Three Essays
,,, *-"'© " i g ;»-r-a**w»""fi^:JE3E* ! *" A T- -SmS»S"i [ i J E ' y f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute ESSAYS, ON PICTURESQUE BEAUTY; &c. &c. &c. ; ; Three Essays : ON PICTURESQUE BEAUTY; ON PICTURESQUE TRAVEL AND ON SKETCHING LANDSCAPE: TO WHICH IS ADDED A POEM, ON LANDSCAPE PAINTING. By WILLIAM GILPIN, M. A. PREBENDARY OF SALISBURY J AND VICAR OF BOLDRE IN NEW FOREST, NEAR LYMINGTON. London PRINTED for R. BLAMIRE, in the STRAND. M.DCC.XCII. T O WILLIAM LOCK, Esq; O F NORBURT-PARK, in SURRET. DEAR SIR, X h e following eflays, and poem, I beg leave to infcribe to you. Indeed I do little more, than return your own : for the beft remarks, and obfervations in them, are yours. Such as may be cavilled at, I am perfuaded, muft be mine. A publifhed work is certainly a fair object of criticifm : but I think, my dear fir, we pidturefque people are a little mifunderftood with regard to our genera/ intention. I have A feveral — ( a ) fevefal times been furprized at finding us reprefented, as fuppofing, all beauty to confifl in piclurefque beauty—and the face of nature to be examined only by the rules of paint big. Whereas, in fact, we always fpeak a different language. We fpeak of the grand fcenes of nature, tho uninterefting in a piclurefque light, as having a ftrong effect on the imagination often a ftronger, than when they are pro- perly difpofed for the pencil.
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