at the Department of Energy and and innocent bystanders. In doing so, he urge my colleagues to maintain this language applying the $150 million savings to the made the ultimate sacrifice. in the final appropriations bill. Spending Reduction Account) As a 20 year veteran of the IMPD, this was f 5. On rollcall No. 383 I would have voted not the first time Officer Renn had risked his ‘‘yes.’’ PERSONAL EXPLANATION own life in an effort to protect his fellow Hoo- (Schiff Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy siers. In 2003, he received the department’s and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year Medal of Bravery and later received a Letter of HON. VICKY HARTZLER 2015, increasing the Advanced Research Commendation for his valiant effort to save OF MISSOURI Projects Agency by $20 million and reducing lives after a stage collapse at the Indiana IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Departmental Administration account by the same amount) State Fair. Officer Renn’s years of heroism, Thursday, July 10, 2014 dedication and self-sacrifice have left a lasting 6. On rollcall No. 384 I would have voted legacy on the Indianapolis community. Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- ‘‘yes.’’ Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in ex- day, June 26, 2014, due to a death in my fam- (Quigley Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy tending our thoughts and prayers to Officer ily, I was unable to vote. Had I been present, and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year Renn’s wife and family, and pay tribute to his I would have voted as follows: 2015, reducing the Atomic Energy Defense life by maintaining our steadfast support for On rollcall No. 360, ‘‘yea.’’ Activities and National Nuclear Security Ad- local law enforcement officers who selflessly On rollcall No. 361, ‘‘nay.’’ ministration Weapons Activities account by serve in our communities. On rollcall No. 362, ‘‘nay.’’ $7.6 million and applying the savings to the On rollcall No. 363, ‘‘nay.’’ Spending Reduction Account) f On rollcall No. 364, ‘‘nay.’’ 7. On rollcall No. 385 I would have voted ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOP- On rollcall No. 365, ‘‘yea.’’ ‘‘no.’’ MENT AND RELATED AGENCIES On rollcall No. 366, ‘‘nay.’’ (Chabot Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2015 On rollcall No. 367, ‘‘nay.’’ and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year On rollcall No. 368, ‘‘yea.’’ 2015, zeroing out funding for the Denali Com- SPEECH OF f mission (a $10 million cut) and applying that savings to the Spending Reduction Account) HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS PERSONAL EXPLANATION 8. On rollcall No. 386 I would have voted OF WASHINGTON ‘‘yes.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE (Titus Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy Wednesday, July 9, 2014 OF TEXAS and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015, striking Section 506 which prohibits The House in Committee of the Whole IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES funds from being used to close Yucca Moun- House on the state of the Union had under Thursday, July 10, 2014 consideration the bill (H.R. 4923) making ap- tain) propriations for energy and water develop- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, on July 9. On rollcall No. 387 I would have voted ment and related agencies for the fiscal year 10, 2014, I was unavoidably detained attend- ‘‘yes.’’ ending September 30, 2015, and for other pur- ing to representational activities in my con- (DeLauro Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy poses: gressional district and accompanying the and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Chair, I President of the United States to Austin, 2015, prohibiting the awarding of contracts to rise today in strong support of H.R. 4923, the Texas, and thus unable to return in time for ‘‘inverted’’ corporations that have changed Energy and Water Appropriations Act for rollcall Votes 379 through 392. I ask the their residence from the United States to the 2015. Contained in the bill’s Committee Report record to reflect that had I been present I tax havens of Bermuda or the Cayman Is- is language that benefits the Inland Northwest would have voted as follows: lands, avoiding U.S. corporate taxes) Region. Specifically, the ‘‘Lower Snake River 1. On rollcall No. 379 I would have voted 10. On rollcall No. 388 I would have voted Project’’ encourages the Walla Walla District ‘‘no.’’ ‘‘no.’’ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to continue (McClintock Amendment to H.R. 4923, En- (King (IA) Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy working with certain landowners to resolve an ergy and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year ongoing issue regarding the use of Corps Year 2015, reducing the Department of Ener- 2015, prohibiting the use of funds to imple- lands along the Snake River. I commend gy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ment, administer, or enforce the requirements Chairman SIMPSON as well as Chairman ROG- account, the Nuclear Energy account, the Fos- in the Davis-Bacon Act) ERS for their work in crafting this legislation in sil Energy Research and Development ac- 11. On rollcall No. 389 I would have voted a bipartisan manner. count, the Departmental Administration ac- ‘‘no.’’ In recent years, the Corps of Engineers has count, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- (Lankford Amendment to H.R. 4923, Energy targeted several cattlemen for trespass and sion Salaries and Expenses account by and Water Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year eviction as the result of their decades-old use $121.3 million collectively and applying the 2015, prohibiting the use of funds to prepare, of Corps lands adjacent to the Snake River. savings to the Spending Reduction Account) propose, or promulgate any regulation or guid- For many of these cattlemen, access to Corps 2. On rollcall No. 380 I would have voted ance that references or relies on the analysis lands is essential for the grazing and pasturing ‘‘yes.’’ contained in ‘‘Technical Support Document: VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:41 Jul 11, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JY8.015 E10JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.