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MARCH 5, 1964 • HERSHEY NEWS Page,3 Events'' . COMMUNITY Hershey Public Library Announces Recent Additions Special Calendar The following books were an- Today's Business Machines; Ne- Sports Arena Bears vs. Rochester Americans, 8 nounced as additions to the Her- fertiti; African Creeks I Have THEATRE shey Public Library by Mrs. Irene Been Up; The Quie!t. Crisis; Lawr- March 7 — Hockey: Hershey p.m. Heaps, librarian: ence of Arabia; Cars of the World Bears vs. Buffalo Bisons, 8 p.m. April 17 & 18—Hershey Figure NOW Thru March 7 Fiction — Black Amber; Take in Color; Great Mansions and March Skating Club Ice Carnival. Heed of Loving Me; Green Heart; Their Stories; The Passionate 14 — Hockey: Hershey Kings Of The Sun Bears vs. Pittsburgh Hershey Gardens Yid Brynner, George The Land Breakers; Maulever Playgoer; and Help! Help! Help! Hornets, 8 Chakiris p.m. Shirley Ann Field, Richard Basehart Hall; The Chill; The House That Juvenile — The Little Riders; March 29— Community Easter Color by DeLuxe - Panavision Tai Ming Built; and Of Good and Sunrise Service, 5:53 a.m. Show Times: Winston Churchill; The Year of the March 18 — Hockey: Hershey Evil. Weekdays: 7:00 and 9:00 Bloody Sevens; Guns in the Heath- Bears vs. Baltimore Clippers, 8 Community Theatre Saturday: 5:00, 7:00 and 9:00 Non-Fiction — The Round of the er; and Come For to Sing. March 12 to 14—On Stage, -A rear; The Best Plays of 1962-63; March 20 — Basketball: Harlem MAN FOR ALL SEASONS", Eve- Globetrotters vs. Atlantic City Sea March 9 to 11 The Freedom Bond Drive is your ning Performances, 8:15 p.m.; Gulls, 8 p.m. chance to do something for your Saturday matinee, 2:15 p.m. Spencer's Mountain March 21 — Hockey: Hershey Hotel Hershey Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara country. Buy extra U.S. Savings Show Times: 7:00 and 9:10 Bonds — for America's future and Bears vs. Providence Reds, 8 -p.m. April 4 & 5—Appalachian Sports your own. March 28 — Hockey: Hershey Car Club Spring Rally (back road). March 12 to 14 0. On Stage "A Man For Always Remember .. All Seasons" 14 °A) Evenings At 8:15 p.m. Of What People See Of You Is What You Wear! Saturday Matinee At 2:15 p.m. *Do Your Clothes Sag or Look Limp? *Are You Guilty of CW? (Clothing Wrinkles) March 16 and 17 The Money You Save In A Bank Is Always Available OR *Do You Have The Look Of Special Cleanness? All The Way Home IT EARNS GOOD INTEREST Jean Simmons, Robert Preston Show Times: 7:00 and 9:03 GUARANTEED. Have All Outerwear Dry Cleaned Frequently By A IT'S SAFE BECAUSE . .. Professional Cleaner And Take Advantage Of Ills March 18 to 25 It's Insured Up Ts 510,000 by Special Finishing!! the F.D.I.C. Walt Disney's MORE PEOPLE DEPEND UPON A BANK WEAR THAT PROFESSIONALLY GROOMED LOOK FOR BASIC SECURITY THAN ANY • The OTHER Misadventures TYPE OF FINANCIAL NEVER, THE Of Merlin Jones INSTITUTION. NEVER SETTLE.FOR LESS! COME TO Plus SAVE IN A BANK Disneyland .. OUR BANK! HERSHEY DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT After Dark Tommy Kirk, THE Technicolor HERSHEY Phone 533-2059 Show Times: Weekdays: 6:50 and 9:11 NATIONAL BANK Saturday: 4:50, 7:06 and 9:22 Member: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE HERSHEY HERSHEY HERSHEY NURSERY we Atete "VOUR .GARDENING ANGEL" DEPARTMENT AVENUES. HERSHEY, PA. NEW—Location: Corner Airport Road CHOCOLATE AND PARK and Park Avenue NEW—Phone Number: 533-9192 STORE FREE—Landscaping Plans — Estimates DRESS PARADE Spring and Easter '64 CALL US—Dormant Season Spraying HERSHEY A Kaleidoscope Of Colors A Symphony Of Styles DON'T MISS our DeWALT DEPARTMENT POWER SHOP * FOR lc DEMONSTRATION * 4 FRIDAY NIGHT March 13th 5 to 9 P.M. *•* JUNIORS 4( * S. To 9 P.M. Friday Special — Mar. 6th STORE * $9.98 * • BARLOW POCKET KNIFE 690 * * Regular $1 * * HERSHEY * to * HERSHEYLUMBER 213 W. Chocolate Ave. * * PRODUCTS Ph. 534-2551 * * See Us For Antique Repairs — Free Estimates DEPARTMENT * ALL DEPT'S OPEN — Mon. thru Thurs. 7:20 to 5 P.M. '29-98 -4( Friday 7:20 to 9.P.M. — Saturday * It to 12 Noon *4(4( * Sizes 5 to 15 STOP IN AND SEE OUR EASTER DISPLAY t( STORE * By... 4( * 1( CANDY" CARDS )4- Bobbie Brooks 4( COSMETICS HERSHEY )4- Jr. Theme * * 4( * Carteret Jr. We Have A Lovely Assortment lc DEPARTMENT Jr. Sixes 4( At ;t 4( * Len Stuart 4( * Teena Paige '(P !7u cStO * -4( STORE * olAtifiry, ennsyttranicr, FASHION—Second Floor ir * 4( Free Delivery Service Free Parking *****************************0 Use Your Hershey Credit Card HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE, HERSHEY DEPARTMENT STORE HERSHEY.