IPSOS VIEWS UNDERSTANDING SOCIETY A WOMAN’S WORLD Foreword Editorial: Alex Bollen Jessica Bruce Anne Esser Olivia Ryan Information www.ipsos-mori.com
[email protected] Follow @IpsosMORI Foreword Welcome to A Woman’s World, good data can contribute to policies 13. 25. the latest edition of Ipsos MORI Social and programmes that make a tangible 03. Research Institute’s Understanding difference to women’s lives. There’s Women and work: Gender equality: Society. much more that needs to be done, but Foreword Closing the gap in Australia It matters for men too Gender equality benefits everyone, we should be inspired by what’s possible by Kelly Beaver not just women; it’s the necessary to provide a platform so that women’s Kathrina Phan, Jessica Elgood Nigina Abaszadeh foundation for a peaceful, prosperous voices can be heard and we can achieve and sustainable world. a more prosperous and equal society 04. But to work towards achieving for all. equality, we need to truly understand We are committed to understanding Leading change: 16. 28. the realities of women’s lives. In this society through the social and economic Corporate Diversity Lets talk about sex! An interview with the edition of Understanding Society we research we conduct in the belief that Responsibility: Hon Julia Gillard …but only if you're married therefore bring together a collection of this leads to better politics, policy and Building better businesses articles, based on our research with a practice. If you would like to discuss any Kelly Beaver Sunny Sharma diverse range of women all around the of the research here, please get in touch.