March 2000 D S O F N Volume 4 Number 1 E T For any inquiries contact: I H Cont. R An Update from the Collections E Timothy J. Johnson, Curator F that others present had that same feel- time will be spent mapping out the 612-624-3552 or ing and that through all of our work at exact locations of collections in the
[email protected] Minnesota we will continue the spirit underground caverns, refining new reg- and service of Shaw and his collection. istration and request procedures, orient- ing ourselves to the new location, Sherlock Holmes Collections There were other memorable moments arranging new photocopy services, and Suite 111, Elmer L. Andersen Library Sherlock Holmes during that January weekend, reported generally getting services and ourselves University of Minnesota on these pages and elsewhere, and now settled. At the same time we're busy 222 21st Ave. S. COLLECTIONS Minneapolis, MN 55455 we find ourselves back in Minnesota on getting the Hubbs Family cataloging “Your merits should be publicly recognized” (STUD) the eve of the opening of the new Elmer project underway. Soon new catalog Telephone: 612-624-7526 L. Andersen Library. There have been a entries will appear in the online catalog FAX: 612-626-9353 few delays in the moves of the many for the Holmes Collections, a catalog units into the new building, but all that that will grow over the next three years. Timothy J. Johnson, Curator The Adventure of the Acephalous Agronomist work is quickly coming to an end and Contents BY PETER BLAU, B.S.I.