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if p then q classics

41 Fulford Street, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 9PX

www.ifpthenq.co.uk [email protected]

Published by if p then q

© Mark Cunningham 2020

ISBN 978-1-9999547-6-5 Also by Mark Cunningham


Scissors and Starfish. Right Hand Pointing. (2012). Helicotremors. Otoliths. (2012). specimens. BlazeVOX. (2011). 71 Leaves. BlazeVOX. (2008). Body Language. Tarpaulin Sky Press. (2008). 80 Beetles. Otholiths. (2008).

Selected Chapbooks and Long Sequences

“f(l)ights.” Otoliths. (2020). “Fail Lure.” Otoliths. (2019). multizon(e). Right Hand Pointing. (2019). With Dale Wisely. “93.3% Pure Energy.” Otoliths. (2018). Alphabetical Basho. Beard of Bees. (2016). And Suddenly It’s Evening. Beard of Bees. (2014). Regularly Scheduled. Beard of Bees. (2012). Color Field. 2River View. (2009). Nachträglichkeit. Beard of Bees. (2009). nightlightnight. Right Hand Pointing. (2009). Second Story. Right Hand Pointing. (2006).

About the author

Mark Cunningham lives in almost the middle of a state that is in almost the middle of the United States.


Parts of this book have appeared in different forms in Clockwise Cat, Damfino, Epigraph, Full of Crow, Futures Trading, Local Nomad, Mobius, Queen Mob’s Tea House, Otoliths, Right Hand Pointing, and Touch the Donkey.

The titles of the individual sections of “Strategy and Tactics” repurpose chapter headings from Konrad Becker’s books Strategic Reality Dictionary and Tactical Reality Dictionary, published by Autonomedia.

A note on the texts

Becker’s books, Strategic Reality Dictionary and Tactical Reality Dictionary, are concerned with analysing social programming and information management language used by governments, corporations and military organisations. “Future Words” is an attempt to write dictionary definitions for words which do not yet exist but whose meanings may have started to form. The definitions were written using found material from a wide variety of existing dictionaries, adapted and combined.


Strategy and Tactics 11 Future Words 29

for Linda Kobert


Non-Lethal Action

I open the garage door so the hornet will fly toward the light. His secret is safe with me, because I wasn’t listening. Stop after the second plate at the Indian buffet. No root beer float: I need sun screen. I tell myself to be sure to turn off the coffee maker. Count backwards from ten. I recite the alphabet from H to Q. I tell myself not to talk to myself so much. Smile at the camera.

Psychotronic Stimulation

My right foot goes numb. I shift my balance until feeling needles back. Even a few hours later, I can’t remember everything that happened five minutes after I took out the trash. I try to write down the dream, but what emerges is a translation—into language. I grew a beard, and then I couldn’t stop stroking my chin, as if I were a wise man. Finally, I had to shave: it was too distracting. I couldn’t concentrate.

Microwave Discommunication

Centripetal or centrifugal—not that again. What the hell: diphthong? I just re-read D’Alembert’s Dream again, and already I’m having to review parts of it. I’m not positive I know what “positivism” means. I can remember either Bachman Turner Overdrive’s “Taking Care of Business” or “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” but never both in the same conversation. I can remember one Darrin from Bewitched— Dick York. Maybe not: I wanted to say Larry Storch. I have problems spelling “problematicize.” Not to mention “misspell.” I just mentioned it.


Enchanted Things

My favorite verb is “to coagulate.” I first heard it in Patti Smith’s “Birdland,” a song I listened to night after night in high school.

Coercive Continuum

He made the appointment for the wrong time. “You can change it if you want to,” he said, and he turned his back and sent his glare ahead of us both. Fluorescent flicker imprints a maze for eyes to run through later in dreams. In curved space, you are always looking at the back of your head. No wonder I feel that someone is watching me.

Infobody Biofeedback Modulation

Chico Marx’s name is pronounced accurately “Chick-o” instead of “Cheek-o,” but say “Chick-o” around most people and they’ll look at you as if you were nuts, so I have to give a preamble or explain, so most of the time I just say “Cheek- o,” too. I can’t tell if those pants are navy blue or black, but I know they’re not cool enough to wear for a second date.

Senso-Linguistic Infiltration Programs

I kept nodding and smiling while he talked, so I controlled his mind into thinking he controlled my mind. I don’t care if they make labor unions and collective bargaining illegal: I’m unemployed. By sound alone, you can’t tell if it’s “news” or “knews.” This erasable pen doesn’t write right and the eraser only makes a blurry mess.


Spell Checking

I made a Pollock of ketchup over my French fries. Monsanto is a proud corporate sponsor of the potatoes. According to the milk carton spokesperson, I’d have to disappear to be noticed. And be younger.

Belief Networks

On the front page of the newspaper: a photograph of the President, partly covered by the delivery address label, with a quotation, also partly covered, but with these words visible: “language understood by killers like this is the language of force.”

Transaction Bonds

I can’t find the ideogram for Man Standing by His Blurb. I put my money where my mouth is. “Jimmy John’s: we try to put our stores closer to your mouth.”

Intelligent Pandemonium


Horror Ontology

Outside: I will not wade into water I can’t see through to the bottom. Outside in: I still have hankerings for a Quarter Pounder even after learning that McDonald’s is one of the foremost purchasers of cow eyeballs (but maybe I could see


through water better). Inside out: hairs growing on top of my nose? Inside: but what if the tumor is on the outside of the colon: rare, but I know somebody who knew somebody that happened to, and colonoscopies don’t pick it up.

Consistent Illusions

This can’t get much worse. I know what you mean. I’m doing all I can do. This shirt makes me look thinner. I’ll save fifty dollars this month. A painting is two-dimensional. Happy New Year. I will not eat any more Fritos. I thought the blotch in the road was a tire scrap, so I moved over and missed a pot hole. I didn’t let any flies in. I’m only human. I’ll never forget this.

Critical Hedonism

I keep my mind a blank while I wait for the computer to come on. There’s no evidence that we need evidence: I mean, nobody can prove I mean what I say. I listen to Mayhem’s “Buried by Time and Dust” while I slice peaches.

Influence Spheres

At first, she didn’t like miniature golf; now she wins every other game. For nine seconds after a John Woo character says something, I can cuss in Mandarin (or is it Cantonese?). Whoever went to the soda machine for Tabs always forgot to get me a Coke, so I ended up looking forward to having a Tab with the rest of them. One day, I just decided I could parallel park. The same person who made high-quality automatons also invented special ophthalmological devices.


I can avoid eating donuts as long as there aren’t any in the house. Professional wrestling is worth it only if you can sit in the ringside seats.

Flow Control

Having “doubles” of baseball cards is not extra. A friend did a detailed astrological chart for me once—reference books, exact time of birth—and it seemed pretty accurate, so I try not to think about it. I always get coffee in a “to go” cup, even if I plan to sit in the café to drink it.

Space Invaders

This is crème-filled, and I ordered custard-filled. Is it asking too much that the couple at the table next to me could have an interesting conversation about their daughter’s therapist? Remember to lock the bathroom door. Call me Mussolini, but it’s pointless to have assigned parking spaces unless you’re going to ticket people who park any old where. A fly outside the house is okay; a fly inside must die. Some jerk’s cell phone starts to sing. I wish my shoelaces wouldn’t click against my shoes when I walk. I’ve always thought it too cruel that the rocket in Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon breaks the moon’s eye. I’ll just have a bite of yours.

Mundus Imaginalis

You don’t see many Japanese or Russian wrestlers as villains these days. I hear the Levi in Leviathan. I got a birthday card from a dog. No way I’m joining a death cult: it takes too much effort.


Perceptive Expectations

On schedule, i.e. ten minutes late. False note, my foot: every note I sing is a real note. Now that blue no longer means mold or poison, but radical new variety, I eat blue M & Ms like everybody else. I just step out into the weeds and I start to itch.

Multiple Avatars

I can go weeks without thinking of my middle name. How am I supposed to know if I sleepwalk? There are evenings when I feel like watching a Godzilla movie; there are evenings I don’t. Did I have a strawberry or chocolate fudge Pop-Tart yesterday? Maybe I did just wear a brown shirt yesterday. Well, this is a different brown shirt.

Phantom Induction

Dear Thomas Watson: there is always a lag; even a telephone call is talking to the past. She thought I was someone else; she thought I was someone. Stare at anything long enough, and either it or you will disappear. It’s not wireless: my nerves are involved. I’m old enough now that I don’t want to look like anyone else—I want to look like me.

Info Warcraft

Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice- messaging system. Wait until the first coin goes all the way through before putting another in the slot, or the machine won’t count or return the second one. I can’t make out the


lyrics, but that doesn’t mean they have no effect. Just send me the tracking number.

Social Narratives

I always dress like it’s Tuesday.

Affective Images

Watching people eat makes me sad. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I’m haunted by the thought that maybe they really do exist.

Mac Believe

The label said Made in America. It makes me feel better to think I’m alienated. I read it in the newspaper. Now that’s a hamburger. Once I get a Ph.D., I’ll be able to get a job anywhere. My style is no style. What a creep: he didn’t say “Who’s there?” when I said “knock, knock.” The best thing about porn DVDs as opposed to VHSs is being able to put parts on Repeat.

Domain Shifter

I will not be friends with anyone who has garden gnomes. I put on my going-to-get-a-haircut shirt. Kid’s sunscreen works just as well. Welcome to the First Annual. . . . I wonder how many people are dressed as Star Wars storm troopers right at this moment. Those cat tails are making me hungry for a corndog. Let’s eat them by the pond.


Expert Systems

My eyeglasses help me see rain coming, but if the lenses get wet I can’t see anything. It takes less half-and-half to swirl to the top of the coffee, as compared to soy creamer. I don’t want a car without anti-lock brakes. Whoever traded in these philosophy books wrote all over them—as if anybody cares what he has to say. I need directions on how to work the direction-finding website. Santo will always win the third fall.

Persuasive Influence

I feel nostalgic for the days when it wasn’t nostalgic to like butterscotch. Steer so it looks like you’re aimed right at their car doors, and drivers tend not to pull out in front of you. I’m so worried about the cost of health insurance that it’s making me sick. I do like to stop at the Sunshine Happy Mart. Once a friend talked me into taking a debate class, but that’ll never happen again.

Deceptive Intelligence

His best friend had been saved by being thrown from a car before it exploded or rolled down a hill or something, so he always insisted seat belts were a hazard. It can’t be that hard to find a 48-inch poster tube. Never change more than three answers on a multiple-choice test.

Decognition Training

“Knock knock?” “Who’s there.” “Banana.” “Banana who?”


“Knock knock?” “Who’s there?” “Banana.” “Banana who?” “Knock knock.” “Who’s there?” “Orange.” “Orange who?” “Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” I like vegetarian orange chicken. I still have a crush on Henrietta Pussycat: meow meow cute meow. True or false: now that you’re standing in front of a mirror, your right hand knows what your left hand is doing. This piece is New and Improved over something—but what the heck, let’s microwave some of that popcorn with butter flavoring.

Digital Ecology

Those “atomic-controlled” clocks are so inaccurate, I could spend the rest of my life trying to find out what time it is. So what we do, see, is get a stash of diamonds, and cut them into thin, flat chips, all equal size, and any would-be thief will think they’re only pixel defects. TV is better than Schrödinger’s cat: usually when I turn the TV on, I can predict whether I’ll get a commercial.

Invisible Intelligence

Language is a virus from outer space: that’s crazy talk, the voice in my head says. Everything I see is the result of something that has already happened.

Dimensional Framing

Doughnuts are objects, but I cannot look at one objectively. Actually, I’m a few feet away from where the You Are Here sign says I am. I went to the carnival, I bought my ticket, but then I was too scared to go into The House (trailer, really) of


Horrors—so I guess I got my money’s worth. I put on Brian Eno’s Thursday Afternoon loud enough so we can just barely hear it, and the conversation gets better. When I look into a microscope, I usually see only a silvery glare.

Dream Nation

I made imaginary videos for every song on The Cure’s Seventeen Seconds. “Even if a man’s cells are taken over, he has his soul.” One year, the Detroit Tigers were the power of my baseball card league; the next, it was the Houston Astros. All I have to do to get her to say no is ask, “Are you hyper- suggestive?” The first car I wanted was a Vega; the first star I identified when I took my star book out into the July dusk was Vega. “The united forces of creatures—porpoises, bats, and men—destroyed the invaders. Will people believe this story?”

Conspired Environments

We agreed that we had to have the crystal (plastic) ball that shoots lightning bolts inside when you put your hand on it. I reminded myself. I explained that just because I had white laces on my boots didn’t mean I was a white supremacist. I was a “lone viewer” of the JFK assassination DVD. Whew: at least my Barnes and Nobles’ receipt knows what else I might like. I looked the word up in the dictionary. I made sure I breathed at the same rate she did.

Electric Emotions

I don’t like to stand near a microwave oven when it’s


running: I feel it in my heart. Ah, to relax in the electro- magnetic pulse of a massage chair at the mall. I’m looking for something; I move my hand; I think I’m moving; I think I think; I can’t remember what I’m looking for; I quit; I’m static.

Control Panic

Even before I arrive to meet somebody, I have an idea of how long it’ll be before one of us has to leave. I liked touching the python (or was it a boa constrictor?) and I’ll never do it again. I buy three copies of books that are important to me, and then at any time I can’t find two of them. I can make it past the first level of Pac-Man, but never the second. I remember reading that people who try to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge or building and who live report that they had a moment of extreme clarity about their decision—right after they jumped.

Explanation Driving

Well, officer, I. . . . I said it was the truth and she said says who? Lucy gives Linus five good reasons to do what she has suggested, one for each the fingers she folds into a fist. “One of those cells must have been swallowed by a black hole and pushed out from a white hole. It grew very quickly in its own evolutionary system, much faster than expected. It assimilated crystal organisms and was exposed to tremendous energy from the explosions of stars. And finally, the most horrific monster was born. That’s the theory.” According to the paper, the thieves wore panty hose over their heads so they wouldn’t leave fingerprints.


Attentive Relevance

I have no idea of where that quotation about the horrific monster comes from, or whether I made it up—wait, Google says it comes from Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla. Just remembering that I can keep only seven plus or minus two items in short-term memory uses one of those items. I’m getting ready to get ready to relax. If you know how their system works, they won’t hire you. The electricity just goes on and off. This is only the second time I’ve repeated it, so he’s not ready to listen yet. Now that I feel inhuman with boredom, the machine says my call has been transferred to a real person. I always have to go back to make sure I locked the door.

Experience Configuration

These “multiplexes” all show the same films. I’d rather play on miniature golf courses with small windmills and loops as obstacles than on one of those with just blocks of wood. I’m suspicious of my paranoia. If “Erros” isn’t a word, it should be. And now it is one. I’m not a brand (that’s a trademark of my personality).

Reality Maps

The guy told us to stay to the left of the underground coal hopper. I’m pretty sure there are days, whole months, that I’ll never remember. I’m always uneasy sleeping in a new place. I can’t picture the exact layout of areas I’m not used to—and, since the earth is moving through space and space itself is stretching and warping, even sitting still I’m always in a new place. We all relaxed when we saw the big wooden


chicken of the fried chicken franchise.

Predator Patterns

I don’t read much fiction, but when I do, it’s all plot, detective novels, or Robert E. Howard. Out to fight all prejudice except her own. A well-known effect of those anti- depressants is to make your depression worse. Every time I smile for a photograph, I look like I was just named Salesperson of the Month.

Recurring Afterimages

If I were to go back to school, I’d study film history to 1900; everything after that is just variation. Often I pronounce the word “echoplasm.”

Intelligence Cycles

When I read, I take notes and then I rarely look at them later; they’re to help me pay attention now. His definition of “merge” depends on whether he’s coming in from the ramp or he’s already in the traffic lane. So much depends upon an afternoon Americano. I like to listen to chamber music, but I can’t follow the most basic sonata form.

Fluffy Logic

I’m interested in conservation, so I use a gallon of water to wash out the yogurt containers for recycling. If I can stall on making the phone call until he asks me one more time, I can


claim he’s harassing me and I’m the one being wronged. I should write a best-seller about how I profited from my experiences.

Structural Delusion

I drive to the store. I pay the lowest possible price for the highest possible quality goods. I know what I’m doing. I’m minding my own business. This is going to be great. You’re welcome.

Epidemic Communication

On Monday, we always talked about the Monty Python episode. I sent an e-mail to confirm that I’d received his e- mail confirming our meeting for lunch. As a four-year-old, I loved to stand in the pedestrian tunnel and shout and listen to my voice echo. It never occurred to me simply not to go to the prom.

Psychic Property

I can’t tell if I dreamed that view of the river or if I actually saw it. He told me he’d paid for the class with his own money, so he couldn’t fail it. Transcendental Meditation can be referred to as TM.

Paranoid Styles

I wear dark pants and earth-toned shirts so I’ll be anonymous (the earth is a fire, space its smoke, the four directions its coals). Some people think I’m a cop.


Credibility Crisis

I never liked people dressed up as Santa Claus. Just out of prison, Bunta Sugawara’s character says, “Out here in the real world, I don’t even trust green lights.” : planet or no planet? Just decide. Finally, I realized she was totally dependable—she would never do what she said she’d do. I’m not myself today.

Mimetic Copyright

If I blow my nose into a paper towel, it becomes a Kleenex. I’m not surprised to learn that the Mormons baptized the ghosts of high-ranking Nazis. Don’t even try to challenge my Yogi Bear impersonation with yours. I know what’s on the other side of the mirror: the prescription drugs.



_____. 1. the amount of a you remain aware of the substance that can fit into a occurrence of supposedly mouth at one time. 2. a negative omens, such as technique used to discover stepping on a crack in the whether a point is inside the sidewalk, or unlucky dates, boundaries of a polygon by such as Friday the 13th. 2. the counting the number of times distance on an evolutionary a straight line starting from tree separating an extant taxon the point crosses the polygon’s from the extinct taxon from boundaries; if the line crosses which it descends, using as the the boundary an even number determining factor the of times, it is outside the proportion of sites where the polygon. 3. to still remember amino acid sequences of the years later what you should two taxa differ. have said, without being able _____. 1. an incongruity to recall what you actually resulting from the contrast said. 4. to save a fingernail for between the expected result of chewing later. an event and the actual result. _____. 1. the number of non- 2. a frayed strand. 3. not zero components in a vector. private. 2. the average number of _____. 1. the process of times that a caller will get only treating a film base so that an answering machine before light is absorbed by pigment he or she leaves a message or applied on the back of the film stops calling. to prevent the refraction of _____. 1. a p-n junction in a light that causes halation. 2. doped semiconductor marked an infertile type of Arctotheca by a lower-than-usual number calendulacea used as a ground of mobile charge carriers. 2. a cover. 3. to refuse to turn the person who would rather calendar to the next month, purchase an item at a physical even though it is 10 p.m. on store than order it online. 3. a the last night of the current life-long fan of a permanently month. mediocre sports team. _____. 1. to pluck or shave _____. 1. to believe that you your eyebrows so that they are not superstitious, though form two distinct eyebrows


rather than one mono-brow. 2. started by someone else in a the generating of negatively manner in which you wish the charged electric particles that sentence to end, regardless of accompanies the breaking how the person who started apart of water drops due to the sentence may have drops colliding in air or wished. 2. the belief that you striking a wetted surface. 3. to really are at the place consider each member of a indicated by the You Are Here pair of dice separately; to roll sign, despite the fact that you only one of a pair of dice. 4. are looking at the sign from the belief that you will have a another place. 3. a common- good time after you get off collector junction that uses a work. transistor amplifier; the _____. 1. to look at an object voltage gain is a little less than and to hear, in his or her voice, one. 4. to have an answer what a former loved one ready when someone asks would have said about it. 2. a what you are good at. binary star system in which _____. 1. In Kleinian analysis, one star has its outer layers the binary splitting, brought pulled away by the on by aggressive and libidinal gravitational distortion of its drives, of internal and external companion star. 3. the objects into good objects and decrease in the oscillations of bad objects, depending on electron density in a plasma. whether the objects (such as 4. plural of you. the mother’s breast) gratifies _____. 1. a plastic sheet that or frustrates the infant’s has been thermoformed over desire. 2. a hardware device or an open mold by a software used to introduce a combination of gravity and a short pause after the detection vacuum. 2. a unit in a of the initial opening or sequence. 3. a poem in which closing of a switch or other the poet retracts something he electrical contact so that the or she said in an earlier poem. reverberations of the contact 4. a type of minnow that has a dissipate and only a single three-lobed lower lip. signal will be acted upon for

_____. 1. to finish a sentence each discrete opening or


closing of the switch or “um.” 4. in syndication. contact. 3. a repeated _____. 1. a person you notice lightning discharge in which by realizing that you rarely wind blows each successive notice this person and whom stroke away from the previous you then cease to notice. 2. the stroke. geologic period between the _____. 1. the person to whom end of the Devonian and the your words are intended, as beginning of the Permian, opposed to the person to from which no significant whom they are immediately alterations to the life record addressed. 2. the number that have been preserved. 3. to would fill the place continue a conversation by immediately after the last ignoring what the other person place filled in a decimal chain. just said. _____. 1. a warm wind _____. 1. a small-scale shock created by ultraviolet solar region formed when a stellar radiation that flows up a steep emission of partially ionized slope or mountainside facing gas impacts a cloud of gas and the sun. 2. to inhale dust. 2. the time of day when preparatory to speaking and your shadow is exactly as long then to realize that you don’t as your body is tall. 3. need to say anything. 3. the indecision as to whether a combined specular and written letter should be single diffuse reflection of light from or double, as in “Elliot” or a surface. “Eliot” or “misspelled” or _____. 1. the process by “mispelled.” which a larger cell divides _____. 1. a bumper sticker into several smaller cells with from a past election left on a no increase in mass. 2. to car. 2. nonrepetitive DNA daydream of changing your found between transcribed name. 3. an acquaintance who sequences whose only will never become a friend. apparent function is to _____. 1. a melody or other separate genetic elements. tonal pattern played under a _____. 1. a bottle or other

drone. 2. a greeting card with container put back in the glitter. 3. first person plural of refrigerator, though there is


not enough left inside for find all possible paths through another serving. 2. the region the control-flow diagram of a of transition between the program. 5. to go ahead and negative glow and the positive do what you were going to put column of an electric off until tomorrow. discharge through a gas, _____. 1. a person who says occurring when the pressure is he or she welcomes the low. 3. Information memo- opinions and advice of others, rized for a class outside your but never agrees with the main field of study, such as a opinions or accepts the list of the 13th through 19th advice. 2. a square identity Presidents of the United matrix in which each row and States or of the identifying column contains a single entry characteristics of the eight of 1, all other entries being 0. most common minerals, that _____. 1. a stone or boulder you can still recall years later. carried by a glacier and left on 4. details that become visible a bedrock differing from that only under certain conditions, of its original site when the such as small cracks in cement glacier melts. 2. a euphemism after rain or some elements of invented to replace a John Cage’s visual art works. euphemism that is itself now _____. 1. a feature of a considered obscene or computer’s operating system otherwise objectionable. that allows it to compensate _____. 1. a pull-down menu for shortages of physical that can be moved from the memory by transferring data one portion of a computer to disk storage from random screen to another part of the access memory (RAM). 2. a screen, from where any of its plate or screen that produces options may be selected at a diffraction to focus light later time. 2. the reassignment exhibiting wave character. 3. a of the location of an intron- freshwater fish that can absorb exon junction that produces through the lining of the insertion or deletion in its mouth, thus allowing it to mRNA and protein. 3. to move on land for long periods. answer all questions 4. a test method designed to concerning future events, as in


“Do you want to go to the awake. 3. a test of color movies tomorrow?” or “Do perception to determine you think the test will be whether the test subject has difficult?” by saying red-green deficiencies. 4. a “Maybe.” 4. the pH at which subsystem of working the overall positive and memory that holds negative charge of a protein is information in the form of zero. inner speech, as when a

_____. 1. unrefined person tries to memorize a petroleum. 2. one of a series of telephone number. 5. to conversations at a speed remember the telephone dating event. 3. to listen to numbers of the last two places ambient music at loud you lived, but not your current volume. number. _____. 1. a line drawing of a _____. 1. to obtain a result in transparent cube in which all discrete values for observable angles and sides are visible. quantities by changing the When viewed continuously, description of a physical the cube appears to alternate system from classical to between two different spatial quantum mechanical. 2. the orientations. 2. the presence of unpopped kernels of popcorn an inherited trait in only one in the bottom of the bowl. of a pair of monozygotic _____. 1. an inconsistency in twins. 3. the sensation of renormalization that appears intermittent sound produced at large energy scales in by a sound interrupted quantum field theories in periodically at a rate below which there is no asymptotic the frequency of auditory freedom. 2. to be alone while flutter fusion. wearing an “I’m with Stupid” _____. 1. an involuntary t-shirt. nervous reflex causing the _____. 1. the second of three eyes to blink after the mind wishes. 2. to forget the middle has received more information name of a former boyfriend or than it can process at one time. girlfriend. 3. part of a 2. a condition characterized variable-ratio transmission by recurrent dreams of lying system used to shift gears on a


bicycle by moving the drive the plant. 2. unsolicited mail chain from one sprocket offering you a new credit card. wheel to another. 4. _____. 1. a type of preformed Wednesday afternoon after 4 plastic packaging in which a p.m. transparent pocket, usually _____. 1. a maze shaped like made of thermoformed the letter T with a single plastic, is attached to a blister choice point and two card, thus allowing the alternatives. 2. the other side product to be displayed. 2. the of your mouth that is silent deviation in the direction of when you talk out of the side light rays or electromagnetic of your mouth. 3. to be unable waves from astronomical to remember the last year you objects as they pass through cried. the earth’s atmosphere, _____. 1. a waking state in making objects appear nearer which REM atonia is the zenith than they really are. experienced before body _____. 1. a role-playing paralysis has subsided; such technique in which a person episodes are often frightening conducts both sides of a and may be accompanied by conversation with some out-of-body experiences. 2. to aspect of him or herself or say “hello” to, or have it said with a spouse, relative, or to you by, someone you do not other significant person. 2. an know in a non-business asexual reproduction process situation. 3. to exit the in which protozoans undergo elevator when the door opens multiple fission. 3. The place without checking what floor where you are not when you you are on. say, “It’s just like being _____. 1. an infection caused there.” by the bacterium _____. 1. a sequel to a popular Agrobacterium tumefaciens film made with a lower budget entering a plant through and a different director. 2. the wounds to the plant’s roots or average temperature of hot stems; infected cells produce chocolate served in a neoplastic growths that coffeehouse or at a coffee usually result in the death of stand. 3. residual magnetic


flux density remaining in a of speaking or writing. ferromagnetic material when _____. 1. a device that the saturating field is reduced produces half-speed rerecord- to zero. 4. to continue to write ings of sounds, especially the previous year on checks, human speech, to avoid official forms, etc., for at least distortions caused by reduced one month into the new year. intelligibility in the original _____. 1. the state of energy full-speed recording. 2. a of a fly that, when swatted at room set aside for committee and missed, shifts to another meetings. 3. the lowest “on” spot on the window pane, but setting of a three-way bulb, never moves to another which continues to work after surface. 2. the periodic the middle and highest vibration of non-independent settings have burned out. atoms about the position of _____. 1. the lowest of a deck equilibrium in a crystal lattice. of diving boards, usually one 3. to measure the similarity of meter above the surface of the composition between two water. 2. to claim that an samples. 4. a driver who object or discourse is “always changes lanes every fifteen already” what one wishes it to seconds. be. 3. trademark. a brand of _____. 1. a meteor stream the drug phenobarbital, used consisting of the widely to control seizures. dispersed debris of Comet _____. 1. a black and white 2P/Encke. 2. a person who spiral attached to a circular sprays saliva or mucus when disc. When rotated, the disc sneezing. 3. a professional creates a vivid opposite athlete who spends his entire motion aftereffect in the career in the minor leagues or viewer in which a fixated lower divisions. object or surface appears to _____. 1. the second-brightest expand from or contract constellation in the night sky towards its center, while above the equator at any given remaining the same size. 2. to time. 2. to use a synonym for check your daily horoscope a word you can almost, but not only at the end of the day. quite, think of at the moment _____. 1. a person who is


attractive in the location _____. 1. a process by which where he or she is frequently lost or damaged data can be seen, such as a laundromat or retrieved from secondary a bookstore, but whose storage when the data cannot attractiveness fades when be accessed via normal either the attracting or the procedure. 2. noncoding DNA attracted person is no longer sequences whose base in that location. 2. a non- sequence is repeated many sinusoidal waveform in which times throughout the genome. the variable increases in value 3. a fabric knitted with a for a fixed period, then drops double set of needles that sharply to its initial value, consists of two single-knit only to periodically repeat the fabrics joined by interlocked sequence, forming a graph stitches. 4. legal worker pattern that resembles the employed in a low-ranking teeth of a saw. 3. alternate position on a temporary basis. term for binocular rivalry. 5. an object used to produce a _____. 1. to do a good deed by strong echoing sound. accident, but still to consider _____. 1. a shot inserted in a yourself as having acted with film to indicate a passage of superior ethical insight. 2. to time or other discontinuity fall asleep while watching a between two scenes, as in a film or television program, series of newspaper headlines only to wake up during the flashing by. 2. the habit of closing credits. saying “that’s funny” after _____. 1. to accept finally a laughing politely at an person or group’s persistent anecdote. but originally false view of _____. 1. to hold hands by you, as in that you drink Tab using only the little finger to like everyone else at work. 2. clasp the little finger of the the afterimage of a saturated other person. 2. a song color that turns whatever you recorded specially to be look at next that color. 3. a played over AM radio. 3. a second-order stream in a word, such as that in the drainage system. 4. the future phrase look at that, said by perfect tense. someone pointing to a giraffe,


which has no meaning outside depending on whether I is its immediate context. 4. the omitted from the series. 3. the formation of new ice in the imitation of vocal sounds of breaks or depressions of older others by a child learning to ice. talk. _____. 1. off peak. 2. legally _____. 1. to reduce by paring. available medications that can 2. to reduce by pairing. be purchased without a _____. 1. to shine. 2. doctor’s prescription. 3. to incidental. 3. to answer the address with jest or good- telephone on or before the natured ridicule; chaff. third ring. _____. 1. medical term _____. 1. the output of meaning “eyelid.” 2. water unwanted noise in the pollution that can be difficult electrical signal of an ideal to track, as it results from device compared to the output diffuse sources, as opposed to of unwanted noise in the point-source pollution, which actual device being tested. 2. results from one source. to consider options from your _____. 1. the physical list of possibilities for a presence of a human or animal personalized license plate. body, whether alive or dead. _____. 1. the fungus Botrytis 2. to become obsessed with cinerea, which shrivels and petty details. ripens grapes to concentrate _____. 1. leftover part the juice and increase the remaining after something is sugar content, used in the cut off. 2. unbearably production of sweet wines. 2. beautiful. a test used to evaluate _____. 1. frothy soapy water. personality in which the 2. a cappuccino or other participant is given an coffee drink enjoyed as a self- introductory phrase and asked granted reward after work. 3. to provide a phrase to nostalgia for geodesic domes. complete the sentence. 3. a _____. 1. dried residue of technically accurate but moisture rings left on the psychologically self-aggran- surface of a bar or table. 2. the dizing view of a situation, as 20th or 21st in a series, in claiming that your shadow


results from your body deposit to fill and finally causing a partial eclipse of the block the stream’s course by sun. gradual accumulation. 4. a _____. 1. to brighten. 2. to non-Japanese master of Go. irritate with impertinence. _____. 1. a series of lines in _____. 1. to yield diamonds the ultraviolet spectrum when mined. 2. to respond to emitted by the electron of an a person by repeating the last excited atom words he or she said. 3. a hand transitioning between two mirror consisting of a standard energy levels. 2. trademark. a mirror on one side and one or large amusement park created more magnifying mirrors on by Walt Disney in Anaheim, the other. CA. 3. semi-carbonated. _____. 1. an optical _____. 1. a familiar name, phenomenon produced by the such as Mac or Bub, used diffraction of sunlight by when addressing a man or boy individual water droplets or whose name one does not ice crystals of a cloud know. 2. any picornavirus producing a luminous border responsible for the common around where an observer’s cold. 3. in music: cut time, or shadow would fall rather than time in which the half note where he or she is actually receives the beat. standing. 2. the breaths _____. 1. polyethylene between the onset of a sneeze terephthalate, a synthetic and the sneeze itself. 3. a polyester that is washable and person who looks forward to wrinkle-resistant. 2. the real or the start of Daylight Saving imaginary parts of a complex Time. variable. 3. a handshake in _____. 1. a self-replicating, which the person of lower hereditary-determining gene social standing does not try to present in any cell structure match the firmness of grip of other than the nucleus. 2. to the person of higher social identify yourself with some standing. 4. a conspiracy of other person or object. 3. silence.

earthy matter carried by a _____. 1. the video fluid stream that settles by rebroadcast of something


immediately or soon after its _____. 1. the belief that, since live broadcast. 2. a medical the development of the apparatus that puts liquid drop internet, all places are the by drop into a cavity. 3. a city same place. 2. the belief that in California, 33 miles south the digital device you are of San Francisco. carrying is giving you cancer. _____. 1. adequate. 2. _____. 1. a side road that disappointing. 3. to find less starts out paved but turns to than 50 cents in your pocket. gravel within a mile. 2. to look 4. to suffer for lack of fresh at an old photograph and not air. recognize yourself. 3. a dream _____. 1. archaic. to that is forgotten before it can specialize in plastics. 2. to be written down. 4. binary tree specialize in plastic in which every level except explosives. the last is filled. _____. 1. a scene in a film _____. 1. an arrest made by a during which a driver steers a private citizen with authority car against a back-projected bestowed by the fact that he or landscape. 2. a dimensionless she is citizen. 2. a substance number that indicates the formed in an intermediate speed of light traveling stage of a chemical reaction through a given medium as and that requires further the ratio of the speed of light treatment to produce a in a vacuum to that in the finished product. given medium. 3. to put off a _____. 1. a type of computer decision overnight so that memory that can retain data your subconscious mind may after power fails or is turned have more time to present off. 2. the next to last your conscious mind with the complete phrase in a page of proper course of action. printed text. _____. 1. a vessel grounded _____. 1. the principle that the due to insufficient depth of total work done by all forces water at low tide. 2. delayed applied to a system in static acknowledgments added onto equilibrium equals zero. 2. outgoing data frames. 3. a numismatic items, such as rhetorical question. medals and wooden nickels,


that resemble money but are radiates energy at all not intended to circulate as frequencies. money. _____. 1. to add an item to an _____. 1. a position from existing list, such as a grocery which every formula in a list. 2. to answer an incoming theory’s language can be telephone call by saying “Can negated. 2. to change the topic I place you on hold,” so that of conversation when you may continue with someone begins to talk about another conversation nearing either your or his or her work its end. 3. to wake up from a after the workday is over. 3. dream but then fall asleep archaic. an indoor television again so quickly that you antenna consisting of two continue the dream. telescoping, swivel-based _____. 1. an oath or form that aerials. 4. to reinforce a shore requires you to state or write line that is in danger of your full legal name. 2. an leaking. item of clothing that, though _____. 1. a sleeve that tapers the label indicates that it is in from a very large armhole to the size you normally wear, fit closely at the wrist. 2. turns out to be too large or too budget cuts in one or more small when you actually wear other areas, such as education it. 3. a telephone call made or or health care, to allow an received due only to a sense of increase in the military budget obligation to the other person, without increasing taxes. 3. in rather than a desire to speak to computer science, a specific him or her. form of deadly embrace that _____. 1. to claim that you are leaves some states of the net an authority in a general area forever inaccessible. 4. to of investigation or a specific apply data compression topic in which claims to techniques on digital images authority are considered in order to reduce the number negative or fraudulent, as in of bits used to define an studies of authoritarian image. 5. an idealized politics or Jacques Lacan’s physical body that absorbs all concept of the “phallus.” 2. light at all wavelengths and the temperature above which


the thermal energy of a nectar to make honey. 4. material becomes large acronym for Microwave enough to destroy the Amplification by Stimulated material’s microscopic mag- Emission of Radiation. netic ordering. _____. 1. to refer to oneself in _____. 1. the error made in the third person. 2. a canceled statistical testing or a postage stamp. hypothesis by the nonrejec- _____. 1. the measure of the tion of the false null amount of dispersion about a hypothesis. 2. white mean value. 2. to smell your chocolate. armpits before leaving a _____. 1. an action or object A restroom or other private area that shares enough to determine your level of characteristics or properties social hygiene. 3. to force the with action or object B so that part of a floating-point A appears similar to B, though number after the decimal the two are not usually point to be exactly 1. considered as having the same _____. 1. a partially water- nature or belonging to the soluble globular protein, same class of actions or usually consisting of two or objects. 2. to read the World more recognizable structures. News sections of newspapers 2. a repetition for emphasis of published the same day, but in the beginning word or phrase different countries. 3. a of a sentence at the end of the commercial product manufac- sentence, with intervening tured or assembled in South words setting off the Korea. 4. shinola. repetition. _____. 1. an organ or part _____. 1. to round a number having the same basic up to the next place, as 45 to structure and evolutionary 50 (four tens to five tens) or origin as that of another organ 51 to 100 (no hundreds to 1 or part. 2. to look interested in hundred). 2. a naturally or what another person is saying. artificially occurring alloy of 3. an enlarged section of the gold and silver, sometimes alimentary canal in bees in found with trace elements of which enzymes work on other metals. 3. wave motion


often of long wavelength in an _____. 1. give up. 2. ocean or lake caused by a customer. 3. fizz. distant weather system; it may _____. 1. local maxima that persist after the originating represent unwanted radiation cause has ceased or passed. in a far-field radiation pattern. _____. 1. a person who 2. to say “hello” to someone collects old catalogs from who was saying “hello” to the businesses with mail order person behind you. departments, such as the Sears _____. 1. the insertion of one Christmas catalog. 2. the or more sounds in the middle theory that every experience, of a word, such as “hampster” even those considered the for “hamster,” that distorts most spiritual or ineffable, pronunciation of the word involves a physically while leaving it recognizable. measurable aspect. 3. a small 2. a minor exception that ball of deep-fried dough, emphasizes by contrast an claimed to be the hole otherwise continuing state of removed from the center of a affairs, as when you tell doughnut. someone you are still giving _____. 1. a dissociative him or her the silent treatment. disorder during which a 3. a weight gain of ten pounds person experiences reversible or less associated with amnesia and engages in specific times or events, as in unexpected travel. 2. a digital the period between Christmas modulation technique for and New Year’s or a trip to representing digital data with Italy, which you lose over a analogue signals. 3. the formal period five times the duration body of electors who elect the of the period of gain. President and Vice President _____. 1. a transparent of the United States; an conducting layer applied to elector usually votes for the the surface of a cathode ray winner of the popular vote in tube that allows surface his or her state, though there charge to dissipate and lowers are several states in which this the electrostatic field to is not required by law. 4. the negligible values. 2. to web spun by a spider on acid. visualize the successful


completion of an action before overflow of wealth that will performing it. “trickle down” to the poorer _____. 1. a psychological members of society, thus theory based on the belief that allowing them to attain a character traits are indicated better standard of living. 3. a by the configuration of bumps graph that has only one vertex and depressions on the and no edge. subject’s skull. 2. a situation _____. 1. a sleep disorder in in which the contents of a which REM atonia does not single file are scattered over function, allowing sleepers to differing areas of the disk, shout or make sudden, violent creating small dispersed areas movements while still asleep. of memory. 3. obsolete. the 2. a country with its own poetry of witness. government, judicial system, _____. 1. the licensed and other marks of trademark of the manufacturer independence, but which does of the sole of the boot that is the bidding of a more grinding your face in the dust. powerful country. 3. a 2. to obtain sexual mutation that spreads from gratification by rubbing one member of a tandem gene against the clothed body of a cluster through the entire nonconsenting person. 3. a cluster 4. a statement that is technique in the visual arts in more true when its which the artist places a piece independent and dependent of paper over an uneven clauses are switched, as in surface and runs a pencil or “I’m not just selling ceiling other marker over the surface fans, I’m building relation- to obtain an image. ships”. 5. the space between _____. 1. to produce liquid your upper and lower teeth steel by burning and when you smile. other impurities out of pig _____. 1. to sell sheets of iron and other scrap. 2. the bubble wrap by claiming that theory that economic gains by popping the bubbles (so obtained by tax breaks to that a pleasing pattern is businesses and the financial formed) is a creative method upper classes will create an for reducing tension. 2. a


convenience store that can be _____. 1. the use of redundant reached only by taking a modifying words in a phrase, detour. 3. a star or other such as or not in whether or astronomical object that can not or true in true fact. 2. be seen only with peripheral someone not from or currently vision. residing in the greater New _____. 1. a model describing York City area who spends the process in which the Sunday reading the whole of components of a binary fluid the New York Times. 3. a spice undergo spinodal decomposi- marketed as Hot but that tion to form two coexisting actually is only Mild. 4. the phases. 2. to say something belief that one should always about yourself that you realize round numbers up, but never immediately is false, as in “I round down, such that 45 have never seen a Jerry Lewis becomes 50 while 43 remains movie” or “I have never been 43 rather than 40. to Vermont.” _____. 1. a pair of eyeglasses _____. 1. a unit of time less ground to your previous than a million years that feels prescription kept as a back-up like a million years. 2. a in case something happens to locally regular aggregation of those ground to your current molecules that form a prescription. 2. the band of structure that can radio frequencies, ranging continuously fill all available from 10,000 to 40,000 space, but lacks long-range megahertz, that a gap in commensurate translational ionospheric reflection allows order. 3. to start to speak and to pass through the earth’s then to interrupt yourself by atmosphere without saying, “Oh, wait.” 4. a metal significant reflection or cube in which each of the four attenuation. 3. obsolete. the vertical sides has a different belief that being able to ask

surface finish (usually black, yourself, “Have I gone white, polished, and dull) insane?” is proof that you

used to study the transfer of have not.

infrared radiation from a hot _____. 1. the shift in meaning object to cooler surroundings. between phrases or terms used


to indicate the same object, (apparent solar time, based on state, etc., as in that between the actual observed position of “to keep silent” and “to be the sun). 2. in regard to food quiet.” 2. the ratio of the or drink, the difference lateral decrease to the between the expected amount longitudinal increase in a taken and the actual amount, stretched rod. 3. an irregular after someone says, “I’ll just wave or ridge formation on a have a bit of yours.” snow surface caused by wind _____. 1. to check a telephone erosion or deposition. 4. to fall number after the second time asleep with your glasses on. the same person has answered _____. 1. when two people and told you it’s the wrong say the same thing to each number. 2. a form of other at the same time. 2. the refreshable memory using an emission of secondary X-rays acoustic delay line to access from a material. 3. a line on a information sequentially map or chart connecting rather than randomly. 3. the points with the same mean fourth through the sixth weeks frequency of visible aurora. of a relationship. 4. a zone of _____. 1. a memory or a increased atmospheric pres- dream from an indeterminate sure moving over a short time in the past that returns to distance. consciousness for no clearly _____. 1. an analysis of the distinguishable reason. 2. the quantifiable and qualifiable compression of an electrically value differences in a person’s conducting plasma by its own selections from a buffet at a magnetic field. 3. the hypnotic strip club versus those from a effect of watching your buffet at a casino. 2. a reflection in the glass panes of laboratory procedure that a revolving door. allows visual examination of _____. 1. the difference particular antibodies in a fluid between the time as indicated by labeling them with a by a clock (mean solar time, compound that glows in based on the uniform motion ultraviolet light. 3. a contour of a theoretical sun) and the line on a map joining places time indicated by a sundial where a clinically varying


character appears with equal compound by the frequency. development of a new bond. _____. 1. a mass-produced, 4. the angular momentum of chalky-tasting candy in pastel contents around a given point colors, usually shaped like a in a specified region of space heart and bearing simple in three-dimensional Euclid- slogans, such as “Be Mine,” ean space. bought in bulk and handed out _____. 1. marriage between on Valentine’s Day. 2. a test persons who have the same or trial in which one person or surname but are not related. 2. group of persons is receiving to confuse the meanings of an active medicine while terms that have similar another group is not. 3. a pronunciations but fluorescent dye used as an contrasting meanings, such as absorption indicator. “immigrate” and “emigrate.” _____. 1. to laugh out loud 3. non-REM sleep. while alone in public. 2. the _____. 1. an extra nucleotide mass in grams of an element added to a DNA strand. 2. an deposited or evolved by one unspoken sentence heard coulomb of electrical charge. unexpectedly in your mind _____. 1. a person who either while waking up or refuses to make a left turn, for falling asleep. instance making seven right _____. 1. a habitual action turns and driving around two performed without conscious blocks to end up at a parking thought, such as always place directly across the street adding sugar to your coffee from where he or she now is. before adding cream and then 2. to decide that losing eight stirring in clockwise motion, pounds during the break up of or saying “you, too,” when your most recent relationship someone says “have a good has left you feeling fitter and day,” so as to allow the more attractive, and thus conscious mind to follow its better prepared for a new, train of thought without more fulfilling relationship. 3. significant interruption. 2. to a ring compounded formed preserve material by remov- from a straight-chain ing its water content. 3. a


colorless and odorless gas. 4. enough that molecules travel a window that has been to the condenser without painted shut but which can collision. 4. to answer the still be seen through. telephone by saying only _____. 1. to apologize for an “hello,” since you expect the action or actions done by person calling to recognize others before you were born. your voice. 2. the state of two point _____. 1. an explanation of sources of light when the first something disappointing that diffraction minimum of one is convincing while you are source coincides with the listening to it, but which you central maximum of the other. cannot remember the moment 3. a sequence of annually it stops. 2. an unwanted deposited sediments in fresh variable that is of no interest or brackish water (not sea except that it may increase water) consisting of two experimental errors. 3. an layers, the bottom layer editorial bias resulting from comprised of sand or silt, the the fact that studies showing upper of clay. 4. a customized only negative results are less frequency response used to likely to be published than maintain stability in a power those reporting positive system. results. 4. the magnetic field _____. 1. to dine out at several of the earth, which prevents different restaurants on a most particles carried by the regular basis, but to always solar wind from striking the order the same item or items at earth and which on the each one, as in chicken curry planet’s nightside extends like at an Indian restaurant and a comet tail in the direction waffles at a diner. 2. the opposite the sun. information provided by the _____. 1. a cliché that due to filling-in phenomena across cultural change has become the visual blind spot. 3. unintelligible to the majority distillation of a liquid in of the members of the culture, extremely low vacuum as in to answer the telephone pressure with the condenser by saying “it’s your dime, and evaporator positions close start talking” or any statement


regarding cows coming home. me get this straight.” 3. a step 2. compression at the optic aunt or uncle. 4. a foreign coin chiasm, leading to the loss of given in change outside the temporal vision. boundaries of its country, as in _____. 1. a child who a Canadian coin given in demands to be a Native change outside the borders of American when a group of Canada. children are playing Native _____. 1. the synthesis of a Americans and Genocidal molecule from simple Invaders. 2. obsolete. a child precursors. 2. to teach a who demands to be a cowboy subject matter to students with when a group of children are the sole aim of the students playing cowboys and Indians. being able to pass a test on the _____. 1. two overlapping material covered. 3. a reflex in beams that produce an which the fingers flex in an interference pattern on a involuntary clutching motion screen. 2. to talk to yourself when the palm of the hand is using a voice differing in tone, stroked. While normal in pitch, or timber from your infants, in older people it is regular speaking voice. 3. a associated with a lesion in the small stable section of DNA premotor cortex. that can act as a receptor for a _____. 1. to stand in front of a fragment of foreign DNA that mirror and wonder what your is inserted for cloning life would be like if your teeth purposes. 4. a city in were whiter. 2. to look up a Germany; a city in central word in a dictionary, only to Indiana; a city in Kentucky. be referred to another word, _____. 1. the presence of three the entry for which only refers or more alleles for a particular you back to the first word, as gene, when only two can be in “bad object: see under good present in a single diploid object” and “good object: see organism. 2. a phrase spoken under bad object.” 3. an by a member of a group that incomplete circle or ring. indicates that the speaker is _____. 1. one or a group of not up to the pace of the unstressed notes coming conversation, as in “Now let before the first bar line in a


musical composition. 2. the discussion shows with the quantum mechanical process same ideological bias a week. by which a subatomic particle 3. a variable star that pulsates passes through a barrier that, in a regular way. 4. a according to classical physics, lymphoid gland of the cloaca it should not be able to cross. in birds, necessary for 3. to talk in your sleep and immune system development; upon waking to remember it regresses with age. what you said. _____. 1. to garble a cliché, as _____. 1. the primary site for in “six dozen of one, half of fermentation of swallowed another.” 2. unintentional or

food in a ruminant, from intentional repeated defeca- which the food is regurgitated tion in his or her underwear, and chewed again for better or the marking of walls with digestion. 2. to signal to an feces, by children over the age aircraft that it is not to land on of four. 3. to lose a game of its current pass but that it tic-tac-toe. should circle around and _____. 1. a Y-suppressed gene reapproach the landing site. 3. that causes death to XO a point on a continuous plane Drosophila melanogaster but curve at which the concavity allows survival of normal changes from concave upward males. 2. to be unable to keep to concave downward, or vice from laughing upon hearing a versa. 4. to adjust your technical term because all or opinion of a person’s part of the term reminds you attractiveness after seeing him of a word normally considered or her get out of the car. obscene or inappropriate to _____. 1. the tendency for a the situation in which the person to remember the items technical term is found, such at the beginning and end of the as Helianthus annuus series, while forgetting those (sunflower) or Turdus in the middle; also known as migratorius (American Rob- serial learning. 2. a person in). who watches on television or _____. 1. to make up for a listens on radio to at least slow start at a green light by three current events driving 10 miles per hour over


the speed limit to the next red built by Jane and I instead of light one block away. 2. an the correct the float was built acronym that as a whole by Jane and me. 3. to drive duplicates one of the words straight down the road with abbreviated in its formation, your turn signal on. 4. a as in HELP for Help cemetery paved with Eliminate Lawn Pesticides, an Astroturf. activist group formed in 1985 _____. 1. the realization that in Buffalo, NY, to educate an experience or set of people on the dangers of experiences, such as watching pesticides. your shadow darken or fade in _____. 1. the suspension or varying light, has left you with blocking of preconceptions no identifiable emotion. 2. to and biases as a precondition have the same physiologic for an investigation of new reaction to decaffeinated phenomenal experience. 2. to coffee as to caffeinated go on a blind date with the coffee. 3. to refuse to same person twice. 3. a period speculate whether a glass is of time consisting of half full or half empty. 4. see tomorrow and tomorrow but year. not the day after tomorrow. 4. _____. 1. the attempt to a sirocco wind that blows in formulate an original response front of an advancing when someone offers a depression. banality or a cliché as _____. 1. a spindle-shaped consolation or advice, as in structure that separates newly “Everybody has his own cross duplicated chromosomes to bear” or “If at first don’t during the division of somatic succeed, try, try again,” and to or sex cells. 2. to feel the achieve only a comeback that, dream you were having fade while not yet a cliché, is in the seconds after waking. predictable. 2. a psychological _____. 1. an actual phenomenon in which two grammatical error committed sine waves that have equal in the attempt to correct or phons are heard as being avoid an imagined grammat- equally loud. 3. mark made by ical error, as in the float was burning a small portion of the


skin of a living human to _____. 1. a recurring fantasy create a permanent pattern. in which a loved one who has _____. 1. to go on a date with left returns, found often in a new person while still children of divorced parents. having sexually stimulating 2. theorems in quantum daydreams of the last person mechanics in which the you went on a date with. 2. a correct result is given in the second initiation of replica- first term of perturbation tion of DNA that begins theory. 3. an iridescent layer before the first initiation is of the choroid in the eyes of completed. nocturnal vertebrates that _____. 1. a network of lines reflects light back into the on a glass plate in a retina to increase the amount photographic telescope; the of light available to plate is used to place a photoreceptors, thus improv- reference grid on an ing night vision, though the astronomical image. 2. the resulting image is slightly temperature and pressure at blurred. which vapor, liquid, and solid _____. 1. the number that is phases of a substance are in doubled in a list of rankings thermodynamic equilibrium. when there is a tie for that 3. a pornographic videotape or position, as in the ranking 1, 2, DVD enjoyed for a period of 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. 2. to fail time longer than that of any when asked to draw a blank. intimate relationship you have _____. 1. an alumni magazine been in. of a mediocre school that _____. 1. a double-image continually boasts of the compound prism that performance of the faculty separates polarized or and students. 2. the illusion unpolarized light into two that a rubber hand or a real outgoing polarized beams at hand that is not yours, or that right angles from each other. even an entire body that is not 2. the prickling sensation that yours, is actually your hand or

accompanies the return of body. 3. a behavioral pattern

normal blood flow to a numb in which the running speed of limb. a rat in a maze increases as the


size of its reward increases. “Not your father’s assault _____. 1. to remove a term rifle.” 2. the illusion in which from its proper field of a brightly lit vertical bar reference and use it in a seems to move in the direction different field where its opposite to that in which the meaning is weakened, as in viewer’s head tilts; if the “I’m plagued with lady bugs” viewer’s head tilts to the right, or the popular character of the the bar appears to move to the Soup Nazi from the situation left. 3. the borderline between comedy Seinfeld. 2. a lateral a C+ and a B- grade. fusion that results in a _____. 1. a law in phonetics dicentric chromatid and an that asserts that if an aspirated acentric fragment. 3. to name consonant is followed in the a town after someone who next syllable by an aspirated never visited it, as in towns in consonant, the aspiration of the Midwestern United States (usually) the first consonant is named Franklin after Benja- canceled and it becomes a min Franklin. voiceless stop in Greek and a _____. 1. a visual illusion in voiced stop in Sanskrit. 2. a which straight parallel lines blurred photograph in which separating offset rows of the subject is still identifiable. black and while tiles are 3. an earthquake that produces perceived as being sloped, a reading on the Richter scale thus making the tiles appear but is not felt by people in the non-parallel. 2. the day after area. setting the clocks forward or _____. 1. the belief that your backward. body is disintegrating or has _____. 1. a detail you realize disintegrated and that you is important because you keep have lost your soul. 2. a range forgetting it. 2. to still feel of illusions affecting the sleepy despite having slept salesperson in the month after longer than usual during the he or she was Salesperson of night. the Month. _____. 1. a product promoted _____. 1. a meditation as “Not your father’s,” as in exercise that allows the “Not your father’s Buick” or meditator to recall past lives


and thus gain a clearer a product that had been understanding of his or her replaced by a “new and karmic thread. 2. a positive improved” version. 3. that and a negative ion that behave which you are supposed to as a single unit. 3. the think when you are told or maximum horizontal distance read that something “is not an that a pilot on the runway can object of thought.” see in either the direction of _____. 1. an advertising flier takeoff or the direction of for a national chain store in landing. 4. a drinking horn the supplements of the with a base in the form of the Sunday newspaper. 2. head of a woman, animal, or acronym for Basic Local mythological creature. Alignment Search Tool. 3. _____. 1. the difference in accurate, optimistic, but meaning produced when an unsettling advice or ellipsis is removed from a information, as in “Oh, your statement, as in “Work Zones cornea will grow back.” 4. a . . . Pay Attention All the person riding in the front Time” is changed to “Work passenger seat of a car who is Zones Pay Attention All the continually pressing imagin- Time.” 2. the belief that black ary gas and brake petals with holes play a creative role in his or her foot. the evolution of the universe, _____. 1. in psychology, the since matter absorbed by a law holding that the average black hole is then funneled out response time of an individual of a white hole in a different in word association tests section of space. 3. your first decreases as the overall stretch mark. number of test subjects giving _____. 1. a winding arranged a similar response increases. in a direct-current electric 2. isolated electric charges generator in which the field produced when two poor winding is in parallel with the electrical conductors rub armature winding in such a against each other. 3. to way that the armature current glance at a clock and be also supplies the field current. certain that the second hand’s 2. to reintroduce as “original” first movement was


backwards. _____. 1. a series of letters _____. 1. a person who reads that when presented as a word a book or enjoys a song only and as an acronym form a after it has become a bestseller critical comment on each or a hit. 2. another name for other, as in gaw (a furrow in surface soil, also known as the the ground, often one used for biomantle. 3. to take pennies drainage) and G. A. W. from a store’s penny cup in (guaranteed annual wage). 2. a order to pay with exact structural feature of a work of change. visual art that becomes more _____. 1. to put an ice cube in noticeable when the work as a hot coffee to quicken its whole is enlarged or shrunk in cooling to a more drinkable reproduction. 3. a wall shared temperature. 2. to crumple by contiguous structures. twenty-dollar bills just _____. 1. a standardized withdrawn from a bank document, such as a letter, machine so they will not stick with only minor changes together. made in the text as required by _____. 1. to rub your nose or the specific circumstances of wipe your mouth as a signal to its use. 2. a deviation in the someone that he or she needs performance of a routine to attend to a grooming issue. activity, such as putting the 2. to have only one type of right sock on before the left antibody. sock or taking two extra licks _____. 1. a compound word to get to the center of a that you can half-translate out Tootsie Roll Pop, unremarked of a foreign language, due to at the time of occurrence and part of the word being a remembered only later during cognate or near cognate of a the performance of another word in your native language. routine activity, such as 2. a nebulous patch of light in brushing your teeth. 3. a point the night sky that appears with minimum amplitude on a opposite the sun’s position, standing wave. 4. to accept tap

caused by sunlight reflecting water when filtered or bottled off material outside the water is unavailable. atmosphere. _____. 1. an optical illusion of


movement caused by the fungi and released by wind or aftereffect of looking at a still water to infect new hosts. 4. a point of an object moving in a mistake in cloning. constant direction, such as a _____. 1. a roadside mailbox waterfall, and then looking at whose door keeps falling a stationary object, which open. 2. to look for something seems to be moving in the misplaced or forgotten, as a direction opposite to that of tool or quotation in a book, the first object (upwards, in and to find it, but then to be this case). 2. a book that unable to remember why you begins on page 3. were looking for it. 3. a _____. 1. a person who spends nuclide in a radioactive series his or her life studying what in which each member decays another person did in his or into the next member. 4. the her life. 2. dust or sand raised spectrum of kinetic energy by the wind to a height less among various-sized eddies. than five feet off the ground. 5. the time between when it’s 3. a junior partner. dark enough to turn on your _____. 1. a person who headlights and when you accepts the Copenhagen actually turn them on. interpretation of quantum _____. 1. a piece of ambient mechanics, but who cannot music that you enjoy because state what country Copenhag- you can fall asleep listening to en is the capital of. 2. a it and feel especially specimen that is a duplicate or revitalized and focused upon very similar to the holotype waking. 2. plant tissue made and that can be used as a of indeterminate cells in the reference or replacement if the root tips that can divide holotype is lost or destroyed. indefinitely to produce the _____. 1. a threadbare tire specific tissues, such as kept as a spare. 2. to cheat on epidermis, vascular tissues, an exam by copying the and ground tissues. wrong answer from the person _____. 1. the time between the next to you. 3. infectious emission and the capture of a spores produced as part of the neutron that results in a fission reproductive cycle of rust reaction. 2. a dash, usually


three ems long, used to melodramatic events. separate items included under _____. 1. to take an a single newspaper heading. 3. unsuccessful course of action the blank or displaced feeling, based on a mistaken guess of not yet relief or surprise, when the meaning of a note that you you realize you are no longer wrote in an intentionally frightened or intimidated by messy handwriting so that no something, as when you see a one else could read it, and garter snake and do not jump which you cannot read when or when you change the ink you check to see what it was cartridge on the printer supposed to remind you of. 2. without first trying to get someone who takes his or her someone else to do it. shirt off before using the _____. 1. the member of the toilet. 3. to choose a sociopath particle-antiparticle pair pro- for a role model. duced in the vicinity of the _____. 1. to answer “no” to a event horizon of a black hole rhetorical question that you that falls into the black hole. 2. are supposed to answer “yes” an error of reading or writing to, as in “would you like to in which individual letters or win $50,000,000?” or “are letter sequences are read or you tired of fake dating?” 2. written in reverse order, as in the loss of security resulting p for t or pat for tab. 3. to from providing place holders suffer an injury while shadow in a software package so that boxing. pieces of ordinary program _____. 1. the dissociation of can be inserted later. oxygen molecules into _____. 1. to wonder whether a oxygen atoms brought about former boyfriend or girlfriend by ultraviolet or corpuscular is thinking of you. 2. dawn, radiation. 2. the uncoiling of midday, sunset, and midnight, polytene chromosomes to which comprise the four form loops. 3. to make tantric twilights. 3. to wear a t- circular skid marks on a shirt marked STAFF to an motorcycle at a stop sign. 4. event when you are not the tendency for “reality” working or volunteering at television shows to focus on that event.


_____. 1. the heat released or problems with speech absorbed when one mole of a development and language compound is formed from its comprehension and repetitive elements at constant pressure hand movements of a socially in their standard states. 2. to stereotyped nature. do nothing all day and still be _____. 1. someone who exhausted by evening. obsessively wipes surfaces to _____. 1. a circle drawn on the remove any fingerprints he or surface of the earth, such as she may have left on them. 2. the Tropic of Cancer or the an electronic oscillator using Arctic Circle, other than the the resonance of a equator. 2. a computer piezoelectric material to program that modifies its create an alternating electric input data to output data field with no frequency drift. useable in another program. 3. 3. a message on a telephone to move the observance of a answering machine that gives holiday from the day that is no information other than the anniversary of the holiday stating the number you have to another day, usually a reached. 4. a highly evolved Monday, judged more galaxy (also referred to as convenient for its observation. NGC 5866 or Messier 102) 4. a secondary immune with no obvious evidence of response. dust. _____. 1. the middle setting of _____. 1. a form of alternative a three-way light bulb. 2. the medicine that focuses on time when a program loaded breathing techniques to help onto a computer’s memory the patient come to terms with begins to run. 3. a person who the pains associated with the believes in archetypes. patient’s own birth; it has _____. 1. the moment halfway been known to result in the between the second and third patient’s death. 2. to remove a contact of a solar eclipse. 2. a cap from a bottle by using a genetic brain disorder in part of the body, such as the females that manifests back of the knee, armpit, or between 6 and 18 months of eye, not normally used for age; its symptoms include such an operation. 3. to


believe a person, place, or used to determine the identity event is real because it is in a of a species or an individual commercial. member of it. _____. 1. the balancing point _____. 1. the formula used to in a solid object or system of measure the effectiveness of a objects with different moving body in reducing air individual masses, around resistance to its motion, with which the object or system the body often observed at the will revolve. 2. prerecorded height of one to two meters off music played at barely audible the ground. 2. a person who levels in the passageways or tells intimate details of his or food court of a shopping mall. her life to strangers on mass _____. 1. a neural circuit that transit. 3. a theory according continues to respond after the to which most molecular original stimulus that evolution results from random activated it has ceased. 2. an genetic drift and mutation increase in the osmotic rather than positive selection. pressure of interstitial fluid 4. a compound of oxygen and caused by the depletion of one other element. fluid inside cells. 3. to make a _____. 1. an explanation generous offer you hope no meant to be minutely detailed one will accept. for absolute clarity, but that _____. 1. the final six lines of goes on so long people stop an Italian sonnet or the listening. 2. an error in couplet concluding an English numerical analysis caused by sonnet. 2. an instrument used truncating an infinite sum and to determine the purity of a replacing it with an transparent sample by approximating finite sum. 3. measuring the bending of to carry an umbrella on a day light (refraction) as it passes in which the forecast is “partly through the sample. 3. any cloudy.” locus in an organism’s _____. 1. to slow down as you genome where a gene or the approach a green light in DNA base sequence has a anticipation that it is about to known location on a turn yellow. 2. an institutional chromosome and thus can be policy that holds that only


statements to which everyone decreased mobility both in agrees are allowed to be voice. and among them. 3. a line 3. to use a contraceptive when made by a seam or border of a masturbating. garment worn beneath another _____. 1. a follow-up call. 2. garment and either pressed to change a product into the skin or out into the fit description from “unscented” of the outer garment. 4. the to “original scent.” use of enzymes to cut a _____. 1. the repair of neurons segment of DNA at specific in the peripheral nervous restriction sites. 5. another system damaged by injury or term for resource-holding disease so that a new potential. connection is formed to a _____. 1. two waves that previously innervated organ cancel each other out when or cell. 2. to remember an item added together. 2. the analysis in a list by using the item of apparent movement, immediately in front of the resulting from the discovery forgotten item as a cue. 3. to in Gestalt psychology that phi change the spelling of a word is not beta. 3. a male orgasmic for copyright purposes or to disorder in which the male form the name of a business, experiences orgasm and as in McRosatellite for ejaculation before or almost macrosatellite. 4. the increase immediately following penet- in information caused by a ration. change in vague terms, such _____. 1. to stop using an as from whosits to what’s-her- instrument of vocal name. communication, such as two _____. 1. the scanning pattern metal cans joined by a short of an electron beam in a string, once you realize you television or computer can hear the person talking to monitor screen. 2. to make a you without the aid of the metal or polymer stronger by instrument. 2. in a printed text, plastic dislocation; the more an asterisk before or after a dislocations produced in the word or phrase for which material, the more they there is no explanation at the interact, resulting in bottom of the page, or


definition elsewhere in the into a gas without its passing text, such as in an appendix. 3. through a liquid phase. 3. the a long-acting narcotic realization that you may be receptor antagonist that currently living life after blocks the action of opiates, death. both that of endorphins from _____. 1. to practice greeting within the body and those people when you are alone. 2. such as codeine and morphine to know the story or meaning ingested from outside the of a star or constellation’s body, including the euphoria name, but not to be able to they induce. 4. someone who find it in the night sky. does not believe in the _____. 1. the tendency of a subconscious mind. 5. an symptom to return in a more infrared rejection filter. pronounced form after the _____. 1. to name a discovery medication treating it is of a scientific fact or the withdrawn. 2. a cumulus invention of an artistic cloud that as it grows absorbs technique, or to have one a thinner patch of cloud just named after you, only to for it above its top. 3. an apparent to become clear later that the misprint more compelling name has also formed an than the probable intended ironic comment on the text, as in “the hair in your discovery or the person, as in noise.” 4. to remarry a person the Dumbbell Nebula you have divorced or been (implying lack of intelligence divorced by, without a in the discovery or discoverer) marriage to another person or dot-matrix analysis in intervening between the two genetics (implying a limited marriages. 5. a scab that gives time of relevance). 2. to set a great pleasure. liquid out so it can become _____. 1. divination based on room temperature. the sighs and movements of a _____. 1. a consensual reflex sleeping person, used to in which light shone into one suggest what actions the eye also causes the pupil of sleeper should take upon the other eye to constrict. 2. waking. 2. a visual illusion in the transformation of a solid which a viewer sees a ghost-


like shadow at the location before you can reach intersections of a grid of white the telephone. 3. another word lines on a black ground, for pseudonym. caused by both the on and off _____. 1. a menu that includes regions of the Center/Sur- only “large” and “extra large” round function of ganglion drinks. 2. a person who cells being stimulated; the develops only his or her Yang shadow disappears when energy and neglects Yin looked at directly. energy. 3. a calendar that _____. 1. the temperature at covers 18 months. which double-bonded DNA _____. 1. a set of 50 gray strands separate, with one papers, arranged in equal strand becoming randomly steps from white to black. 2. a oriented or separating off into repetitive tune or refrain that a single strand. 2. the belief you hum to yourself. 3. to that your natural parents are answer any question in such a only foster parents and that way that prolongs indecision, your “real” parents are more such as by saying, “It’s too distinguished or belong to a early to tell” or “Ask me again higher socioeconomic class. later.” 4. a solution that has a 3. a two-terminal component lower concentration of present in an electrical circuit dissolved particles than some to limit the flow of current to other solution. one or more other _____. 1. the inability to make components. 4. to use a an obscene gesture, due to pleasant odor to reduce the lacking the part of the body intensity of an unpleasant one. used in making the gesture, as _____. 1. a stunt double in the inability to show noticeably different in someone your middle finger appearance from the actor because it has been supposedly performing the amputated. 2. individual action. 2. a computer- words or bits of dialog not generated telephone call made translated in a dubbed film. 3. to several telephone numbers a spot on a wall, usually of a at once that is answered by lighter shade of the same color someone at a different as the rest of the wall, where


an artwork, photograph, or placeholder. 2. an some other object has been onomatopoetic term for static. removed. _____. 1. a weak acid known _____. 1. the elemental only in solution. 2. to begin a proportions of a chemical statement of highest praise or compound that violates the a definitive claim with a law of definite proportions, modifying phrase, such as since they cannot be “Perhaps” or “In some ways,” represented as the ratio of as in “Perhaps the greatest integers. 2. to dial the area threat confronting us” or “In code when making a some ways his greatest work.” telephone call that does not 3. the sensation of falling that require the area code. 3. an wakes you up just as you’re action that includes as part of going to sleep. its unreached goal a diluted _____. 1. a blind person who variation of the action that can keeps his or her eyes open, be fulfilled immediately, as in rather than shut. 2. a method to pray that your prayer is of mathematical equation- effective. solving in which you form an _____. 1. a mixture of liquids approximation of the answer whose composition is before actually working the unchanged when boiled and equation. condensed. 2. a sudden and _____. 1. a window display apparently randomly occur- showing varieties of only one ing surge of anxiety at the commercial product, as of realization that most of your plumbing pipes or shoes. 2. a vital bodily functions— mental disorder in which a heartbeat, digestion, kidney person develops a delusion function, and so on—are similar to a delusion already almost totally out of your held by an associate. 3. an conscious control. 3. an electrical circuit in which an umbrella that turns itself inductor and a capacitor are in inside out in little or no parallel and can function as a breeze. resonator. 4. a prion disease _____. 1. zero considered as a that reached epidemic levels number, rather than a among the Fore people of


New Guinea, resulting from visible fall of rain that eating the infected brain of a evaporates as it falls and does deceased relative; early not hit the ground. symptoms included slurred _____. 1. a period of time, speech, and the victim ranging from two nights to an eventually died in a comatose entire lifetime, during which a state. 5. a decision made by person experiences normal administrators once one of the REM sleep patterns, but is options is determined to be unable to recall any dreams he acceptable, rather than or she had. 2. a process that because it is the best. results in the elimination of a _____. 1. the errors in a text magnetic field. missed by a proof reader due _____. 1. to need a to the incompatible levels of to help you remember your attention required to check list of . 2. the meaning and spelling at the liquid that remains after same time. 2. to like a food crystallization. 3. to be too until you learn what its exhausted to fall asleep. ingredients actually are, as _____. 1. noise spikes of large enjoying steak tartare until amplitude, usually lasting one you are told that the meat is second or less. 2. the universe raw ground steak. 3. an considered as the totality of all impossible figure based on a possible measurements that staircase in the form of a can be made in all possible continuous loop that fields of investigation. apparently rises endlessly. 4. a shadow cast by moonlight. _____. 1. the lowered ability to remember the last items in a list, caused by the presence of further items that do not need to be memorized. 2. the emotional dissociation brought on by meeting four or more of your potential mate’s friends at the same time. 3. a


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