Spirit of Cotton' Color Bar to End Formally in Sept
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<;'.N c , ’.tototo- ■-ri. ¡••A-r P ■•.-toy _ - i- ' 'i? ■■ g I . ... i. WILL REIGN AS JUBILEE ROYALTY WEEK-END EDITION ' ¡'to“; •; Speech Of -toï-.X ■■ e ■■ ■ '1 Cong.Dawson h- .. ; ».»■ . «i- -.’r'ij WASHINGTON, D. C. — (NNPA) 1 tofÄto&Ä — In a letter to his constituents. Representative Sidney R. Yates, De 0— g '•n- 5-^3 mocrat. of Illinois, highly praised ii Í A ME B.ICA*S STAN BAR.D R.ACE a ov ' ' ' i'vi the speech of Representative Wil liam -L. Dawson opposing the Win stead organization amendment Í VOLUME 19, NUMBER 89 i MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951 PRICE SIX CENTS si y ... ’ .*• ' : which the House knocked out of ' 'e tototoi the dralt-Universal Military Train i ing bill before approving that mea- iÿ-v 7': »'’V ■ i|, sure last April 13. .W.. 7»' The Winstead amendment, au 5 .-’-Z li thored by Representative Arthur VS . Winstead, Democrat, of Mississippi, ;<< I would have given inductees into the 77; armed services the right to choose K to serve only in segregated units. ;X '«r-X 1 “For sheer drama and deep emo ■ ■■ tional Impact, there have been few moments in the House of Represen tatives to compare with that created & by the speech made last Thursday (April 13)’’ by Mr. Dawson, a fel low Chicagoan, Mr. Yates said. Children's Bureau Seeking Homes For He told his constituents that the Kyle, Bearden Switched; House had been debating the draft- Fisk Receives ÿ >•3 TJMT bill for over a week and had Cute Little "Tykes" Like This One under consideration the amendment Fountain Commissioned 7 offered by Representative Melvin Price, Democrat, also of Illinois, to ATLANTA, GEORGIA. -(SNS1- Collection Of S strike the Winstead provision out of Sweeping changes which had the effect of. a wholesale the measure. shakeup in the pulpits and on the districts of Georgia's sixth Epis * ‘iS After quoting Mr. Dawson’s brief Art Works $ speech in its entirety, Mr. Yates copal district, were made Friday, when AME Bishop Sherman L. ■■■■• - '■■ i Said; "The impression made by the Greene: NASHVILLE. Tenn.—Dr. Ctiarles speecH was electrifying. Only the First, assigned Dr William A. pal District into Georgia. S. Johnson. Fisk University Presi Representatives from the deep Fountain, Jr., deposed president of These far-reaching changes dent, announced at a press con* i . South refused to support thé Price Crowned King and Queen of the pot. Morris Brown college, to the post of gether with approximately 19 other ference last..L . weekwvaAIv thatILrG thefLb ;1 TTUn}->mIw r amendment and it ' carried by a Cotton Makers Jubilee, for 195! were ■ Queen Ollie Brown Dortch, 27, is Commissioner of Education in Geor pulpit changes, were made at a one- versity received on loan from the 1( large majority.” Johnson Saulberry and Mrs. Ollie wife of William Dortch cud the mo gia» da y session of Presiding Elders, Pas Metropolitan Museum of . Ar4,..jtt-. .■■■' ’Hie Fisk University Club of Wash Brown - Dortch. Wednesday night, ther'of an eight-month-old son, Second, removing Dr. V. Kyle’from tors and laymen at the Allen Tem collection ' of art works* valued .at l |fe - ington commended Mr. Dawson on April 18, at Club Del Moroco, 234 Gregory. She is a native Memphian; the pastorate of the Big Bethel ple AME Church, Rev. R. H. Port $500,000. The collection wlU gpsffifesS W his speech. Ini a letter to Mr. Daw Hernando Street. educated in New York, having com A. M. E. Church, and in his stead, er, host pastor. display during Fisk’s andto4;:,toA son,.Thomas ,U. Foster, president of The Royal characters will be for pleted two years at New York Uni assigning the Rev.- H. I. Bearden to . In a swift series of other actions, Spring Festival of Music adct'.*Ai|Si4j h . the club said: mally crowned Wednesday night, versity, and also a year in an art the state’s biggest station; Bishop Greene, made the following The loan Includes palnttogsifis^ ■ "We heartily commend you for May 9, at Booker T Washington academy in New York. She is a Third, demoting several from other appointments: sculptured works, wood, carving,-. - : your courageous and challenging Stadium, following the twilight pa member of Oliver Baptist church, Presiding Elders to itinerant preach WHERE THEY GO and ceramic works. It Is the result’ words of wisdom in calling upon rade. a Daughter Elk and the Homemak ers, and Dr. J. N. Miller, Presiding Elder of two years of negotlatlon3^^>'s your fellow Congressmen to end ’di King Johnson Saulsberry, 29, is er's. Club. , ’ Fourth, transferring some minis of Macon District. twen the University and" MetronOrKi vision by color” and strive to bring veteran of World War II, with two Other members of the Royal Court ters from Alabama’s Ninth Episco- Dr. W. A. Fonalaln, Jr., deposed litan officials culminating', in yii11 to reality a true and living democ years overseas duty. He was edu arc: Amos Terrell. Prince Regent; president Commission of Education. Museum offIclals decision to ShUtf racy in this oür beloved country. cated in the city schdpls of Mem Doris Jean Lee, Lady in Waiting; W. H. Hall, Sparta Station. their art with- oilier cities, “We hail you as a real statesman phis having graduated from Booker George Mims Prince; and Emma C. ■ Newsboy Meeting Dr. S. C. Thornton, St. James, Young. Princess. Theme of the exhibition ' ttt thlf. and a fellow alumnus of character T. Washington high school; and Savannah, Ga. Ilf a '^4*'tom aw ae< ' • completing two years of work at Serving as chairmail and Co- All Memphis World Newsboys life of man as seen in - varibUS- and distinction." and Agents are urgently request Dr II I Bearden, Big Bethel countries from the 10th4 Wttufrt. Mississippi Industrial College, Holly Chairman cf the Adult King and AME, Atlanta. Springs, Miss, Queen Selection Committee are: ed to be preseiit at their month:- B. c. to the present. Am0ng*tIws' ly meeting, this Saturday April . Rev. J. S. Roddy, St. Paul, San ancient wbrks ate a statuetti'-df . Lt. Owens Returns He is a member of Beulah Bapt. Mr. Spencer M. Smith. 1950 King; dersville, Ga. church and a Mason. Saulsberry is and Miss L. DeLois Coleman, 1949 28, at 1 p. m. Plans will, be dis an Egyptian, scribe, the dreqk employed at the Memphis Army De- Queen. cussed regarding our Second Dr. T J. Davis, St. Paul Atlanta. ideal of female beauty, .and a-Chi» To Civilian Life Big Circulation . Contest - which Dr/J. W. Dennis, Presiding El nese huddah in conteaq^MWf) . will run until June 28, 20th An der,. Cuthbert District. From the middle ages, are two Gdi to niversary date of this newspaper. Dr. C. W. Calller, Presiding Elder thlc saints carved in wood.''Iran' Blakley District. more recent periods ' art Rev. H. W. Bradwell, Donovan Sta Portrait of a Dutch A Spirit Of Cotton' Back To Service On tion. By ;BILLIE OCKLEBERRY of their problems cannot; he told to Rembrandt, a porti Dr. A A. Hightower, St. Mark, Short Duty Chore Ctiteto.;,,kcuudlesonie . lovable just one paient. ■ mln Franklin, by Atlanta ’ ■ • iOritarestlng’ and . what a , Dad must bo the -provider , . Duplessis,.' and Por Dr. D. T. Babcock, Presiding treat! Wfiai a. stimulating: treat to because Mom, Cannot be employed in «rmo* to Karel Elder, West Atlanta District. jmvfc;lifc.®^.,!aL4th^iho)tie. ’Have outside th.e; humc- Anrl, , he rpu^t D_- JoUnson,? Prestdinp jw- ever 'thduBhtfaSoiit-. having 'ii have a’sufficient Income to support attend the formal opening of. th» Elder. ’Eatonton District. Child ranging in ago from one dav his star boarder. From this volun Dr. II. II. Hookes, St. Paul, Valdos .to seventeen years’ in your home exhibit April 28. The’ exhibitwill' tary act comes no profit. continue to the middle of' Aughstf ta, Ga. for a certain period? Who wouldn't? Are you able to work under the' Dr. A. R. Cooper, Milledgeville Children in this age category could supervision of another? Fine, be Station bring sunshine and Joy. into tlie cause the Bureau and you will have Dr A O. Wilson, Stewart Chapel hearts ol tiie occupants of any a lot of' common interests to-ex-' . Miks Ernestine Jones, show aired every morning over Macon, Ga home. pound. You two will guide your Article On YWCA "SPIRIT OF COTTON,” has made CBS net work and heard locally Dr. D. V. Kyles, Trinity Station, Would, you like to share in good child to greater heights her triumphal return from a suc through WREC. Atlanta. fortune Aith the Children's Bureau? Perhaps one of the main things Omitted Name^dB Other interviews included guest Rev S M Peck, Mt. Zion, Way Its easy, if you’re willing to place cessful trip to several Eastern cities cross, Ga to remember is that none of these as well.as key centers of the Mid appearances with Ruth 1Crane, another's happiness above your children are up for' adoption. Every Rev W P Foley, transferred to own; opening your home tempor 2 Staff Members 7 west and South. She was accom former president of the Women child has a chance to have a home ‘ ■ to • " ■ '"■toto'-tto’ Ninth Episcopal District. arily to a child with outstretched if that home can offer n reasonable panied ’.on the , trip by Mrs. Ethel Commentators of America over Rev Sinclair Williams, Smith Two staff members at Vance. Vensoii,'. chaperone; ’ and wife of, WMAL-TV, Washington, D. C.; arms and an abundant love and amount of happiness. > understanding . such may be Your reward? The child that you Avenue YWCA were omitted-in-' the Executive Director of the Cot Buddy Dean, former WHHM disc (Continued on back page) advertently from the list appearing jockey now with Baltimore’s WITH; yours.