.,578 MARKET WEIGHTON, EA8T RIDING (YOBKS)-llHE . Hindle John D. Oarpentera' Arma P.H. Southga.te Moore George, farmer, Common Hollings John W4J.iam, manager of Barclay & Company's Morl~y Edward, Whit~ Swan P.H. Market place Bank, insurance agent; & treasurer to the Marketi Munro .Annie (Miss), confectioner, Mark~~ place Weighton Draina.ge Trustees, Marke~ place Newbnry George William, butcher, High ¥trl)rt Holmea Charles Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Northgate North Eastern Railway Co.'$ Coal Depot. (Johp Water- Holmes J ames, corn merchant, Market place worth, manager) t Hornsey R. & Son, auctioneers, Market place Nunn Frederick, farmer, Common Hornsey Sydney Herbert, Half Moon P.H. Market place Parkinson Goorge & Son, linen drapers, High strt>et Hudson James McArthur, cycle dealer, Market place Patrick Jsph. provision dealer t beer retlr. Church side Hudson John, builde-r, Southgate Pears Mary J. (Mrs.), farmer, Common Hunter George Arthur. grocer, High sheet Piercy ~t:ary (:Mrs.), wine & spirit merchant, High street Hunter William, carpenter & joiner, Linegate Piercy William Stephenson, insurance agent, High street Hyde Martha (Mrs.), fancy repository, Market place Potter Henry J-ohn, ironmonger, Market plae• lhbotson John 'f. farmer, Church farm fllwell Henry Sydney, solicitor, & clerk to the. Markeb Jackson Foster, shopkeeper, Northgate W eighton Drainage trustees, Market place. T N 8 J ones William Mal'Shall, tobacconist, Market place Prescott Ernest, butcher, High street Kelsey George, farmer & grocer, Southgate Proudlock John, manure merchant, The Hollies Kemp Henry, baker & confr. Market pl. & Railway statu Puckering Waiter Walls, farmer, Mount Pleasant Kempley John Joseph, auctioneer &:. valueor & house, land llichardson John & William, stone masons, Southgate & estate agent, Holme road Richardson Charles S.
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