
Aquatic Invasions (2007) Volume 2, Issue 3: 215-242 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3391/ai.2007.2.3.8 Open Access

© 2007 The Author(s) Journal compilation © 2007 REABIC

Research Article

Trends of aquatic alien invasions in

Boris Alexandrov1*, Alexandr Boltachev2, Taras Kharchenko3, Artiom Lyashenko3, Mikhail Son1, Piotr Tsarenko4 and Valeriy Zhukinsky3 1Odessa Branch, Institute of Biology of the Southern , National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU); 37, Pushkinska St, 65125 , Ukraine 2Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas NASU; 2, Nakhimova avenue, 99011 , Ukraine 3Institute of Hydrobiology NASU; 12, Geroyiv Stalingrada avenue, 04210 Kiyv, Ukraine 4Institute of Botany NASU; 2, Tereschenkivska St, 01601 Kiyv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] (BA), [email protected] (AB), [email protected] (TK, AL), [email protected] (PT) *Corresponding author

Received: 13 November 2006 / Accepted: 2 August 2007


This review is a first attempt to summarize data on the records and distribution of 240 alien species in , and marine water areas of Ukraine, from unicellular algae up to . A checklist of alien species with their , synonymy and with a complete bibliography of their first records is presented. Analysis of the trends of alien species introduction, present ecological status, origin and pathways is considered.

Key words: alien species, ballast water, Black , distribution, invasion, Sea of

introduction of plants and to new areas Introduction increased over the ages. From the beginning of the 19th century, due to The range of organisms of different taxonomic rising technical progress, the influence of man groups varies with time, which can be attributed on nature has increased in geometrical to general processes of phylogenesis, to changes progression, gradually becoming comparable in in the contours of land and sea, forest and dimensions to climate impact. deserts, to elevation and isolation of mountains, In the past, even when aquatic ‘stepping to changes in water bodies and water flows. stones’ existed across , very often These historical activities may be enhanced negative environmental factors created natural slackened under global climate changes. obstacles hindering the spread of different Continental drift, the elevation and lowering of species of aquatic bacteria, fungi, plants and large areas of the , the origin and trans- animals. For example water serves as a formation of , inner -seas have led to barrier impeding the entry of hydrobionts from the formation on the Earth, in the Paleocene and the Mediterranean to the and Sea of Neocene periods of isolated water bodies with Azov. However, aquatic habitats with distinct flora and fauna. As a result of active of 5-26‰ similar to the Black Sea and therefore geological processes and global climate changes suitable for brackish organisms are widely (especially in the glacial age) a natural shift and distributed on the Earth (Vinogradov 1986). transformation of fauna occurred. However, with Thus as these areas are geographically isolated, the origin of man and with the progress of spread by man can lead to successful civilization including extensive travel, the colonization of new comers. So the Black Sea

215 Alexandrov et al. has high risk in naturalization of exotic species coastal shelf especially close to river in comparison with other areas of world . and large cities. These changes in the trophic Once the natural obstacle can be overcome, status of the sea led to a decline in biological species can spread over a new territory and diversity (losses of immunity due to a reduction expand its range. Often this occurs with the help in the number of predators) the freeing of of intentional or accidental human introductions. ecological niches and their occupation by highly As an example of accidental introduction productive alien species (Alexandrov and Zaitsev (simultaneously with intentional introduction of 1998). valuable species) data can be obtained that of the Of all the lacustrine states in the Black Sea 36 species brought to the Black Sea from the basin, Ukraine, due to its physical-geographic USA, only 4-6 have been applied in fisheries and position and economic development, has all the in angling and 10 for aquarium . The rest, conditions necessary for becoming the main which penetrated into natural water bodies, are testing area for control the introduction of to some degree dangerous for aboriginal fauna aquatic alien species. (Zaitsev and Ozturk, 2001). The most common The aim of this paper is to illustrate, with the way of accidental introduction of new species is help of data from the literature, the chronology via ocean-going that transfer organisms of biological invasions of freshwater, brackish through natural barriers. According to the and marine species in Ukraine ranging from International Marine Organisation (IMO) 80% of unicellular algae to fish, with synonyms world cargoes are transported by shipping. included. Annually, about 85 000 ships carry 3-10 billion tons of ballast water in which more than 3,000 species of algae, and fish have been Methodology recorded (IMO Bulletin 1998). The dispersal of species is accompanied by a All species of aliens can be divided into two simultaneous decrease in native species diversity groups: in the entire biosphere and in separate locations 1) Distant aliens – species which never unifying the genetic fund of the planet. The previously inhabited the Black Sea–Azov successful inevitably leads to basin, In other words these have a different heavy competition squeezing out weaker often origin, and were introduced into the water native species, resulting in a decline of bodies of Ukraine unintentionally or biological diversity (Convention on Biological intentionally with human help. Diversity: June 5, 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). 2) Neighbouring aliens – inhabitants of the The Black Sea – as a brackish water basin, Black Sea – Azov basin, or adjacent areas semi-isolated from the has expanding by chance within Ukranian waters been closely studied for biological invasions. or with spread accelerated by human activities Not only has a high of alien species (this is mostly freshwater species). been established – more than 140 – but also their substantial impact on the marine Alien species have subsequently been grouped (Gomoiu et al. 2002; Alexandrov 2004) is into four categories namely casual, invasive, evident. The invasion of the comb jelly established and cryptogenic (questionable). leidyi Agassiz, 1865 was characte- rized as an ecological disaster (GESAMP 1997).  Casual: In this paper alien is used in the The risk of entry of alien organisms into the sense of CIESM: Alien species are identified Black Sea has been promoted by the dredging of as having been recorded only once (no more shipping channels. These include the - than twice for fishes) in the scientific Main- , connecting the Black and literature: they are presumed to be not North Seas in 1836, and the - Canal established in a river basin. connecting it with the in 1952. http://www.ciesm.org/online/atlas/index.htm An important factor simplifying the natura-  Invasive: These are the lization of alien species in the Black Sea is the that, having overcome biotic and abiotic instability of its ecosystem. Wide scale barriers, can propagate away from their area , observed first in the northwestern of initial introduction through the production sea in the early 1970s, spread almost all over the of fertile offspring without any reference to

216 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

impact (Richardson et al. 2000). In many The largest rivers of the Black Sea (Danube, definitions the term invasive is also , Dniester) make up more than 50% of considered as established species which are the total river runoff into the Black Sea agents of change and threaten native (Nikolaenko and Reshetnikov 1991), and their biological diversity (IUCN 2002) or as catchments create a zone of maximum biological species that threaten the diversity or productivity in most of the shelf of Ukraine. In abundance of native species, the ecological total, Ukraine has about 73,000 rivers. The stability of infested , economic highest number are present in the western activities dependent on these ecosystems mountainous area including the Dniester and and/or human health (EPA 2001). It is in this Danube basins. The density of the river network last meaning that the term IAS (Invasive there is 1–1.5 km/km2. In the , rivers are Alien Species is used here). relatively rare, with many areas lacking natural  Established (: naturalized): These water flow. The density of the Crimean river include an introduced or feral population of networks is 0.22 km/km2. a species. Species established in the wild The continental waters of the Ukraine pertain with free-living, self-maintaining and self- to two of the largest zoogeographical areas, i.e. perpetuating populations unsupported by and Palearctic and Ponto-Caspian brackish areas independent of humans (European (Starobogatov 1970). The Palearctic includes Commission 2004). North and Northwest . Within the  Cryptogenic species are species with no boundaries of Ukraine, there are two zoogeo- definite evidence of their native or graphic provinces: the Baltic and Danube-Don. introduced status according to Carlton The former includes the rivers of the Visla basin (1996). Species whose probable introduction and Shatskie . The Ponto-Caspian area has occurred prior to 1800, i.e. has not been includes the Caspian Sea, limans and the lower witnessed, have also been included in our reaches of the rivers of the Black and Azov Seas. compiled list. Often these species are According to some data a number of relict lakes excluded from lists of aliens or included in Macedonia, Greece, Italy, , Iraq, Central among the established ones. In this review and Western , i.e. we considered it best to separate them. coast and Minor (Wilke et al. 2007) should be included. The Crimean peninsula could be included in Physical and Geographical Features the Ponto-Caspian area. Up until the 20th century it lacked the relict Ponto-Caspian fauna as zoogeographically it is not a peninsula, but an Among the Black Sea countries Ukraine has the island and its isolation from the lower basins of longest shoreline – 4,431 km making up 36.7% the Dnieper and Don occurred before the of the total (Shujskiy 1989). introduction of Ponto-Caspian fauna. The Crimea Ukraine has the greatest shelf area as opposed can actually be considered to be a faunal isolate to its territorial waters (to 200m isobaths), equal of the European-Siberian subarea of Palearctic. to 55,750 km2 or 57% of the total Black Sea However, the Crimean hydrofauna contains a shelf (Zaitsev 1992). number of Asian elements. The Crimea itself was The dense indentations of the shore line and never considered in large zoogeographical the high number of water body types (, classifications (Figure 1). bays, embayments, limans, lakes) provide various habitats for aquatic organisms. These aquatic habitats are of varying salinity (0.2-300 Results and Discussion ‰), depth (0.8-36.0 m), substrate and vegetation (Zaitsev and Alexandrov 1998). Ukraine has 17 On the base of collected information 169 species large limans with a total area of 1952 km2, 8 of distant aliens and 71 neighbouring aliens have bays –1770 km2, 19 coastal wetlands – 6350 km2 been registered in aquatic areas of the Ukraine (Conservation. 2003). A is the former (Annex). Check-list of aquatic alien species of mouth of a river now covered with sea water. Ukraine have been compiled according to This definition is very close to a , but as a available data published before May 2007. For tide-less sea, the Black Sea does not have this reason some recent data are not included in estuaries. the results of our investigations. For example,

217 Alexandrov et al.

this includes information about distant (mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bath, 1968, golden goby xanthocephalus Heymer and , 1992; Syngnathus acus Linnaeus, 1758; chameleon goby Tridentiger trigonocephalus Gill, 1859) and neighbouring (bleak Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus, 1758; carp C. carpio; pike lucius Linnaeus, 1758; goby Gobius ophiocephalus var. Ninni 1938; black goby G. niger jozo Linnaeus, 1758; ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus Linnaeus, 1758; chub Leuciscus cephalus Smitt, 1895; sand goby Neogobius fluviatilis fluviatilis Pallas, 1814; N. gymnotrachelus Kessler, 1857; N. melanostomus Pallas 1811; Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758; tubenose goby Figure 1. Ukrainian part of the Black Sea. Pallas, 1814; rodeus Rhodeus sericeus amarus Berg, 1949; roach rutilus Linnaeus, 1758) alien species in coastal and inland water of Crimea that have been firstly registered during 2002-2006 (Boltachev еt al. 2007).

Analysis of distant species registration In relation to salinity many of the encountered species are brackish organisms encountered both in the sea and in freshwater bodies. However, 59% of the registered species were attributed to the coastal ecosystem of the Black and Azov seas, 29% to brackish and 16% to freshwater areas. Most of the distant alien species (23 Figure 2. Ratio between main categories of distant alien species of fish) were registered in the period species: 1 - Established (naturalized), 2 – Invasive, 3 – Casual, 4 – Cryptogenic. Total number of distant alien species from the beginning of 1950 to 1975 due to wide is 169. scale introduction of valuable varieties of fish in the water bodies of Ukraine and neighboring countries (Russian, , ). Of the number of aliens observed in that period, 44% relate to introductions. However, of the above mentioned 23 fish species brought to Ukraine, only 4 species became naturalized. These were able to reproduce in new conditions without the help of man. These species include spotted silver carp A. nobilis, silver carp H. molitrix and grass carp C. idella among the freshwater hydrobionts and haarder L. haematocheila in the marine species (see Annex). The process of successful introduction is linked with a number of biological, physical and chemical factors which at present cannot be accurately forecasted. Of the total number of Figure 3. Main sources of alien species introduction into registered species of distant aliens, only 30% (or Ukrainian waters: 1 – Ponto-Caspian, 2 – Atlantic, 3 – SE 50 species) were naturalized, and today are part Asia, 4 – N America, 5 – Other, 6 – Indo-Pacific, 7 – , 8 – Atlantic, 9 – Indo-pacific, 10 – Atlantic Pacific, 11 – of the food web of Ukranian aquatic ecosystems Pacific, 12 – Holarctic. able to support their populations. Almost half of

218 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

the species (41% or 69 species) were discovered no more than twice and in small amounts, and that is why they are placed in the casual category (Figure 2). In total, most of the registered number recorded in Ukranian water bodies are distant aliens (Figure 3), with the majority of the species being either planktonic or fouling organisms (Figure 4). This confirms the key role of shipping in transferring aliens. Usually, benthic animals entered Ukranian water bodies as result of ships’ hull fouling. The maximum number of recorded aliens occurred before the early 1970s (Figure 5). It is possible to explain the subsequent Figure 4. Ratio of life forms of distant alien species decline due to the widespread introduction of (biological composition of distant alien species of Ukrainian hull antifouling coatings. For example, in the aquatic ecosystems): 1 – , 2 – Fouling, 3 – , 4 – Nekton, 5 – Parasites. 1970s, the overwhelming majority of ships’ hulls were coated with tributyltin (TBT), which protected the hulls from fouling for 18 to 24 months. Since then the number of cases of recorded planktonic organisms invasions has risen, due to ballast water exchange in tanker fleets (see Figure 5). The total tonnage of tankers in the 1980s made up 42% of the world total and determined their priority in cargo turnover (Marine encyclopedic reference. 1986). Since 1973, subsequent to the adoption of MARPOL -73/78, a measure to prevent pollution from ships, conditions for survival of hydro- bionts in ballast tanks were much better due to isolation from oil products. This was another reason why the probability of transferring planktonic hydrobionts to new ecosystems has Figure 5. Biological structure of distant alien species increased. introduced into Ukrainian aquatic ecosystems: 1 – fish, 2 - When characterizing the long-term dynamics phytoplankton, 3 – , 4 – zoobenthos. of alien introduction records into Ukranian water bodies, two maxima have been noted (Figure 6). One of them, in the 1960-1970s, is connected with the introduction of fish in freshwater bodies and also with the establishment of new marine ports, increasing the risk of the introduction of aliens into the Black Sea. The second maximum has been recorded since the beginning of the new millenium and can be explained by two factors. On one hand, it can be explained by a large increase in ballast water transportation especially by the fleet. On the other hand, there also has been a rise in scientific interest into the problems of biological pollution in the world’s oceans resulting in a more comprehensive study of its biological structure. This can be illustrated by the increasing number of publications in the Figure 6. Long-term changes in distant alien species introduction . electronic abstract version of ASFA. In the past

219 Alexandrov et al.

dispersed in the Ponto-Caspian basins. A small part moved up the Dnieper to the mid Dnieper – Danube province. Another fraction was introdu- ced into northwestern Ukraine (Baltic province) and the Crimea. The Annex illustrates some species introduced into the upper Dnieper cascade from North Europe. These species are characteristic of the Baltic province. If the Ukrainian water bodies of the Baltic basin were closely studied, they would have most likely have been found there. Probably, these species entered the Dnieper basin through a system of

channels connecting it with the Baltic. In this Figure 7. Dynamics of scientific publications on invasive case, if are not taken into consideration, species. Source: Cambridge Scientific Abstract; key words 1 – then the introduction is similar to that in Annex “invasions”, 2 – “alien species”. 2 (nearby aliens). Separate attention is necessary to focus on aquarium species. Subsequent introductions to waterbodies may occur unintentionally when emptying aquariums. One of the famous examples is killer algae Caulerpa taxifolia (M. Vahl) C. Agardh, 1817 that penetrated into Mediterranean coastal ecosystems from the aquarium of Monaco Oceanographic Institute. Most of the cultivated species in aquaria are of tropical or subtropical origin. As a rule, they survive in natural conditions of the area under study, being sensitive to lower temperatures. However, in the warm season they are encountered close to populated areas. Examples are aquarium fish like guppies and platies encountered episodically in the Dnieper Basin (Novitskij 2005), and piranha discovered in the summer, 2006, in Lake Kasyanka (Dnieper Basin) near Dnepropetrovsk. At present this Figure 8. Ratio between main categories of neighbouring invasion is being studied by specialists from alien species: 1 - Established (naturalized), 2 – Invasive, 3 – Dnepropetrovsk National University (R. Casual. Total number of nearby alien species is 71. Novitskij, personal communication). However, some of the aquarium species are able to form long-term populations in artificial water bodies (in cooling ponds) – Ampullaria decade the number of publications on alien sp., Biomphalaria glabrata Say, 1818, species and invasion has increased by 6-7 times Melanoides tuberculata Müller, 1774; or even in (Figure 7). the natural biotopes of most southern of Due to more intense biological studies in Ukraine – sowerbyi Lankester Ukraine the list of alien species was extended 1880, Ferrissia fragilis Tryon, 1863), Physella adding marine fungi – 7 species, infusorians – 6, heterostropha (Say, 1817) (Protasov et al. 1981, parasites – 3 and unarmored Dynophyta – 11 Son 2007a). species (see Annex). Due to the study of new It is evident that most of the aquarium species previously un-studied systematic groups, 3% (or of the populations formed in open water bodies 5 species) of the aliens discovered were placed are functional species (bloodfluke planorb in the category “Cryptogenic” (see Figure 2) B. glabrata, pewter physa Ph. heterostropha) The greatest numbers of distant species of and not cultivated decorative species which clean freshwater hydrobionts were introduced and the aquarium of “aquarium weeds“ entering from

220 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

one aquarium to another with sediments or plants (red-rimmed melania M. tuberculata, freshwater C. sowerbyi Lankester 1880, freshwater limpet F. fragilis. All of these species have very a high fertility rate. The aquarium species of gastropods have asexual reproduction (Son 2007a). These specific ecological properties facilitate successful introductions.

Analysis of neighbouring alien records The main feature of neighbouring species, which differentiate them from distant species is the high percentage of naturalized species present – 90% (Figure 8), and also the fact that most of the Figure 9. Ratio of life forms of neighbouring alien species in species records (68%) pertain to benthic Ukrainian aquatic ecosystems: 1 – Plankton, 2 – Fouling, 3 – organisms (Figure 9). The chronology of Benthos, 4 – Nekton. introducing species shows that their penetration into the water bodies of the Ukraine was linked with the wide scale melioration in 1950s, due to the withdrawal of runoff from the largest rivers of the Black Sea basins for agriculture purposes. The subsequent introduction of hydrobionts in the late 1950s was not comparable in scale with the previous one (Figure 10). The dominant neighbouring species originated as Ponto- Caspian relicts, which due to the artificial integration of river systems have widespread in the Black – Azov sea basin (Figure 11). When considering neighbouring aliens, cases of species introduction from adjacent biogeographically areas, such as the Ponto-

Caspian into the European - Siberian area Figure 10. Long-term changes of neighbouring alien species introduction into Ukrainian aquatic ecosystems. through the cascade and inner waters of Crimea, should be of first priority. It is quite clear that first of all many freshwater, brackish Ponto-Caspian relicts were introduced, which were lacking previously from the European – Siberian sub-area. Hydrobionts were able to overcome the zoogeographical along the Dneiper river bed after the removal of the barrier between Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporozhie following construction of a dam in Kichkas and after activating river shipping, dredging channels, setting up a reservoirs and after intentional introductions. This led to further distribution in the European-Siberian sub area: mid Dnieper (from it to the Don, then into the Volga) and upper Dnieper (from it the Baltic basin, then to West Europe and Britain). It is known that separate species of Figure 11. Main donor areas for neighbouring alien species introduction into the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea: 1- hydrobionts with local areas in Europe as the Ponto-Caspian relics, 2 – Black Sea, 3 - Mediterranean Sea, 4 cladocerans (Ostroumov, - European water bodies, 5 – Holarctic, 6 – Cosmopolitan. 1891), Limno-cletodes behning (Borutzky, 1926), Para-leptastacus spinicaudata (T. Scott

221 Alexandrov et al. et A. Scott, 1895), and the amphipods migrated to the northwestern Black Sea from Rivulogammarus kischineffensis (Schell.), which many new species emerged - classical Synurella ambulans (Müller, 1846) (see Annex) Ponto-Caspian. In origin it is like the zebra appeared in the Dnieper cascade also at the time mussel as it is traditionally classified as a Ponto- of introduction of Ponto-Caspian fauna. These Caspian species. However, in Annex this species species, which have very wide natural habitat, is noted as European as in the summary table, its are made up of several interrupted localities. affinity as a species is not related to the This is characteristic to Ukraine as in the lower zoogeographical group, but to its natural range. Dniester and Danube where there are many The classification of the molluscs in the separate relict localities of species, the main European species category is attributed to the ranges of which are in South or West Europe. time of paleoinvasion Th. fluviatilis has kept to Possibly, these species were introduced into the its localities in the Baltic, as well as in Spain. At Dnieper water reservoir simultaneous with the present, it is actively spreading in Europe. In the mass introduc-tion of Ponto-Caspian species as Ukraine it has been inhabiting limans and rivers food resource for fish. (in contrast to classical representatives of the Besides being spread along the Dnieper, they Ponto-Caspian fauna it is native in upper penetrated to the Crimea. After the opening of stretches of the large rivers) and also in several the North-Crimean canal and as a result of marine bays (Odessa, Egorlitsky, Tendrovsky) introduction of food invertebrates in some water earlier forming the avandelta of the Dnieper (Son reservoirs in the peninsula, some species with a 2005). However, the marine part of its range wide range of dispersal as does not border with the Chernaya River estuary. cucullata Sars, 1862, Leptodora kindtii Focke, Evidently, it has been introduced to the Crimea 1844, Mesocyclops leucarti Claus, 1857 and like other species during faunal introductions molluscs: river viviparus Lin- from the lower Dnieper to mountainous water naeus, 1758; European fingernailclam reservoirs. corneum Linnaeus, 1758, S. rivicola Lamarck, 1818 were able to enter with representatives of Economic prerequisites in biological invasions the Ponto-Caspian fauna. Despite this there are some species, with a main range located in the The presence of an indented coastline, deep European-Siberian sub area, which also entered water bays and limans promoted the establish- the Crimea as Ponto-Caspian fauna, at the ment of a maximum amount of sea ports southern border of their distribution. The following intensive agricultural and industrial situation differs for three molluscs species development in the Ukraine (see Figure 1), the Fagotia danubialis Bourguignat, 1884; gravel largest of which are Odessa, Yuzhny, Ilyichovsk. snail naticoides Pfeiffer, 1828 and In 2004 their annual turnover was more than a freshwater nerite Th. fluviatilis. Their dispersal half of the sum total of 19 marine ports of was first noted only in the Crimea but they, Ukraine and amount to >60 mln. t (M t). By the together with other species similar to the way it is necessary to stress on the fact that main representatives of Ponto-Caspian fauna, have volum of shipping transportation in the Black actively spread in Europe (see Annex). Often Sea comes through Ukraine. For example at the they are confused with Ponto-Caspian as most of same period (2004) cargo traffic of two main the areas (lower Dnieper, South Bug, Dniester ports of Russian Federation (Novorossisk and and Danube) coincide. However, in contrast to Tuapse) was 89.8 M t, largest Black Sea ports in representatives of the Ponto-Caspian fauna, they Constanza () – 50.43 M t, in Georgian have not been formed in the Sea of the Sarmat, ports (Poti, Supsa and Batumi) – 20.55 M t, in but in rivers and are absolutely freshwater in Bulgarian ports (Varna and Burgas) – 13.35 M t. nature. L. natcoides inhabits an isolated part of Black Sea ports of Turkey (Istanbul, Darince, the area in the Baltic, while F. danubialis is Zonguldag and Samsun) develop very quickly found in the eastern tributaries of . As for (Tokman 2005). Th. fluviatilis, it pertains to a special In the past 5 years (2001-2006) the total zoogeographical group of the most ancient turnover of Ukrainian ports has increased 1.6 representatives of Ponto-Caspian fauna. It was fold. Simultaneously, the volume of ballast water formed like the D. polymorpha in exchange increased; this is determined by the the Eastern Mediterranean basins, but then numbers of export-import operations. For

222 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine example, in the port of Odessa in 2001, it Empire, work for the introduction of species was increased 17% in comparison to the previous conducted 150 years ago under the guidance of period, while in the port of Ilyichovsk it dropped the Russian Society for Acclimatization founded by 54%. It has been estimated that in 2001 alone, in 1857. Before the disintegration of the USSR more than 11 M t of ballast waters were almost 250 introductions of 35 fish and 13 discharged in ten of the largest ports of Ukraine species were performed annually. (Savusin 2002). Before 2000 almost 100 introductions of 16 fish Another pathway for the introduction of alien and 2 invertebrate species have been carried out species are the estuarine ports Ust-Dunaisk (near in (Stroganov and Zadoenko 2000). As an the Danube), Belgorod-Dnestrovsk (near the example, the river nerite fluviatilis Dniester), the ports of Nikolaev and Kherson Linnaeus, 1758, belongs to a special zoogeo- (near the Dneipro-Bug Liman). Although their graphical group of the most ancient Ponto- cargo turnover is less than those mentioned Caspian fauna representatives. Similar to zebra previously, there is a greater risk of transferring mussel Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771 they alien species from a more dense marine environ- evolved in the basins of the Eastern Mediter- ment to a less dense freshwater when ballast ranean, but migrated to the Ponto-Caspian area waters are discharged. This is evident in the high producing many new classical Ponto-Caspian number of acclimatised species discovered in the species (Gelembiuk et al. 2006). Introductions of Danube delta (Alexandrov 2004). It should be fish from the Russian Federation were also noted that most of the above mentioned ports, carried out. In Moldova, the introduction of fish e.g. Ust-Dunaisk, Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy, Ilyich- was carried out in three stages. In the first stage ovsk and Yuzhny have been established in the in 1950-1961 there were organized introductions past 50 years during the period 1958-1980. This of Lake Chud whitefish Coregonus lavaretus should be taken into conside-ration when maraenoides Poljakow 1874, European carp analyzing the chronology of invasions. Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758, zander The Northern Crimean canal has become a (European pike-perch) Stizostedion lucioperca powerful man-made source of biological Linnaeus 1758, eastern bream Abramis brama invasions for the freshwater water hydrobionts of Linnaeus 1758, roach Rutilus rutilus heckeli the Crimea. Nordmann 1840 and various (Acipen- The first Dneiper water came to the Crimean seridae). In the second stage, 1961-1974, fishes Peninsula in 1963. Having filled up 8 water were introduced from Chinese water bodies: reservoirs it is supplied to the cities of , silver carp H. molitrix, spotted silver carp Feodosiya, Simferopol and Sevastopol with Aristichthys nobilis Richardson 1846, grass carp maximum consumption of 300 m3/sec. Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes 1844. In The source of many biological invasions is the the third stage, 1974-1990, valuable varieties of intentional introduction by man of valuable fish fish from the freshwater bodies of the USA: species for consumption. In addition to spreading smallmouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus Rafinesque naturalized fish e.g. haarder Liza haematocheila 1818, bigmouth (common) buffalo Ictiobus Temmnick and Schlegel, 1845 (=Mugil soiuy cyprinellus Valenciennes 1844, black buffalo Basil and Europeski, 1855) and silver carp Ictiobus niger Rafinesque 1818, channel catfish Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes, 1844 Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque 1818, paddlefish which took place in the Black Sea basin, it (spadefish) Polyodon spathula Walbaum 1792 allowed the simultaneous entry of other were introduced (Lobchenko 1999). undesirable organisms. For example, some parasites, free-living algae, invertebrates and even fish as stone moroko Pseudorasbora parva Acknowledgements Temminck and Schlegel, 1846 penetrated into We are grateful to Dr. Frances Lucy (Institute of Technology the Black Sea. Fish introductions were carried Sligo, Ireland) for her comments and English editing. This study out mostly in freshwater bodies. The existing has been supported by the European Commission Sixth network of rivers and streams in Ukraine is Framework Programme Integrated Project ALARM (Assessing closely tied with those in the neighboring LArge scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods, contract GOCE-CT-2003-506675), and part of the EC Moldova Republic and the Russian Federation, FP6 Strategic Targeted Research Project DAISIE (Delivering which should be taken into considerations in Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe, contract SSPI-CT- terms of fish breeding. During the Russian 2003-511202).

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Hydrobiologcheskyi Zhurnal 5: 1152- Yurishinets BI, Korniyushin AV (2001) New species of bivalve 1162 mollusk for Ukraine Sinanadonta woodiana (Bivalvia, Zhuravel PA (1974) Acclimatization of forage estuarine-Caspian Unionidae), its diagnostic and possible paths of introduction. fauna into the reservoirs and lakes of USSR. Izdatelstvo Vestnik Zoologii 35(1): 79-84 Dnepropetrovskogo Universiteta, Dnepropetrovsk, 124 pp Zagorodnyaya YuA (2002) Oithona brevicornis in the Sevastopol Zolotarev V (1996) The Black Sea ecosystem changes related to Bay: is it a single event or a new invader in the Black Sea the introduction of new mollusc species. Marine Ecology 17 fauna? Ekologiya Morya 61: 43 (1-3): 227-236, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0485.1996.tb00 Zagorodnyaya YuA, Kolesnikova EA (2003) To the problem of 504.x the alien species introduction into the Black Sea In: Zolotarev VN, Zolotarev PN (1987) Bivalve Cunearca cornea a Evolution of marine ecosystems impacted by introducers and new element of the fauna in the Black Sea. Doklady artificial mortality of fauna. Azov, June 15-18, 2003, pp 80- Akademii Nauk SSSR 297: 501-503 82 Zuev GV, Boltachev AR (1998) The life history characters of the Zagorovskiy N, Rubinshtein D (1916) Materials to systems of haarder (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky, 1855) at the Crimean biocenosis of Odessa Buy. Zapiski Imperatorskogo western coast. Ekologiya Morya 47: 29-33

227 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Fungi, ANAMORPHIC Cirrenalia basiminuta Indo- (Кaghu-Kumar and 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2002 Pacific Zainal, 1988) Cumulospora marina (Schmidt, 1985) = Vesicularia marina Indo- (Schmidt, 1974); 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2006 Basramyces marinus Pacific (Abdullah, Abdulkadder and Goos, 1989) Cumulospora varia (Chatmata and 2004 - - SE Asia Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2006 Somrithipol, 2004) Fungi, ASCOMYCOTA Lulworthia uniseptata 2001 - - SE Asia Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2002 (Nakagiri, 1984) Savoryella lignicola Cosmo- 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2004 (Jones and Eaton, 1969) politan Zopfiella latipes Zaitsev et al. Indo- (Malloch and Cain, 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown 2004, Pacific 1971) Kopytina 2006 Gloniella clavatispora Indo- (Steinke and Hyde, 2002 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Kopytina 2004 Pacific 1997) Microalgae, BACILLARIOPHYTA Toxonidea insignis Merezhkowsky 1902 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown (Donkin, 1858) 1902-1903 Cocconeis britannica Merezhkowsky 1902 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown (Naegeli, 1849) 1902-1903 Pinnularia trevelyana Merezhkowsky ((Donkin) Rabenh., 1902 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown 1902-1903 1861) Bacteriastrum hyalinum 1907 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Reingardt 1909 (Lauder, 1864) Atlantic, Pseudosolenia calcar- 1924 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown Usachev 1928 avis (Sundström, 1986) Pacific Asterionellopsis 1967 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Senicheva 1971 glacialis (Round,1990) Navicula finmarchica N Atlantic, (Cleve and Grunow, 1970 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Bodeanu 1970 Pacific 1880) Guslyakov and Achnanthes Gerasemiuk pseudogroenlandica 1984 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown 1984, Nevrova (Hendey, 1964) 2003 Undatella quadrata Roschin et al. ((Brebisson) Paddock 1985 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown 1992 and Sims, 1980) Nitzschia sigmoidea Roschin et al. (Nitzsch, 1817), (Smith, 1986 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown 1992 1853)

228 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation

Thalassiosira 1986 Shadrin 2000, nordenskioeldii (Cleve, 2000 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko and 1873) Terenko 2000 Sceletonema subsalsum 1993 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Bodeanu 1993 (Bethge, 1928) Lioloma pacificum Indo- Terenko and 1999 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown (Hasle, 1996) Pacific Terenko 2000 Chaetoceros diversus var. papilionis 1999 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown Senicheva 2002 (Senicheva, 2002) Chaetoceros tortissimus 2001 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Senicheva 2002 (Gran, 1900) Microalgae, CHLOROPHYTA Morozova- Hillea fusiformis Mediter- 1948 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya (Schiller, 1925) ranean 1948 Mediter- Morozova- Pterosperma cristatum 1948 - - ranean, Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya (Schiller, 1925) Pacific 1948 Pterosperma Morozova- Mediter- joergenseni (Schiller, 1948 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya ranean 1925) 1948 Morozova- Poropila dubia Mediter- 1948 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya (Schiller, 1925) ranean 1948 Pyramimonas longi- Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown cauda (Van Meel, 1984) 2004 Microalgae, CHRYSOPHYTA Morozova- Octactis octonaria Mediter- 1948 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya (Hovasse, 1946) ranean 1948 Atlantic Terenko and Apedinella spinifera Mediter- 1999 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2000, (Throndsen, 1971) ranean Bryantzeva 2005 Pacific Microalgae, DYNOPHYTA Morozova- Prorocentrum minimum Cosmo- 1948 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Vodyanitskaya (Schiller, 1933) politan 1948 Atlantic, Pronoctiluca pelagica 1983 - - Mediter- Unintentional Ships Unknown Senichkina 1983 (Fabre-Domergue, 1889) ranean Gymnodinium radiatum Krakhmalnyi (Kofoid and Swezy, 1998 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown 2001 1921) Gymnodinium Terenko and uberrimum (Kofoid and 1999 - - Europe Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2000 Swezy 1921)

229 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation

Alexandrium acatenella Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown ((Whed. and Kof.) 2004 Balech, 1985) Alexandrium affine Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - SE Asia Unintentional Ships Unknown (Balech, 1985) 2004 Spatulodinium N America, pseudonoctiluca Atlantic, 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2003 (Cachon and Cachon, Mediter- 1967) ranean Atlantic, Gyrodinium impudicum 2001 - - Mediterran Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2003 (Fraga and Bravo, 1995) ean, Pacific Alexandrium tamarense Cosmopolit Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown (Balech, 1995) an 2004 Cochlodinium N America polykrikoides (Margelef, 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2003 1961) Pacific Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax 2002 - - SE Asia Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2003 (Horiguchi ex Yuki and Fukuyo, 1992) Gymnodinium aureolum 2002 - - N America Unintentional Ships Unknown Terenko 2003 (Hansen, 2000) Gyrodinium instriatum Atlantic Terenko and (Freudental and Lee 2003 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Pacific Terenko 2005 1963) Macroalgae, PHAEOPHYTA Desmarestia viridis Minicheva and 1992 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown (Lamouroux, 1813) Eryomenko 1993 Macroalgae, FUCOPHYCEAE Ectocarpus caspicus Maslov et al. 1980 - - Caspian Unintentional Ships Unknown (Henckel, 1909) 1998 Higher plants, POLYPHODIOPHYTA Dubyna and Azolla filiculoides Ornamental - 1970s 1970s N America Unknown Unknown Protopopova (Lamarck, 1783) trade 1980 Dubyna and Azolla caroliniana Ornamental - 1970s 1970s N America Unknown Unknown Protopopova (Willdenow, 1810) trade 1980 Higher plants, MAGNOLIOPHYTA Competi- Elodea canadensis Ornamental tion, habitat Stemninskij - 1890s - N America Unknown (Michaux, 1791) trade modi- 1909 fication Ciliata, OLIGOTRICHA Indo- Eutintinnus lusus-undae Pacific 2001 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2001 (Entz, 1885) Mediter- ranean Eutintinnus tubulosus Atlantic, (Kofoid and Campbell, 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2005 1939) pacific 230 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Eutintinnus apertus (Kofoid and Campbell, 2002 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2005 1929) Eutintinnus hastae (Taniguchi and Hada, 2002 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2005 1981) Salpingella sp. (rotundata?) (Kofoid 2002 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2005 and Campbell, 1929) Favella brevis Mediterran 2002 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown Gavrilova 2005 (Jörgensen, 1924) ean Coelenterata, HYDROZOA Craspedacusta sowerbii Ornamental Protasov et al. - 1950s - S America Unintentional Unknown (Lankester, 1880) trade 1981 Cordylophora caspia Ponto- - 1950s - Unintentional Ships Fouling Zhuravel 1965 (Pallas, 1771)* Caspian Blackfordia virginica Zaitsev et al. 1960s - - N America Unintentional Ships Unknown (Mayer, 1910) 2004 Bougainvillia muscus 1960 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Simkina 1960 (Van Beneden, 1844) Tiaropsis multicirrata 1990 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Shadrin 1999 (Sars, 1835) vaginatum 1990 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Shadrin 1999 (Allman, 1863) Eudendrium capillare 1990 - - N Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown Shadrin 1999 (Allman, 1856) Cordylophora Marfenin 1983, inkermanica (Marfenin, 2002 - - BS Unintentional Ships Fouling Koshelev 2003 1983)* Ctenophora, CTENOPHORA Pereladov 1988, Mnemiopsis leidyi Zaitsev et al. 1982 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Predation (Agassiz, 1865) 1988, Volovik et al. 1993 Konsulov and Atlantic Kamburska Beroe ovata (Bruguière, 1997 - - (Mediter- Unintentional Ships Predation 1998, Zaitsev 1789) ranean) 1998, Romanova et al. 1999 Plathelminthes, MONOGENOIDEA Ligophorus Acclimati- kaohsianghsieni 1994 - - SE Asia Unintentional parasite Dmitrieva 1996 zation of fish (Gussev, 1962) Gyrodactylus mugili Acclimati- 1995 - - SE Asia Unintentional parasite Maltsev 1997 (Zhukov, 1970) zation of fish Gyrodactylus zhukovi Acclimati- 1995 - - SE Asia Unintentional parasite Maltsev 1997 (Ling, 1962) zation of fish

231 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Annelida, POLYCHAETA Acclimatization Hypania invalida Ponto- Competi- - 1950s - Intentional of forage fauna Zhuravel 1974 (Grube, 1860)* Caspian tion for fish Acclimatization Hypaniola kowalewskii Ponto- Competi- - 1956 - Intentional of forage fauna Zhuravel 1974 (Grimm, 1877)* Caspian tion for fish Atlantic, Hesionides arenarius Mediter- Uninten- 1960s - - Ships Unknown Vorobyova 1977 (Friedrich, 1937) ranean, tional Pacific Ancistrosyllis tentacu- Uninten- 1960s - - Atlantic Ships Unknown Shadrin 1999 lata (Treadwell, 1941) tional Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel, Uninten- Zaitsev et al. 1923) = Mercierella 1961 - - SE Asia Ships Fouling tional 2004 enigmatica (Fauvel, 1923) Polydora cornuta Radashevsky (Bosk, 1802) first Cosmopolit Uninten- 1962 - - Ships Fouling and Pankova identified as Polydora an tional 2006 ciliata (Johnston, 1838) Acclimatization Manayunkia caspica Ponto- Competi- - 1963 - Intentional of forage fauna Zhuravel 1965 (Annenkova, 1929)* Caspian tion for fish Mordukhay- Glycera capitata Atlantic, Uninten- Boltovskoy 1970s - - Ships Unknown (Oersted, 1843) Pacific tional 1972, Kiseleva 2004 Nephthys ciliata After Atlantic, Uninten- Mordukhay- - - Ships Unknown (Muller, 1776) 1975 Pacific tional Boltovskoy 1972 Magelona mirabilis Mediter- (Johnston, 1845) = M. Uninten- Murina Skulyari 1997 - - ranean Ships Unknown papillicornis (Muller tional 2000 N Atlantic 1858) Annelida, OLIGOCHAETA Zagorovskiy and Tubificoides benedii 1916 - - N America Unintentional Ships Fouling Rubinshtein (Udekem, 1855) 1916 Limnodrillus newaensis (Michaelsen, 1902) = Ponto- - 1955 - Unintentional Ships Unknown Zhuravel 1974 Tubifex newaensis Caspian (Brinkhurst, 1963)* Psammoryctes deserticola (Grimm, 1876) = Ilyodrilus Ponto- Grigorovich et raduli (Jaroschenko, - 1989 - Unintentional Unknown Caspian al. 2002 1948); Tubifex deserticola (Ostroumov, 1897)* Annelida, HIRUDINEA Pligin and Cystobranchus fasciatus Ponto- - 1974 - Unintentional Ships Parasite Yemelyanova (Kollar, 1842)* Caspian 1989 232 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Crustacea, CONCHOSTRACA Eocyzicus orientalis Habitat mo- - 1981 - Asia Unintentional Unknown Dobrynina 2001 (Daday, 1914) dification Crustacea, CLADOCERA Alimov and Bosmina coregoni North Unintention - 1950s - Ships Unknown Bogutskaya (Muller, 1867) Europe al 2004 Bosmina crassicornis North Unintention - 1950s - Canals Unknown Shcherbak 1989 (Lillieborg, 1887) Europe al Alimov and Bosmina kessleri North Unintention - 1950s - Canals Unknown Bogutskaya (Uljanin, 1875) Europe al 2004 Eubosmina longispina North Unintention - 1950s - Canals Unknown Shcherbak 1989 (Leydig, 1860) Europe al Acclimatization Daphnia cucullata - 1955 - Holarctic Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Melnikov 1961 (Sars, 1862)* for fish Acclimatization Leptodora kindtii - 1955 - Holarctic Intentional of forage fauna Predation Melnikov 1961 (Focke, 1844)* for fish Cercopagis pengoi Acclimatization Ponto- Gusynskaya and (Ostroumov, 1891) = C. - 1959 - Intentional of forage fauna Predation Caspian Zhdanova 1978 tenera (Sars, 1897)* for fish Cornigerius maeoticus Acclimatization Mordukhai- maeoticus (Pengo, Ponto- - 1959 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Boltovskoi and 1879) = Evadne Caspian for fish Galinskii 1974 cornigera (Sars, 1902)* Acclimatization Podonevadne trigona Ponto- - 1960s - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1969 (Sars, 1897)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization Cornigerius bicornis Ponto- - 1966 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Basilevich 1972 (Zernov, 1901)* Caspian for fish Cornigerius lacustris Ponto- - 1970s - Unknown Unknown Unknown Basilevich 1972 (Spandl, 1923)* Caspian

Crustacea, COPEPODA Eudiaptomus gracilis North Grigorovich et - 1950s - Unintentional Canals Unknown (Sars, 1862) Europe al. 2002 Eudiaptomus North - 1955 - Unintentional Canals Unknown Tseeb 1964 graciloides (Sars, 1886) Europe Acclimati- Mesocyclops leucarti Cosmopo- zation of - 1955 - Intentional Unknown Melnikov 1961 (Claus, 1857)* litan forage fauna for fish Heterocope appendi- North Gusynskaya and - 1957 - Unintentional Canals Unknown culata (Sars, 1863) Europe Zhdanova 1978 Calanipeda aquae- Acclimati- dulcis (Kritschagin, Ponto- zation of - 1960s - Unintentional Unknown Karpevich 1975 1873) = Popella guernei Caspian forage fauna (Richard, 1888)* for fish Heterocope caspia Ponto- - 1962 - Unintentional Canals Unknown Zhuravel 1969 (Sars, 1897)* Caspian

233 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation

Acartia tonsa (Dana, Indo- Belmonte et al. Competi- 1849) = Acanthacartia 1976 - - Pacific Unintentional Ships 1994, Gubanova tion tonsa (Dana, 1849) Atlantic 1997 Zagorodnyaya Rhincalanus sp. 1997 - - unknown Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova 2003 Atlantic Zagorodnyaya Clausocalanus 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova arcuicornis (Dana 1849) Pacific 2003 Zagorodnyaya Scolecetrix sp. 2001 - - unknown Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova 2003 Crustacea, CYCLOPOIDA Zagorodnyaya Oncaea minuta Indo- 1997 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova (Giesbrecht, 1892) Pacific 2003 Atlantic Zagorodnyaya Oithona plumifera 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova (Baird,1843) Pacific 2003 Atlantic Zagorodnyaya Oithona setigera (Dana, 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova 1852) Pacific 2003 Atlantic Oithona brevicornis Zagorodnyaya 2001 - - Indo- Unintentional Ships Unknown (Giesbrecht, 1891) 2002 Pacific Crustacea, HARPACTICOIDA Robertgurneya rostrata Atlantic, Kolesnikova 1964 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown (Gurney, 1927) Pacific 2003 Paramphiascella Atlantic, Kolesnikova 1964 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown vararensis (Scott, 1903) Pacific 2003 Zagorodnyaya Idyella pallidula (Sars, Atlantic, 1964 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova 1905) Pacific 2003 Atlantic, Proameira simplex Zagorodnyaya Mediter- (Norman and Scott, 1964 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova ranean, 1905) 2003 Pacific Ectinosoma abrau Ponto- Monchenko - 1970s - Unintentional Unknown Unknown (Kritschagin, 1873)* Caspian 1995 Limnocletodes behning Mediter- Monchenko - 1970s - Unintentional Unknown Unknown (Borutzky, 1926)* ranean 1995 Nitocra incerta Ponto- Monchenko - 1970s - Unintentional Unknown Unknown (Richard, 1893)* Caspian 1995 Paraleptastacus Monchenko spinicaudata (T. Scott - 1970s - Europe Unintentional Unknown Unknown 1995 et A. Scott, 1895)* Ponto- Monchenko Schizopera bobrutzkyi* - 1970s - Unintentional Unknown Unknown Caspian 1995 Onychocampus Monchenko mohammed (Blanch and - 1970s - Atlantic Unintentional Unknown Unknown 1995 Richard, 1891) Zagorodnyaya Amphiascus tenuiremis Atlantic, 1996 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown and Kolesnikova (Brady and Robertson, Pacific 1880) 2003

234 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Crustacea, CIRRIPEDIA Balanus improvisus Fouling, 1844 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships habitat Buchinsky 1885 (Darwin, 1854) modifi-cation Balanus eburneus Fouling, 1892 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships habitat Ostroumov 1892 (Gould, 1841) modifi-cation Balanus amphitrite Fouling, 1905 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships habitat Mavrodiadi 1908 (Darvin, 1854) modification Crustacea, Acclimatization lacustris Ponto- - 1949 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1950 (Czerniawsky, 1882)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization Limnomysis benedeni Ponto- - 1949 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1950 (Czerniavsky, 1882)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization * Ponto- - 1955 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Czerniawsky, 1882) Caspian for fish Acclimatization Ponto- - 1955 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Sars, 1907)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization Mesomysis kowalevskii Ponto- - 1955 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Grimm,1877)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization Paramysis baeri Ponto- - 1956 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1974 (Martynov, 1924)* Caspian for fish Katamysis Acclimatization Ponto- warpachowskyi (Sars, - 1960s - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Ioffe 1968 Caspian 1893)* for fish

Crustacea, Stenocuma cercaroides Acclimatization Ponto- (Sars, 1894) = Pseudo- - 1945 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1965 Caspian cuma cercaroides* for fish Acclimatization Pterocuma pectinata Ponto- - 1956 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Kruglova 1961 (Sowinsky, 1893)* Caspian for fish Acclimatization Pterocuma rostrata Ponto- - 1965 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1965 (Sars, 1894)* Caspian for fish

Crustacea, ISOPODA Lyakhov and Jaera sarsi (Valkanov, Ponto- Uninten- - 1960s - Canals Unknown Mordukhai- 1936)* Caspian tional Boltovskoi 1973 Crustacea, Corophium curvispinum (Sars, 1895) = C. devium (Wundsch, Acclimatization 1912); C. curvispinum Ponto- Competi- - 1890s - Intentional of forage fauna Dediu 1980 devium (Bening, 1914); Caspian tion for fish C. curvispinum (Sowinskyi prn. devium Martynov, 1924)*

235 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Pontogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- robustoides (Sars, - 1950 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 Caspian tion 1894)* fish Obesogammarus obesus (Sars, 1894) = Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1950 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 Pontogammarus Caspian fish tion obesus* Turcogammarus aralensis (Uljanin, Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1950s - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 1875) = Ponto- Caspian fish tion gammarus aralensis* Chaetogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- warpachowskyi (Sars, - 1953 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 Caspian tion 1894)* fish Dikerogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- Grigorovich et vilosus (Sowinsky, - 1955 - Intentional forage fauna for Caspian tion al. 2002 1894)* fish Chaetogammarus ischnus (Stebbing, 1898) = Gammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- Tseeb and - 1955 - Intentional forage fauna for tenellus (Sars, 1896); G. Caspian fish tion Olivari 1958 sowinskyi (Bening, 1914)* Dikerogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- haemobaphes - 1955 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 Caspian tion (Eichwald, 1841)* fish Obessogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1955 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1961 crassus (Sars, 1894)* Caspian fish tion Pontogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1955 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1961 maeoticus (Sowinsky, Caspian tion 1894)* fish Lanceogammarus Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- Tseeb and andrussovi (Sars, 1896) - 1956 - Intentional forage fauna for = Iphiginella Caspian fish tion Olivari 1958 andrussowi* Amathilina cristata Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1956 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 (Sars, 1894)* Caspian fish tion Corophium robustum (Sars, 1895) = C. Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- Gusynskaya and - 1956 - Intentional forage fauna for bidentatum (Sars, Caspian fish tion Zhdanova 1978 1895)* Corophium chelicorne Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1956 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 (Sars, 1895)* Caspian fish tion Corophium nobile Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1956 - Intentional forage fauna for Zhuravel 1965 (Sars, 1895)* Caspian fish tion Acclimatization of Gmelina costata (Sars, Ponto- Competi- - 1965 - Intentional forage fauna for Dediu 1980 1863)* Caspian tion fish Gmelina pusilla (Sars, Ponto- Acclimatization of Competi- - 1965 - Intentional forage fauna for Dediu 1980 1863)* Caspian fish tion

236 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Acclimatization Corophium mucronatum Ponto- Competi- - 1969 - Intentional of forage fauna Zhuravel 1965 (Sars, 1895)* Caspian tion for fish Acclimatization Corophium maeoticum Ponto- Competi- - 1969 - Intentional of forage fauna Dediu 1980 (Sowinskyi, 1898)* Caspian tion for fish Stenogammarus Acclimatization Ponto- Competi- carausui (Derzhavin and - 1977 - Intentional of forage fauna Shcherbak 1989 Caspian tion Pjatakova, 1962)* for fish

Shablogammarus Acclimatization Pligin and subnudus (Sars, 1896) = Ponto- Competi- - 1981 - Intentional of forage fauna Yemelyanova Pontogammarus Caspian tion for fish 1989 subnudus*

Kuzmelina kusnetzowi Acclimatization Ponto- Competi- (Sars, 1894) = Gmelina - 1982 - Intentional of forage fauna Shcherbak 1989 Caspian tion kusnezowi* for fish

Echinogammarus Acclimati-zation Ponto- Competi- Grigorovich et trichiatus (Martynov, - 1998 - Intentional of forage fauna Caspian tion al. 2002 1932)* for fish

Synurella ambulans Uninten- - 2000 - Europe Unknown Unknown Novitskij 2005 (Müller, 1846)* tional

Rivulogammarus Uninten- kischineffensis - 2002 - Europe Unknown Unknown Novitskij 2005 tional (Schell.)*

Crustacea, Competi- Rhithropanopeus Gadzhiev 1963, 1948 - 1937 N America Unintentional Ships tion, harrisii (Gould, 1841) Makarov 2004 predation Pandalus kessleri Pacific, SE - - 1959 Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Makarov 2004 (Czerniavsky, 1878) Asia leptodactilus (Eschscholtz, 1832) = Ponto- Yanushevich - 1963 - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown A. leptodactilus Caspian 1966 (Rathke, 1837)* Callinectes sapidus Zaitsev and 1970s - - N America Unintentional Ships Unknown (Rathbun, 1896) Ozturk 2001 Suprunovich and Marsupenaeus Indo- Makarov 1990, - 1977 - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown japonicus (Bate, 1888) Pacific Zaitsev and Mamaev 1997 Macrobrachium Turanov and 1990- Indo- rosenbergii (De Man, 1980s - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Turanova 2003, 1992 Pacific 1879) Makarov 2004 Habitat Eriocheir sinensis Zaitsev 1998, 1998 2002 - SE Asia Unintentional Ships modifi- (Milne-Edwards, 1853) Novitskij 2005 cation

237 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation

Mollusca, GASTROPODA Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) Uninten- Ornamental = Ferrissia clessiniana - 1919 - N America Unknown Son 2007, 2007b (Jickeli, 1882), Ancylus tional trade lacustris brevis Puzanov 1925 Acclimatization Viviparus viviparus Cosmo- - 1949 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Tseeb 1965 (Linnaeus, 1758)* politan for fish Habitat Grossu 1951, Potamopyrgus jenkinsi Uninten- - 2005 1951 Unknown modifi- Markovskij (Smith, 1889) tional cation 1954, Son 2006 (Valenciennes, 1846) = Uninten- Rapana thomasiana 1954 - - SE Asia Ships Predation Chukhchin 1961 tional thomasiana (Crosse,1861) Theodoxus fluviatilis Uninten- 1955 - Europe Unknown Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Linnaeus, 1758)* tional Lithoglyphus naticoides Uninten- - 1955 - Europe Unknown Unknown Zhuravel 1974 (Pfeiffer, 1828)* tional pespelecani Mediter- Uninten- Anistratenko 1987 - - Ships Unknown (Linne, 1758) ranean tional 1998 Sinegub 1994, Corambe obscura Uninten- 1989 - - Atlantic Ships Predation Roginskaya and (Verrill, 1870) tional Grintsov 1990 Ornamental Ampullaria sp. - 1999 - Africa Unknown Unknown Son 2007a trade Neptunea arthritica Mironov et al. (Bernardi, 1857) Uninten- 2000 - - Pacific IO Ships Unknown 2002, Shadrin et tional first identified as al. 2002 Purpura pacifica) Fagotia danubialis Uninten- Mironov et al. - 2000 - Europe Unknown Unknown (Pfeiffer, 1828)* tional 2002 Melanoides tuberculata Africa, SE Ornamental Grigorovich et - 2000 - Unknown Unknown (Müller, 1774) Asia trade al. 2002 Biomphalaria glabrata Ornamental - 2000 - Africa Unknown Unknown Son 2007a (Say, 1818) trade Ercolania viridis Uninten- Zaitsev et al. (Costa, 1866) = E. 2001 - - Atlantic Ships Predation tional 2004 funerea (Costa, 1867) Physella heterostropha Ornamental - 2004 2004 N America Unknown Unknown Son 2006, 2007a (Say, 1817) trade Mollusca, BIVALVIA Habitat Teredo navalis (Linne, 750-500 Atlantic, Uninten- Gomoiu et al. - - Ships modifi- 1758) BC Pacific tional 1996 cation Crassostrea gigas 1900s - - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Zolotarev 1996 (Thunberg, 1793)

238 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Habitat Dreissena bugensis Ponto- Uninten- - 1941 - Canals modifi- Zhuravel 1967 (Andrusov, 1897)* Caspian tional cation Hypanis colorata Acclimatization Ponto- (Eichwald, 1829) = - 1948 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1950 Caspian Monadacna colorata* for fish Acclimatization Sphaerium corneum - 1955 - Europe Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Linnaeus, 1758)* for fish Acclimatization Sphaerium rivicola - 1955 - Europe Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Zhuravel 1961 (Lamarck, 1818)* for fish Hypanis pontica Acclimatization Pligin and Ponto- (Eichwald, 1838); = - 1961 - Intentional of forage fauna Unknown Yemelyanova Caspian Monodacna pontica* for fish 1989

Mya arenaria (Linne, Uninten- Competi- Beshevly and 1966 - - N America Ships 1758) tional tion Kalyagin 1967 Zaika et al. 1992, Zolotarev Anadara inaequivalvis Indo- Uninten- 1987 - - Ships Unknown and Zolotarev (Bruguière, 1789) Pacific tional 1987, Zolotarev 1996 Lyashenko et al. Uninten- Competi- - 1995 2000 SE Asia Canals 2005, Son 2006, (Müller, 1774) tional tion 2007a Sinanodonta woodiana Habitat Yurishinets and Uninten- (Lea, 1834) = Anodonta - 1999 2002 SE Asia Parasite carrier modifi- Korniyushin tional woodiana cation 2001, Son 2006

Mytilopsis leucophaeata Uninten- Therriault et al. (Conrad, 1831) = - - 2000 N America Ships Unknown tional 2004 Congeria leucophaeta Voloshkevich Corbicula fluminalis Uninten- Competi- - 2003 2000 SE Asia Canals and Son 2002, (Müller, 1774) tional tion Son 2007a Fouling, edulis Uninten- Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - Atlantic Ships hybridi- (Linnaeus, 1758) tional 2004 sation Fouling, Mytilus trossulus Uninten- Zaitsev et al. 2001 - - Pacific Ships hybridi- (Gould, 1850) tional 2004 sation Hypanis glabra (Ostroumoff, 1905) = Uninten- Competi- Nabozhenko - - 2004 Caspian Ships Adacna glabra tional tion 2004, Son 2007a (Ostroumoff, 1905)

Tentaculata, ENTOPROCTA

Urnatella gracilis Bacescu 1954, (Leidy, 1851) = U. - 1954 1954 N America Unintentional Ships Unknown Zambriborsch dniestriensis 1958 (Zambriborsch, 1958)

239 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation

PISCES Salekhova et al. Carassius auratus - 1900s - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown 1987, Boltachev gibelio (Bloch, 1782) et al 2006 Micropterus salmoides end of - - N America Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Zhukinskyi 1959 (Lacepede, 1802) ХІХ

Ictalurus nebulosus (Le Competi- Zhukinskyi - 1935 - N America Intentional Aquaculture Sueur, 1819) tion 1959

Ictalurus punctatus Competi- Grinjevskiy et - 1935 - N America Intentional Aquaculture (Rafinesque, 1818) tion al. 2001

Oncorhynchus mykiss Zhukinskyi 1959 (Walbaum, 1792) = Competi- Karpevich and gairdneri iridea 1965 1938 - N America Intentional Aquaculture tion, Bokova 1963, (Gibbons, 1855); Salmo predation Zaitsev and irideus (Gibbons 1885) Mamaev 1997 Anisimova and Lavrovskiy Perccottus glehni Aquarium - 1948 - SE Asia Intentional predation 1983, (Dybowsky, 1877) trade Romanenko et al. 2003 Syngnathus abaster Suchoivan and nigrolineatus - 1956 - Black Sea Unntentional Canals Unknown Vjatchanina (Eichwald, 1831)* 1989

Rutilus frisii kutum Ponto- - 1959 - Intentional Canals Unknown Vovk 1963 (Kamensky, 1899)* Caspian

Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758) = Perca gibbosa (Linne); Competi- Svetovidov Eupomotis gibbosus - 2002 1949 N America Intentional Aquaculture tion, 1964, Boltachev (Jordan and Evermann); predation et al. 2003 L. macrochirus (Rafinesgue, 1815) Zaitsev and Gambusia holbrooki Mamaev 1997, - 1950s - N America Intentional Aquaculture Predation (Girard, 1859) Delamure 1964 Boltachev 2006 Channa argus argus - 1950s - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Zhukinskyi 1959 (Cantor, 1842) Coregonus albula ladogensis (Pravdin and Berg, 1948) = Zhukinskyi 1959 Coregonus albula Karpevich and - 1950s - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation (Linnaeus, 1758); Bokova 1963, Coregonus ladogae Prokopov 2003 (Pravdin, Golubev and Belyaeva, 1938) Tribolodon brandtii Diripasko et al. 1950s - - Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown (Dybowski, 1872) 2001 240 Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Aristichthys nobilis - 1953 - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Vovk 1963 (Richardson, 1845) Vovk 1963, Hypophthalmichthys Vovk 1976, molitrix (Valenciennes, 2001 1953 - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Diripasko et al. 1844) 2001 Zhukinskyi Coregonus nasus 1959, Karpevich - 1954 - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation (Рallas, 1776) and Bokova 1963 Zhukinskyi 1959, Karpevich Coregonus peled - 1954 - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation and Bokova (Gmelin, 1788) 1963, Prokopov 2003 Vovk 1963, Ctenopharyngodon Vovk 1976, idella (Valenciennes, 2001 1954 - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Diripasko et al. 1844) 2001 Zhukinskyi Coregonus autumnalis 1959, Karpevich migratorius (Georgi, - 1957 - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation and Bokova 1775) 1963 kutum Ponto- - 1959 - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Vovk 1963 (Kamensky, 1899) Caspian Coregonus lаvaretus Zhukinskyi ladoga (Poljakow and 1959, Karpevich Berg, 1916) = - 1960s - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation and Bokova Coregonus lаvaretus 1963, Prokopov (Linnauus, 1758) 2003 Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier, 1828) = Labrax 1960- Pacific,SE Zaitsev and - - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown japonicus (Cuvier, 1970s Asia Ozturk 2001, 1828) Plecoglossus altivelis 1960- Pacific,SE Zaitsev and altivelis (Temminck and - - Intentional Aquaculture Unknown 1970s Asia Ozturk 2001 Schlegel, 1846) Salmo ischchan Karpevich and aestivalis (Fortunatov, - 1960 - Sevan Lake Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Bokova 1963, 1926) Prokopov 2003 Salmo ischchan Karpevich and gegorkuni (Kessler, - 1960 - Sevan Lake Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Bokova 1963, 1877) Prokopov 2003 Mylopharyngodon Grinjevskyi et piceus (Richardson, - 1961 - SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown al. 2001 1846) Zaitsev and Onсorhynchus Competi- Ozturk 2001, Pacific,SE gorbusсha (Walbaum, 1961 - - Intentional Aquaculture tion, Alimov and Asia 1792) predation Bogutskaya 2004 241 Alexandrov et al.

Annex. Check-list of aquatic alien species of Ukraine

Year of first record and recipient region Inland Impact or potential brackish Origin / Species Sea and Vector Pathway impact / References waters or donor area inland Fresh invasive- waters saline waters ness with waters salinity variation Pseudorasbora parva Competi- (Temminck and 1990s 1980s 1961 SE Asia Unintentional Unknown Dediu 1989 tion Schlegel, 1846) Oreochromis Grinjevskiy et 1961; mossambicus (Ortega - - Africa Intentional Aquaculture Predation al. 2001, 1996 and Vari, 1856) Novitskij 2005 Coregonus lаvaretus maracnoedes, - 1965 - Holarctic Intentional Aquaculture Predation Prokopov 2003 (Poljakow, 1874) Morone saxatilis Kozlov and (Walbaum, 1792) = - - 1965 N America Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Abramovich Roccus saxatilis 1980 Oreochromis aureus - 1970s - Africa Intentional Aquaculture Predation Ivoilov 1986 (Steingachner, 1864) Oreochromis niloticus - 1970s - Africa Intentional Aquaculture Predation Ivoilov 1986 (Linnaeus, 1758) Tilapia zillii (Gervais, - 1970s - Africa Intentional Aquaculture Predation Ivoilov 1986 1848) Liza haematocheila (Temmnick and Zuev and Schlegel, 1845) = - 1996 1972 SE Asia Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Boltachev 1998, Mugil so-iuy (Basil and Parin 2003 Europeski, 1855) Ictiobus bubalus Grinjevskiy et - 1975 - N America Intentional Aquaculture Unknown (Rafinesgue, 1819) al. 2001 Ictiobus cyprinellus - 1975 - N America Intentional Aquaculture Unknown Tretyak 1996 (Valenciennes, 1844) Ictiobus niger Grinjevskiy et - 1975 - N America Intentional Aquaculture Unknown (Rafinesgue, 1820) al. 2001 Atlantic, Boltachev and Sparus aurata 1987 2004 - Mediter- Unintentional Ships Unknown Yurachno 2002, (Linnaeus, 1758) ranean Tkachenco 2005 N Atlantic, Micromesistius Boltachev et al. 1999 - - Mediter- Unintentional Ships Unknown poutassou (Risso, 1827) 1999 ranean N Atlantic, Chelon lаbrosus (Risso, Boltachev and 1999 - - Mediter- Unintentional Ships Unknown 1826) Yurachno 2002 ranean Sardinella aurita Atlantic Boltachev et al. 1999 - - Unintentional Ships Unknown (Valenciennes, 1847) Pacific 2000 Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, Boltachev and 1999 - - Atlantic Unintentional Ships Unknown 1758) Yurachno 2002 Sphyraena obtusata Сuvier, 1829 = Boltachev and 1999 - - Pacific IO Unintentional Ships Unknown Sphyraena chrysotaenia Yurachno 2002 non (Klunzinger, 1884) Heniochus acuminatus Boltachev and 2003 - - Indo-Pacific Unintentional Ships Unknown (Linnaeus, 1758) Astakhov 2004

*Neighbouring alien species. (Species that not mark with star are distant aliens).