CAG invites Skawennati to begin Indigenous youth workshop and new commission FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Skawennati, Skins Machinima workshop, new commission and residency August 7 to August 19, 2016 Press reception with the artist Thursday, August 18, 12.30–1.30pm CAG Burrard Marina Field House, 1655 Whyte Ave (Near Vanier Park) RSVP to
[email protected] by August 3. Refreshments served. Artist is available for interview in English and French. The Contemporary Art Gallery is pleased to announce the Vancouver debut of Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace's (AbTeC) Skins Machinima Workshop, led by Montreal-based, Kanien’keha:ka artist Skawennati. In residence at CAG's Burrard Marina Field House in August, the artist will collaborate with the Museum of Anthropology (MOA), Living Labs/Emily Carr University of Art + Design (ECUAD) and the Initiative for Indigenous Futures (IIF), a branch of AbTeC. She will also begin work toward a new commission to be realized in 2017. The longest Skins Machinima Workshop to date will involve six Indigenous youth currently participating in MOA's Native Youth Program, part of an ongoing relationship between CAG and the museum. Hosted at ECUAD, the workshop explores how oral storytelling traditions can be reimagined with new technologies and focuses on machinima, a technique of making movies in virtual environments. UsingSecond Life, an online 3D virtual environment, participants will learn script development and storyboarding, avatar/character creation, virtual set design, filming in a virtual world and how to edit their movie. Skins aims to provide Indigenous youth with new design skills and impart understanding of narrative structures while also questioning notions of identity and stereotype.