Sports Forwards with 20 Goals Or Office Bears' Scoring for the Game with 21 Coun- Her Fiance, Also a Graduate of Her- More Include Marshall 25, Mortson Ters
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Page 4 HERSHEY NEWS February 21, 1963 Hockey Factually Feminine Girl Scout Training for Troop lead- The high flying Hershey Bears, ers and their assistants on the Pro- winning four of the six road games gram Change will be held on Feb- to date have moved into first place ruary 25, March 4 and 11 at the Wom- in the league's Eastern Division with en's Club starting at 9 a.m. through 62 points. 2 p.m. The Bears still must meet the Mrs. Joseph Fischer and Mrs. Wil- Baltimore Clippers Friday night be- lard Johns, Council Trainers, will fore returning to home ice this Sat- conduct the sessions. This is a part urday to take on the Quebec Aces, of the re-training being given to 12,- who last week dropped four import- 000 leaders in the Susquehanna Coun- ant games; two each to Providence cil of Girl Scouts, to prepare for the and Hershey. The Bears find them- revised program effective September selves in an advantageous position 1963. with games in hand over both Que- bec and Providence. The Bears defeated the Aces in two games last week, then took the Pittsburgh Hornets 7 to 1 Saturday night and moved into Buffalo and "HERSHEY, PAST AND PRESENT" Panel members are shown here beat the Western Division leaders prior to their presentation at the meeting of the Federated Women's 5-2 on Sunday. The Bears have won Club last Thursday evening at the Holy Triniy Lutheran Church. Mod- 12, lost 4 and tied. 4 in the past 20 erator for the panel was Mrs. Robert Reese, chairman of the public games. They have also now won affairs committee. Left to right are Robert W. Young, Mrs. Reese, four straight on the road their for Dolores Romualdi W. Allen Hammond, Jay Stahl, Lillian Gallagher and James DeAnge- best effort of the season away from Hs. Mrs. Carl Himmelberger announced at the business meeting that home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Romualdi a fashion show will be held by the club on March 12 at 8 p.m. in the Cleland Mortson scored seven of 512 West Areba Avenue have an- Hershey High School building. Proceeds will go to the Derry Twp. points over the weekend, including nounced the engagement of their Camping Assn. the hat trick against the Hornets to daughter, Miss, Dolores_lionmu).ai—le bring his season point total to 61, Allen Michael Huber, Jr., son ,ol MIN respectively. just 5 behind the Bears leader, Wil- and Mrs. Allen Huber of 216 Cocoa Hershey High came off with a lie Marshall. Roger DeJordy got his Avenue. decisive victory over Cumberland first AHL hat trick Saturday night, The bride-elect, a graduate of Her- Sports Valley 65-44. Larry Burris led the and added 6 points to his scoring. shey High School, is employed in the scoring for the game with 21 coun- Bears' forwards with 20 goals or office of the Hershey Chocolate Corp. Milton Hershey ended this sea- ters. Larry also leads the Capital more include Marshall 25, Mortson Her fiance, also a graduate of Her- son's wrestling schedule in second Area in points scored by a wide 21, Duff 22, Meissner 22, and Pete shey High School, is at present sta- place with a decisive win over 52 point margin. Conacher 20. tioned at Fort Henning, Georgia, as Lower Dauphin 25-14. Spartans, The Spartans, who are 4-1 AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE a radio-operator with the U.S. Army. The on the (Monday. Feb 1E, 1963) Patricia Ann Good coached by Andy Kovach, had second half, met the Lower Dauphin Easters Division 10 The engagement of Miss Patricia wins and one loss on the season's Falcons on Tuesday night and will W L T Pts CF GA Gloria Meashey, daughter of Mr. Hershey 28 18 6 62 197 154 Ann Good has been announced by log in the Harrisburg Area Wrestling play Mechanicsburg in an away Providence 28 24 4 60 176 161 and Mrs. Emerson Meashey of Her- Quebec 24 23 10 58 157 165 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin J. League. game on Friday night. The Trojans 193 shey Route 1, has achieved the high- Springfield 23 24 8 54 254 Good of Box 41, Grantville, to Thom- travelled to Palmyra on Tuesday Baltimore 22 26 7 51 159 194 est score in a knowledge and atti- Topping all league competition for Western Division as D. Bowman, son of Mr. and Mrs. night and will play Middletown Fri- W L T Pts CF GA tude test given the senior girls of the Spartans were three fine stu- Buffalo 32 18 5 69 177 152 R. V. Bowman, Columbus, Ohio. day night at Middletown. Hershey High School in the 1963 Bet- dents in the art of _wrestling: Bob Cleveland 23 24 6 52 181 182 Miss Good, a graduate of Hershey Dede Kunkel walked off with three Rochester 18 29 7 43 182 201 ty Crocker Search for the American Fehrs, 120: Fran Blizzard, 180; and Pittsburgh 19 31 3 41 149 194 High School and Wilson College, cum John awards in the 10-and-under compe- Homemaker of Tomorrow. Miss Vaow, heavyweight. Coach laude, is currently studying for a Kovach, has tition at the Philadelphia Open Age Meashey is now eligible, along with listed the trio as the Master's Degree in English at the group 10th annual All-Trophy Swim winners in other state high schools, finest he has handled in his 15-year Globetrotters Will Play University of Rochester, Rochester, meet held recently at the for the title of state Homemaker of coaching career at Milton Hershey Abington New York. YMCA and Cheltenham YMCA pools. Tomorrow. School: Each of the boys has a rec- Sports Arena On March 22 Her fiance, a graduate of Wilming- Representing the Hershey Aquatic Basis ord of 11 wins and 0 losses in league Tickets go on sale on February ton College, Wilmington, Ohio, is for the selection of local Club, Dede won the 50-yard free- and state winners play. 22nd for the fabulous Harlem Globe- presently studying for his Ph.D. in is a test prepared style, backstroke and butterfly. and The three boys, along with other trotters game which is coming to English at the University of scored by Science Research As- Others winning Hershey Roches- Spartans wrestlers, will now enter for were the Hershey Sports Arena on Fri- ter. sociates, Chicago. Personal observa- the Lehigh Tournament at Bethle- Jill Keiser, a second and two 6ths day, March 22. The Trotters, who tion and interviews are added fac- hem in the 50-yard freestyle, butterfly tors in determining on March 1 and 2. Fehrs is the match their court wizardry against Among those on the Dean's List national winners. defending and backstroke for girls 10-and-un- 115-pound champion. the Atlantic City Sea Gulls, have ex- at Dickinson College is Elaine M. It was a close match, but Hershey der; Vicki Bowman was fourth in perienced many thrills on their num- Kalenevitch, daughter of Mr. and Governor Road. Miss Kalenevitch High lost out in the final the 12-and-under backstroke at 50- is bout to erous trips throughout this country Mrs. Stepehn Kalenevitch of 137 West a senior at the college. lose 20 to 17 to Mechanicsburg in yards; Kay Shaeffer gained a 5th and abroad. the final meet of the season. The in the 10-and-under butterfly event. The greatest of dignitaries have John and Sarah (Fager) Leggore, Among Bassinet Set Trojans will enter the section Tour- the boys, Jack Keiser, 10- seen the Globetrotters in action — HurmineLstown Route 1, a boy, Feb-- and nament this weekend. Their season -under had a fourth in the 50 crowned heads, prime ministers, dic- ruary 5. log was 4 wins and 7 losses. backstroke and a 6th in the butter- tators, ambassadors, movie stars. Hershey Hospital Robert and Rufini (Martin) Hock- fly; Both MHS and HHS defeated their Corky Potter was 5th in the The Trotters take on the Sea Gulls er, Box 138, Hershey, a girl, Feb- competition in basketball last Friday 50 freestyle; Don Romally, a 10-and- at 8:30 p.m. Owner-coach Abe Sap- Robert and Carolyn tKoser) Koons; ruary 5. under night. The Spartans. defeated the swimmer took a third in the erstwin has arranged a between- Hummelstown Route 2, a boy, Feb- Darvin and Joy (Shank) Eisenhour, Susquehanna Indians 64-57 with 50-breaststroke. halves show featuring Cab Callo- ruary 1. North Hanover Street, Union Depos- John Waite and Rick Stamm pacing Some 2,600 competitors were en- way, Peg Leg Bates, and six other Robert and Dianne (Engle) Evans, it, a boy, February 7. the victory with 14 and 13 points, tered in the boys and girls divisions. top acts of vaudeville. Jo-Mar Trailer Court, a boy, Feb-- Earl and Marion (Graybill) Hoff- ruary 1. smith, Annville Route 1, a boy, Feb-- George and Barbara (Miller) Conz, ru a ry 7. 443 East Main Street, Hummelstown, Wayne and Joyce (Templin) King, a girl, February 2. Middletown Route 1, twin girls, Feb-- A James and Shirley (Hilbert) Bech- ruary 7. tel, Palmyra Route 2, a boy, Feb-- Jacob and Jean (Long) Shope, Pal- ruary 2. myra Route 1, a boy, February 8. Edward and Leola (Burkett) Weist, John and Frances (Rhoad) Backen- HERSHEY PEE—WEE * HOCKEY TEA 227 West Areba Avenue, Hershey, stose, 324 East Derry Road, Her- INTERNATIONAL HOC-.:'( TOUR ME CANA a girl, February 2. shey, a girl, February 10.