UNISCI Discussion Papers ISSN: 1696-2206 [email protected] Universidad Complutense de Madrid España

Kalanov, Komil; Alonso, Antonio Sacred Places and "Folk" Islam in UNISCI Discussion Papers, núm. 17, mayo, 2008, pp. 173-185 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid, España

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Komil Kalanov 1 Institute of Culture of

Antonio Alonso 2 Universidad CEU-San Pablo




El Islam no es una religión uniforme sino que tiene diversas expresiones a lo largo y ancho del planeta. En Asia Central esas expresiones se corresponden con la vivencia de un Islam moderado que permite que la gente se aleje de los extremistas que, sin embargo, se van arraigando en la zona. Eso se debe, en parte a la mala gestión del islamismo que hace cada Gobierno, cayendo unos en la laxitud y otros en la represión descarnada.

Palabras clave: Islam; islamismo; Asia Central; lugares sagrados.

Las opiniones expresadas en estos artículos son propias de sus autores, y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión de UNISCI.

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UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206



Caliph Sunnites Sunna hi’ites Sunnites madhahabi Hanafi Malaki Shafi Hanbali Sunnites fiqh Deobandi Safi Wahhabi

Sufis Wahhabis


Enciclopedia del Islam Vocabulario básico de la historia del Islam El Islamismo contra el Islam. Las claves para entender el terrorismo yihadista La nueva Asia Central: o la fabricación de naciones madhahabi fiqh Cien preguntas sobre el Islam “The Soviet aggression in Afghanistan (1979) and the Islamic revolution in Iran (1979) posed a serious threat to the foreign political ties of Central Asian official Islam and to its prestige among the Muslims of their own country and of the entire Muslim world. The Muslims of Central Asia, and first and foremost of , largely sympathized with the Afghan mujahidin and Khomeini” Islam in Central Asia wahhabism Islam in the CIS. A threat to stability?,

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

Hizb ut Tahrir

1. The arrival of Islam to Central Asia.

Ma Wara’ al-Nahr

Sunní Hanafi

“The main threats to the stability of the CARs in general and to in particular arise from three sources: first, the remnants of the IMU; second, the growing following of the Hizb ut Tahrir in the entire region; and third, large sections of the people, angered by what they consider as the repressive policies of the local Governments and their exploitation of the fears of extremism and terrorism to continue their repressive rule”. International Terrorism Monitor Paper Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia op. cit.

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

madhhab Shi’ites Sufism

2. Islam under Communism.


sovietisation russification lingua franca

Hizb ut Tahrir

madrassas muktab

Hanafi Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama’a Sunna Hadith firqa Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama’a Hanafi Radical Islam in Central Asia: between Pen and Riffle Ma Wara’ al-Nahr pirs ishans shaykhs op. cit. op. cit. op. cit. The Nixon Center

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

Hanafi wahhabism Ikhwan al- Muslim Hizb ut Tahrir Sharia

“In fact, beginning in the 1950s, foreign Islamic activists had been smuggling literature into . As early as the 1970s, Muhammad Hindustani Rustamov, a respected theologian, noted that several members of the Uzbek clergy had begun to diverge from Islam towards . This move was in part due to the efforts of the (Muslim Brotherhood), which had been active in the country since the 1970s”. op. cit.

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

perestroika glasnost Birlik Erk


3. Islam in the independence era.

Hizb ut Tahrir

Il convient de noter que le “retour” à l’islam s’est opéré dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles, c’est-à-dire après une période de combat idéologique fondée sur une politique d’athéisme militant visant à détruire l’influence de la religion dans les sphères familiale et publique, y compris au sein de la vie quotidienne des diverses sociétés musulmane centre-asiatiques

op. cit. Cahiers d’Asie Centrale IFEAC op. cit.

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

Le renouveau religieux dans l’actuelle Asie centrale est marqué par l’absence de personnalités religieuses véritablement versées dans les sciences religieuses et d’une littérature religieuse. 20

Adolat Baraka Tauba Islam Lashkarlari Hizb ut- Tahrir Akramiya Hizb un-Nusrat Uzun Soqol Nurcular Tabligh Jamaat Lashkar-i-Taiba Hizballah Al-Qaeda and the Taliban


Cahiers d’Asie Centrale IFEAC The Nixon Centre op. cit. Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Al-Qaeda. Viaje al interior del terrorismo islamista, ICG Asia Report, IRNA US Department of State

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

4. Sacred places

ziyoratgohlar qadam joylar muqaddas joylar

ziyoratgohs Sacred places in Islam

“ ”

Ziyoratgohs radical Islam extremism fundamentalism Islamism op. cit. Ibid.,

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

qabr tosh karovchi chirokchi sheyh joy egasi ziyoratgohs ziyoratgohs


ziyoratgohs avliyo joy qadam joy

Ziyoratgoh ziyoratgoh

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

ziyoratgoh ziyoratgoh ziyoratgoh

5. Some rituals.


UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

ziyoratgoh ziyoratgohs

ziyoratgohs ziyoratgoh qarovchi ziyoratgohs ziyoratgoh ziyoratgoh

zikr zikr ziyoratgoh zikr Yo-Allohu, yo-Alloh, Khak Dust, yo-Alloh

ziyoratgohs ziyoratgohs

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

ziyoratgohs ziyoratgohs



ziyoratgoh décor

Ziyoratgohs Ziyoratgohs ziyoratgohs ziyoratgohs

UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 17 (Mayo / May 2008) ISSN 1696-2206

6. Traditional Islam vs. Islamism.

Shi’ites kufr shirk Sunni Wahhabism ahhabism

Wahhabism Adolat Hizb ut Tahrir

Shi’ite Sunni yihadist