P.ARLIA1\IENT.ARY REPRES~"T.ATION OF THE H~swell-cum-O_ldfield, Hoose, , Irby, Ledsham, BOROUGH OF BIRKE.l\'RE.AD. L1scard, , 1\Ioreton, Great & Little :Meolse Electors (the whole borough), rgo2, 15,557· Pop. rgor, Magazines, Netherpool, Ness, New Brighton, N~wton: IIO,g26. cum-Larton, , , Great Neston, Little Nesoon, Overpool, Parkgate, Poulton-cum-Se-acombe Member of Parliament. Puddington, ~ensbv, Brenton, Raby, Saughall :Massie: S5.r Elliott Lees bart. D.S.O., 1\I . .A., J.P. 1South Lvt-chet • , Sp1tal, , Great Sutton, Little Sutton manor, Poole, Darset; 14 Queen Anne';~ gate S W; , Thorntun Hough, , Upton, Wal: Oarlton & Oonservative dubs SW & G-arrick club WC, lasey, ·, 'iVillaston & 'iVoodchurch lJOndon Petty Sessions are held at the County Hall, .Abbey st. B. Returning Officer, The Mayor. daily, at 10 a.m. but thursday only for returnable sum­ COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE "'IRRAL PETTY monses at the Court house, Drandlon street, a-t 10.30 SESSIO~.AL DIVISION. a.rn. ; at 'iVallasey daily at 9-30 a.m. but wednesday The senior magistrate present takes the chair. only for returnable summonses at ro a.m. ; at the (J{)urt Bell HY:. e~q. Greenfield, Carpooters lane, '\Vest Kirby, B House, Neston, the last friday in each month at IQ .Bell William esq. l\f.R.C.S.Eng. Rutland house, St. a. m. ; occasional courts are also held at .New Brighton Goorge's mount, New Brighton, B New FeTry & Hoylake ' Bingham Wm esq. Lin.gdale ho. Lingdlale rd. C1aughton,B Brccklebank Ralph Eric RDyds esq. Poulrton Royd, Bebing­ BORJOUGH MAGISTRATES. ton, B Hazlehurst George S. The Grange, St. Peter's road, Brocklebank Thomas esq. The Rosecot'e, , Chester (:Mayor 1901·2) llulley Thomas Raffles esq. •Breck hey, Mount Pleasant Rec"OTder, Clement Higgins K. C. 30 Rosary gardens, South road, Lisoa.rd, B Kensington, S W Bushell Chas. Jn. esq. The Woodlands Bromborouo-h B .Atkin G€orge, Egerton house, Egerton