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was that we had evidence that the Haitians in the next couple of days with regard might have been subject to some abuse by to the confidence-building measures. I think the people who were in control of the boat. that the ball has been sort of in Mr. And so for those reasons, we thought the ap- Denktash’s court, and I hope he will take propriate thing to do was to bring them on it up. And then I hope that and all in, which we did. others will support pushing forward. I have Q. Is this a change in the policy for the worked hard to resolve this since I’ve been future? in office, and I will continue to stay on it. The President. No change in policy. More later.

[At this point, one group of reporters left the NOTE: The exchange began at 11:45 a.m. in the room, and another group entered.] Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the President referred to Matthew Nimetz, U.S. Q. President Clinton. Mr. President, are Special Envoy to the United Nations to resolve the conflict between Greece and Macedonia; you going to discuss the problem with , United Nations Special Envoy to the Greece and Skopje and the measures that Former ; and Rauf Denktash, leader of Greece has got against Skopje? the Greek-Cypriot community. A tape was not The President. Absolutely. available for verification of the content of this ex- Q. What do you believe about these meas- change. ures? The President. What I think is that we The President’s News Conference have Mr. Nimetz over there and Mr. Vance. With Prime Minister Andreas We’re trying to help work it out. I think that Papandreou it’s very much in the interest of Greece and Europe and the world community for the April 22, 1994 matters to be worked out between the two Bosnia countries, and I think they can be. The President. Good afternoon, ladies Q. How committed are you to delaying the and gentlemen. Before I comment on my process until Greece’s concerns are satisfied, meeting with Prime Minister Papandreou, I sir? would like to make a brief statement about The President. I think it’s obvious that developments with regard to Bosnia today. we’ve shown a real concern for Greece’s con- About 2 hours ago in Brussels, NATO’s cerns. That’s one of the main reasons I sent North Atlantic Council reached agreement a special envoy over there, and we’re trying on new steps to address the crisis in Gorazde to work through it. We’ll discuss that today. and to promote a negotiated settlement in We just started out—we haven’t even had Bosnia. our discussions yet. As NATO Secretary General Manfred Q. There’s been some criticism that the Woerner just announced, the North Atlantic U.S. side has not exercised enough of its Council decided that continuing Bosnian good—[inaudible]—to Skopje and to come Serb attacks against Gorazde justify firm ac- up with a solution. tion. Therefore, the North Atlantic Council The President. We’re working hard on decided that the commander in chief of that now, and we’ll continue to. I think there NATO’s Southern Command, will have to be some changes from the point Admiral Leighton Smith, is authorized to of view of Skopje. conduct air strikes against Serb heavy weap- Q. Are you going to visit Greece, sir? ons and other military targets in the vicinity The President. Oh, I’d love to do that. of Gorazde unless three conditions are met: I’ve never been there. First, unless the Bosnian Serbs immediately Cyprus cease their attacks against Gorazde; second, Q. What about Cyprus? unless by 8 p.m. eastern daylight time tomor- The President. We’re working hard on row evening, the Bosnian Serbs pull back Cyprus, and I think—I hope there will be their forces at least 3 kilometers from the some movement from the Turkish side on city’s center; and third, unless by 8 p.m. to-

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morrow evening, the Bosnian Serbs allow Nowhere are the challenges of this era United Nations forces, humanitarian relief clearer than in the Balkans. Greece and the convoys, and medical assistance teams freely United States share an interest in working to enter Gorazde and to permit medical evac- to resolve the conflict in Bosnia and to pre- uations. vent it from spreading into a wider European This decision provides NATO forces with war. The Prime Minister and I discussed the broader authority to respond to Bosnian Serb most recent developments, and I under- attacks. The Bosnian Serbs should not doubt scored my view that further NATO action NATO’s willingness to act. is necessary to restore the momentum toward In addition, the North Atlantic Council has peace. begun to meet again to decide on authoriza- We also talked about the effect the embar- tion for NATO action concerning other safe go on Serbia is having on other nations in areas. I applaud NATO’s decision, the re- the region. We discussed the Former Yugo- solve of our allies, and once again, the leader- slav Republic of Macedonia, and the United ship of NATO Secretary General Woerner. States understands the serious Greek con- The United States has an interest in helping cerns on this issue. Over the past week, both to bring an end to this conflict in Bosnia. sides have been working with Cyrus Vance Working through NATO and working along and my special envoy, Matthew Nimetz, to with Russia and others, we are determined narrow their differences. We are hopeful that to save innocent lives, to raise the price for an agreement can soon be reached that will aggression, and to help bring the parties back lead to the lifting of the trade embargo and to a negotiated settlement. a resumption of a dialog to resolve the legiti- mate differences which Greece is concerned Greece with. Now let me say what a pleasure and an The Prime Minister and I also discussed honor it has been for me to welcome Prime Cyprus. The United States supports the U.N. Minister Papandreou back to the United confidence-building measures. Those meas- States. Last night we celebrated the Prime ures grew out of discussions with President Minister’s arrival at a reception at Blair Clerides soon after he took office, and we House, and today we had a very productive hope that both sides will support them. My meeting here at the White House. It has coordinator for Cyprus, Bob Lamb, has just been about 20 years since the Prime Minister returned from talks with both sides. A settle- has been to America, and he told me today ment in Cyprus would benefit all the nations that 50 years ago this year, as a young man, in the region, especially Greece and Turkey, he saw President Roosevelt in a touring car two vital members of NATO. right outside the White House. I have asked the Turkish Government to In a sense, every one of us in this country address the status and working conditions of has roots in Greece. After all, the Periclean the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. And faith in freedom helped inspire our own rev- I encourage Prime Minister Papandreou to olution. The Athenian model of democracy ease his government’s objections to the level helped to shape our own young republic. The of European Union assistance to Turkey. We common values that we share have made must do what we can in these areas to pro- Greece and the United States allies. Half a mote greater understandings between these century ago, our two nations stood together two critical nations and, in the process, to to launch a policy of containment. Now with promote progress on Cyprus. the cold war over, we are joining to meet As a former professor here in the United new challenges and seize new opportunities. States, Prime Minister Papandreou personi- Consider, for example, the U.S.-Greece fies the durable ties between Greece and Business Council which was just recently es- America. It’s been a pleasure to welcome him tablished. It will enhance the economic con- here as the leader of his nation. And I look tacts between our two nations, contacts that forward to continuing to work with him generated nearly $1 billion in trade last year based on the good relationship we have es- alone. tablished in the challenging period ahead.

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We face some thorny problems; together, I ervation, indeed: our fear that, step by step, am convinced we can make some progress we may be dragged into a land war which in dealing with them. would be really, by modern standards, a trag- Mr. Prime Minister. edy much greater than we have seen in Bos- Prime Minister Papandreou. Mr. Presi- nia. dent, I want to express deep appreciation for So far as the question of the Balkans is your invitation to me to visit you in Washing- concerned, Greece is a country that seeks ton, to continue a discussion that we started peace and wants to play an active role, eco- in Brussels a few months ago. nomically and culturally, in that region. It I must say that I found our discussions to was not with pleasure that we imposed an be extremely useful. We have a clear under- embargo, with the exception of food and standing of the issues before us, and I want pharmaceutical, on Skopje. to stress that we consider you a friend of Skopje is a country that must survive. It Greece and in whatever Greece signifies, as is in the interest of Greece that it survives. you have said to the world. And this may sound to you a bit contradic- I am very honored and pleased to be here. tory, and it is contradictory, that while we For me, it’s a return after many years of ab- believe in this, we have imposed an embargo sence; it’s been 20 years ago that I last visited in the expectation and hope that an SOS sig- the United States. And I must say, I’m quite nal will be understood. And this SOS signal moved by the fact that I’m here now standing is simply that it is a matter of security for next to the President of the United States Greece that the irredentist articles of the in this room. It’s a great honor and a great constitution of that state, that the flag with moment. the Birgina Sun, that the daily newspapers No doubt we are going through a period and radio emissions—all of them are looking of great international difficulties. There are to an irredentist and aggressive position many spots in the world that, after the fall which involves Greece because they talk of the Wall, the Iron Curtain, many spots about the Macedonia of the Aegean, meaning of the world that challenge, again, peace. Greek Macedonia. Wherever you look there is conflict. And in- At this moment, of course, we are discuss- deed, in the area from which we come, the ing with Mr. Vance and Mr. Nimetz. But fun- Balkans, the Balkan Peninsula, we have, real- damentally, I want you to understand one ly, dynamite on our hands. simple thing. What we say to Mr. Gligorov No doubt there is grave responsibility for is that we are prepared to lift the embargo, having attempted to break apart ex-Yugo- to normalize economic relations fully, to vote slavia. And all of us, all the 12 European for the membership of the state in CSCE, members of the European Union, bear equal to support an agreement between the com- responsibility for this. It’s a fire that can munity, the European community and that spread very fast. It is Bosnia today, a tragedy, state, provided simply that he does one act: indeed, a great tragedy. And there is un- remove the Sun of Birgina and declare that doubtedly danger also lurking ahead in the constitution in those particular articles Krajina; there is danger in Kosovo. There are is not valid. plans of expansion on the part of some Bal- We are not asking for anything more, and kan countries. Many interests are in conflict we are offering normalization, complete eco- in that area, and one begins to sense already nomic normalization, keeping the question of the development of zones of influence. the name, which is a difficult one, as a matter The President has just announced the im- of negotiation under Mr. Vance with the as- portant decision of NATO to proceed with— sistance of Mr. Nimetz, continuing discus- to give an ultimatum to the Serbs either to sions under question of the name. But we withdraw or to face bombardment. The posi- separate it out to simplify the issue. tion of the Greek Government on this is that Sorry to have taken so much time on this we do not block this decision; we do not veto particular issue, but because I know there this decision. We accept it, but we do express will be questions, I thought it was important our reservations. And there is only one res- that I tell you what our point of view is. We

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hope that as soon as possible that the embar- The President. Helen, let me say, first of go will be removed and that will be an act all, there has categorically been no discussion on the part of Mr. Gligorov to signify his will- in which I have been involved, or which I ingness to live in peace with us and to co- have encouraged or approved, involving the operate with us to develop truly a strong eco- introduction of American ground forces into nomic relationship. Bosnia, with the exception that you already Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t have any- know, as I have said for more than a year thing else to say, except for Cyprus, I want now: If there is an agreement, then I believe to thank the President. Because the Presi- the United States should be willing to be part dent has taken action not once but more than of a multinational effort to enforce and help once to further the Cyprus cause, to get, fi- to support the peace agreement. nally, a resolution after 20 years of Turkish I agree with the Prime Minister, we must occupation of the north part of the island. be, all of us, very mindful of the fact that He brought us some good news today, a we are not in this business to enter this war member of the staff of the President, that on one side against another. But I would also possibly Mr. Denktash has accepted the con- remind you that we were seeing peace talks fidence-building measures. This I did not unfold in which at least the stated positions know until I came to the White House. This, of the Bosnian Government and the Bosnian though, is a good sign. But in any case, our Serbs were not all that different just a few thanks to the President, who has stood by weeks ago. us on this important issue, not only for We had the peace zone around Sarajevo. Greece but for the world. We had the agreement between the Cro- Thank you. atians and the Muslims, which was very, very The President. We’ll start with Helen important. And until this travesty in Bosnia [Helen Thomas, United Press International], occurred in an area in which the United Na- and then I’d like to alternate between the tions had declared a safe area, I thought we American and the Greek press. were on the way to a negotiated settlement. Will this have to be resolved through negotia- tions? Absolutely. Our objective is to restore Bosnia that and to stop slaughter of the innocents Q. Mr. President, I’d like to ask you and and a dramatic alteration of the territorial the Prime Minister a question. Some of your balance which would make it almost impos- officials, Mr. President, have indicated that sible to restore that sort of negotiating envi- you would no longer be adverse to sending ronment. But that’s our objective, to be firm in ground troops to Bosnia, and I think the with the Bosnian Serbs because they are try- Secretary of State’s statement has been so ing to do something that is inconsistent with interpreted. Mr. Prime Minister, even the position they, themselves, have taken as though you have accepted the NATO posi- recently as just a couple of weeks ago. tion, you obviously are against bombing the Serbs. How would you bring them to the ne- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gotiating table? Q. Mr. President, I would like to ask you Prime Minister Papandreou. Look, one, whether you’re more optimistic after the I don’t have the magical answer; I wish I had meeting with the Prime Minister on the reso- it. But I know there is a lot of frustration. lution of the Macedonian issue, and also, The question is this: Is there a military solu- what kind of steps you would like to see or tion to the problem? For me, there is no mili- expect to see from both sides in the near tary solution; there is no possible military so- future? lution to the problem. Accordingly, it has to The President. I would say I am more be a political solution. And of course, the optimistic about the possibility of the resolu- United States has made significant efforts to tion of it. And what I would like to see is push us all forward to the negotiating table, for both sides to work with Mr. Nimetz, who and has no responsibility, may I add, for the is here, and with Mr. Vance to try to resolve initial developments in the region. the legitimate concerns.

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As you know, the United States believes We don’t want to create the impression the embargo should be lifted, but we also that the United States or the U.N. is entering believe Greece has some very legitimate con- the conflict to try to win a military victory cerns, some concerns which ought to be able on the ground. We do want to create the to be allayed. They are rooted in history— clear and unambiguous impression that we they are rooted in recent history, not just an- are angry and disappointed at the aggression cient history—and we believe that these and the continued aggression of the Bosnian things have to be resolved. Serbs in the area of Gorazde and their refusal to return to the negotiating table on the Bosnia terms that they, themselves, set just a few weeks ago. Q. Mr. President, you say that you’re not even considering at all the possibility of send- Greece-Turkey Relations ing ground troops under any scenario in ad- Q. Mr. President, I would like to ask you vance of a full peace arrangement on the if you are aware of the tension that exists ground. in the area of the Aegean and what the The President. That’s correct. United States is going to do on this issue? Q. Well, what do you say to the leaders Are you going to discuss with Turkey, or are of France and Canada and Britain? You’re you going to put any pressure there? asking them to put their ground forces in The President. I have had extensive dis- harm’s way, to send them into Bosnia and cussions with Turkey, with the Turkish Prime the United States will provide the funding. Minister just recently about the relationship But the world’s largest military, the world’s of Greece and Turkey. And I might as well greatest military, is refusing to put its soldiers say to you in public what the Prime Minister in harm’s way. I’m sure they’ve asked you and I discussed in private. I don’t want to about this. commit him. This is just my thinking. The President. But we have not asked My thinking is that at this moment in his- them to put their soldiers into combat. We tory, we have better conditions to resolve the are trying to protect their soldiers. And if we differences between Greeks and Turkey and have respected—over a year ago—reluc- to have a new basis of responsible and fair tantly their conclusion that at that time the cooperation than at any time in a long while. arms embargo should not be lifted because The Turkish Government is concerned, it might subject their soldiers to more dan- obviously, about instability within its own ger. Their soldiers are there now, not to fight borders, the rise in Islamic fundamentalism. the war, not to take sides, but to be agents The Government is interested in building a of peace. new and modern economy closely connected I talked with the Canadian Prime Minister to Europe and maintaining a secular and re- just this morning, and he said to me again, sponsible nation that is overwhelmingly Is- he said, ‘‘You know, in spite of all the tension lamic. It seems to me that that is in the inter- there, I really believe if they would just let est of all of us. And I think that Turkey un- our troops back into Gorazde, it would tend derstands that that can be achieved, and par- to restore the conditions of humanity, be- ticularly, closer ties with Europe as a whole cause we have not been attacked when we can be achieved only as the issues that divide have been present in substantial numbers.’’ Turkey and Greece are more nearly resolved. When the United States goes into a situa- So I’m quite hopeful, and I’ve been push- tion like this, I think it fundamentally ing this line with the friends of the United changes the character and nature of the en- States in Turkey for more than a year now, gagement. That is why I have always said we and I will continue to do so. would contribute a substantial number of troops, but it ought to be in the context of Bosnia a peace agreement, and I still believe that. Q. Mr. President, the Serbs’ past general And I have no reason to believe that our allies behavior is that when they’re faced with a understand differently. specific demand, they’ll duck and come into

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compliance, but then they’ll turn around and The President. Well, I think I just said they’ll come back harder someplace else. all I have to say. We talked a lot about it, What can be done while you’re trying to and Prime Minister Papandreou gave me achieve this negotiated settlement to be sure some very good insight. And we both agreed that they don’t just turn and come into Tuzla that, in the end, we have to have a negotiated or Bihac or someplace outside the safe areas? settlement. But the United States believes The President. Well, we’re taking up— that we have to, in the meanwhile, be abso- that’s two different questions. We are taking lutely determined not to let the prospect of up the question of the other safe areas a negotiated settlement be destroyed by the through the North Atlantic Council. As a actions of the Serbs on the ground. matter of fact, I imagine the debate is going Q. Senator Nunn has said that we really on now. All of the members decided that the need to dramatically escalate our bombing issue of Gorazde should be addressed first and go to Belgrade, go to Serbia. Why not? and separately, and then the other safe areas Why not take that step? should be taken up. And as I explained— The President. I think that step is not an I think Mr. Hume asked a question yesterday appropriate thing to do at this time, for a or the day before—we’re trying to create, in number of reasons. For one, the Bosnian all the safe areas, more or less the conditions Serbs themselves, it seems to me, when con- we have in Sarajevo. fronted with the reality that we are serious Now, in the nonsafe areas, let me remind and we continue to go forward, are likely to return to the negotiating table. Number two, you that there is fighting going on and initia- the Serbian government in Belgrade could tive being taken, but not just by the Serbs. be, and should be, an ally of the peace proc- The Government forces are also engaging in ess. We know already that they have suffered them. We believe that they should both stop greatly from the sanctions, and we’re trying and go back to the negotiating table. But we to stiffen the enforcement of the sanctions also believe that there should not be a meas- at this time. Thirdly, our partnership with the urable and dramatic change of the situation Russians continues, and while the Russians on the ground and, specifically, that there are angry and frustrated that they have been should not be an assault on areas the United misled by the Bosnian Serbs, they have con- Nations, itself, has declared as safe areas. So tinued to adopt our position that there must our clear objective here is first to try to re- be a withdrawal of Serb forces from Gorazde verse the terrible things that have been hap- and a cessation of shelling. pening in Gorazde; second, to try to make In other words, I think there are still possi- the safe areas, safe areas; and third, through bilities within the framework in which we are the display of firm resoluteness, to encourage operating to achieve a return to the negotiat- the parties to get back to the negotiating ing process and a legitimate return. So I think table and work this out. at this time, it would be inappropriate to es- As you know, in addition to that, we are calate the bombing that much. discussing with the Russians and the Euro- Q. Would you consider that—if this does pean Community—and Prime Minister not work, sir, would that be the next step? Papandreou talked about it a little bit The President. Well, I don’t like to deal today—what the appropriate next diplomatic in contingencies in a matter like this. But initiative ought to be on our part. The Rus- I think my answer should stand on its own. sians and the French have put forward pro- posals, as has the Secretary General of the Security of Greece United Nations, and I think that you will see Q. Mr. President, due to the Balkan crisis, some progress on that front next week. could you please clarify the U.S. position vis- Q. After your meeting with the Greek a-vis to the security of Greece on a bilateral Prime Minister at the White House, would level? you like to say a few words about American The President. Well, Greece is also a foreign policy regarding the Balkan situation member of NATO, sir. And so our obligation today? to the security of Greece, as well as our his-

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toric commitment to it, I think, is quite clear, I do think we can influence them in a positive and there should be no doubt about it today. way. I think we have when we’ve acted firmly and acted together; we should continue to Bosnia try to do so. Q. Mr. President, how do you plan to avoid Press Secretary Myers. Two more ques- mission creep in Bosnia if expanding the air tions. umbrella doesn’t work? Will the United Q. Mr. President, you just spoke about di- States push in further or pull out? In other visions within the camps, and you mentioned words, what’s your exit strategy here? a moment ago that you thought the Bosnian The President. Well, our exit strategy is Serbs would be likely to go back to the nego- a return to the peace negotiations. In other tiating table and my understanding is—— words, this is a different thing. Keep in The President. No, I don’t want to say mind—it is difficult to analogize this conflict that. I think that they have gone there before, from the point of view of the United States and I hope that they will. I wouldn’t say and the United Nations to others which oc- that—I have no information that indicates curred during the cold war and which had that they are likely to do that. That’s the ra- some sort of cold war rationale which some- tional thing for them to do. times broke down. Q. The assumption that a lot of policy- What we are trying to do now is to confine makers have made is that the Serbs have ba- the conflict, first of all, stop it from spreading sically taken most of the territory that they into a wider war and secondly, to get the par- want, but we hear repeatedly statements ties back to the negotiating table where they from the Serb militia leaders indicating that were most recently. If what we are doing they have a much more militant, aggressive doesn’t work, then I will consider other op- desire to seize more territory. tions. But there is more than one way for I’d like to ask you two things. One is, do the mission to be altered in pursuit of the you have any sense as to who’s really in con- ultimate objective. trol over there? Are we negotiating with the I will reiterate what I said to you in the people who can make a deal? And secondly, beginning: There has been absolutely no dis- is there anything that U.S. policy can do to cussion that I have participated in, author- try to influence which parties to that internal ized, or approved, dealing with the introduc- conflict come out on top? tion of our ground forces here before a peace The President. I think from time to time settlement. there are differences between the Bosnian Q. Mr. President, how do you account for Serbs and Serbia-proper and its government. the fact that peace in Bosnia has been so I think from time to time there are dif- difficult to be achieved? And do you think ferences between and among various factions that this could be due to conflicting messages in Bosnia, between political and military fac- the warring parts have received from dif- tions, and between command centers and ferent countries? people out in the country, as often happens The President. It could be due to that. in this kind of war with this level of decen- But I think it’s mostly due to the fact that tralization and with the developments that they have profound differences over which can occur in community after community. they have been willing to fight and die and And that means that we have to be—we that there are differences, apparently, even have to take those things into account in de- within each camp about the extent to which veloping our strategies. But we can’t let the they should seek advantages on the battle- rumor of that, in effect, divide and weaken field or at the negotiating table down to the us; we just have to work ahead. Is there any- present day. thing we can do to exploit those or to use I think it’s more about the internal dynam- those? I don’t know yet. But I do know that ics, about what is going on there than about maintaining a firm hand on these sanctions anything else. I think that it is important not is a very important part of our policy now. to be too arrogant about our ability to totally And I would think that, particularly, that dictate events so far from our shores. But there may be people on the ground who,

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once they’ve been fighting, don’t want to The President. I think Mr. Rostenkowski quit, especially if they think they are in a is trying to achieve our common objectives, position to win in a place where they happen which he defined as: universal coverage, cost to be fighting. But that’s what leadership is control, and 218 votes. [Laughter] And I for. think he has a strategy for pursuing that. You know, you could say—look at this elec- I believe that our savings are good. I be- tion that’s about to unfold in South Africa. lieve that obviously we intend—we always I mean, I could give you lots of other exam- knew we’d have to make some modification ples. I’m sure there are people on the ground once the Congressional Budget Office cost that don’t want to quit fighting because it’s estimates came out. We are prepared to do what they know, and they think maybe they that. But we have dealt with an awful lot of can press an advantage. But that’s what lead- health economists. We’ve worked very hard ership is for. And the leaders of the Serbs on the numbers; we think they are good. But and the Bosnian Serbs need to assert them- I’m going to have to let him characterize his selves at this moment and avoid further strategy. wreckage. All I can say is that, of all the things I’m worried about in dealing with Congress over Balkans the question of health care, the commitment of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Q. The Balkan question—there is also the Committee to providing health care security issue of the recent tensions between Greece to every American is not one of them. and Albania. Did you discuss this issue as Thank you very much. We’ve got to go. well as the status of the Greek minority there and the alleged human rights violations? The President. Well, first of all, I think NOTE: The President’s 56th news conference began at 2:14 p.m. in the East Room at the White Greece has proceeded with real restraint and House. A tape was not available for verification sound judgment. We are concerned about of the content of this news conference. the status of the Greek minority there as we are concerned about the status of the Alba- nians in Kosovo. This whole area is a tinder- Statement on Nomination of box, which is one of the reasons we have paid Governors to the Federal Reserve as much attention to it as we have and one Board of the reasons we are trying, within the limits of the United Nations and NATO, to confine April 22, 1994 the conflict. A stable monetary system is the platform I think the plain answer to this is to tone upon which any efforts for economic renewal down the rhetoric, to observe the rights of must be built. My administration recognized the minorities, and not to let the war which that our first task was to put our fiscal house is raging in Bosnia spread to the surrounding in order, so that an ever-growing Federal areas where there are equally deep tensions. budget deficit did not absorb capital and slow I’ll take one last question. economic growth. I believe that we have now put our Nation on the path to sustainable Health Care Reform economic growth. The Federal Reserve Q. Mr. Rostenkowski made a speech in Board is the critical institution that preserves Boston today in which he said that he is un- the stability of our monetary system and the willing, or will recommend against, in his confidence of our markets. The position of committee, financing the health care bill Governor of the Federal Reserve Board re- through savings anticipated in future years quires acute sensitivity to the need to strike from the health care, from the effects of the a careful balance, to prudently manage the health care bill, and that he prefers to finance money supply and avoid the excesses of infla- it through a broad-based tax issue. Could you tion, while ensuring that the men and women give your response to that and tell us how in our economy have the opportunity to pros- you think it would go? per and fulfill their dreams.

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