11989 Extensions O·F Remarks Hon. Francis E. Walter Hon

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11989 Extensions O·F Remarks Hon. Francis E. Walter Hon 1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 11989 EXTENSIONS O ·F REMARKS The Freedom Awards of ·the Order of the Order of Lafayette. It was. decided this country. besides. being a tremen­ not to include any former Communist dous source of revenue, might bring Lafayette, Inc. in the lists many of whom have been similar benefits. very helpful in exposing the Communist EXTENSION OF REMARKS conspiracy in the United States. 01' Mr. Fish, who was chairman of the HON. FRANCIS E. WALTER first congressional committee-1930- Pioneer and Homecoming Day of Berwick, 31-to investigate communism told the Pa., on the Event of the I 75th Anniver­ OF PENNSYLVANIA Order of Lafayette convention that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES most important organizations in fight­ sary of the Founding of the Town Thursday, July 6, 1961 ing communism were the Catholic Church, FBI, the American Legion, the EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, the Or~ OF der of Lafayette is composed of officers American Federation of Labor, and the congressional committee. These impor­ who served in France or French posses~ HON. JAMES E. VAN ZANDT sions during World War I or II, and its tant groups, together with other veter­ OF PENNSYLVANIA auxiliary members are also in favor of ans and civilian organizations, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strengthening our traditional friendly numerous individuals throughout the Nation have been the real pioneers fight­ Thursday, July 6, 1961 relations with France. It is a nonpar~ ing in the front lines against communism tisan, nonprofit, and tax exempt cor~ Mr. VAN ZANDT. Mr. Speaker, on poration, with headquarters at 12 West in America for the past 30 years. At Friday, June 30, 1961, I was honored to 44th Street, New York, N.Y. that time communism was a powerful have the privilege of delivering the At its convention luncheon held at the force in the United States. The execu­ principal address at the Pioneer and Plaza . Hotel in New York on May 19, tive committee of the CIO was domi~ Homecoming Day luncheon in connec­ 1961, 1ts first Freedom Award for fore~ nated by Communists. The American tion with the 175th anniversary of the seeing and combating communism was Labor Party in New York State composed founding of Berwick, Pa. presented to Douglas MacArthur, Gen~ of Communists and fellow travelers cast My address follows: eral of the Army. Six hundred people ~ half a million votes. Fortunately, it It is always a pleasure to return to Berwick filled the ballroom and heard General IS now extinct. whenever opportunity permits, and particu­ larly so on this occasion to participate in MacArthur make a brilliant and inspir~ Today, due to the tireless and fearless ing speech on the space age, which has efforts of numerous anti-Communist or­ Pioneer and Homecoming Day. ganizations, groups and individuals in It is significant that the 175th anniversary been inserted in the CONGRESSIONAL REC­ of the founding of Berwick is celebrated less ORD together with the Freedom Award exposing and combating communism, than a week before the 185th anniversary of by Hon. JOSEPH W. MARTIN, JR. aided by public opinion, the Communists the signing of the Declaration of Independ­ The Order of Lafayette of which the have been reduced in the United States ence on July 4. Honorable Hamilton Fish is president to a comparatively small number of fa­ Pennsylvania's prominent role in the war general, adopted the following resolu~ natics and fellow travelers. On the for independence is a source of pride to all tions at its convention on May 19, which other hand, world communism has of us who claim the Keystone State as our grown steadily into an appalling and home. were compiled by a score or more of in­ Berwick's 175th anniversary 1s a historic fluential anti-Communists suggesting dangerous menance to the free nations milestone on the road to progress. the names of a number of persons living of the world including the United States. Like the Fourth of July-this anniversary and dead who have been leaders in the celebration provides an occasion to review fight ~gainst the menace of commu~ past accomplishments and to plan for a i:l.ism, to freedom in America, and else­ greater future. National Lottery Despite world turmoil we Americans on where: occasions like this find time to interrupt our Freedom A ward list unanlm.ously agreed daily routine and reflect briefly on our his­ to: Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Cardinal EXTENSION OF REMARKS tory, our traditions, and our achievements. Francis E. Spellman, J. Edgar Hoover, Hon. OF This is a healthy attitude to adopt be­ Richard M. Nixon, Hon. Hamilton Fish, Hon. cause on an occasion such as this we afford Martin Dies, Hon. Francis E. Walter, George HON. PAUL A. FINO ourselves the opportunity to pay tribute to Meaney, George Sokolsky. OF NEW YORK the stalwart pioneering men and women who Freedom Award-honorable mention dur­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - built our Nation, our State, and our homes. il'g the last 30 years: Hon. John L. McClellan, No town, city, or borough in Pennsylvania Hon. John W. McCormack, Hon. Barry M. Thursday, July 6, 1961 more truly represents the spirit of the State Goldwater, Hon. Karl E. Mundt, Hon. Mr. FINO: Mr. Speaker, I would like than Berwick-a bustling community with Thomas J. DOdd, Hon. Walter H. Judd, Han. a history extending back to the days of the Joseph Starr .es, Hon. Harold R. Medina, Hon. tO. point out to the Members of this postrevolutionary period. Martin McKneally, Lt. Gen. Albert Wede­ House the national lottery of tl}.e Com­ The striking characteristic of Pennsylvania meyer, Rev. Danlel A. Poling, John T. Flynn, monwealth of Puerto Rico. This lottery today-as in the past-is its remarkable .FUlton Lewis, Jr., Bob Considine, West­ :flourishing on American soil, should diversity. brook Pegler, Patrick .Scanlan, W~lUam F. serve as an example to us on the main­ Landscape and natural resources and peo­ Buckley, Frank Hanighen, James F. O'Neil, land. ple, their dialects, manners, customs and Hon. Charles Edison, Hon. Sprulle Braden, traditions, their religious beliefs. mental and Hon. Richard Arens, Walter L. Reynolds, Puerto Rico, with a population of only slightly over 2 million persons, re­ social attitudes, and occupations-all dis­ Roy M. Brewer, Roy Cohen, John Thomas play a seemingly endless variety. Taylor, Robert E. Condon, Archibald B. alized $45 million from the sale of lot­ No less so in the case of Berwick-where Roosevelz, Mrs. Mary Markward, Mrs. William tery tickets in 1960. The profit to the the various strains of American ancestry Sherman Walker. Government in that year was "close to blend in a spirit of community cooperation. Freedom Award as a tribute to the mem­ $10 million. Most of this money went to In considering the nature of Pennsyl­ ory of deceased Americans: William Green, the general fund of tbe Commonwealth. vania-the person with a love for history William R. Hearst, Edward A. Hayes, Alfred may think of such treasured shrines as In­ Kohlberg, Col. Robert McCormick, Hon: Pat­ A corollary benefit of the Puerto Ri­ can national lottery was the employ­ dependence Hall, Valley Forge, and the rick McCarron, Hon. Joseph R. McCarthy, Gettysburg Battlefield. Walter Steele, Ben Stolberg, Hon. Robert ment of some 6,000 agents, vendors, and The Keystone State always has played­ Taft, John B. Trevor, Rev. Edmund A. others who would have been otherwise Walsh. and still plays-a leading role in the Na­ unemployable be_cause of age, physical tion's drama. These I"reedom Awards are only· to be disability, poor health, or lack of ade­ So, too, has Berwick played such a role, presented at meetings or functions of quate training. A national lottery in as demonstrated, for instance by the nearby 11990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE . July 6 site of Fort Jenkins from which Americans · The Durham boats in which the first fami­ In later years all m anner of religious folk issued forth two centuries ago against a lies ascended the river to Berwick derived had moved into the area, bringing with foe as fearsome in its time as any on earth their names from Durham, a town on the them spiritual beliefs of every kind, yet all today. · Delaware below Easton, where they were of them dedicated to the principles upon The courageous spirit of Pennsylvania made. which Berwick has thrived and prospered which has stood by the national flag with When manned by four men with setting over the years in the manner of a typically devotion unsurpassed in national history poles, these boats progressed only at the American community, founded on devotion was reflected in the many gallant deeds of rate of 2 miles an hour against the current. to God and preserved through the strength Berwick citizens of the pioneer period. Various improvements were attempted in of faith. Moreover, their courage was constantly an effort to speed up travel on the Susque­ Undoubtedly, as anyone familiar with Ber­ matched by productive energy. hanna, and many famous craft were wick traditions can plainly see, the vitality At the time of Berwick's first settlement, launched in this endeavor. of the city springs from the moral fiber of northern Pennsylvania was a region of Of these the first was the Codomus, a its population whose purposes, hopes, and m agnificent distances. steamboat launched in April 1826 amid the dreams correspond in every detail to those The means of communicat ion with distant cheering of a large crowd along the river­ of the P-rand design drawn up by our fore­ points were inadequat e--slow and tedious.
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