[email protected] • www.thepeninsulaqatar.com • 4455 7741 inside Hobbit takes CAMPUS third straight • MES Indian School organises win at box Ganit week office P | 4 P | 8-9 COMMUNITY • Tareq crowned winner of Bangladeshi musical reality show P | 5 At Harvard, three art museums have now been united in one new building and RECIPE CONTEST everything about the building and the • newly installed galleries expresses its Send in your best recipe and win a mission as a teaching museum. dinner voucher for two P | 6 HEALTH • Modern standup desks coax office workers back on their feet P | 11 TECHNOLOGY • Slave to the Charger Harvard’s • App of the day P | 12 teaching LEARN ARABIC • Learn commonly used Arabic words museums and their meanings P | 13 2 PLUS | TUESDAY 6 JANUARY 2015 COVER STORY Much to learn from Harvard’s melding of art museums An aerial view of the new building, with the Carpenter Center at bottom right. By Philip Kennicott conservation and study facilities. From the outside, it is not one of Piano's ne might think that all art more elegant structures, but from the museums are in the business inside, the Italian architect, who has of teaching, but the "teaching built so many museum additions in the Omuseum" is a particular sub- past decade, has managed a deft fusion category of the form, and for the most of the institution's myriad functions, part limited to academic campuses. in a structure that doesn't feel cobbled A teaching museum self-consciously together but organically conceived and forthrightly embraces the idea from the beginning.