CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E729 HON
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May 23, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E729 officer, in addition to patrol and field training, President of the University. But what he has The dedication demonstrated by Sarah he was also assigned to the Crime Abatement embraced most is performing the most basic Boothby is exemplary of the type of achieve- Team. He led the team to a record number of duties of a C.S.C. priest: saying mass; assist- ment that can be attained with hard work and quality felony arrest and crime prevention ef- ing the needy and giving voice to the voice- perseverance. It is essential students at all forts. less; serving the poor and the abandoned, the levels strive to make the most of their edu- Captain Burk received promotions to Ser- hungry and the homeless. cation and develop a work ethic which will geant, Lieutenant and Captain, and currently Father Hesburgh was called to serve the fu- guide them for the rest of their lives. serves as the Coordinator of Line Operations. ture of our country through his leadership in I extend my deepest congratulations to In this capacity he has shaped and directed the field of higher education. He led Notre Sarah Boothby for winning the Arvada Wheat the Department’s Comparative Statistic Model Dame for an incredible 35 years, yet his im- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. of data-driven policing, directed the campus print extended further than a single campus. I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- high visibility campaign, and restructured the He demonstrated how to transform Catholic cation and character in all of her future ac- Field Training Program for all incoming offi- universities into exemplary institutions of high- complishments. cers. er education in modern times. He championed f All the while, he has worked on various uni- academic freedom and the pursuit of aca- versity committees, including the Commence- demic excellence. He has earned 150 hon- HONORING MR. RODRIC J. MYERS ment Committee and Major Special Event Co- orary degrees, more than any other person in UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RE- ordination Committee. In serving as Coordi- history. TIREMENT nator of Line Operations, he also managed the Father Hesburgh was called to serve to ad- additional duties of Coordination of Auxiliary vance the cause of human dignity and justice HON. CANDICE S. MILLER Functions, handling budget and grant manage- in our society. Appointed by President Eisen- OF MICHIGAN ment, and human resource functions. hower to the Civil Rights Commission in 1957, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Captain Burk has received 52 Letters of Ap- he would shine a light on the need for voting Wednesday, May 22, 2013 preciation from citizens, two Presidential rights in the south. He would become known Award for exceptional service to the Univer- as an architect of the Civil Rights Act. He Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, sity, a Lifesaving Award, 14 Commendations would find himself standing hand-in-hand with today Ranking Member ROBERT BRADY and I for outstanding police work, a Merit Award for Martin Luther King Jr. at Soldier Field in Chi- join together on behalf of the House of Rep- exceptional service to the department, and a cago, singing ‘‘We Shall Overcome’’—a photo- resentatives to pay tribute to Mr. Rodric J. Valor Award for Heroic service. I applaud his graph of which is proudly displayed in the Na- Myers, Director of House Garages and Park- career and wish him a wonderful retirement. tional Portrait Gallery. ing Security with the Sergeant at Arms, on the occasion of his retirement on June 14, 2013. f Known as ‘‘Father Ted’’ to many, he under- stood the purpose behind the call to service, Rod has served this institution with distinction HONORING FATHER THEODORE once charging a gnpup of graduates to ‘‘be for over 40 years—both as an officer with U.S. HESBURGH the kind of person who not only understands Capitol Police and with the Office of the Ser- the injustices of this life, but is also willing to geant at Arms. His capable guidance, trusted HON. NANCY PELOSI do something about them.’’ That is what Fa- mentorship, and steady leadership have been OF CALIFORNIA ther Hesburgh has done every day for the invaluable assets not only to his staff and col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES past 70 years. leagues, but to every Congressional office. A native of Indianapolis, Indiana, Rod Myers Wednesday, May 22, 2013 His students have been inspired by his mes- sage. Our country has been blessed by his joined the U.S. Capitol Police in June 1972. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, seventy years leadership. The people have been strength- He both began and ended his career with the ago, a young man was ordained as a priest of ened by his presence. We are all grateful that U.S. Capitol Police in the Capitol Division, first the Congregation of Holy Cross and imme- he answered the call to serve. as a uniform patrol officer in and around U.S. diately volunteered to serve as a Navy Chap- On the 70th anniversary of his ordination Capitol, and eventually as the Administrative lain in World War II. At the time, duty to his and as we approach his 96th birthday, we Specialist for the entire Capitol Division. Rod church and commitments to his studies pre- know that Americans will long be blessed by was responsible for time and attendance for vented him from serving in the Navy. Yet ear- the legacy of Father Theodore Hesburgh. approximately 100 officers, the daily roster as- lier this year, Father Theodore Hesburgh fi- signment of officers, as well as working an as- f nally realized his dream: earning recognition signment of his own outside of his administra- as an Honorary Navy Chaplain. PERSONAL EXPLANATION tive duties. Rod was—as everyone who ever This honor paid tribute to Father Hesburgh’s worked with him will attest—the man who extraordinary contributions—as a patriot of our HON. VICKY HARTZLER made the trains run on time. His 29 years of country, as a leader of his Church, as a teach- OF MISSOURI service with the department were marked by a er and mentor, as a champion of the civil remarkable devotion to detail and a dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights movement. He has been recognized by onstration of professionalism in the highest de- American presidents from Eisenhower to Wednesday, May 22, 2013 gree. Obama. President Lyndon Johnson awarded Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, During Rod’s long tenure with the U.S. Cap- him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom; May 21, 2013, I was unable to vote. Had I itol Police he had the honor of working ten President Clinton presented him with the Con- been present, I would have voted as follows: Presidential Inaugurations, as well as 40 State gressional Gold Medal, the highest honor Con- on rollcall No. 164, ‘‘yea;’’ on rollcall No. 165, of the Union addresses. Needless to say, he gress can bestow. These all paid tribute to a ‘‘yea;’’ on rollcall No. 166, ‘‘yea.’’ had the opportunity to meet and greet numer- life that exemplified and gave meaning to the f ous dignitaries and heads of state over the Navy Chaplain motto: ‘‘vocati ad servitium’’— years, but perhaps his most cherished mo- ‘‘called to serve.’’ SARAH BOOTHBY ment was a visit by his beloved Dallas Cow- It is only fitting that Father Hesburgh would boys football team. Rod—being the U.S. Cap- be honored by the Navy, which has a rich his- HON. ED PERLMUTTER itol Police administrative specialist—got this tory with Notre Dame. As he has noted in the OF COLORADO assignment himself. past, during World War II, ‘‘The Navy came in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On July 9, 2001, Rod was appointed Direc- and kept us afloat until the war was over,’’ tor of House Garages and Parking Security using the Notre Dame campus for the Mid- Wednesday, May 22, 2013 with the Sergeant at Arms. Throughout the shipmen’s School, constructing drill halls and Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise past 11 years, he has worked tirelessly to es- headquarters at the school, and building class- today to recognize and applaud Sarah tablish parking protocols and procedures that rooms on the site of what is now the Boothby for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge enhance both the safety and security of Mem- Hesburgh Library. Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Sarah bers and staff. Rod has crafted a comprehen- Father Hesburgh was called to serve his Boothby is an 8th grader at Mandalay Middle sive on-going training program for all Garages faith and his fellow Catholics. He would take School and received this award because her and Parking Security staff, coordinating with his first job at Notre Dame as chaplain for determination and hard work have allowed her the U.S. Capitol Police and the Office of the married veterans and would rise to serve as to overcome adversities. Attending Physician to ensure that his staff is VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:55 May 24, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.011 E23MYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2013 prepared for any eventuality. He has worked March Award, and the Houston Sun Beacon of lence, promoting character development, and closely with the Committee on House Adminis- Light: Men of Valor Award. providing information for families and youth. tration over the years concerning every facet Finally, Mr.