Couches No Longer Welcome Ma1lagillg Editor CHRIS MARTIN Duve Gcnovu Said the Couches Wcren't a Prob .,
,-,"... 'f," '\' ~,. - 40j .'" -, ". ~ i , ",' ," ;'\• .e"' • - .," ... , -'" ,~.,' ,~, : ' i I At~chive8 LD729.6 C5 075 Wednesday, Octobe~ 13, 1999 Volume 43, Issuo 8 ,I Orion. " vol. 43 no. B Oct. 13, 1999 , ' Meriam Library--CSU Chico SECTION A I Opinion ..... :•. ,... ;.............................. A6 . ~ Sports •.........................................•. 81 j Entertainment .............................. C1 j: Calendar ..................................... C4 I Comics ••••••.•••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••• C8 Dimensions ................... ,................. D1 !, ""-Jr WE ARE FAMILY ••• Volleyb,1l pl"y,' K"ic J,dd Chico students try their hands at California State University, Chico , ..,~. l1loveto Chico to be closur to her extreme sports. EN1:ER1·AINMEln .. C1 brothel', SPORTS~ B1 DIMENSION. D1 ~LlSA BONGIOVANNi Couches no longer welcome Ma1lagillg Editor CHRIS MARTIN Duve Gcnovu said the couches wcren't a prob ., .. JlIympic dreams Assistclllt News Editor l(!ln until they started going up in names. With the hclp ,of t\ two-timc "If the couches huven'l been continually track and ticld Olympian, Chico Some of the larger porches in the student bumed, it wouldn't have deserved our :Iltcn State University is a host campus areas of town arc going to look pretty naked. tion," Genova said. "We've had three coueh for several African tr~ck uthletcs The Chico PoLice Depnrtment is cracking cs burned since the start of this seme,~ter." training for the 2000 Olympics in down on the "dilapidated" furniture thaL is Marie Fickert, City of Chico fire preven Sydncy, Australia. prevalent in the neighborhoods surrounding tion specialist. said that furniture inside a Two sprintcrs from Sicrm Chico State University. residence can be u problem with cigarettes Leone, Alpha Kamaru and On Oct.
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