Oslouise Thompson
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Page Two DAILY* WORKER. NEW YORK. SATURDAY. MAY 19, 1934 Gutters of New York hr del Stevedores Storm DR. JULIUS LITTINSKY Court Issues New — a Ala. 107 BRISTOL STREET Ship Carrying War Bet. Pitkin and Sutter Aves., Brooklyn PHONE; DICKENS 3-3012 Hours; Warrant For Arrest Stocks Japan f Office 8-10 A.M., 1-2, 0-3 P.M AMERICAN LEAGUE Davlf; Frankhouie, Elliott, Cantwell and New 8 0 Hogan. (Continued Page 1) York 005 100 200— IS Pittsburgh from Detroit 201 320 llx—lo IS 2 SOI 101 000—* 11 1 CAthedral 8-6180 Ruffing, Smytho end Dickey; Merberry, Brooklyn 300 010 000—3 9 1 Blrkoler, Louise here, when 8,000 seamen, firemen, Auker, Hogsett, and French and Padden, Perkins, Os Thompson Fischer Cochrane. Philadelphia 010—4 11 0 Lucas, Beck and Lopez, Berres. Dr. D. oilers, water tenders, cooks and 000 003 * * * BROWN 1 walked off the ships in Chicago 301 001 00X—5 71 I stewards Oascarella, Dietrich and Barry, Hayea; INTERNATIONAL Dentist support of the striking longshore- LEAGUE Reed Club Wire 1 Lyons and Ruel. Newark 400 012 000—7 11 1 John Washington 000 101 12 0 317 LENOX Noted Playwright j men. 001—8 Syracuse 000 000 021—3 5 0 AVENUE I To augment the forces on the Cleveland 000 001 000—1 7 1 Laßocca and Glenn; MeCloskey and Between 135th Ac 130th St., N.Y.C. Protests Against Stewart and Phillips; L. Brown and picket line, Cronin. teamsters have promised Pytlek. Albany at Baltimore to be played later. error • * • T Urges Nationwide to come out 1,200 strong today. Only Games Scheduled. At a meeting called by the United NATIONAL LEAGUE BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. May 18.— Front Seamen's Central Strike Cincinnati 000 003 ooo—3 5 0 GAMES TODAY tt 80(1 Thompson. Negro organizer ; Committee seamen forced. Hull, New York 000 000 000—1 8 3 Louise Protests Trey O'Farrell; Smith, American League Alabama and H. Bell and £ for the International Workers Or- Sharkey, Ward and Davis, leaders New 9.9.SalcUrt.9n j York at. l| A., Mancuso. Detroit. today au- the I. pledge Washington _ der. was released after (Continued Pape 1) of L. to their soli- ChiCSRO 806 000 000—9 13 4 at Cleveland. P forced to drop the from darity with the seamen. Over a Philadelphia OCI 010 030—5 11 0 Boston at St. Louis | OPTOMfTRISTSO~OOPTICIANS jjj thorities were Chicago. trumped up vagrancy charges on hundred tore up their fink hall Bush end Hartnett, Holier, Hansen. Philadelphia at U7B ST NICHOLAS »Vs. 1690 LEXINGTON 4V[. | on Thursday morning, the de- Gr&bowrJfi, Pearce and w.lson, Todd. National League ’* which she was arrested. court cards and voted for a. centralized j 9at 179 ST NY HtOfetfr S’ K mand for equal rights for Negroes, St. Le-Jis 001 001 000—2 71 Cincinnati at New York. shipping bureau under control of j Boston Pittsburgh Philadelphia. A new warrant was immediately j for racial equality, for 130 100 20x—6 13 1 at ruling complete the rank and file, and endorsed the j Wlnford, Haines, Mooney, Rhem and V. at issued for her arrest by a ; for the black St. Louis Boston. be- self-determination demand for the code of the Marine j class trembling in deadly fear belt, like lightning through growing unity white | struck Workers Industrial Union. Tompkins Square 6-7697 fore the of and the foggy prejudice of the jim-crow Negro workers in the fight against. | Jailed Strikers Released court-room. were Herndon Meet starvation, Fascism and imperialist the Strikers who arrested fol-! Protest Make no mistake about j lowing police war. working class in the attack on the Steel Union Takes for Dr. S. A. Chernoff strength of the j docks last Tuesday were released j Called Saturday GENITO-URINARY awakening workers! NEW vigorous protest j Alabama. The because the cops had no evidence j YORK—A that Night in Harlem 223 Second Ave., N. Y. C. against the Alabama steel bosses are aware the Communist j for their charges of arson, assault ; Steps Prepare to OFFICE HOLES: P;M. of working-class or- Party is leading them in their day-1 and riot, 11-7:30 and the arrest NEW YORK.—The De- SUNDAY: 12-3 P.M. ganizers and John Howard Lawson, to-day struggles. They are deter- j Herndon A gangster working for the Ban- Committee, a group a member of the John Reed Club mined to smash the jim-crowpreju- j Detective Agency ar- fense sponsored nifield was For New Strikes by the International Labor Defense, of New York, was wired yesterday dice of the oppressor class. rested and held on suspicion of —WILLIAM to Gov. B. M. of Alabama by the National Committee for the De- BELL Miller W orker Guard Their Leaders being the murderer of Richard (Continued from Page 1) official the Reed TJ.S.j fense of Political Prisoners, the Optometrist or the John Clubs of the Parker, 20 year old longshoremen L W. O. ... Following his historic declaration League of Struggle for Negro Rights in Judge who was shot on the picket line entation of demands to only one a result of the slanders of Communist principle and other organizations, is holding a As Abernathy’s court on Thursday last Tuesday. Bloody March demand—the demand for recogni- against Negro workers printed In Attack Is Veterans tion of the A. A. Herndon mass meeting at the Har- News, white morning. Ralston left the building, Whole City Aroused lem Y. W. C. A.. 144 West 138th St„ the Birmingham 2On the question of united ac- miners calling on Negro min- still under bail. He walked through The whole city is aroused over at 8 p.m., on Saturday, May 19th. are tion with the Steel & Metal Work- ers this paper, one jeering, threatening mobs of white the murder of Parker, who was very Made by Cops on 5 Miles Through Admission is free. to boycott Industrial Union, which 106 EAST 14th STREET from legionnaires. It was well-known ers is the purpose striker correspondent Besse- popular all along the waterfront. desire of the of The of the meeting is to Near Fourth Are.. N. Y. C. the Daily witnesses mass the member- Phone; TOmpkins Square 0-8237 mer, Ala., reports to that his life was indanger. He paid Eye of the murder are ship of the A., well interest more people in the case of article on to the thugs around to Washington, D, A. as as of the Worker, in an printed no attention organizing demand the coroner Anti-Nazi Workers C. rest of the steel op- Angelo Herndon, young Negro or- of this issue. him. But path, workers, the page six for blocks along his take their testimony. The workers position not a ganizer of the Atlanta Unemployed appar- hearing Page 1) Page leaders have taken the streets were lined with are organizing a mass (Continued from (Continued from 1) definite stand. Councils, who was sentenced to 18 Wisconsin 7-0288 ently indolent men—several thou- which will be held tomorrow to 20 years on Georgia 3 opposition to the chain sand men were lounging on both take evidence on the killing. “Down With Hitler!” the cops at- Hickerson, secretary-treasurer of The leaders have gang, and has now been in jail*for * * * not yet shown that they are ready ILGWU Left Wing sides of the street, watching intently tacked and arrested several. the committee: Captain W. L. Pope more than two years, solely because spattered to fight all down the line against Dr. N. S. Hanoka —ragged men. C.W.A. workers, men Expose Alaska Hoax Workers’ blood the halls of the World War Veterans of At- of his activities among the Negro of the West Side Court as cops and lanta. Os.. a Negro vet group. the Tighe-Leonard leadership, that Dental Surgeon from the unemployed, from the coal has in the past betrayed the strug- and white unemployed of Atlanta. falls Conference and ore mines, from the slums, from I (Special to Daily Worker detectives set upon workers who had The medal men marched behind The meeting will be addressed by 265 West 41st Street come to court to witness the trial the rank and file leaders, behind gles of the steel workers. The rec- the picket lines, from Coal Valley SEATTLE, Wash., May 18.—In an ord of the Tighe-Leonard leadership speakers who were in Atlanta at the New York City and Red Mountain and Ishkooda attempt to break the longshore- of their comrades arrested at the them were the r.amn committee of time of Herndon’s arrest, who have eleven rank and filers. Organiza- in the recent struggles, such as In N. Y. May 26th and Terrent City. Negro and white, i men's strike here, state and city Garden. Wildly swinging clubs and kept in close touch with him since were; Clairton and Weirton, shows them to they ! officials and of “billies” on the faces of the workers, tions represented the Ameri- I formed a solid wall a Ion? the leaders the Inter- be agents of he has been in jail and are familiar ’ Rank and File ] can Legion; the Veterans of For- the the steel com-' NEW YORK—A street—they simply watched, follow- ; temational Longshoremen's Asso- they charged into groups of workers panies. with the latest developments in the of International | eign Wars; the Disabled American EMIL Conference the ing Ralston with their eyes as he tion are raising the cry that food standing on the steps of the court- 4The opposition leaders have case.