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[email protected] August 2013 “What you let choose you, will drive you” --Interviewee on NPR. A place of peace. Igniting hearts. Dear Friend of Jesuit Retreat House: Board of Directors What do you seek for happiness? A big home? A recognized career? A Rita Carfagna fabulous salary? Chair What is the ‘drive’ or ‘passion’ in your life? What has grabbed you and John V. Biernacki absorbed you? What do you think about when you are alone? What consumes your energy, Hugh Buchanan your creativity, your relationships with others? Elizabeth Cotter Or, perhaps, your relationship with God? Even more challenging: Is God part of this driven, Frank DeSantis tireless, motion-filled life that controls you? Tina M. Facca, PhD When we give time to our soul, our spirit, we invite these furies of our competitive lives to be Kathleen Ferry confronted and challenged, to disappear and in their place we welcome peace, generosity, open mindedness, and love. Yes, the love of a God who has been waiting so patiently to Rita Mary Harwood, SND come in. St. Ignatius Loyola had a term for this openness to God: the Spiritual Exercises. Keith Lashinger We might refer to it as ‘retreat’. In the Book of Revelations, there is a warming and devotional image of Our Lord knocking on a door in the passage which says: “Here I stand, Paul V. Murphy knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will enter his house and have supper with him and he with me.” Rev.