IN EDINBURGH GET THREEWEEKS CHILDREN’S SHOWS Aaaaaaaaargh! It’s The Monster ThreeWeeksStand Up Show DIRECT TO YOUR IN-BOX The Amazing Bubble Show Monster Comedy It is said that less is more, and giving seven There are even more reviews in the The Amazing Bubble Man (USA) ThreeWeeks eDaily email. comics seven minutes to showcase some “Bubble-ology” – finally we can put a name of their best material whilst plugging their Sign up right now for free at to the craze! This show celebrates the own shows is one of the best ways to share great but simple joy of bubbles and the the hidden gems of the Festival with many ease with which they charm both young who would otherwise have been oblivious and old, producing gasps of glee from all. for the rest of the month. Better still is that Bubbles bounce within bubbles, rotating and the selected comics (a different line-up every spinning with all the colours of the rainbow; night) explore a different range of topics children are called upon to show their skills and techniques, from religion on Facebook, at slapping, kissing and even eating the through offering cookies to the homeless, bubbles. The competition that ensues means to the high school anecdotes of a proper that everyone’s clamouring for their turn on redhead. Not everyone met the same comic stage, including the parents! There is even standard but the intimate audience definitely an attempt at showing the science side, wasn’t short on laughter. Highlights included and although it’s probably lost on younger Felicity Russell and James Redmond (yes, spectators, perhaps some budding scientist that bloke off telly). has been inspired. By the end, all participants @ Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 28 Aug, are slightly soapy - and evidently delighted - 8.15pm (9.15pm), free, fpp32. tw rating 3/5 [ng] with some good, clean fun! *PLUS VAT C too, 4 - 29 Aug (not 15), times vary, £5.50 - £9.50, A Brief History Of Time fpp18. tw rating 4/5 [pr] Michelangelo’s Heroes/Free Festival King Arthur Michelangelo’s Heroes may have won the BBC New Talent Award, but they admittedly Aireborne Theatre haven’t done much since. Their debut show Hilarious, charming and superbly enacted, at the Fringe proves, however, that they do this performance of ‘King Arthur’ is the have much to offer. Structured in the form definition of family fun. Merlin, the witty of a science lecture, ‘A Brief History Of Time’ narrator, relates the amusing adventures showcases the act’s penchant for goofy of the noble Arthur and his comical Knights humour and comical sketches which may or of the Round Table. Interaction with the may not bear any relation to the main theme audience means children are given the of the show. This can be a little distracting at chance to become an integrated part of the times, particularly when they shove a picture legend. Furthermore, the self-reflexive nature of a woman being gangbanged in your face, of the show, featuring a performance within using the old “Oh, how did that get in there?” a performance, means things like role and line. Nevertheless, the show is an early sign costume switching, and other awkward bits of bigger (and much better) things to come. typical of a small cast play, are cleverly used Laughing Horse @ Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 28 Aug (not for comic effect. And although the music 8, 15, 22), 3.05pm (4.05pm), free, fpp52. tw rating could do with more variety, it is humorously 3/5 [ng] objected to by the characters themselves, SNAP OF THE DAY: It’s the high flying Fringe – Britta making it a trivial factor which certainly does Anil Desai... not hamper the show. Herrmann and Susanne Beschorner appear in ‘Peter Pan - Learn No stranger to the Fringe, Anil Desai returns C eca, 3 - 29 Aug, 12.50pm (1.50pm), £4.50 - £8.50, How To Fly’ at the Out Of The Blue Drill Hall. Photo: Paul Collins fpp24. tw rating 4/5 [ma] for his third solo show with a light hearted performance that has something for all. Employing a mix of comedy, impressions COMEDY and songs, Desai presents each of his characters in the form of special guests of the show, and told some great jokes that from an undeveloped style, starting stories Aaaand Now For Something appearing on the show. Moving from the went down very well, but others that missed with no punch-line, throwing out one-liners Completely Improvised! likes of Rajesh the Bollywood lounge singer the target completely. Matt Richardson, without warning, and generally stop- Racing Minds/Laughing Horse Free Festival to Candice the fluffer girl, he uses each meanwhile, brought a bit more energy and starting throughout the set. Similarly, his ‘ANFSCI!’ can be seen as nothing more than character to explore different styles of some very funny moments to the second performance had no consistent thread or to an act whose title is stolen from ‘Monty comedy, adding variety to the performance half. Although there were a number of big provide a focus for the show; there were no Python’. Yet, at times during their one-hour and appealing to different tastes. The only laughs during the hour, you get the feeling call backs to jokes, or seeding of new ones. show, these four men genuinely reach the thing letting him down are his costume that the guys could do with a much later Some comedians do this deliberately; for heights of the early Python sketches while changes, which slow the pace and thus time slot and a slightly longer set. However, Lee it seemed to be more an accident than still retaining their family-friendly style. the fluidity of the show; Desai remains a they’re both talented comedians, and with a choice. With only four men to play several different worthwhile watch, however, for anyone keen some more confidence, they could offer a Laughing Horse @ Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 12 Aug, characters, no real set, and the fact that on comedy that includes everything from great hour of comedy. 3.15pm (4.15pm), free, fpp50. tw rating 2/5 [jfb] they’re completely reliant on the audience’s witty jokes to frivolous cabaret. Laughing Horse @ Espionage, 4 - 28 Aug (not 17), ideas for content, the limitations of their act Teviot, 3 - 18 Aug (not 9), 7.45pm 1.15pm (2.15pm), free, fpp41. tw rating 3/5 [lam] Bruce Fummey – My Afro Celtic seem insurmountable. Yet, it is here that this (8.45pm), £9.00 - £12.00, fpp39. tw rating 3/5 [aq] Angst small troupe really shines, when things seem Bloke Bruce Fummey Free/Laughing Horse Free Festival to be going wrong, they’re at their finest. Attention Deficit Let’s Go Ride FE Productions / Laughing Horse Free Festival Name-calling, racial ignorance, and a side- Currently their show is free; I would attend Bikes! – Free Billing himself as an 18+ throwback to the parted afro – Bruce Fummey had a tough soon as I can’t see it staying so for long. Ben Van der Velde/Matt Richardson/Free Festival off-colour comedians of the ‘70s, Reuben childhood as a mixed race kid in Perthshire, Laughing Horse @ Meadow Bar, 4 - 28 Aug, With a name like ‘Attention Deficit Let’s Lee’s stand-up is disappointingly mild. but boy, has he turned it into a fantastic 12:15pm (1.15pm), free, fpp32. tw rating 4/5 [cd] Go Ride Bikes!’, I went in expecting a high Nothing saps the power from an offensive show. A natural storyteller, Fummey energy hour. Instead, the stand-up felt joke worse than apologising for it: whether recounts tales of meeting his biological disjointed and at times lacked momentum. it gets a laugh or not, a comedian should father in Africa, being raised by two white Ben Van der Velde had the first half hour stand by their material. Lee also suffers cont>>

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MORE REVIEWS PLUS NEWS, INTERVIEWS AND EXCLUSIVE COLUMNS: WWW.THREEWEEKS.CO.UK cont>> Scottish aunts and trying to get by Elis James: Do You Remember it never comes. I hope Mutch gets better, are moments of precision and wit in the engaging, charmingly ramshackle process. as the only mixed race child in his town. The First Time? but it seems unlikely. writing. One neighbour mentions that he This show is superbly convincing, every Fummey is such an amiable character Laughing Horse @ Espionage, 4 - 28 Aug, 12.00pm can understand why his wife has left him for story original and exciting, with the tale of that you can’t help but get swept up by his Phil McIntyre Entertainments (1.00pm), free, fpp72. tw rating 2/5 [cd] another living nearby, because they do, after a magical key managing to build a heart- stories, and the fact that he’s obviously Elis James ruffles his hair as he talks, all, “have a tennis court”. The acting is as slowing tension into a genuinely frightening enjoying the show so much is incredibly bouncing about the stage and delivering Pearse James Presents polished as the neighbour’s best china, with point of climax. This is only beaten by the infectious and the audience is on his side his punchlines with an irresistibly roguish Freesome Pearse James the only cracks being in the aforementioned fantastical mystery of the next story, a from the start. His material may not set the grin. He looks pleased with himself, like a leap of credulity that the script takes, but cautionary tale about vanity wherein a young Pearse James was funny; the others, not world alight, but it’s a joyous way to spend mate down the pub who has just told a good not even this is enough to damage such an woman dances with her captured reflection so much. Do not be deterred however, as an hour. anecdote. His stories about peeing in the intelligent parody of suburban life. in a sequence so hypnotically balletic. The this show promises to showcase fresh local pool and his first kiss are ones we can only criticism is that a romantic subplot Laughing Horse @ The Beehive Inn, 4 - 28 Aug (not meat every night and if new comedy is what Pleasance Courtyard, 5 – 28 Aug (not 15 & 22), 15, 22), 9.30pm (10.30pm), free, fpp53. tw rating all relate to, which is perhaps why we are 3:15pm (4:15pm), £8:00 - £10:00, fpp252. tw rating falls slightly flat, with characters curiously you’re after this is one place to be. The 4/5 [lam] all laughing. Although he deserves to be 4/5 [ljc] underdeveloped even by the end, but this is newer comics did certainly provide some playing to much larger audiences it would a play that children and adults both will find laughs but their nervous demeanour and Christmas For Two: Friends be a shame to lose the cosy, confessional The Magical Faraway Tree unfailingly enchanting nonetheless. tendency to continually look towards James atmosphere that James creates. Trying Sleeping Trees Theatre With You for approval or time checks was distracting C too, 4 - 20 Aug, 2.05pm (3.05pm), £6.50 - £8.50, to explain when I got home why I was still fpp299. tw rating 4/5 [sj] Christmas For Two at best. James kept the evening moving Enid Blyton will be turning in her grave. In giggling maniacally to myself, I was only able along nicely and the atmosphere was this reworking of her stories, the innocence Sarah Campbell and Amy Hoggart came to surrender, “You had to be there.” And warm despite the nipples-could-cut-glass that makes them childhood favourites Mary Blandy’s Gallows Tree together to write for a BBC Three show you do. entitled ‘Laughter Shock’ – a fact that cold of the venue. I was entertained by the is given a disturbing, but even more Lita Doolan Pleasance Courtyard, 3-29 (not 18, 20), 8.15pm imaginative, twist. Without props, scenery or becomes obvious as soon as the lights (9.15pm), £8.00 - £12.00, fpp71. tw rating 4/5 [rs] improvised art competition that surprisingly Sitting with someone minutes from the go up: the ideas involved aren’t bad, but went down well. Certainly something a little sound effects, three young actors manage noose isn’t everybody’s idea of post- different, but do bring a coat, gloves and a to draw the audience into a dark world they aren’t really as shocking as they think Men Of War breakfast entertainment; however, this one they are. The writing is a little sloppy, and thermos of tea unless you want to catch of depraved pixies and evil Generals, as a woman show is convincing and thought- Scratch many sketches could have been cut short pneumonia. young boy seeks magical medicine to aid provoking. Fragmented and confusing at The title is misleading. There’s no war, and his mother. While the comedic miming and by several minutes, and while some are a Laughing Horse @ Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 28 Aug (not 8, times, Doolan movingly portrays a woman it’s actually three men and one woman; success - the depiction of a gruesome 18- 15, 22), 7.00pm - 8.00pm, free, fpp132. 3/5 [sm] absurd sketches woven into the plot may not suffering from breakdown after a year not the macho-fest I was dreading. ‘Men Of 30’s club is particularly good, with excellent be to everyone’s taste, the actors enchant of solitude as she faces hanging for a War’ is a bastion of comedic traditionalism, characterisation and really stupid dancing the audience in a manner reminiscent of crime she was tricked into committing. and the set is one of old-fashioned sketch - others simply don’t work. The sight of a Monty Python. Wonderful performances, Don’t believe it to be simply an issue of formats set to modern themes – think MUSICALS careers adviser detailing opportunities for a particularly from Joshua George Smith, innocence: this is a snapshot of death row the two Ronnies of the making jokes about professional female rapist isn’t offensive or captivate those willing to go along with in 1752 England which, with talks of capital paedophiles; the group make their contempt If Walls Could Talk shocking, just painfully flat. There’s plenty of the cast, their diverse characters, and of punishment being voted for debate by the for modern “post-comedy” where the good-natured enthusiasm on stage; if only it Tip Of The Tongue Theatre Company course, their talking trees. Houses of Parliament this week, certainly audience is “afraid not to laugh” very plain. were matched by less half-hearted material. Damp and dreary, the Edinburgh weather The Caves, 4-28 Aug (not 17), 1.00pm (2.00pm), bears significance in 2011. “This is a hell!” All are splendid comic performers, able to £3.00 - £4.00, fpp280. tw rating 4/5 [kc] at The Caves, 4 - 28 Aug (not 17), wasn’t putting many smiles on Festival- cries Doolan desperately, looking around switch character, accent and demeanour 4.55pm (5.55pm), £6.50, fpp58. tw rating 2/5 [kw] goers’ faces. So Tip Of The Tongue’s her cell. Guilty or not, the audience is left perfectly, and there are moments of biting production of ‘If Walls Could Talk’ is just the Diamond Dick PaperTape Theatre wondering: is imprisonment punishment satire and occasionally sublime absurdity, happiness-boost to get people grinning. This Rushed into a bustling 1920s clapperboard enough? Please Hold, You’re Being but mostly the tone is akin to the old Radio bunch of student storytellers are far from film, a director yells orders to her grey- Apex City Hotel, 4 - 21 Aug, 11:00am, £5.00 - £7.00, Transferred To A UK Based Asian 4 style of comedy with brilliant entertainers damp and anything but dreary, and their faced cast from behind the audience in this fpp279. tw rating 3/5 [dg] Representative doing average material. Which is fine, but short tales are heart-warming and personal comic homage to the late author F. Scott not great. Sadia Azmat / Laughing Horse Free Festival without being overly gushy, quite a feat Fitzgerald. Mini-narratives bleed into one Zanzibar Cats by Heathcote It’s hard to be Asian, to be female, and to Pleasance Courtyard, 3 - 28 Aug (not 17), 11.00pm considering the range of issues covered, another over the course of an hour as the (12.00am), £7.50 - £10.00, fpp117. tw rating 3/5 Williams sell car insurance. Sadia Azmat’s bite-sized from ketchup stains on white trousers audience receives a glimpse into the roaring [jh] Roy Hutchins show essentially spends 30 minutes telling to watching a family member endure monochrome beauty of the American Jazz us this, as well as touching on racism and Parkinson’s Disease. Don’t expect the Age. It’s pulled together by Diamond Dick, An afternoon of performance poetry written dodgy hold music. Utterly faithful to her Movin’ On Up! With Politically most visually astounding or hard-hitting of a sexy youngster who wishes to reinvent by an anarchic old hippy won’t be everyone’s script, she starts off looking uncomfortable Erect - Free performances from this show, but do expect herself as a dangerous renegade, while the scene, but Williams’ sly, conversational on the stage, but later becomes warm and Politically Erect something completely charming. Definitely quickstep dialogue and fiery performance style has a broader appeal than you might welcoming, and is surprised when the tiny make the most of this sunny little Festival sequences dextrously explore social class think. Giving the reading is Roy Hutchins. Any comedian, or indeed group of room fills with laughter. One-liners are well mini-gem. structures and the hectic New York film Assured and playful, he comes across like a comedians that slate the Daily Mail delivered, and we’re shown part of the world C Aquila, 4 - 29 Aug, 12.15pm (1.15pm), £6.50 - industry. While perhaps requiring just a game show host quietly undergoing a mind readership are okay with me. These boys do which normally stays hidden – at times in £9.50, fpp270. tw rating 4/5 [ck] touch more depth, this witty piece deftly expanding drug trip, dropping in and out just that in a brutally honest comment on possibly too much detail. The production rekindles a glamorous and punchy age. of character, impersonating Einstein and British attitudes and culture: their satirical occasionally lacks flow, but this is something C Soco, 3 – 29 Aug, 7:30pm (8:20pm), £6.50 - £9.50, Johnny Rotten, and evidently loving every game show sketch about asylum seekers is which may improve as the festival continues. fpp255. tw rating 4/5 [ajl] word of the poems. These are a mix of silly nothing short of hilarious, and the rest of the THEATRE On the whole, it’s not at all bad to be observations and socialist polemics, surreal audience seem to think so too. There is a rambles in favour of bicycles and against connected to this ‘representative’ – and Belt Up’s The Boy James Killing Bill Gates Mechanical Tiger pleasant grubbiness to Politically Erect. They state sponsored murder, gags about there’s no annoying hold music either. Tim is a neurotic minor manager in Bill work well as a threesome - both aesthetically Relationships and adulthood rarely simplify Darwin’s nose followed by commentaries on Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 4 - 27 Aug and comically - and the quirky, matching, Gates’ charity, scheming to murder him. The (not 7, 14, 21), 12:40pm (1:10pm), free, fpp135. tw as they develop, and it can often be our mortality. It’s certainly not everyone’s idea main gag is the absurd formality in which rating 3/5 [ja] all-white costumes place them somewhere fragile memories which stand firmer at the of poetry, but there’s enough energy and his clichéd team (Nice Guy, Chav Psycho, between hospital porter and convict. You do root of our emotions. As the audience is inspiration here to make it entertaining. get the impression, however, that they’ve and Bitch) go about it. Unfortunately, the ushered and welcomed into a cushioned Gilded Balloon Teviot, 3 - 29 Aug (not 8, 15), Down And Out Comedy With made up the routine over a pint, as they lost other jokes are just pop name-checks Mike Belgrave drawing-room, Jethro Compton embodies 3.00pm (4.00pm) £10.00 - £12.00, fpp315. the hilarity in one too many of their sketches. a young J.M. Barrie tracking his hushed (Fallout 3, Arnie, Plan B, Cheryl Cole), or tw rating 3/5 [df] Mike Belgrave Worth a look, nonetheless. Neverland adventures from quests with limp modern hyperbole (violence to kittens “Hobosexual” Belgrave was hyperactive and Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 4 – 28 Aug, pirates to epic tales of strength and and ‘sucking cream from a rectum’). The Rachael’s Cafe 3.45pm (4.45pm), free, fpp122. tw rating 3/5 [sm] stage is cramped, so the dialogue relies on witty, performing a speedy yet rambling leadership. Playful innocence sets out Little Fly Theatre narrative of his life as an Irish-North Indian to enchant before clashing hard against stage whispers, with characters who keep There’s a precious gem buried at the Jekyll Primark Prince and Hagrid lookalike. At Mythbunking Unexpected Productions the fearsome processes of sex, loss and ‘secretly’ talking about someone three feet and Hyde pub: ‘Rachael’s Cafe’. A charming times the hairy Londoner lost his thread anguish as we witness the brutal purging of away. There is average choreography, some Alan Shearer is a deity in Peru. Gary and slightly sad monologue delivered by the completely; checking his trusty iPhone for our protagonist’s purity. Though Compton uninspiring monologue, and a lot of naff porn Barlow has bionic legs. These are just titular Rachael, a transgender cafe owner prompts, he eventually finished the set early pulls down social barriers with childhood jokes. Overall, an uneven performance that some of the surreal myths circulated by a from Indiana. The play concerns itself with as he forgot his own material. However, his games, pockets of awkwardness do hinder manages to rush and plod its way to the society called ‘Mythbunkers’ who are now questions of gender and identity and offers self-effacing charm seemed to compensate the show’s fluidity, but soon melt into the end. ostensibly on the lookout for new members. a sensitive, and often insightful explorations for this and the audience forgave him. The winsomeness and magnetism of this quietly Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters (Maggie’s Through entertaining media such as video of the transgender experience. The stage show was a mixture of stand-up and music devastating piece. Chamber), 4-8, 10-14, 17-21, 24-28 Aug, 4.00pm, clips, live anecdotes from our two friendly free, fpp273. tw rating: 2/5 [gl] is somewhat at odds with the subject and I was “lucky” enough to have a song C Soco, 3 – 29 Aug, 10:50pm (11:50pm), £8.50 - neighbourhood mythbunkers and even a matter, and initially suspension of disbelief performed especially to me on the ukulele; sing-along with the audience, we’re educated £12.50, fpp241. tw rating 4/5 [ajl] however, as it was about stalking women I Masses Man is hindered by the incongruity of an ancient on elements such as the history of myths Egyptian sarcophagus looming over an felt less honoured than fearful. Nonetheless, Theandric Taetro Nonviolento (Italy) and how to spread them. The jokes have Counting Syllables Ionian Productions Indiana cafe – although this does allow for Belgrave made a likeable and entertaining Performing political theory in your non- a habit of being as makeshift as the props Far too many syllables to count, but little a neat visual metaphor later. Occasionally comedian, if a little pervy. native tongue is always going to be difficult used but there’s a warming charm from of substance is ever said as two male the play drifts into heavy-handed soapbox Laughing Horse @ Espionage, 4 - 29 Aug (not 22), but whilst the subtleties of the show’s geeky character, John, which mostly makes lecturers trade an arts student back and territory, but overall, this is a gemstone well 4.00pm (5.00pm) free, fpp68. tw rating 3/5 [dg] arguments are lost beneath the cast’s up for it. Poking fun at myths and facts forth like a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Kudos worth digging for. accents, their physicality ensures that their alike, ‘Mythbunkers’ doesn’t take itself too goes to Orowa Sikder for a dynamic burst Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 28 Aug, 2.00pm (2.50pm), free, message is clear. Although the physical Down To The Bone seriously, and is all the more refreshing for of energy, but he’s overshadowed by lead fpp n/a. tw rating 4/5 [jc] Liam Mullone it. actress Julia Hartley who, while fetching, direction of the abstract scenes is a touch school-drama-club (“low and spiky!”), the Liam Mullone bumbles across the stage, Underbelly, 5 - 28 Aug (not 16), 1:10pm (2:10pm), relies on dipping her head and smiling coyly. £7.50 - £10.00, fpp123. tw rating 3/5 [ljc] actual characters are compelling and drink in hand, a little like a strange Uncle At times, it is hard to tell if the actors were immediate. Particularly impressive are the at a family gathering; it’s oddly pleasant staring earnestly at each other because violently seductive Masses along with the and certainly amusing. There is an obvious Eric Mutch: Schizophrene they were emoting or trying to remember physically and morally corrupt bankers. The prowess to the way his comedy is written Eric Mutch/Laughing Horse Free Festival their lines. Meanwhile, the opening script is overly complex, especially when and some of his analogies are genius. possibilities of pricking the balloons of It’s not easy to say what Eric Mutch’s performed by non-native speakers, and He takes umbrage to being described as pseudo-intellectualism dwindle to nothing; it’s ‘Schizophrene’ actually is; an experimental the tone is a touch self-righteous, but all is pedestrian, so I will avoid that word, but he a sad day, too, when the most entertaining mix of comedy and theatre may be the forgotten when you feel the pull of Masses’ is terribly safe with his jokes. I very nearly moment of a performance is an improvised best description. Unfortunately it’s not hissed entreaties to “holy vi-o-lence”. A brave, Get lots more ThreeWeeks reviews panicked when he began blathering about any good. To watch the show is genuinely response to a technical flaw. flawed attempt at a difficult task. in your inbox with the eDaily his newly acquired children, something many embarrassing for all concerned; losing his Laughing Horse @ The Phoenix, 4 - 19 Aug, 5.25pm (6.25pm), free, fpp n/a. tw rating 2/5 [tsr] C Aquila, 4 – 16 Aug, 12.00pm (12.50pm), £6.50 - comedians seem to engage in when they train of thought constantly, Mutch tries his £9.50, fpp279. tw rating 3/5 [ab] become parents and thus discover kids best to keep things rolling by moving on to exist for the first time. To my relief, this was different material which then falls equally Cul-de-Sac Comedians Theatre Company The Spectacular Tales Of ThreeWeeks Daily is published by not dwelt on for long. He has the right raw flat. The problem is that he has a certain Alan Bennett meets ‘The League of Grinburrell ThreeWeeks Publishing, a division of ingredients for a very good show. endearing charm which is perhaps his only Gentlemen’ in this recognisable, yet in turns Southampton University Students’ Union Theatre UnLimited Media, Unicorn House, 221 Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 4 – 28 Aug (not redeeming quality. By the time the end of demented, tale of the lives of cul-de-sac Group Shoreditch High Street, , E1 6PJ. 15, 16, 17), 5.15pm (6.15pm), free, fpp68. tw rating his one hour show is approaching, you are curtain-twitchers. Whilst the plot becomes 4/5 [sm] Entering the world of Grinburrell and genuinely urging him to get better and to pull increasingly over-the-top when we discover Printing by Smart Design & Print. his travelling troupe of storytellers is an something great out of his jester’s hat... yet all is not as it seems in the sac, there Credits at TW RATINGS EXPLAINED: 1/5 BAD | 2/5 MEDIOCRE | 3/5 GOOD | 4/5 VERY GOOD | 5/5 BRILLIANT