Report on the Situation in Vietnam, 28 February 1968
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k Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786687 5 I H /%7c;¢:> ' E) \/I . s.5(¢) '1 1: ),"fi I=E‘»?nuv.'.=l1f§‘ ?¢%‘*='K‘=::=i=-' \ in ' ‘:4 ‘=1 ~I¢ 1'-i ia *%“@mW$ ‘"1’ '13:‘ j,"._;' '-‘mm ._ LI _ :1 né-J~ é if £6 Q Q m;¥»§_;§#::"~ 1. nmm.-an-rm. Q, if _-!_ I v 1-‘ €5">-‘_,",. , -1‘ < ~ 'rQN30‘<T $fl% i ~ ‘".»- ?="sf Ni‘-‘122%‘. 54;’ : I"L e '“'§j» §’ / \ ", " ~ P nrzsof _-4 - 2§‘_,*i~;;'§"%= ~’ ,_ _ I 1"'%~‘3 ,5‘ ’ ‘L -2 °'.> " ""': ' . i— » w. - . , . ( » . >*==>- >“ ’\,1§»>‘§?;J_..f;1‘~ _|_‘:,_§f:_\,§.E-W vwfig '&% .,:§§;- -=-,~_v,,5‘:-ii MEMORANDUM \\,§E§,,; A5 E, DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE \ \ The Sittttttion iii Vietnam _- \ 6-“Q. 1 I \ 1 9’ C O2 LLuufl£4%4QMw%++5hnnnfi-- 28 February_l968 l \ 3 \ T Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786687 r \ Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786687 \ 4 \ A __ l "H po ii? . £555 Slil to . YBackground Use Only \ __,_,_ ' Information as of 1600 ' 28 February 1968 s.5(¢) HIGHLIGHTS Reports from several rural areas indicate that the Viet Cong have almost complete freedom of move- ment there, even in formerly pacified sections. The relative lull in major Communist ground action activ- ity continues, although there are indications of im- pending large—scale activity in several-areas of the ' ' ' country.‘ -_ - ; _ v_ _ I. .Military.Situation in South Vietnam:_ Com- munist.military activity on 27-28 February was high- lighted by continued shelling of allied strongpoints in northern and western Quang Tri Province, and by at- - western Kontum Province, and against provin- cial and district capitals in III and IV Corps. On the allied side, US forces have inflicted.heavy losses on the.Viet Cong in Quang Tin Province and have launched two new spoiling operations against-enemy units threaten- ing Da Nang (Paras. 1-7). -There are unconfirmed re- ports that North Vietnamese forces may be moving addi- tional armored vehicles.and.rocket launchers southward* into the-Laotian infiltration corridor (Paras. 8-l5). Evidence of Communist intentions to conduct.sustained military operations in the western highlands mounts (Paras; 16-22).) \_: .j_i_ 9’ £2 X2) II. Political Developments in.South Vietnam: The- r \ latest.labor leader' released \ a few hours afterlhe had been picked up (Para. 1). Re- ports from several rural areas.indicate that the Viet. Cong have almost complete freedom of movement there, even in formerly pacified sections (Paras..2—6). -De- fections to the Viet Cong are discussed (Paras. 7-12). i ll,_<,o_c,o_.__r___l ) £Background Use Only- _ £591 £19, Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786687 I \ Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 C06786687 3 W 7 _ ‘ “ * '~"”"“'- I04 \._ -9. ‘ma. -3-_?~%Z."i.'°-x<io'—_ , me ¢ . \,_ Q _ - \ Mu Gla Pass e - e K NORTH ‘ ,7 <;M{§,@_,;_ .:L< ' " 9 " " ‘ " ‘ / 1' ‘E-11.‘ .‘ , 0 §;1\ ~ °. v . - I-"_f 1“ '3» \_ \ vnsmnm ;‘§-___ _ Y ‘ ‘ -. - as \ », :, < - ., D ,-. < P .. ,5» u \.|l _ ‘W. ' ' ' - ;' ' ,'\j{r;,‘-L.‘ --1 '_ , _57;lr ,0’ { V, _ Qrélfll/lfl!(X_Ed,Z|>3I'|€ __~ .__‘ ' ~ .~ . ~~=_,'\_r,_>~L_,- _ _ , , D @’ I _ ~ | I ’ V" Q ‘ I Qufiflgér ' V '~ “:3; iiouei Sui I ‘7 Eriém ‘<\ffi§red'Vehi¢|es'Sigh1é'd “K.-Q“ m_,e- ; ggéésagc e. i ff § _ "' -0-I '- ° ‘ », O '_".kTH'L“lI-ghTHl5 . I I f‘>'~=; "J , 1 | ' " ’" 3 *3“ 4/ --i - ;‘,",‘;;<'_;-12»-»€'*,;>=w“: . E .5 _. , ‘\ F k _ , '-1’-7'” <15 ¥- ‘-*na"Nans* 16 _ * ~‘ -Q V -;_=\f‘;_,, I] J - -‘ '.:_;ji'_*l':-;r'1‘~;__»,;..‘\y' D (D _' 'QU‘ANG A .-'\_-_:_ ._ . Sill T-. »- . '. K u (__‘V:{»»!"£‘:‘\"..< i.- __ - - - . .. 8|T[Ky\\' 2- . "._.,;».-r(;_»=fi:I'>>,é_’_Z: l 'THAILAND ' ' '\ QUANG TIN -,j=_/If-f ‘_r-.;¢._"‘;", _° < Q - , *6 , r ;'§:: Z : ~ c4 % :,,w Q ‘C-1? ~ A I1 ¢ P6 ., I -' -nut _ _ ". '\\"‘ -'.)>:__ ><,‘ #1.;-‘_ H I _ T, ' '. ’ '-I \__ .7 - ~-é~_ QUANIGH-. _ § _ -_ . ,.‘.g._v_A‘L.__ .‘ I 5 K NGAI ~_ " -7 " ‘EA.’ ":a ‘ ., '1 ,1 ./ -_~--: ,.»1_ . J ' ’ - 1” ‘ ' \\ 1 _ ,1 KONT M ~ C ‘-\. 7 \ . \\ ,._._ , \'. "'~+.~.) . .. - -- DakTo \' -“"1-qr‘ ' /’ .-.-,~_-:2- , .—-:. 7,».,»_\..3 ~ - 3a,". -;m_.' -‘__'v,,;- /\ H ' A-JV ‘:_'»‘l‘ mfg’ ~ \-.\ f“Kontum' 1.‘~.,l'.‘1~ . '§~\’- ,1‘ _' ‘F1.’-: '=§"'» ' L; ‘ "' \ BINH om ’_-5*? -' '-5"‘ Z‘ ' <|.|' .- leiku 14 '\ A 7- / ' ' .___.. ‘non "\. -; B-g1: 1)“ 5 3 2% Le'~T_'hanQCE|K ~‘ ' 1‘ T‘ Q v ,,. ( (L)! d,_~..¢ . \ . , M,» PHU / ‘_ ; ;~; _. 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