ThreeWeeksDAILY lovely showcase ofafew comedians two even dance for you too. Afun, on abus;somesing,andoneor a fewjust randoms talkingatyou ‘Talking To Strangers OnBuses’ isn’t and AlisonSpittle) (ChristianeO’MahonyBuses Talking To Strangers On ratingtw |[Sarah 4/5 Richardson] (not 6, 13,20),6.00pm. Laughing Horse50, @Bar Aug until25 go anywhere else? old Jewish jokes are your thing,why near-flawlessly by So, Dembina. if butallarethan others, delivered routinesSome are better known perform atasynagogue benefitgig. he supposedly wasn’t allowed to framework ofbadgingitasmaterial cultural comedy, withintheneat one linersfrom arichtradition of jokes observational of thebest and veteran comic presents hisselection be infor apleasurable evening. The the terms ‘old’ and‘Jewish’ –they’ll similar moment’s attention –to both As longasanyone goingpays a are meantto beoldjokes, allright?” overlook thetitleofhisshow. “These any reviewers intheroom: don’t Ivor hasawarning Dembina for /FreeDembina Festival) Old Jewish Jokes (Ivor ratingtw |[IanFreeman] |4/5 Aug), 7.00pm. Gilded Teviot, Balloon 2 –26 Aug (not 7, 14 polished performance. endear himto thecrowd. Ahighly improvised gagshelpedfurther honed.Acoupleperfectly ofquickly repetition ofjokes, hisdelivery was he relied alittletoo muchonthe funny throughout, and,although Joe was consistentlyin fact. videos would have beenwelcome, the audience engaged;afew more whicheffectivelymountains, keep of thecharacter seeminglyatop great props andacouple ofclips with hisstand-up supplements andto thateffectattempts, he the character’s mountaineering upbringing. Thefocus ismainlyon amusing references to hisprivileged well andensures there are of plenty plays ofaspoiledtoff thepart very obscenely wealthy youngsters. He the Festival, thistimepokingfunat makesJoe Bor awelcome return to Cromwell Jones IsJasperJoe Bor COMEDY TUE 13AUG 2013 EDITION #11: a daily helping of Festival reviews from ThreeWeeks -check for more reviews, interviews and features

doesn’t move). actually (although unfortunately, thebus Fringe’s rocky comedic landscape belt upfor achilledridetrough the shows attheFestival. prepare So to of theotherslightlyover-polished made anice changefrom some coming together for alaugh,which felt like afew really funny people will remain throughout run.It its the cool andlaidbackatmosphere floor ofthedinky butI’m bus, sure the ambience created by thetop everyday.changes Perhaps itwas at theFestival thisyear, theline-up across theFringe thisyear. sketch seemto berelying acts on Murray; thatnumerous asubject on thepsyche of“controlling” Judy trueofthegroup’sparticularly take match thishighstandard. Thiswas seemed to drag alittleanddidnot evening. sketches, Some however, generated themost laughsofthe couple, himself onthehapless narrator was intent onimposing date scenario, inwhichacreepy comedic capability. Arestaurant demonstratedof thecast equal role butallmembers inscenes, frequently take themore dominant a couple oftheperformers to venue. There was atendency for sketches atthedelightful Caves a decent andengagingsetof The StAndrews Revue provided The StAndrews Revue rating:tw [Patricia-Ann 3/5 Young] Aug,25 4.15pm. @TheFree Sisters, until silly, withanimpishunpredictability andself-consciouslyscatological the linebetween the cerebral, with him.Well written andmapping bringingtheaudience moment, highly appropriate andhilarious only onebreaks character ata the strengths ofeachperformer; conference, thewritingistunedto Well-framed inthecontext ofapress dropped for thegoodofgag. premise thenquickly isestablished, keep theaudience A ontheirtoes. and transition smoothly, helpingto sake Sketches ofit. are quick-fire transgressing into shockingfor the of goodtaste withoutever skilfully navigating theboundaries four performers are but, anything manufactured boy-bands, these drab homogeneousgarbof themselvesdisguising inthe Masters ofmisdirection (Leeds Tealights) Ultimate IndoorExperience The Leeds Tealights: The ratingtw |[JonathanMayo] 3/5 (not 13),3.20pm. TheTonicJust atTheCaves,Aug until25 that willwarm audiences to them. de Niro impressions. Thoughboth doingRobert andAnilDesai adverts a routine aboutdrink awareness we watch Kevin doing Dewsbury achieve thisnobleendisunclear, as sexualities. Quite how itintends to down barriers” between different whichseeks to “breakthis night, Veronica Elizabeth isafinehost for (Veronica Elizabeth) Gay Straight Alliance ratingtw |[Joseph 5/5 Trotter] Courtyard,Pleasance 24 Aug, 11:00. this muchinalong,longtime. mark my words, Ihave notlaughed troupe atthisFestival intheshade: pretty muchevery otherimprov surelyenthusiasm, whichmust put character andcollectivetalent, through individual theirgames, gouge thelaughter outofyou Burke’s knife, five these boys will Clever, andas sharp puntastic as audience howls alongwiththem. listen outfor theirbrilliance asthe ease into and thespiritofthings, Vickycase Stone andMickFerry) reality, (inthis theirguests witness wonder asthey make your demands their way to Watch thestage. in veterans TheNoiseNext Door, make ultimate heroes ofimprov, Fringe Take astep backpeople,andletthe Gagged) Comedy Lock-In and (Bound The NoiseNext Door ratingtw [Patricia-Ann 3/5 Young] 2.20pm. Underbelly Cowgate, Aug until25 (not13), very nearlypulledoff. interesting idea, ifonethatisonly of theshow). Still,itisadeliciously round beingthestrongest section (evidenced by theirquickfire scenariostheir constructed going seem to to lackthestamina keep butunfortunatelyhumdingers, group dohittheirfair share of (submitted before theshow) the anonymous audience suggestions your littlesecrets. Riffing dirty from The Maydays are, makingplay of never expected to like Yet it. here comedy troupe -andIbetyou by andrippedapart a dissected of strangers, for themthento be to beread aloudinfront ofaroom expected your personalconfessions I’m you guessing have never Maydays presents) withTheassociation (EMX Managementin The Maydays: Confessions ratingtw |[JoeAbel] 4/5 (not 13),5.00pm. TheTonicJust @TheCavesAug until25 it deserves amedal. it deserves whichissorarefunny asherguests, town. Also, Veronica isahost as coming from someunfashionable for gettingupto goto the toilet or from worries thatyou’ll bebullied relaxeda pleasant, evening, free liberal outmakes agendaitsets for won’t changetheworld, butthe enticingly funny. Thisshow probably are charming, likeable instantly and tw ratingtw |[HollySharp] 3/5 12.30am. Necrobus, until26 Aug, 11.00pm and out ofit. have afew to first getthebest pints experience: bringsomemates and enjoyable, yet unexpectedly sedate for beltingoutdubioushymns. An would putpeoplemore inthemood also nobar, andIimaginebooze up whenyou’re There’s turfed out. –you’reshort getting warmed just it’s at45ishminutes, is that, too everyone up. Thereal problem grandson around whogoes chatting irate relatives, graphic poetry, anda treats you from to videomessages unconventional commemoration wheels isagreat andthis concept, coffin as you board). Theatre on bus (pay your to respects the taking place onhisoldRoutemaster “Co-sweets”), andthefuneral willbe of Roger Cocksweets (pronounced You’re invited to celebrate thelife (Ghost BusTours)Service Funeral Replacement ratingtw Cropper] |[Jessica 4/5 1.20pm. Cabaret Voltaire, until24 Aug (not19), person. Emotionalanduplifting. failed) atbeingagood attempts nature andonhisown (sometimes a light-hearted take onhuman territory. It’s notalecture, butsimply orself-righteousinto sanctimonious matter withouteven slightlyveering managed to to stick thesubject do make adifference. Theshow really ofkindness the littleacts even thoughhumansare flawed, that drove homehispointthat some quite anecdotes poignant) forced. We heard hilarious(and of thisshow thatfelt contrived or man, there wasn’t onemoment naturally funny andcharismatic With this comedy to thesubject. has dedicated anhourofstand-up BradySam thinks certainly so, and alittlebitmore?valued kindness Would we allbehappierifwe PBH’s ) BradyKindness (Sam / ratingtw |[JamesHampson] 4/5 Aug, 8.00pm. Laughing Horse @The until26 Phoenix, desperate for more trademark and, withanexcitable audience Morecambe andWise impressions together minutes oftheirbest sixty talented to these actors string It would have beeneasy for (Festival Highlights) Eric AndLittle Ern ratingtw |[JonathanMayo] 5/5 Aug (not12),3.00pm. The StandComedyClubIII&IV, until25 totally captivated. their success) heldtheaudience Simon Cowell willnever emulate (andwhyand legacyoftheBeatles fast-paced trawl through thelife informative andengaging.Benn’s that it’s incredibly well-researched, What really theshow is sets apart links toestablished theFab Four. of36otherindividualslist withmore throughout theshow, alongwitha the 37th was Beatle unravelled intentionally tenuous claimto be comparison to OneDirection. His roll bandwere through ahilarious songexplainsfirst whotherock ‘n’ those entirely ignorant; Benn’s hardcore musicaficionados and crafted satire for isperfect both voice-enhancer). Thisexpertly- parodies (complete withaLennon anecdotes withBeatles musical performer, combining witty Mitch isanaccomplished Benn (IMWP) Beatle IsTheMitch Benn 37th SNAP OF THEDAY: Poems to order! Onthe Meadows. simple yet lovely production. –willenjoy– andotherwise this Morecambe andWise appreciators bi-minutely.audience chortling rather thansimplykeeping their livingthe last halfofadoubleact, demonstrating thesorrow ofbeing tragedy around thecomedians: production paintingaframe of Yet, itwas apleasure to seethe endearingly exasperating nature. Stephens flawlessly captured Eric’s andJonty that oftheoriginals, surgically precise timingmatched gotawaycertainly Their withit. thepairwouldsilly giggles, have may buthe’s soundalittletragic, so This own to life fall apart. starts the company, to the pointthathis withgettingrevengeobsessed on really any jokes. Griffiths becomes thatit’sstory almost OKthere aren’t such aninteresting andengaging crush thelittleguy…and failing. It’s major worldwide company to trying we discoverof t-shirts, thetaleofa by ahilariousslideshow andarack abusing otherbrands’ logos. Aided trademark andcopyright laws and battle withFrench over Connection tells usallabouthislegal King Cnut, Dave known otherwise as Griffiths, (King Cnut) Dave Griffiths:CUInCourt ratingtw [4/5] |Kate Pasola 14 Aug ),3.45pm, 5.45pm. Gilded @Teviot, Balloon until26 Aug (not

moments. expect too many laugh-out-loud don’t just and veryentertaining, that you gowith him.Agreat story passionate aboutwhathe’s doing tw ratingtw |[ChristopherSpring] 4/5 20), 12.45pm. Courtyard,AugPleasance until25 (not13, to start. to theday ifyou don’t know where Agoodstart joined my must-see list. Caroline Rea, bothofwhomhave unconventional cover band,and The Les Clochards, abrilliantly the Fringe. Ithoroughly enjoyed some ofthebetter performers in it introduces you to asampleof other showcases inEdinburgh, spreadeclectic ofperformers than Giving amorewith theacts. informativeconducts interviews the audience warmed upand compèred by Stutter, whogets the punter’s life easier. It’s expertly toup to designed make cabaret, fromacts balletto theatre, stand ofdifferenthis best genres and Stutter’sMervyn show showcases and hidden,somuchto do. can’t With it? venues spread apart The Fringe beintimidating, can Fringe year) (22nd Stutter’sMervyn The PickOf ratingtw |[SophieNicoll] 3/5 (not 13),3.40pm. TheTonicJust atTheTron, Aug until25

Photo: Mark Dawson

MORE ONLINE> Big Spoon, Little Spoon particularly the one about pandas. planet, the dancers perform a highly and the intensity brought by Of Mine’ has great aspirations learn the truth. As young Matthew for awkwardness created some (Jamie Oliphant and Cio Dav This is a welcoming, low key event physical piece with strength and the all-female dance group are but is sadly lacking in nuance says, “how did we get here?” genuinely heartfelt laughs, but Don’t let your first / Free Festival) that provides a nice refuge from precision, while the choreography convincingly menacing. Ultimately, and coherence. The performance Pleasance Dome, until 17 Aug (not 7), didn’t fail to be poignant. While “meeting with your the hustle and bustle of the Fringe captures the immensity and these energetic performances are obliterates the delicate balance 1.40pm. slow in parts, ‘Tracy’is wonderfully In what must be the most while still providing an evening’s timelessness of the landscapes. an invitation to re-think the role that between buffoonery and tragedy tw rating 3/5 | [Rebecca Lunn] believable. Admittedly, the other future director, outlandish venue at the Fringe, ‘Big entertainment. The beautiful newspaper set, technology and communication and ultimately lacks subtlety. characters are only objects of Spoon, Little Spoon’ is a comedy producer or spouse The Royal Oak, until 26 Aug, 6pm. at first reminiscent of maps, is have had in our lives. In aiming to demonstrate the interaction for Tracy, but this club atop a double-decker bus Safe (Ego Actus) cleverly utilised as the surrounding – National Centre For Dance, suddenness of disaster, the show does little to diminish the play’s stationed in a beer garden. Crazy tw rating 4/5 | [Elspeth Rudd] Two spoilt New York private be when you are landscape, and the sublime until 17 Aug, times vary. starts by groping for laughs with surprising warmth. You won’t know right? Being 1am, however, virtually nature of the piece is enhanced ludicrous, grotesque caricatures schoolgirls are the opposite to what makes ‘Tracy’ such a charming lying in your own Richard Digance tw rating 4 / 5 | [Natalia Equihua] all of the audience have had a few by exquisite music, performed by before plunging into screaming, each other in most ways: one is little production, but its charm is stress-induced vomit too many gin and slims to notice, From the very moment we walked onstage musicians. The second grief and tears. Choral speaking, pill-popping and anorexic, the undeniable. making for a very rowdy hour. All into the performance area, Richard XD (CollettivO CineticO) other has weight issues and performance, ‘Il Gioco’, was inspired jumbled interludes of movement Venue 13, until 9 Aug, 11.45am. in a rain-soaked the acts struggle to keep the crowd Digance’s charismatic personality by the agility and rhythms of the A brilliantly complex and visually and odd repetitive motifs do little worries constantly about her under control and are susceptible filled the room, as he sat in the witty display by four performers alcoholic mother. This is until tw rating 4/5 | [Otamere Guobadia] gutter clutching a bodies of mountain goats. Fabrizio but blur words and detract from to substantial heckling. Jamie audience cracking jokes. Beginning Favale, a solo performer, commits a in varying states of undress. In the gravity of the subject matter. she meets Philip, as he calls deep fried haggis. Be Ten Out Of Ten (TOOT) Oliphant and Cio Dav were the best with a forced encore from Digance remarkable agility and expression this critique of contemporary pop There are moments that move himself, a mysterious man who of a meagre bunch but the show himself, the show carried on to the piece, filling the space with visual culture, they play with our you, but overall this show needs begins to infiltrate her life until it Name tags are given out on entry, like the swan, gliding quickly plummeted into mediocrity, in a similar vein, as the singer at once precise and passionate notions of branding, exposure to think more about the lives it’s becomes clear that nothing he’s and we are sat on evenly spaced elegantly from home with jokes that rarely generated wittily explained the events that movements. and vulnerability. Throughout, commemorating and less about said is true, even his name. With seats around the room. There “ more than a mild murmur. Unless inspired his folk-comedy songs. the performers create small excellent performances and a is a blackboard on the wall, and to Mile to venue ad Dance Base, until 17 Aug (not 5, 12), desperately trying to force a you are three sheets to the wind, I Digance called for much audience frames around the stage and, fast-paced script, this play keeps murmurs of audience participation. 2.00pm, 3.00pm, 5.00pm, 6.00pm, reaction. infinitum would recommend getting the train participation, at one point making often blindfolded or unable to see, you entertained and engaged, but Dread begins to sink in but, as 7.00pm, 8.00pm, 9.00pm. Venue 13, until 24 Aug (not 12), 2.45pm. instead. half the audience act like seagulls place themselves within these the plot feels simplistic and the the cast coast around us playing tw rating 4/5 | [Immi Calderwood] Lili la Scala explains how! and at another forcing them to spaces for mini performances tw rating 2/5 | [Holly Sharp] ending is simply trite. Perhaps it retro synthesisers with beamingly Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, until Read today’s guest column at 17 Aug (not 4, 11), 1.00am. give him seven encores in a row. which delight with their apparent has been hemmed in by the almost optimistic smiles, we are put Sluts Of Possession tw rating 2/5 | [Peter Dorman] Through all the joking, however, it randomness. Collectively, these Meal Ticket compulsory hour-long running at ease. The play looks at how was easy to see how much Digance (Rosie Kay / Guilherme snippets of physical art create a (The Mockingbirds) time of Fringe shows, and if given children have objective measures of appreciated both his audience and Miotto / Louis Price) narrative ridiculing the undue value ‘Meal Ticket’ deserves a place more time would become a more success- exams, grades, swimming the chance to perform in Edinburgh. The blurb says you’ll be plunged we place in passing trends and among the best shows of the 2013 immersive and better piece of certificates - but in adulthood, all MUSIC Sharp, funny and incredibly into a “primitive, possessed state”, pop culture. The nudity serves to Fringe! It follows bored, part-time theatre. this is lost. The show revives the magnetic, Digance is set to give so perhaps I was meant to fall unsettle more than titillate. Their catering staff as they provide theSpace on North Bridge, until 23 Aug simplicity of childhood through Gone Native many more unique and entertaining asleep in ‘Sluts Of Possession’. manipulation of the space is expert, service for the ‘Starstruck Magazine (not 11, 18), 12:45. incessantly positive feedback to (Nicholson and Gore) performances. Repetitive rhythms, violent their movements calculated yet Sassy Sister’s Awards’. There are tw rating 3/5 | [James Hampson] the audience’s simple tasks, with naturalistic: this troupe, directed by These local Edinburgh singer- New Town Theatre, until 25 Aug (not 9, movement and face-paint streaked an impressive range of characters, occasional dalliances in surrealist Francesca Pennini, will leave you songwriters put on a friendly, 10), 8.45pm. faces are key components of what from the achingly narcissistic Stand Up, Woman whimsy and dreamlike musical is a confusing 45 minutes. The set both smiley and thoughtful. interludes. The process makes intimate show, sharing their own tw rating 4/5 | [Helena Wadia] bosses to the charming yet ditzy (Drunken Sailor / Free is vaguely futuristic, films of tribal Dance Base, until 17 Aug (not 5, 12), times you smile from start to finish and, songs and some traditional Scottish, workers, and every actor is superb, Festival) Irish and English folk. Each musician communities are projected on a vary. giving real life and substance to the worryingly, does make your life Sam’s tale begins in a coffee PODCASTS> has their own individual style DANCE & PHYSICAL silver foil screen. The movement tw rating 5/5 | [Jasmine Faller] characters. When the event turns seem better. shop, where she’s waiting for her which makes for an interesting and was razor sharp and relentless; to chaos, the underlying tensions Assembly Hall, until 26 Aug (not 19), Edition Seven of the THEATRE “pathologically late”, “toxic” “friend” entertaining hour. Kevin Gore’s if nothing else, I’ll applaud any in the characters’ relationships 4.00pm to show up, a woman she’s known ThreeWeeks podcast set leans more towards traditional dancer who’s sweating enough to start to emerge, culminating in a tw rating 4/5 | [James Hampson] for 26 years but never liked. In the Celtic folk which is also reflected Last Land and ‘Il Gioco Del fill a bucket yet doesn’t break step THEATRE violent confrontation. In addition magazine is now online – absence of this friend, the audience in his original tracks, while Bobby Gregge Di Capre’ once. No fault in the execution, it’s to great humour this show also has becomes the target for the torrent a sex special featuring… Nicholson’s songs are funny, often (Maria Nilsson Waller and the content that leaves me at sea. These Halcyon Days intelligent ideas about class and of released frustration. In the play, with a political edge or element Fabrizio Favale) Saying that, there were whoops and (Landmark Productions) opportunity. The lively atmosphere VISUAL ART Rosie Wilby Sam takes a stand-up class for of social commentary alongside cheers at the end, so perhaps it’s Heart-warming and tear jerking created by the performers make This double bill presents two its cathartic effect, and it feels as traditional folk covers. Both men something brilliant that just zinged in equal measure, ‘These Halcyon this the most enjoyable show I’ve Amazing Amber Bonk well-crafted and complementary though performer Julia Munrow’s are very talented, and I especially over my head. Days’ is the bitter-sweet tale of Sean, seen so far. (National Museum of shows. In ‘Last Land’, inspired by motivation is much the same. In enjoyed Nicholson’s original songs, Dance Base, unti 17 Aug plus 20, 23 Aug, a wheelchair-bound man rotting Underbelly Cowgate, until Aug 25, Shirley Gnome the last two un-owned lands on our detailing “today, the worst day of Scotland) times vary. with inertia in a retirement home, 6.00pm. Sam’s life”, Munrow appeals to the An exhibition only about amber! Tricity Vogue tw rating 2/5 | [Holly Sharp] and Patricia, a stubborn, feisty new tw rating 5/5 | [Michael Black] audience’s compassion for her It may sound like a thin idea, arrival with no intention of sticking laughs, and she does get them. The but amber is a substance with Phone Whore about and grabbing a Zimmer Status Anxiety And Piece Of The Rain That Washes material is funny, and Munrow’s fascinating qualities, not least frame. As friendship blossoms, Mind (Emma Jayne Park and (Chickenshed) energy is contagious. Not bad for a its ability to trap and preserve Blaggards their personalities shine; Sean’s few easy chuckles to start the day. organisms. On display are many Jackin’ the Box) impassioned Henry V soliloquy is This is a play about a teenage boy’s tiny fragments of amber with Plus check out loads of Social networks not only changed one of the most heart-breaking tragic battle with Zimbabwean Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, until insects trapped inside, as if once our way of communicating, but things you’ll see this year whilst politics, based on the life of a man 25 Aug (not 7, 14, 21), 1.30pm. Podcast Extras with clips cryogenically frozen simply for also how we express ourselves. Patricia’s sunbathing antics in the who worked for Chickenshed tw rating 3/5 | [Immi Calderwood] of great Fringe shows us to see today. The format of this Through hip hop, this two-piece back-garden are a true reminder several years ago. His story follows exhibition makes the information performance explores the way of what it is to be young at heart. the events which transpired Tracy accessible and it is interesting to see society has been transformed by A brutally honest account of around the black-majority rule in (Richard Burton Company) our computerised lives. In ‘Status Zimbabwe between the 1970s and how much amber varies depending loneliness and the unavoidable Sophie Morgan-Price accomplishes Anxiety’, choreographer Emma 80s. This one-man show focuses on the surrounding environment, ravages of ageing, and a moving something impressive here. Her Jayne Park combines robotic dance on politics, but it’s the authentic and to learn how it has been used reminder that “old men forget, yet writing, along with her portrayal of steps with acting to give movement reactions of a young boy that give in various ways. If you don’t find all shall be forgot”. Tracy, is actually quite wonderful to to the world of Facebook. While us a fuller understanding of this amber amazing by the end, well, it Assembly Hall, until 25 Aug (not 7, 12, 18, behold. There’s something sound interacting with the audience, the terrible scenario. Ashley Maynard’s will still have been worth going to 19) 11.00am. in Tracy’s ludicrous philosophy; her choreography develops into the portrayal of Matthew is occasionally have a look around the rest of the tw rating 4/5 | [Holly Sharp] constantly bland, deadpan delivery story of our technological reality. weak, yet somehow thought- National Museum Of Scotland. gives her brash brand of feminism The atmosphere intensifies through provokingly real. The audience are National Museum Of Scotland, Mon-Sun, some bite. Her sense of grandeur the electronic music of Murcof and Children Of Mine provided with a glossary of terms, a 10.00am-5.00pm. and moral superiority, combined INFO Daft Punk. ‘Peace Of Mind’ dives (Jermin Productions) list of political leaders and a timeline tw rating 4/5 | [Michael Black] with her social obliviousness, Published by ThreeWeeks Publishing, into the hidden thoughts of our An ambitious retelling of the 1966 of events, making the performance sexual forwardness and propensity a division of UnLimited Media minds. The strong movements Aberfan mining disaster, ‘Children accessible to everybody as they