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Post Layout 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2016 INTERNATIONAL Light, water, heat a luxury for millions in Spain BARCELONA: Pedro and Mohamed associations have for years warned the ruling conservative government to chills you to the bone. We wear coats age (in terms of fuel poverty) despite await every utility bill with much angst. against this situation, but the death earli- immediately implement a “winter truce” and at night we use all the blankets we having much better weather,” says Jose To reduce the money they have to pay, er this month of 81-year-old Rosa in a fire on companies cutting power to those have.” Tere Bermudez, spokeswoman for Luis Lopez, spokesman for the they live in the dark, without heating, or caused by a candle she used for light has who cannot pay-a measure with majority the Roman Catholic charity Caritas, says Association of Environmental Science. shower just once a week-victims like mil- brought the issue firmly to the fore. support in parliament and encouraged that “for many families, water, light and There is no nationwide law on the lions in Spain of energy poverty. Welfare Socialist lawmaker Pilar Lucio asked in a 2009 EU directive. Last year, accord- gas are luxury items.” She says that from issue, but several regions have imple- ing to Spain’s National Statistics Institute, 2007 to 2015, the organization multi- mented measures to try and address it. 10.6 percent of Spaniards were unable to plied by 30 the number of utility bills it In the northeastern region of Catalonia, properly heat their homes-or more than helped pay. for instance, a law stipulates that utility four million people-compared to just 5.9 One of its beneficiaries is Mohamed companies must notify social services percent in 2008, when an economic crisis Chairi, a 37-year-old Moroccan. before cutting electricity or gas, and if kicked off. At fault are the economic cri- Unemployed, his family lives off the the family or person struggling to pay is sis and widespread loss of jobs it caused, monthly 250 euros from his wife’s clean- classified as vulnerable, they are as well as a 30- to 50-percent rise in utili- ing work as well as help from charities. banned from doing so. But the law is ty prices since 2006. “We shower once a week, on Fridays, so not always respected, as was the case that the kids are clean at the weekend,” for Rosa, with utility firm Gas Natural ‘Luxury items’ the father-of-three says. In the corner of acknowledging it had not contacted Pedro Martinez, 48, has been in this the living room of his small flat in social services. Lopez estimates that situation for several years. Unemployed Badalona near Barcelona, his youngest some 7,100 people die every year due since 2013, when the furniture compa- son plays with a broken electric radiator. to fuel poverty. ny he was working for closed, he sur- Chairi has just received his electricity bill Firefighters in Catalonia have also vives on a pension of 426 euros ($450) a - 24 euros for the month, a small sum for warned of the security risks involved. month, and what remains of the com- Spain but huge for him. “The rent alone “We have come across people heating pensation he received for being fired. is 440 euros,” he says. “If I have to suffer themselves with small fires made from Divorced, he lives with his 20-year-old from hunger or go without light or newspapers or even canvas shoes,” said son and 23-year-old mentally impaired water, I don’t care, but the kids...”. union spokesman Antonio del Rio. daughter in a working-class district of Spain may be emerging from the crisis, Barcelona, without heating and using Burning canvas shoes but at least 600,000 households saw electric light only when absolutely nec- According to the European their electricity supply cut off last year, BARCELONA: ‘El Banc dels Aliments’ (Food Bank Foundation) volunteers essary. Commission, Spain’s gas and electricity according to the Facua consumer associ- classify food to be distributed among the poor, at a warehouse in “It’s tough in winter. We just have an prices were the third and fourth highest ation. “There’s a lot of talk about recov- Barcelona during a national charity campaign to fight hunger. —AFP electric heater, which we rarely switch respectively in the European Union last ery, but on the street you don’t see it on for fear of the bill,” he says. “The cold year. “We are above the European aver- anywhere,” said Pedro Martinez. —AFP Can conservative Fillon keep the French far-right at bay? France’s election - a test for nationalist and populist politics PARIS: Francois Fillon, having the nationalist language of his was a major blow, the withdrawal of Secondly, his program “is clinched the presidential nomina- opponents. France, a founding member, could unprecedented in its violence. It’s a tion for the right-wing Republicans His conservative social views and deliver the European project a coup real attempt to smash the social sys- party, will now join a far bigger bat- appeal to rural voters as a devout de grace. The FN under Le Pen has tem,” Bardella added. Fillon has tle for the future of France, the Catholic from provincial France worked hard to try to shed the par- vowed to cut 500,000 public sector European Union and mainstream might also shield him from charges ty’s historic racist image and hopes jobs, scrap the 35-hour working politics in the West. After Donald of being an out-of-touch metropoli- to capitalize on economic gloom week, and introduce social security Trump’s stunning victory in the tan liberal. “It appears your immi- and concern about Europe’s biggest and healthcare cuts designed to United States, France’s election next nent victory is worrying Marine Le migrant crisis since World War II. reduce France’s chronic over-spend- April and May has become a test for Pen,” Bruno Le Maire, a rival-turned- In the northeastern Parisian sub- ing. The 62-year-old, who grew up in how far a rising tide of nationalist supporter in the Republicans party, urb of Raincy, a group of FN a chateau near the town of Le Mans, and populist politics will rise. If polls boomed at Fillon’s final campaign activists buoyed by Trump’s victory has also expressed admiration for are to be believed, Fillon’s biggest rally in Paris last Friday. Le Maire, a and the Brexit vote gathered ex-British leader Margaret Thatcher, an advocate of globalisation, dereg- LONDON: Former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader, Nigel Farage (right) ulation and free markets. “Today the reacts as he poses with newly-elected leader of the UK Independence Party world is going totally in the oppo- site direction,” FN vice president (UKIP), Paul Nuttall, following the leadership announcement in central Florian Philippot said last Thursday. London yesterday. —AFP “For me, Fillon is Thatcher but 30 years too late.” UKIP names new leader to Unpredictable race Two new polls published on replace Trump ally Farage Sunday evening forecast that the Republicans party candidate will LONDON: Britain’s anti-UE party UKIP elected politician to meet Trump following the face-and beat-Le Pen in a second- former history lecturer Paul Nuttall as its new Republican’s shock election win. Trump even round run-off vote in May. This leader yesterday to take over from Brexit fire- recommended his anti-establishment ally as US would be a re-run of the 2002 elec- brand Nigel Farage, a political ally of US ambassador, in a tweet that ruffled feathers in tion when Le Pen’s father Jean-Marie President-elect Donald Trump. Nuttall promised Downing Street, with British Prime Minister made it into the second round to unite the party-a driving force behind Theresa retorting that there was “no vacancy”. against the rightwing candidate Britain’s vote to leave the EU-which has been Swapping his usual pint of ale for cham- Jacques Chirac. Voters on the cen- under threat from bitter infighting and a plunge pagne at a party at London’s plush Ritz hotel tre-right and left united in a so- in funding following Farage’s departure this week, Farage reveled in the suggestion, called “Republican front” to keep Le announcement. holding up a tray of Ferrero Rocher chocolates Pen out. This pattern was repeated In his farewell speech, Farage promised he in reference to the ambassador’s reception in an in regional elections in France last would not be a “backseat driver” in the party often parodied television advert. In a speech to December when centrist voters but would see out his term as European guests posted on YouTube he said 2016 had came together to prevent the FN Parliament lawmaker until 2020 and continue been “the year of the big political revolution”. winning a single council despite a with his Brexit campaigning. Farage said the “When people look back in 100 years, 200 years, strong showing in the first round. European project was now “fatally weakened”, 2016 will stand out as one of those great his- Fillon’s defeated rival Alain Juppe predicting setbacks in Austria, France, Italy and toric years,” he added. had argued that his program of the Netherlands in the coming months. “Be in Farage’s exuberance cannot mask the tur- PARIS: Winner of the right-wing primaries ahead of France’s 2017 presidential elections, more gradual reform and less tradi- no doubt that it is UKIP that is seen as the lead- moil engulfing his party, however.
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