685 bus time schedule & line map

685 Irby Road / Fishers Lane - Road / View In Website Mode Brookside Crescent

The 685 bus line Irby Road / Fishers Lane - Saughall Massie Road / Brookside Crescent has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Saughall Massie: 3:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 685 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 685 bus arriving.

Direction: Saughall Massie 685 bus Time Schedule 50 stops Saughall Massie Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:25 PM Fishers Lane, Tuesday 3:25 PM Bridgenorth Road, Pensby Wednesday 2:30 PM Backford Road, Irby Heath Thursday 3:25 PM

Manor Road, Irby Heath Friday 3:25 PM

Manor Road, Irby Saturday Not Operational

Far Meadow Lane, Irby

Hillview Road, Irby Hill 685 bus Info Sandy Lane North, Irby Hill Direction: Saughall Massie Stops: 50 Trip Duration: 37 min Hillbark Road, Line Summary: Fishers Lane, Pensby, Bridgenorth Road, Pensby, Backford Road, Irby Heath, Manor Greasby Primary School, Greasby Road, Irby Heath, Manor Road, Irby, Far Meadow Lane, Irby, Hillview Road, Irby Hill, Sandy Lane North, Thorns Drive, Greasby Irby Hill, Hillbark Road, Greasby, Greasby Primary Juniper Close, School, Greasby, Thorns Drive, Greasby, Lloyd Drive, Greasby, Eastcott Close, Greasby, Millcroft Park, Lloyd Drive, Greasby Greasby, Green, Frankby, Frankby Stiles, Frankby, Newton Park Road, Newton, Newton Cross Eastcott Close, Greasby Lane, Newton, Woodland Road, , Wirral Eastcott Close, Birkenhead Mount, Grange, Black Horse Close, Newton, Abbots Way, Newton, Gresford Avenue, Newton, Broxton Millcroft Park, Greasby Avenue, , Birkett Road, West Kirby, Jubilee Millcroft Park, Drive, West Kirby, Redhouse Lane, West Kirby, Bridge Road, West Kirby, Grange Road, West Kirby, West Frankby Green, Frankby Kirby Station, West Kirby, Lingdale Road, West Kirby, The Nook, England West Lodge Drive, West Kirby, Graham Road, West Kirby, Winnington Road, West Kirby, Morpeth Road, Frankby Stiles, Frankby , Hoylake Station, Hoylake, Alderley Road, Hoylake, Shaw Street, Hoylake, Manor Road Station, Newton Park Road, Newton Hoylake, Bertram Drive, Sandhey, Bertram Drive, Newton Cross Lane, Newton , Brosters Lane, Meols, Meols Station, Meols, Barn Hey Crescent, Meols, Greeneld Kennels, Carr Woodland Road, Larton Houses, Millhouse Lane, Moreton, Acton Lane, Saughall Massie, Poplar Farm Close, Saughall Wirral Mount, Grange Massie, Kingsher Way, Upton, Brookside Crescent, Saughall Massie Black Horse Close, Newton

Abbots Way, Newton

Gresford Avenue, Newton

Broxton Avenue, West Kirby Greenbank Road, England

Birkett Road, West Kirby

Jubilee Drive, West Kirby

Redhouse Lane, West Kirby Anglesey Road, England

Bridge Road, West Kirby Murray Grove, England

Grange Road, West Kirby

West Kirby Station, West Kirby

Lingdale Road, West Kirby

West Lodge Drive, West Kirby West Lodge Drive, England

Graham Road, West Kirby

Winnington Road, West Kirby Winnington Road, England

Morpeth Road, Hoylake

Hoylake Station, Hoylake

Alderley Road, Hoylake 52A Market Street, England

Shaw Street, Hoylake 94A Market Street, England

Manor Road Station, Hoylake 4 Birkenhead Road, England

Bertram Drive, Sandhey

Bertram Drive, Meols 79 Birkenhead Road, England

Brosters Lane, Meols 143 Birkenhead Road, England Meols Station, Meols

Barn Hey Crescent, Meols

Greeneld Kennels, Carr Houses

Millhouse Lane, Moreton

Acton Lane, Saughall Massie

Poplar Farm Close, Saughall Massie Poplar Farm Close, England

Kingsher Way, Upton

Brookside Crescent, Saughall Massie Saughall Massie Road, Birkenhead 685 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved