64 BIRKENHE.AD. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S P.ARLIA1\IENT.ARY REPRES~"T.ATION OF THE H~swell-cum-O_ldfield, Hoose, Hoylake, Irby, Ledsham, BOROUGH OF BIRKE.l\'RE.AD. L1scard, Landican, 1\Ioreton, Great & Little :Meolse Electors (the whole borough), rgo2, 15,557· Pop. rgor, Magazines, Netherpool, Ness, New Brighton, N~wton: IIO,g26. cum-Larton, New Ferry, Noctorum, Great Neston, Little Nesoon, Overpool, Parkgate, Poulton-cum-Se-acombe Member of Parliament. Puddington, ~ensbv, Brenton, Raby, Saughall :Massie: S5.r Elliott Lees bart. D.S.O., 1\I . .A., J.P. 1South Lvt-chet • Seacombe, Sp1tal, Storeton, Great Sutton, Little Sutton manor, Poole, Darset; 14 Queen Anne';~ gate S W; Thingwall, Thorntun Hough, Thurstaston, Upton, Wal: Oarlton & Oonservative dubs SW & G-arrick club WC, lasey, ·west Kirby, 'iVillaston & 'iVoodchurch lJOndon Petty Sessions are held at the County Hall, .Abbey st. B. Returning Officer, The Mayor. daily, at 10 a.m. but thursday only for returnable sum­ COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE "'IRRAL PETTY monses at the Court house, Drandlon street, a-t 10.30 SESSIO~.AL DIVISION. a.rn. ; at 'iVallasey daily at 9-30 a.m. but wednesday The senior magistrate present takes the chair. only for returnable summonses at ro a.m. ; at the (J{)urt Bell HY:. e~q. Greenfield, Carpooters lane, '\Vest Kirby, B House, Neston, the last friday in each month at IQ .Bell William esq. l\f.R.C.S.Eng. Rutland house, St. a. m. ; occasional courts are also held at .New Brighton Goorge's mount, New Brighton, B New FeTry & Hoylake ' Bingham Wm esq. Lin.gdale ho. Lingdlale rd. C1aughton,B Brccklebank Ralph Eric RDyds esq. Poulrton Royd, Bebing­ BORJOUGH MAGISTRATES. ton, B Hazlehurst George S. The Grange, St. Peter's road, Brocklebank Thomas esq. The Rosecot'e, Heswall, Chester Rock Ferry (:Mayor 1901·2) llulley Thomas Raffles esq. •Breck hey, Mount Pleasant Rec"OTder, Clement Higgins K. C. 30 Rosary gardens, South road, Lisoa.rd, B Kensington, London S W Bushell Chas. Jn. esq. The Woodlands Bromborouo-h B .Atkin G€orge, Egerton house, Egerton <park, Rock Ferry Bushel! Reginald esq. F.R . .A.S. Rinderton' lodge, Neston,b ' Beazley Edwin .Arthur, Merefield, Wexford road, Oxton Chester Bingham Wm. Lingd.ale house, Tollemache rd. Claughton Coohran James Taylor, Violet bank, .A.nnan, N.B Cl~rke Thomas esq. Leahurst hall, Windle hill, Ne.Jton ::::;. 0. Cheshire Cook Thomas, Parkbury road, Talbot Corbett Uvedale Benneilt esq. Madywn, ChestCT, B Cooke Bancroft, 34 Broad Green road, Formby-by-the- Crow George Busk, Stonele-igh, Righfield South, Rock Sea, Liverpool Ferry, B Cornwall William Cotton L.R.C.P.Edlin. II Hamilton sq.B Crow Geo. Busk, Stoneleigh, Highfield south, Rock Ferrv Elliot Johii esq. Sunny~Jide, 56 Stapley road, Hoylake, B Evans Edwa-rd, jun. esq. SpittaJ. Old hall, Bromborough, B Dodds Thos.Liddell, Sunnymood,'B Chal"lesville, Olaughton Evans Jn. Jas. esq. Brackemvo()d, Higher Bebington B Floyd Thomas Sargent M. D. r6 Devonshire rd. Claughton Forwood Sir 'iVilliam Bower, Bromborough hall, B ' Frost Meadows, Hill house, 1IesWiall, B Graveson Michael Tyson esq. Mostras, Sea View road, Getley William, Woodbank, 30 Clifton road, Tranmere Liscard, B Gostenhofer. Charles Thomas, r8 Beresford road ' Oxton Hannay Thomas Scott esq. Greenbank, Upton, nr.Birkenbd Rarns .Alfred Charles Edward 'M.D. 2 Devunshire place, Harmood-Banner John SutherlaiLd esq. D.L. .Ashfield Claughton ball, J.\" e!!Um, Oheste,r Hinson 'iVihliam, Holm-Lacy, 32 Bidston road, Oxton Harr~son Edward Hodgson esq. Plymyard, Eastham, B Jackson Thomas Hughes, The Manor house, Manor hill, HaiTI son Frederic J ames esq. M a er hall, near Newcastle- Claughton under-Lyme J~kson William, 12 Forest road Heap William esq. Elm mount, Penkett road Liscard B Jones Benedict B . .A. 6 Wexford roa:d, Oxton Hibbert Charles esq. 26 Kingsland road, B ' ' Kelly James Moses, 59 Old Chester road, Rock Ferry Hind Herbert 1Vheeler esq . .A.shville, 8 .Ashville road B Mac-:\Iahon Peter, IS Hollybank road, Tranmere .Hobson .Richard esq. D.L. The Mal'fords, B11omborough, B Matt Charles Grey, Ha['row Weald lodge, Stanmore,Md,lsx N~house Christopher, 41 Lansdowne road Hope Charles Edward esq. The Bank house, Burton, ~es- ton S.O Oldham Goorge Samuel, Florenceville, Prenton rd. west Hope William esq PPnnock John, Roslyn, 42 Olifton road, Tranmere R_awcliffe Henry, Kirkland, Vmage road, West Kirby Jackson Thomas Hughes esq. The MailiOT house, ~Illilor hill, Claughton Smgleton Charles, Hadlei-gh, 8 Park rroad west, Claughton Ja.ckson William esq. 12 Forest road, Claughton, B Taylor Edmund, Wirral l'Odge, 12 Mount Pleasant Oxton .Johnston Franc:is esq. Rothiemay, Promenade, Liscard Walker William, 19 Park road south ' Joyce John esq. Seabank house, Bank rd.north,Liscard, B W~l~ams Edward, Rockmount, 3-8 Oliftcm road, Tranmere Joynson Tertius esq. Montpelier house, 'Montpelier cres- '\VIllmmson John, Claughton grange, 65 Devunshire road, cent, New Brighton, B Olaughton Lee Thomas Russell esq. Oak lawn, Stanlev road, New Worthington J osepb Hall, .Alton villa, 28 Village rd. OxtQn Ferrv, B • Clerk, Gerrard Copeland, Sessions court Lloyd John Caleb esq. V.D. Nest:on S.O. Cheshire .Assist-ant Clerk, Jn. Woodend, Se.ssiQns et. Brandon st Borough Petty Scssivns are held at the Court house, Mell_or ';'m. Mosel~y _esq. r6 Devonshire pl.. Claughton, B Brandon street, B. daily at II a.m Nap1er fhomas ~Wilham .Adam M.D. Darhngton house, Darlingbon street, Egremont, B COUNCIL OF THE OOUNTY BOROUGH. Owen Peter esq. The Manor, Oapenhurst, Che;~ter rgo1-rgo2. Poors George Hunter esq. Milltlh.waite, 1St. Hilary brow, Mayor. Wallasey, B Councillor George Stewart H-azelhurst Pooley Frank esq. Penke<tt rood, Lisca.rd, B Recoroer. J>ooley Henry esq. Homestead, Penkett rd. Liscard, B Clement Higgins K. C. 5 Paper bldgs. Temple, London E C Presoon Robert Wheeler esq. Clare lodge,Oliaremount road, Aldermen. 'Wallasey, B Retire in November, 1904 . .Shaw WiHiai!n OLbo ~~cholson esq. B . .A.., F.R.G.S. The Bloor Henry, 39 Beresford road Coppice, Bishopwood, Boss, Herefordshire Cook Thomas, Parkbury, Talbot road, Oxton Smith James esq. Dalmorton, New Brighton, B Deakin Thomas Saiiiluel, 20 Devonsbrire road, Oxton Stead John Charles esq. Stoneycr"oft, Pe'llkett rd. Liscard,B Gaiiillin James, 2 Hollybank road, Tranmere St~el Richard esq. Zlgzag hall, Penkett road, Lisc.ard, B Lees Luke, 147 Bedct:ord road, Rock Ferry St1tt Col. Samuel V.D. Holmfield, Shrewsbury rood, D Mason Edward G-eorge, Saxonhurst, Rock Ferrv Wall George esq. Reatherdene, Grange road, West Rawcliffe Henry, Kirkland, Village road, West 'Kirby Kirby S.O Williamson Stephen esq. Copley, Thornton-Hough, Nes­ Retire in November, 1907- ton, Chester Clarke Thomas Charles, 6 Rock park, Rock Ferry The Chairmen, for the time b&ing, of the Higher Bebing­ Getley William, 30 Clifton rood, Tranmere ton, Lower Bebington, Bromborough, Hoy1ake & West Jones Benedict, 6 Wexford road, Oxton Kirby & Nes.ton & Parkgate Urbaii & Wirral Rural Shaw Thmnas, 54 Park road south District Councils are ex-officio maQ"jstrates Singleton Charles, 8 Park road west, Olanghton _ Clerk to the ~agistrates, Godfrey Anan Solly, 55 Ham­ Statt William Henry, The Gables, Egerton pk. Rock Ferry Ilton square Thompson Jas. Thos. Chetwynd mount,Chetwynd rd.Oxtn Assistant ~erk, Jonatban Joi'bson, 42 Manor rd.Liscard .Aldermen appoint% to preside at Ward ElootiDns. The places m the petty sessional division are :-.Arrow .Argyle Thos. Samuel Deakin Clifton Henry Bloor Higher Bebington (part of), Lower Bebington, Bidston' Bebington Henry Rawcliffe Egerton William Getley Burton, Eromboroug-b, Brimstage, Barnston, Childe; Claughton Charles Singleton Grange Thomas Cook Thornton, Caldy, Ciatterbridge, Clauo"bton Eastham Cleveland J ames Thomas Mersey Luke Lees Egremont, Frankby, Grange, Gayton, Greasby, Hooton: Thoiiilpson Oxton Thomas Shaw .
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