Shouldered Hawk and Aplomado Falcon from Quaternary Asphalt
MARCH 2003 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 71 J. RaptorRes. 37(1):71-75 ¸ 2003 The Raptor ResearchFoundation, Inc. RED-SHOULDEREDHAWK AND APLOMADO FALCON FROM QUATERNARY ASPHALT DEPOSITS IN CUBA WILLIAM SU•REZ MuseoNacional de Historia Natural, Obispo61, Plaza deArmas; La Habana CP 10100 Cuba STORRS L. OLSON • NationalMuseum of Natural History,Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 U.S.A. KEYWORDS: AplomadoFalcon; Falco femoralis;Red-shoul- MATERIAL EXAMINED deredHawk; Buteo lineatus;Antilles; Cuba; extinctions; Jbssil Fossils are from the collections of the Museo Nacional birds;Quaternary; West Indies. de Historia Natural, La Habana, Cuba (MNHNCu). Mod- ern comparativeskeletons included specimensof all of The fossil avifauna of Cuba is remarkable for its diver- the speciesof Buteoand Falcoin the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, sity of raptors,some of very large size, both diurnal and DC (USNM). The following specimenswere used tbr the nocturnal (Arredondo 1976, 1984, Su'•rez and Arredon- tables of measurements: Buteo lineatus 16633-16634, do 1997). This diversitycontinues to increase(e.g., Su'•- 17952-17953, 18798, 18846, 18848, 18965, 19108, 19929, rez and Olson 2001a, b, 2003a) and many additionalspe- 290343, 291174-291175, 291197-291200, 291216, cies are known that await description. Not all of the 291860-291861, 291883, 291886, 296343, 321580, raptors that have disappearedfrom Cuba in the Quater- 343441, 499423, 499626, 499646, 500999-501000, nary are extinct species,however. We report here the first 610743-610744, 614338; Falcofemoralis 30896, 291300, 319446, 622320-622321. recordsfor Cuba of two widespreadliving speciesthat are not known in the Antilles today. Family Accipitridae Thesefossils were obtainedduring recentpaleontolog- Genus ButeoLacepede ical exploration of an asphalt deposit, Las Breasde San Red-shouldered Hawk Buteolineatus (Gmelin) Felipe, which is so far the only "tar pit" site known in (Fig.
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