Cheshire. [ Kelly's
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64 BIRKENHE.AD. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S P.ARLIA1\IENT.ARY REPRES~"T.ATION OF THE H~swell-cum-O_ldfield, Hoose, Hoylake, Irby, Ledsham, BOROUGH OF BIRKE.l\'RE.AD. L1scard, Landican, 1\Ioreton, Great & Little :Meolse Electors (the whole borough), rgo2, 15,557· Pop. rgor, Magazines, Netherpool, Ness, New Brighton, N~wton: IIO,g26. cum-Larton, New Ferry, Noctorum, Great Neston, Little Nesoon, Overpool, Parkgate, Poulton-cum-Se-acombe Member of Parliament. Puddington, ~ensbv, Brenton, Raby, Saughall :Massie: S5.r Elliott Lees bart. D.S.O., 1\I . .A., J.P. 1South Lvt-chet • Seacombe, Sp1tal, Storeton, Great Sutton, Little Sutton manor, Poole, Darset; 14 Queen Anne';~ gate S W; Thingwall, Thorntun Hough, Thurstaston, Upton, Wal: Oarlton & Oonservative dubs SW & G-arrick club WC, lasey, ·west Kirby, 'iVillaston & 'iVoodchurch lJOndon Petty Sessions are held at the County Hall, .Abbey st. B. Returning Officer, The Mayor. daily, at 10 a.m. but thursday only for returnable sum COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE "'IRRAL PETTY monses at the Court house, Drandlon street, a-t 10.30 SESSIO~.AL DIVISION. a.rn. ; at 'iVallasey daily at 9-30 a.m. but wednesday The senior magistrate present takes the chair. only for returnable summonses at ro a.m. ; at the (J{)urt Bell HY:. e~q. Greenfield, Carpooters lane, '\Vest Kirby, B House, Neston, the last friday in each month at IQ .Bell William esq. l\f.R.C.S.Eng. Rutland house, St. a. m. ; occasional courts are also held at .New Brighton Goorge's mount, New Brighton, B New FeTry & Hoylake ' Bingham Wm esq. Lin.gdale ho. Lingdlale rd. C1aughton,B Brccklebank Ralph Eric RDyds esq. Poulrton Royd, Bebing BORJOUGH MAGISTRATES. ton, B Hazlehurst George S. The Grange, St. Peter's road, Brocklebank Thomas esq. The Rosecot'e, Heswall, Chester Rock Ferry (:Mayor 1901·2) llulley Thomas Raffles esq. •Breck hey, Mount Pleasant Rec"OTder, Clement Higgins K. C. 30 Rosary gardens, South road, Lisoa.rd, B Kensington, London S W Bushell Chas. Jn. esq. The Woodlands Bromborouo-h B .Atkin G€orge, Egerton house, Egerton <park, Rock Ferry Bushel! Reginald esq. F.R . .A.S. Rinderton' lodge, Neston,b ' Beazley Edwin .Arthur, Merefield, Wexford road, Oxton Chester Bingham Wm. Lingd.ale house, Tollemache rd. Claughton Coohran James Taylor, Violet bank, .A.nnan, N.B Cl~rke Thomas esq. Leahurst hall, Windle hill, Ne.Jton ::::;. 0. Cheshire Cook Thomas, Parkbury road, Talbot Corbett Uvedale Benneilt esq. Madywn, ChestCT, B Cooke Bancroft, 34 Broad Green road, Formby-by-the- Crow George Busk, Stonele-igh, Righfield South, Rock Sea, Liverpool Ferry, B Cornwall William Cotton L.R.C.P.Edlin. II Hamilton sq.B Crow Geo. Busk, Stoneleigh, Highfield south, Rock Ferrv Elliot Johii esq. Sunny~Jide, 56 Stapley road, Hoylake, B Evans Edwa-rd, jun. esq. SpittaJ. Old hall, Bromborough, B Dodds Thos.Liddell, Sunnymood,'B Chal"lesville, Olaughton Evans Jn. Jas. esq. Brackemvo()d, Higher Bebington B Floyd Thomas Sargent M. D. r6 Devonshire rd. Claughton Forwood Sir 'iVilliam Bower, Bromborough hall, B ' Frost Meadows, Hill house, 1IesWiall, B Graveson Michael Tyson esq. Mostras, Sea View road, Getley William, Woodbank, 30 Clifton road, Tranmere Liscard, B Gostenhofer. Charles Thomas, r8 Beresford road ' Oxton Hannay Thomas Scott esq. Greenbank, Upton, nr.Birkenbd Rarns .Alfred Charles Edward 'M.D. 2 Devunshire place, Harmood-Banner John SutherlaiLd esq. D.L. .Ashfield Claughton ball, J.\" e!!Um, Oheste,r Hinson 'iVihliam, Holm-Lacy, 32 Bidston road, Oxton Harr~son Edward Hodgson esq. Plymyard, Eastham, B Jackson Thomas Hughes, The Manor house, Manor hill, HaiTI son Frederic J ames esq. M a er hall, near Newcastle- Claughton under-Lyme J~kson William, 12 Forest road Heap William esq. Elm mount, Penkett road Liscard B Jones Benedict B . .A. 6 Wexford roa:d, Oxton Hibbert Charles esq. 26 Kingsland road, B ' ' Kelly James Moses, 59 Old Chester road, Rock Ferry Hind Herbert 1Vheeler esq . .A.shville, 8 .Ashville road B Mac-:\Iahon Peter, IS Hollybank road, Tranmere .Hobson .Richard esq. D.L. The Mal'fords, B11omborough, B Matt Charles Grey, Ha['row Weald lodge, Stanmore,Md,lsx N~house Christopher, 41 Lansdowne road Hope Charles Edward esq. The Bank house, Burton, ~es- ton S.O Oldham Goorge Samuel, Florenceville, Prenton rd. west Hope William esq PPnnock John, Roslyn, 42 Olifton road, Tranmere R_awcliffe Henry, Kirkland, Vmage road, West Kirby Jackson Thomas Hughes esq. The MailiOT house, ~Illilor hill, Claughton Smgleton Charles, Hadlei-gh, 8 Park rroad west, Claughton Ja.ckson William esq. 12 Forest road, Claughton, B Taylor Edmund, Wirral l'Odge, 12 Mount Pleasant Oxton .Johnston Franc:is esq. Rothiemay, Promenade, Liscard Walker William, 19 Park road south ' Joyce John esq. Seabank house, Bank rd.north,Liscard, B W~l~ams Edward, Rockmount, 3-8 Oliftcm road, Tranmere Joynson Tertius esq. Montpelier house, 'Montpelier cres- '\VIllmmson John, Claughton grange, 65 Devunshire road, cent, New Brighton, B Olaughton Lee Thomas Russell esq. Oak lawn, Stanlev road, New Worthington J osepb Hall, .Alton villa, 28 Village rd. OxtQn Ferrv, B • Clerk, Gerrard Copeland, Sessions court Lloyd John Caleb esq. V.D. Nest:on S.O. Cheshire .Assist-ant Clerk, Jn. Woodend, Se.ssiQns et. Brandon st Borough Petty Scssivns are held at the Court house, Mell_or ';'m. Mosel~y _esq. r6 Devonshire pl.. Claughton, B Brandon street, B. daily at II a.m Nap1er fhomas ~Wilham .Adam M.D. Darhngton house, Darlingbon street, Egremont, B COUNCIL OF THE OOUNTY BOROUGH. Owen Peter esq. The Manor, Oapenhurst, Che;~ter rgo1-rgo2. Poors George Hunter esq. Milltlh.waite, 1St. Hilary brow, Mayor. Wallasey, B Councillor George Stewart H-azelhurst Pooley Frank esq. Penke<tt rood, Lisca.rd, B Recoroer. J>ooley Henry esq. Homestead, Penkett rd. Liscard, B Clement Higgins K. C. 5 Paper bldgs. Temple, London E C Presoon Robert Wheeler esq. Clare lodge,Oliaremount road, Aldermen. 'Wallasey, B Retire in November, 1904 . .Shaw WiHiai!n OLbo ~~cholson esq. B . .A.., F.R.G.S. The Bloor Henry, 39 Beresford road Coppice, Bishopwood, Boss, Herefordshire Cook Thomas, Parkbury, Talbot road, Oxton Smith James esq. Dalmorton, New Brighton, B Deakin Thomas Saiiiluel, 20 Devonsbrire road, Oxton Stead John Charles esq. Stoneycr"oft, Pe'llkett rd. Liscard,B Gaiiillin James, 2 Hollybank road, Tranmere St~el Richard esq. Zlgzag hall, Penkett road, Lisc.ard, B Lees Luke, 147 Bedct:ord road, Rock Ferry St1tt Col. Samuel V.D. Holmfield, Shrewsbury rood, D Mason Edward G-eorge, Saxonhurst, Rock Ferrv Wall George esq. Reatherdene, Grange road, West Rawcliffe Henry, Kirkland, Village road, West 'Kirby Kirby S.O Williamson Stephen esq. Copley, Thornton-Hough, Nes Retire in November, 1907- ton, Chester Clarke Thomas Charles, 6 Rock park, Rock Ferry The Chairmen, for the time b&ing, of the Higher Bebing Getley William, 30 Clifton rood, Tranmere ton, Lower Bebington, Bromborough, Hoy1ake & West Jones Benedict, 6 Wexford road, Oxton Kirby & Nes.ton & Parkgate Urbaii & Wirral Rural Shaw Thmnas, 54 Park road south District Councils are ex-officio maQ"jstrates Singleton Charles, 8 Park road west, Olanghton _ Clerk to the ~agistrates, Godfrey Anan Solly, 55 Ham Statt William Henry, The Gables, Egerton pk. Rock Ferry Ilton square Thompson Jas. Thos. Chetwynd mount,Chetwynd rd.Oxtn Assistant ~erk, Jonatban Joi'bson, 42 Manor rd.Liscard .Aldermen appoint% to preside at Ward ElootiDns. The places m the petty sessional division are :-.Arrow .Argyle Thos. Samuel Deakin Clifton Henry Bloor Higher Bebington (part of), Lower Bebington, Bidston' Bebington Henry Rawcliffe Egerton William Getley Burton, Eromboroug-b, Brimstage, Barnston, Childe; Claughton Charles Singleton Grange Thomas Cook Thornton, Caldy, Ciatterbridge, Clauo"bton Eastham Cleveland J ames Thomas Mersey Luke Lees Egremont, Frankby, Grange, Gayton, Greasby, Hooton: Thoiiilpson Oxton Thomas Shaw .