ORW 1972-12.Pdf
RACEWALKER VOLU¥.EVIII, NUHaER10 C\JLUMaJS, OHIO DE.CEl-!5R, 1972 EUCKBJ~ Ai-rl..k.DTO LAMY YU,;NG nte 6th Annual Dr• John mackrurn A'flard, giTen tr.rthe Ohio Race Walker each year for the outstandine sinele perfo=ance . in U.S. race walking, goes to Larry Young for 1972 . Larry's 4:00:46 !or 50 Km in Munich was far and away the best perfor::iance of the year and probabl,y the greatest walk eTer by an .Ameri can. ETen if Larry hadn't perfo:-:::ed so well in Munich, he would still ha Te walked off with the· a-.rard 'With his l:J0:10 on the track or his 4:13:04 Trials Tictory in .bugen's heat. ~ In winning the award, Larry joins past winners Larry 0 ' !,eil, 1967; P.l.:dy <", ,;<, .:s Ha luza, 1968; Bob Kitcehn, 1969 and 1971; and Goetz Klopfer, 1970, and _[ can look forward to receitlng the handsane plaque sCJ111etirr.ein the next 0 ,- ..., 8 or 10 months. (The ORW is not not ed for 1.bs pranptness 1a these mat 1) ters, as pretlous wi.Mera will testify.) \,, .... .:,- ~ - * ~ * * * * • * • • n, tr" <:. MISCEU.ANYFROM THE RACEWALKING WOHLD ,, --- Being short on race results at this tL-:ie of year and de Tot 'ing thia issue largely to statistical-type trash (witness next seTcral pages), we will start the monthly hodee-podre of news ite:ns and triYia on page nwnero uno ••••• First, all you chair:nen and scheculin~ cooroinators get your schedules for 1973, or as much of it as you ha-.e\• a\ soon as possible.
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