Phone No.06821-241026 (O)/241079(R), Fax No-06821-241026/240056 E-mail:
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[email protected] OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, RWS&S DIVISION, BHANJANAGAR-761126 INVITATION FOR BIDS TENDER IDENTIFICATION NO. 08 OF 2013-14 The Executive Engineer, RWSS Division, Bhanjanagar on behalf of Govt. of Odisha invites sealed tenders on Item rate bids in conformity with detailed tendered call notice to be eventually drawn in PWD F2 contract of Govt. of Odisha to be received from registered / Licensed Electrical Contractor having valid H.T. & M.V. License issued by ELBO & executed similar nature of works in the state of Odisha for electrification with up to date VAT Clearance & PAN for Erection, Installation, Testing, Commissioning etc. of 11KV O.H.H.T. LINE, DP MOUNTED 11/0.4KV ELECTRICAL 25/63 KVA SUB-STATION, L.T.LINE/ SERVICE CONNECTION,INTERNAL WIRING OF PUMP HOUSES ETC. for power supply to following RWS&S Pump Houses. Cost of Approx. tender EMD Sl. Estd. Class of Time of paper (non- Required Name of the work Cost (Rs. Contractor Completion No refundable) in Rupees In Lakhs) in Rupees 1. Pump House of PWS to Village Lathipada under Surada 2000.00+ HT & M.V 2.08 Block 5% VAT License holder 2100/- 30 days 2. Pump House of PWS to Village Asurabandha-A under 2000.00+ HT & M.V 2.71 Surada Block 5% VAT License holder 2800/- 30 days 3. Pump House of PWS to Village Asurabandha-B under 2000.00+ HT & M.V 2.13 Surada Block 5% VAT License holder 2200/- 30 days 4.