Wood Chas.Richd.Furzedown,Priest la Cumbers Wm. frmr. Brick House frm Raven Wm. Hy. coach bldr. Common Woods .Arthur Thomas Gunnell, Haw­ Deane Bros. grocers, 3 Market place Hip pm .Arthur J. land & estate agent thornden, Common Dobson Benjamin, farmer,Canterbury & auctioneer Robson Thos. Hy. bldr. High road Wylde Charles Harry, The White cot­ Tye• farm tage, High road Galley George, beer retailer, High rd Rogers Geo. Herbt. builder, High rd Yirrell Tom, Hartwood, High road Glantham's Estate Office(.A.J .Rippin) Russell .Arthur Bartlett, commercial COMMERCIAL. Gould Richd.Hayward, .Artichoke P ,B traveller, High road Early closing day, Thursday. Haynes Horace Eyre, private asylum, Sankey J. H. & Son Limited, brick ..Anderson William M.B. & C.M.Glas. Littleton hall & tile makers &c surgeon Houchin C. E. & K. (Misses), private Scowen Thos. L.canopy manufacturer, Barbour Janet (Mrs.),frmr.Fitzwaltr!' school, Milton house, Worrin road Station road Harbour !Matthew, farmer, Sawyers' Ilott Henry, shopkeeper, High road Seager John, upholsterer, 2 Rnstie Hall farm .J arvis William, farmer, Brook farm terrace, High road "Bareham Thomas, carpenter Kirk Lawrence, hon. sec. of Essex Rifle Club (E. B. Tabor, "Bittles Frederick Wm. schoolmaster & Union Hounds, Fitzwalters hon. sec) sec. to Brentwood .AdvisoryCommit­ Lagden Leonard, farmer, Palmer's lm Smith W. H. & Son, ?ews vendors, tee of the Education.Authority,Com Littlewood Percy, sign writer, 3 Railway station .Bradford Thos. blacksmith, Common Rustic terrace, High road Steel Geo.Jas.cabinet ma.6 Market pl .Brentwood Cottage Hospital (Robert Mead Waiter William, apartmenl!!, Stone Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, William Quennell L.R.C.P.Edin., Mill house, The Common Kulm cottage, High road M.R.C.S.Eng. .Arthur Quennell Miller Jn. Wm. beer retlr. Ingrave rd Tal.lor & Son, bakers, Post office :M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. &. Mortimer .Arthur Edward, timber Thurston Wm. E. Eagle & Child P.B •Charles John Linskill Mansel M.D., merchant, Ingrave road White R. & Son .Ltd. mineral water C.M.Edin. hon. medical officers; Moy Thomae Limited, coal merchants manufrs.; depot, The Common .Miss Frances E. .Astell, matron), Platt Edmund George, Ye Old Green White Frederick, builder Shenfield Common Dragon P.H Wood Percy Harold E. insurance "Brock & Co. drapers, 2 Market place Pratchett Frances (Mrs.), confec­ agent, High road "Brown Saml. S. stationer,4 Market pi tioner. r Market place Young Fredk.W.painter,The Common Burgess Robert, farm bailiff to Ray- Pyman Bros. fruiterers, 5 Market pl mond Courage esq. Red house Randall Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retlr. (For other names in Shenfield see Colliers Ltd. brick & tile manufactrs Shenfield common Brentwood.)

NORTH SHOEBURY is a parish on the banks of the The great tithes, amounting to £3oo yearly, are held 'l'hames, 4 miles east from Southend, r! north from b;; ~Iiss Dale-Knapping, of Whitehall Court, London SW, Shoeburyness terminal station on the London, impropriatress. The trustees of the late Oapt. George '8nd Southend railway, and 45 from London, in the A.soser White Welch R.N. who are lords of the manor, South Eastern division of the county, hundred, James Tabor esq. D.L., .T.P. of The Lawn, Rochford, .petty sessional division and union, Southend county and Mr. Unwin Kemsley, of Couchman's, are chief land­ court district, Southend and Canewdon rural deanery, owners. The soil is variable; subsoil, brick earth and Essex archdeaconry and diocese. The church gra,·el. The chief crops are wheat, barley, potatoes, ~f St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient bnilding of stone, r·eas, beans and mustard. The area is r,o97 acres of -:principally in the Early English style, consisting of land, r of inland water and goo of foreshore; rateable chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower with value, £2,534; the population in 19n was 277. wooden spire containing 2 bells : there is a piscina Sexton, John Fuller. .and an ancient font : in 1885 considerable alterations

'l'fere made: the church affords 130 sittings. The regis- 1 Post Office.-George Lancaster, sub-postmaster. Letters ter of baptisms and burials dates from the year 168o; I"eceived from Southend at 6.50 & u.25 a.m. ; snndays, -marriages, 1695. T.he living is a vicarage, net yearly 6.50 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.35 & 11.30 a.m. & 4.30

.Yalue £no, with 40 acres of glebe and residence, in 1 p.m.; sundays, 4.30 p.m. Shoeburyness is the nearest the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since rgo6 by money order & telegraph office, 1! miles distant the Rev. William Charles Morgan. .A parish room was built in I'8g8 at a cost of £rso, on a site provided by The children of this place attend the school at Great the late Capt. George .A.. W. Welch R.N. (d. 1907). , Wakering • PRIY.~TE RESIDENTS. Wills Mrs. The Moat Hutley James (exors. of), farmers ·Clark Miss, The Moat COMMERCIAL. Kemsley Unwin, farmer, Couchmana ·nutley Mrs. Shoebury house Brown Henry, blacksmith Lancaster Geo. shopkeeper, Post office Morgan Rev. William Chas. Vicarage Gray Frederick, farm bailiff to May George, market gardener -8teu:1rt Robert, White house Messrs. Swann & Thomson, New fm Swann & Thomson, farmers

SOUTH SHOEBURY is a parish at the mouth of man's Trustees and held since 1906 by the Rev. George the 'fhames, and is the terminal station of the London, Ellis Jones ~L.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Tilbury and Southend railway, 7 miles south-east irom The mission church of St. Peter, erected in 18gg, affords ltochford, 5 east from Southend and 45 from London; it 250 sittings: a new parish hall, in Ness road, was is in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred bnilt in 1goo, and seats 300; the old school near St. and union of Rochford, Southend petty sessional division Peter's Church was given by Miss Knapping as a parish and county court district, Canewdon and Southend rural hall for that district, and it. will seat 250. The Catholic deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese : Church of St. George is in Ness road. There is also a the parish contains Shoeburyness. .A road across the Primitive :Methodist chapel in St. .Andrew's road. The :Maplin Sand is available at low water to "\Vesleyan chapel here, erected in 1893 at the cost of .and nearly opposite is the light, in about the centre £1 ,ooo, is of brick with .stone dressings, and will seat of the estuary of the Thames, which is here 6 miles 250 persons. In the parish are remains of a camp and "broad to the Kentish shore. The parish is governed by an extensive brick works, where maim bricks of the finest Urban District Council of nine members, formed in Dec. quality are manufactured. The Misses Dale-Knapping, of "1:894, under the provisions of the " Local Government Whitehall Court, London SW, are ladies of the manor; Act. 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73-) The town is lighted the War Department is the principal landowner. The soil with gas and supplied with water from works the is sandy loam; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops property of the Urban CoUDJCil. The church of St. are barley, potatoes and beans. The area is 1,034 acres .An drew, a small and ancient building of stone, of land, 2 of inland water and 3,721 of foreshore; rate­ -formerly a chapel attached to the Oluniac priory of able value, £22,556; the population in 1901 was 4,o8L, ", consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an and in 19II, 5,004, inclusive Of 568 military and 345 embattled western tower containing r bell; originally families and servants &c. in the Shoeburyness Barrack1. Norman in style, subsequent restorations, including that of the tower, have left it almost wholly Perpendicular: SHOEBURYNESS is a. point of land in this parish the chancel arch is a well preserved example of 12th to which the London, Tilbury and Southend railway is century work : there is a low-side window and a hagio­ now extended: here is His Majesty's School of Gunnery. scope now built up ; most of the windows are stained : at which officers and non-commissioned officers are trained in the nave is a brass to Dale-Knapping esq. d. 1878: in theoretical and practical gunnery ; experiments are 1:here are 150 sittings. The register dates from the year also made here with new patterns of ordnance and war· :]4· The living is a rectory, net yearly value £3oo, like projectiles, and the sands being of great extent "'-residence and --~ acres of glebe, in the gift of Rynd- afford the required space for artillery practice.