HOMBU DOJO GRADING SYSTEM CONTENTS Exam. for Grade of: Prerequisite for Exam: Ikkyo Nikyo Sankyo Yonkyo Gokyo Shiho-nage -nage Kote-gaeshi Kaiten-nage Tenchi-nage Jiyuwaza Kokyu-ho Shomen- Shomen- 5th Kyu 30 days of practice Katatedori Sitting uchi uchi 40 days of practice after Shomen- Yokomen- Shomen- 4th Kyu Katadori Sitting obtaining 5th Kyu uchi uchi uchi Ryotedori 50 days of practice after Shomen-uchi(Sitting and Shomen-uchi 3rd Kyu Yokomen- Ryotedori Sitting obtaining 4th Kyu ) Tsuki Standing uchi Shomen-uchi(Sitting and Katatedor Shomen-uchi 50 days of practice after 2nd Kyu Standing) (Hanmi- Tsuki(Standing) Katatedor Ryotedori Katatedor Sitting obtaining 3rd Kyu Katadori(Sitting and Standing) handachi) Katatedor Shomen-uchi(Sitting and Katatedor Standing) Ryotedori Shomen-uchi Katatedor 60 days of practice after Yokomen-uchi(Sitting and Yokomen- Sitting 1st Kyu (Hanmi- Tsuki Ryotedori Ryotedori obtaining 2nd Kyu uchi Standing Standing) handachi & Katatedori Morotedori Katadori(Sitting and Standing) Standing) Ushiro Ryotedori 70 days of practice after Unarmed techniques(sitting,sitting vs. standing,standing techniques for strikes, thrusts, all forms of grasping shoulders, elbows, collar, 1st Dan obtaining 1st Kyu wrists and hands; all techniques from the rear) Minimum 1 year since Same as above plus Tantodori and Futarigake 2nd Dan 1st dan, with 200 days Submit an article on some -related subject. of practice Minimum 2 years since Same as above plus Tachidori , Jodori and Taninzugake 3rd Dan 2nd dan, with 300 days Same as above (Topics will be assigned) of practice

Minimum 3 years since 4th Dan 3rd dan, with 400 days Jiyuwaza for all of the above plus a short essay of practice

AIKIKAI FOUNDATION Aikido World Headquarters

17-18 Wakamatsu Cho, -ku, , 162-0056