Self ConfidenceBoost Your Self-confidence

Learn how to increase your self confidence by changing your body language with this Ted Talk on “power posing.”

10 Steps to Self-confidence

1. Take action and celebrate the small wins. “Nothing builds self-esteem and self- confidence like accomplishment." - Thomas Carlyle 2. Stop comparing. This is a losing battle. There will always be someone who has more or is better at something. “Comparison is the thief of .” - Theodore Roosevelt 3. Banish negativity and bring on the . Learn to identify and change your negative thought patterns with our Nix the Negativity handout. 4. Build strong social connections. Surround yourself with positive, inspirational people who encourage you to be your best. 5. Try new things. Step out of your comfort zone to encourage positive personal growth. 6. Make small tweaks. Studies show that improving your posture (see the Power Pose talk above), sitting in the front row, and even walking faster can instantly boost your confidence. 7. Get more exercise. Not only will this improve your physical appearance, but regular exercise also provides a boost of energy and forward momentum in your day. 8. Celebrate your strengths. Try this activity for a full week: each evening, write down three things you appreciate about yourself. 9. Reframe your mistakes and failures. Instead of listening to your inner-critic, ask yourself: how would my friend support me in this situation? Try to find the positives. What did you learn from the situation? How are you stronger moving forward?

10. Practice . Take a moment to remind yourself of everything you have going for you. Recall past successes, recognize your unique abilities, and savor your relationships with family and friends. Review the Attitude of Gratitude handout for more ideas. Yourself Activity

Loving yourself is not an indication of arrogance, , or self importance. Actually, it is just the opposite. Loving yourself is an expression of respect, appreciation and gratitude for the amazing person that you are. Take a moment to complete this worksheet and appreciate the beauty and strength within you!

5 things I am grateful for: 5 things I love about myself:

1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______

4. ______4. ______

5. ______5. ______

3 recent success that I’m proud of: 3 I want to practice today:

1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______

2 new things I learned recently: 2 favors I want to do for myself

today: 1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______