Worcester College - Oxford Landscape Character Analysis Visual Impact Assessment Historic Garden Character Analysis An integrated report in support of a Planning Application for New Lecture Theatre New College Kitchen Alterations to Existing Buildings Report by Anne Keenan MA BEd(Hons) DipLA MSGD Landscape Architect & Garden Designer T. 01264 324192 E.
[email protected] I. www.annekeenan.co.uk May 2012 Worcester College - Oxford CONTENTS Introduction Existing Situation Location Planning Context Physical Influences: Topography Geology & Soils Trees Ecology Landscape Classification & Features Human Influences: Historic Development Historic Assets Historic Landscape - Garden Character Areas Visual Survey of the Proposed Development Sites Kitchen Quad Pump Quad Landscape Summary The Proposal Kitchen Quad: The Proposed Buildings The Landscape Design Pump Quad: The Proposed Buildings The Landscape Design Impact of the Proposal Introduction Landscape Impacts Visual Impacts Heritage Assets & Impact Zone of Visual Impact Views to the Development Site/s Heritage Assets within Important Views Summary of Positive & Negative Impacts Mitigation/Enhancement Primary & Secondary Conclusion Worcester College - Oxford Introduction This document has been produced in support of a planning application for a new Lecture Theatre & College Kitchen, and existing building alterations, at Worcester College Oxford. The aims of the study are to: describe, classify and evaluate the landscape, specifically the townscape and the historic garden in the context of the proposal to identify the visual impact of the proposals to analyse any mitigation and enhancement measures to evaluate the overall landscape and visual impact of the proposed buildings. The assessment seeks to present a fully integrated view of the landscape incorporating all the features and attributes that contribute to the special and distinctive character of the site.