
“Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase” Kicks Off at Ngong Ping Village “” Stars Meet the Shaolin Masters

[, 28 July 2010] Ngong Ping 360 kicked off the 3-week-long “Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase” today with a spectacular Shaolin Kung Fu performance. At the launch ceremony, Managing Director of Ngong Ping 360 Mr. Y T Li, together with the stars of “The Legend is Born - Ip Man” Mr. Dennis Yu-hang To and Miss Rose Chan, demonstrated their Kung Fu skills with 15 Shaolin masters. They also joined the visitors to practise the “Shaolin Stress Relieving Exercise” to relax, unwind and take in the natural beauty at the tourist attraction.

Ip Man Meets Shaolin Kung Fu Masters As ( 詠春) Kung Fu fans, Mr. Dennis To and Miss Rose Chan demonstrated the “Chi Sao” ( 黐手) technique at the ceremony, creating a crossover between Wing Chun and Shaolin Kung Fu. It was also the first-time the “Shaolin Stress Relieving Exercise” was demonstrated publicly by the Shaolin masters. Mr. T Y Li and visitors to Ngong Ping Village joined in the exercise.

Be an Up-and-coming Kung Fu Star Mr. Dennis To is a member of the Hong Kong Team and was named the “Youngest Wushu Champion in the World”. With his outstanding performance in the movie “The Legend Is Born - Ip Man”, Mr. To is regarded as one of the top up-and-coming Kung Fu movie stars. In order to improve his performance further, Mr. To took the opportunity to invite the Shaolin masters to teach him Shaolin Kung Fu.

Not-to-be-missed Shaolin Kung Fu & “Shaolin Stress Relieving Exercise” Mr. Y T Li remarked that the outdoor “blue and green” environment and the culturally-themed Ngong Ping Village make a perfect stage for the Shaolin Kung Fu demonstrations. “We are delighted to bring the spectacular Shaolin Kung Fu performances to visitors from all over the world in a truly stunning setting,” he said.

“Visitors are able to learn useful body-healing and stress-reliving exercises that are important for one’s health,” added Mr. Li.


From 24 July to 15 August, visitors can appreciate the Shaolin Kung Fu performances, interactive workshops and photo-taking sessions. At the “Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase”, 15 Shaolin masters will showcase various authentic martial arts skills using spears and fists, Monkey Cudgel Play and a Shepherd's Whip.

During the “Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase” period, two Kung Fu performances will be held each weekday and four performances on weekends. Interactive workshops will be held at 2:00pm on weekdays in Ngong Ping Village and at 12:30pm and 2:30pm on weekends.

During the period, there will be two photo-taking sessions with the Kung Fu masters each day. Visitors can get up-close with the Kung Fu masters for a memorable photo.

Reservations and enquiries Limited space is available for the interactive workshops and photo-taking sessions. Visitors who wish to join may either collect free coupons at Ngong Ping Village or call the Ngong Ping 360 Customer Service Hotline at 3666 0606 for reservations.

More details about the “Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase” and the cable car service can be obtained through the Hotline and the Ngong Ping 360 website at .

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Schedule Ngong Ping Shaolin Kung Fu Performances (24 July – 15 August 2010)

Date Performance and Workshop 28 July (Wednesday) Kick-off Event 12:30 pm Special guests:  Mr Y T Li, Managing Director of Ngong Ping 360  Mr Dennis To 杜宇航, Kung Fu star  Miss Rose Chan 陳嘉桓, movie star

Weekdays Kung Fu Performance: (26, 27, 28, 29, 30 July; 12:00 noon 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 3:00 pm August) Interactive Workshop: 2:00 pm

Photo session: 12:25 pm 3:25 pm

Sat & Sun Kung Fu Performance (Mini Show) (24, 25, 31 July; 12:00 noon 1, 7, 8, 14, 15 August) 4:30 pm

Kung Fu Performance (Main Show): 1:30 pm 3:30 pm

Interactive Workshop: 12:30 pm 2:30 pm

Photo session: 1:55 pm 3:55 pm

Note : ♦ Limited space is available for the interactive workshops and photo sessions. Free coupons will be distributed at Ngong Ping Village on a first-come, first-served basis. Visitors can also call the Ngong Ping 360 Customer Service Hotline at 3666 0606 for reservation.


Photos :

1. A cross-over of Shaolin and “Ip Man” -- Mr. Y T Li (middle), Mr. Dennis To (right), Miss Rose Chan (left) attended the kick-off ceremony of “Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase”.


2. Shaolin Kung Fu masters are meeting visitors at Ngong Ping Village from 24 July to 15 August.
