Brookhaven Fastbus/Unibus Interface 3 Nl 33165 G
Oo/OF - " - 7 SuLniiitted to tHe Third Biennial Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear & Particle Physics, Berkeley,:CA "" Kay 16-19, 1983 BROOKHAVEN FASTBUS/UNIBUS INTERFACE 3 NL 33165 G. Benenson, J. Bauecnfeind, R.C. Larsen, L.8. Lelpuner, and W.H.Morse* BNL--3 316 5 Brookhaven National laboratory Associated Universities, Inc. Upton, New York 11973 DB83 014434 R.K. Adair, J.K. Black, S.R. Campbell, H. Kasha, and H.P. Schmidt Tale University New Haven, Connecticut 06511 I. Summary CONTROL signals are needed to determine which of many A typical high energy physics experiment re- potential masters will actually assume mastership quires both a high speed data acquisiton and proces- during a particular time slot on the bus. ADDRESS sing system, for data collection and reduction; and a Information is used to select which of many potential general purpose computer to handle further reduction, slaves will actually respond io the current master. bookkeeping and mass storage. Broad differences in architecture, format or technology, will often exist between these two systems, and Interface design can become a formidable task. A. ONE-TO-ONE The PDP-11 series minicomputer is widely used in physics research, and the Brookhaven FASTBUS is the only standard high speed data acquisition system which Is fully Implemented in a current high energy physics experiment, this paper will describe the design and operation of an interface between these two-systems. The major issues are elucidated by a preliminary discussion on the basic principles of Bus Systems, and their application to Brookhaven FASTBUS and UMIBUS.
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