From the innocuous marigold to the conch shell, from the CALENDAR deep sea to the bees, the birds and their complex abodes, to the intricacies of the human body, to the incredible geometry 2018 of the solar system, all things big and small in this universe reveal superlative design. New Delhi Injecting the rhythm, the balance and harmony displayed in
[email protected] nature into the human environment remains a vital quest and Bhubaneswar one of the challenges of this millennium.
[email protected] With over 30 years of collective experience in transformational Chennai research and communication, we at New Concept are geared
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[email protected] > Analytical documentation of processes and outcomes; > Supportive monitoring and evaluation, impact Patna assessments;
[email protected] > Web-based monitoring systems, content management, resource centres, repositories; > Researching into knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of communities; > Developing effective communication strategies for behaviour change; Concept, design and production > Capacity building for grassroot, frontline and managerial New Concept Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. functionaries and stakeholders; and Log on to for > Producing artistic communication materials that our earlier calendars on different themes. mobilise communities. Indian poetry as an agent of social change Poetry and the myriad forms of literary art that employ Compare this with Basava’s mild, yet firm admonition the aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language, of orthodox elements in society resisting change: “The imprint their creator’s world on the minds of readers.