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December 21, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1195 I extend my deepest sympathies to Chief RON WAGONER Joyce lived an extraordinary life by all Spiker’s parents Ron and Jessie, his loving measures. Her husband, Steve, describes her wife of 31 years Anita, and his son Tyler. On HON. ED PERLMUTTER as ‘‘beautiful at many levels, and bordering on behalf of Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional OF COLORADO being renaissance.’’ Joyce embraced the pop- District, it is an honor to recognize Chief Ron- ular role of being a homemaker to her family, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ald Spiker’s legacy of service to the John but her efforts and passions didn’t end there. Hyndman community. Monday, December 21, 2020 Joyce returned to college in her 40s and grad- f Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise uated with a degree in social work. Her pas- today to recognize Ron Wagoner with the City sion was always in the well-being of those HONORING THE 65TH ANNIVER- of Lakewood for his long tenure with the City less fortunate. SARY OF THE CHARLES HOUS- and his countless contributions to our commu- Joyce blazed historic trails in her commu- TON BAR ASSOCIATION nity. nity. She co-founded Community Transitions, Ron began work with the City of Lakewood a non-profit organization that served homeless HON. BARBARA LEE on December 28, 1970 and, after 50 years of families, established a volunteer program for OF CALIFORNIA service, plans to retire in January 2021. the District Attorney’s office, and built the DA’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout his time with the City, he has had ‘Shape Up’ initiative. She was appointed by many different responsibilities and roles—from Monday, December 21, 2020 Governor Bill Ritter to the board of the Charter Laborer to Maintenance Supervisor—but he is School Institute and served on the boards of Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, I best known for his work ethic and delightful the League of Charter School and the Youth rise today to honor the Charles Houston Bar nature. Transformation Center. Additionally, she co- Association (CHBA) and their 65 years of Through 50 winters, he has ensured snow founded and chaired the board of Colorado’s service throughout California’s 13th congres- removal and ice control for the City of Lake- first military charter school, the Colorado Mili- sional district and the country. wood and its residents. He actively partici- tary Academy. CHBA was originally founded in 1955 as the pated in the Colorado Chapter of the Amer- The Schuck’s had an unwavering commit- Charles Houston Law Club and was named in ican Public Works Association (APWA), par- ment to children, particularly to those who are honor of the groundbreaking lawyer and edu- ticularly related to snow, ice and pavement, disadvantaged. They founded Parents Chal- cator, Charles Hamilton Houston. Bearing his and chaired the APWA Snow and Ice com- lenge, a nationwide nonprofit to empower low- name, CHBA continues to uphold his legacy mittee from 1985 to 2013. income parents with financial and informa- by fighting for racial equality and social During his service, he also managed pave- tional resources so that they may choose the change. ment quality for 1,345 lane-miles of city schools best suited for their children’s needs. Located in Oakland, California, The Charles streets. This meant selecting, coordinating and Parents Challenge has been carrying out its Houston Bar Association has been a driving directing suppliers of multiple maintenance mission of serving parents and children across force promoting diversity in the legal profes- materials including pavement, sewer, water- our nation for over 21 years. sion and advocating against racial injustice. line, sand, and salt as well as evolving equip- In 1975, The California State Bar’s Board of ment purchases to support maintenance of In a move that took her out of her comfort Governors recognized the Charles Houston streets, sewers, waterlines and storm water fa- zone, Joyce embraced the campaign life when Bar Association as an official state bar asso- cilities. Ron also helped lead and participate in Steve sought the Republican nomination for ciation. The CHBA is also an affiliate member emergency responses to infrastructure fail- Governor of Colorado in 1986. Not so secretly, of the National Bar Association (NBA) and the ures, storm damage, police responses and fire many expressed that they wished she was the California Association of Black Lawyers responses, and helped hire and supervise un- candidate because she excelled at building re- (CABL). told numbers of employees with varied back- lationships and communicating with people The CHBA has been a continuous source of grounds. from all walks of life. Unbeknownst to Steve, legal advocacy in the African American com- Ron’s work ethic and leadership earned him Joyce kept a diary of her experience on the munity. Their focus on protecting the legal Lakewood’s Employee of the Year in 2016. campaign, which she converted into a trail- rights of the people has kept them on the Outside of work, Ron is a dedicated father and blazing book titled, ‘‘Political Wives, Veiled precipice of change. grandfather. I want to extend my deepest ap- Lives.’’ During the early 1980’s CHBA partnered preciation for Ron’s long career in public serv- Joyce had many passions in her life, but with the California Association of Black Law- ice and countless contributions to our commu- none more than her family. Joyce was pre- yers to criminalize the KKK. Through their ef- nity. I wish him the best in retirement and fu- ceded in death by her parents Frank and Flor- forts California passed legislation that can still ture endeavors. ence, and sister Rolene. Joyce is survived by be found in the penal code today. f her loving husband Steve, children: Bill The Charles Houston Bar Association has (Dede), Tom, and Ann; her grandchildren: always fought to protect civil rights and advo- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Emily, Molly, Hillary, Whitney, Gabriel, Conner, cated for equality. These efforts led to the OF JOYCE HABER SCHUCK Colton, and Bryce; great-grandchildren: CHBA earning recognition from the National Madyson, Emyrson, Grayson, Hudson, and Bar Association as one of its Most Out- HON. DOUG LAMBORN Liam. standing Affiliates in 1977, 1986, 2002, and OF COLORADO Joyce leaves behind a legacy of grace, 2004. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kindness, compassion, and generosity. She The CHBA’s values and mission are re- Monday, December 21, 2020 lived her life with enthusiasm and purpose, flected in accomplishments and legacies of its and her commitment to those in need will ben- members. From California’s first African Amer- Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, I rise efit generations to come. ican Supreme Court Justice Wiley Manuel to today to honor the life of Mrs. Joyce Haber the First African American Vice President-elect Schuck, cherished wife, mother, grandmother, f KAMALA HARRIS, The Charles Houston Bar As- patriot, community activist, and dear friend. sociation and its members continue to dedi- Joyce was born December 9, 1937, to lov- PERSONAL EXPLANATION cate themselves to creating and being the en- ing parents, Frank and Florence Haber, in gineers of social change. Long Island, New York. She met the love of On behalf of California’s 13th Congressional her life, Steve, while at a party hosted by a HON. DEBBIE LESKO District, I want to extend my sincere congratu- mutual friend. They married in 1958, following OF ARIZONA lations on this important milestone. I thank the his college graduation. As newlyweds, Steve Charles Houston Bar Association for being a and Joyce lived and worked in Syracuse and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tireless advocate for an inclusive community. I New York City until they accomplished their Monday, December 21, 2020 wish them continued success in training and dream of starting a family and moving to Colo- organizing future generations of leaders to ad- rado Springs. They had three beloved chil- Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, had I been dress the issue of diversity in the legal profes- dren: William David (1959), Thomas Allen present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call sion and the challenges of racial inequality. (1961), and Ann Elizabeth (1968). No. 246, and YEA on Roll Call No. 247. VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:58 Dec 24, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.017 E21DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.