Egan Trial Ends; Both Sides Rest
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' ' ' ‘ r : ': ;•: ' . ' ' ’ - ■ 'Vv%\^- 'i - '' *' ..... -' '"I. t e e WEATHER NET PRESS RUN , PofCffMt br:0.'-«i'.W«*h«* B«fe*«,- AVERAGE nAlhV CIRCULATION Maw M«ran for the Month of March, 1020 Member of the Aedlt Bureau of ' Clrrulattona PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CtoN ., TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1929. ‘ ‘ ^ ' s - ; W PAGES VOL. XLIIL, NO. 155. (Classifled Advertising on Page 10) Rival Candidates for D. A. R. Post. EGAN TRIAL ENDS; <zn BOTH SIDES REST Lawyer Changes Story He STATE, COUNTY Iji Diiasaany Short Hessase, Chief Executive Proposes Atlantic Told last Friday— Healy LEADERSHONOR , P r o g ^ for Special Session of Congress—Asks Exonerated from Connec In Grip Changes in National-Origins Clause of Immigration tions With Watkins Case. SENATOR SMITH Act— Wants Reapportionfflent of Congress and Legis- New York City and the entire^ The New Jers«y eastern seaboard from Massachu especlaliy l?ard hit by the f«ry oi Hartford, April 16.— The case of Testimonial Dinner to Local the elements. At Point PlespaRti ladon Provi^ng for the Census of 1030; Speech Read seussetts to rFlorida lui lua. was>vtt» held fast to-ww ----------------: , v . *^1 t • the state against William E. Egan, day in the grip of one of the most N. J., the Leighton lawyer accused of conspiracy in Man Given by 150 at Ho severe storms that has visited this largest structures on the beach was connection wltn the affairs of Rogei part of the country in the last ten partially wrecked by the wlmj ao4 , by Clerks in BoA Houses. W. Watkins, broker now in years. mountainous sea waves that swept Wethersfield prison, came to an end tel Bond; Recently Named At least one fatality, millions of away the bulkhead in fr«-nt of the f - in Superior Court early this after dollars damage and intense suffer hostelry. - Washington, April’ 16.— Presi- First Message ing were attributed to the storm four recom- noon when both sides rested. Judge , So powerful was ^ J ^ ® , dent Uodver .. made «>- Isaac Wolfe, presiding over the County Commissioner. according to International News panylng a torrential rain, that John ^ and Raymond Kuntz of Passaic mendaiions to Congress today in trial, recessed court until two p. m., Candidate for vice president gen Service dispatches. i-— — — -- --- - . ... Mrs. Ralph 'Vanlandingham-, At all seaports and harbors, par-, were blown a distance of 46 his first presidential message. when he announced he would ask above, of Charlotte, N. C.. was her Mr. Alcorn for a statement of Senator Robert J. Smith, of Man eral of the Daughters of the tlcularly in the New York district, in their automobile which was halt- In an. unusually short executive chester, recently elected Hartford home state’s candidate for the office American Revolution, in national shipping was reported at an abso-jed in front of a signal light.-Boui message,‘he proposed to the special charges against the man on trial. of national vice president of the Counsel for both sides indicated County Commissioner., was given convention in Washington, was lute standstill. suffered cuts. ; ■ < SBSSiOO t testimonial dinner last night at the Daughters of the American Revolu- I there would be no arguments. 1. The enactment of a general Hotel Bond. Hartford, by loO of his tion, meeting in Washington. She Mrs. Munsey Slack of Bristol. Va'. farm relief measure, the basis of Frank E. Healy, former attorney She has been a national leader in friends in political circles in was nominated at tire North Caro which would, be a Federal Farm general, and Egan’s law partnei, lina convention of the D. A. R. D. A. R. activities look the stand after Hugh M. Al Connecticut. The party was a com Board with wide credit powers, and corn, state’s attorney, had put E pn plete surprise to Senator Smith and HERE’S THE FULL authorized to reorganize the agri through a long cross examination. the first formal recognition of the cultural ■ niarketing system on And when Mr. Healy had finished latest honor that has fallen on his “ more stable'and economic .ines," Judge Wolfe remarked that Mr. shoulders. CAMPBEILAMDIS 2., Limited'revision of the tariff Healy and Mr. Alcorn had exonerat- i State officials from Governor BABY CYttONE OF PRESIDENT’ S in certain schedules and changes in ed each other— “ Mr. Healy from John H. Trumbull down were pres the natural origins clause of the participation in the Watkins case, ent in lar,: ' numbers. Leadini HEHAD3WIVE$ 1924 Immigration Act, which be- and Mr. Alcorn from neglect to political personages from every - . .r. 1. t n . 1- Cl I plicity of causes of agr:cultaral dq- Come§-PP®?pLlye on July 1 unless town and city in Hartford County TEARSUPMANY prosecute." Says He Called SpecialSes-.p«-!»; Congress, acts .meanwhile. Heal>'s Statement ' 3. Reapportionment of Congress, Mr. Healy told the stale’s attor , n i Cl if 1 clothed with sufficient authority which all Congresses since 1920 ney under questioning that he knew TREES IN TOWN Was Living With Them All at Sion to Kcdocin tlCCUOn; and resources to assist our farmers have been evading, in defiance of nothing of the preparation of the to meet these probletns, each upon the Constitution. ?200,000 note, the basis of the its own merits. The creation of 4. Legislation, providing for the Egan trial, nor of two letters that the Same Time— Is Ex- Pledges, Farm Relief and such an agency would at pnce decennial census of 1930i were written with it. He told of Freak Tornado Traveling transfer the agricultural question . Other matters. Indicated, can go warning Watkins that the Healy & from the field of politics info tlie over until the regular session in Egan law firm “ is not doing a pawn Convict. Changes in the Tariff. realm of economics and would, re December, but on the first two— shop business.” When Mr. Alcorn With Coastal Storm Cuts sult in constructive- action- The farm'relief and tariff he expressed mlc changes have taken place dur asked what he said on another oc ., administration is pledged to create’ the opinion tliat. the government ing that time which nave placed casion, the former attorney gen Elizabeth, N, J., April 16.— Following is the text o f President iastrumentality that will tn- has a. special mandate from the last certain domestic products at a dis Hoorer’s message to Congress to -, yeg^igate the causes, find sound advantage and new industries hava eral replied he did not like to re Swathe in Vicinity of the Henry Colin Campbell; confessed election. day: ** j remedies, and have the authorlty-f Hia .^lessage Bead. come into being, all of which peat his remarks in bpen court. He “ torch slayer” of Mrs. Mildred as not pressed to do so. Country Club. To the Congress of the United resources to apply those Mr. Hoover dia not deliver his creates the necessity for some lim Mr Healy declared he had receiv- Mowry today tore aside the veil of States: . , , ! remedies. message in person,, as did Wilson, ited changes in the schedules.” 1 have called this special session i Federal Farm Board, ed*a total of ?15.149 in fees for do his past life and admitted, authori Harding and, quite frequently. Mr. Hoover mentioned no speci of Congress to redeem two pledges i pledged purpose of such a fic commodities which he thought ing work for Watkins, and that he One of the queerest storm freaks ties stated, that he was Henry C. Coolldge. His dislike for public knew nothing at all of other things given lu the last election— farm re- pg^gj-al Farm Jioard is the re .speaking prompted him to send his needed aid, advising Congress that of which there is any record in Close, forger, embezzler, ex-convict, lief and limited changes in the tar- organization of the marketlos sys^ Egan was supposed to have done m message to’ b®-read, in both Houses in sniTveying . the field . it should these parts manifested itself here polygamist and modern Bluebeard. iff. , ‘ tern on sounder and more'Stable take account of those industriei connection with Watkins. Detectives and Bertillan experts by readlpg’- clerks. The'physical just after noon today in tlie torm TUe difficulties of the agricuUur- economic lines. To do this a^ence of th®'president detracted that have experienced " a substan The final witness was Harvey A. , in Nevr York compared the finger al industry arise out of a multitude rqqqire funds to as- Lavoie, a local truckman, who told jot a sm-all cyclone within a north somewhat'from the usual color and tial slackening of .activity.” prints of Campbell' and Close and of causes. A heavy indebtedness in eating and, sustaining “ 1 am impressed with the *fael • of taking the fittings from the Wat easterly storm. Almost invariably glamour o f ‘‘ meHsage day" at the anything like a cyclonic effect in found them to be identical. was Inherited by the industry from farmer-owned and farmer-contrdjl- that we also need important revi kins home in West Hartford, at When confronted with thls'start- Capitol, bu the galleries were the wind line, visiting this part of ,the deflation processes of 1920. Dis- agencies for a variety of pur- 'Crowded .none the less to bear what sion of some of the administpaiiitf: Egan’s request, and pulling them m llHg fact.,today. Camp^eJP orderly'^nd ’ wastefnl methods poses, such as the atftjulsftlon of phases.of the tariff. The tariff com various storage warehouses. de the cour^ry, comes after a spell of the pew piestdept had to propose., calm and usually abnormally warm admitted that he was the man who marketing have developed,developed.^ Them e warehouses findand ’ ‘ptheT mission should be reorganized and clared he thought some of the disappeared from public sight In He briefly stated .the purpose of weather.