ORW 1974-11.Pdf
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C') W. Q £. c ~ O=- 3 Cl) :0 CT C o, ~ 3 (') - 3 C'D 0 -· :E :r ... Q) o· ~ ~ RACEWALKER ... (!) e :g .. N ..+ 0 N VOLUMEX I NUMEER9 COLUMI:9JS,OHIO NOVEHBER1974 8TH M,l\l!AL ELACKWRNAh;Uill TO ffivDCX::K In the fall of 1967, awed by the great performance of Larry 0 1 Neil in that year's firt 100 miler, Jac k El.ackburn, then publisher of the CRW, and I de cided to honor Larry with a sp eci al award and to make t hat award an anrrua 1 present~tioh to the athlete who turned in the single outstan~ ing perfonnance for the year. At the same time, we chose to honor Doc Blackbu rn, who has meant so much to Ohio race walking, by calling it the Dr. John f:l. maol(bu rn Award. Obviously, the first award went to La rry 0 1 Neil . ,,1111,J~ ' This year , the "walk-away""of the eth Annual Award is Sue Erodock with her 24:16, 2 world's best 5 Km in winning the In ternational ChaJ!!pion (') ~ v ship . Sue thus becomes the first woman to win th .is prestigious Award. () (") ~ In winning the race, Sue beat fo:nner record holder Ma r ga reta Simu of """' rt. Swede n b.v nea r ly 40 seconds, Earlier in the y~ar, Sue had finnly est Q... c:_ IV ., <.:_) al;>lished her credentials with a i'lorld 1 s best at 1 VJ.le, ~ ::s-- c:: ..... ,.. ~ Other forme r .:inners of the Award are · R,;dy Haluza , 1966; Eob Kitc hen, nV'> 1969 and 1971; Goetz Klopfe r, 1970; Larry Young, 1972; and Ron Laird, 1'1Tl3, ..." , ~g~ Sue thus joins a rather select gr oup of U,S. walkers, Sue's l'iandsomely '<) "'( - engraved p½acque will be on the way as soon as we have it marle '(_ ct ..... -:::s up and ferret out her address. "<. <...J> c>.._ KORN, HUt,'rER \·,Ii~ ': i:i" TITLES (' Eob Korn at 10 Km a nd Chuch Hunter at 100 K:n have added t:att io nal AAU "f." title s to their laurels during ,iovember . Chuck walked a lonely .._) 100 Km on the track at Niviot High School in Colorado as the bugaboo of small fields for these "B" r aces continued, The only other starters ~\ were Craig and Rocky Hunter, who went a couplP- of miles, and Jerry Brown doing an exhibition 15 miles. This should not detract from Chuck's nerfonnance as he sh01·1ed his usual determination to cor.rr.lete t he task at hand . With the t em:-erature never over 40 a~d rain falling througho ut the day, Chuck started at 5:30 in the morning and kep t at it for 12:46:40 to claim the title . His 10 mile splits were 1:41, 3:33, 5:25, 7:38, and 9: 57. The r ace was held o:, Nov. 2 • . It was a lso cold and rainy i n Portland, Ore. for tile 10 km on Nov. 23, Korn easily .bested a field of 10 to win in 49 :20.6. Rob Frank fi n ished an isolated second as Scott Massinger, who may have been strong comnetition, nursed a cross-country injury as an official, The results: l . Bob Korn 49:2 0,6 2, Rob Frar.k 51:30 3, Jeff Reynolds 54:44 4, Pete Ea nko 56:33 5, Al Schur.nan 57:59 6, Craig Jones 58:59 7. Dick Arkley 61:27 8. Dean Ingram 62 :07 9. Don Jacobs 63:56 10. Hike Sprinker 69:18 PAGE2 •' NOl/'i!:HffiR1974 NOVEHBER1974 PAGE3 OT:-iERRESULTS: FlF'TH AKNJALO!iH WORLDRANKI!I.GS ~:at Cs~ 1--!e"!!orial20 Km, t·:ew York C~ty, Oct, 30--1. Dr, John Knifton , NYAC 1:36:29.6 2, Ray Somers, I\YAC 1:3 :5 2 3. Dave Romansky, Shere AC 1:37 :46 Here are the e ag,erly awaited 01,W Rankings of the world I s race 4 . Ron Dani.el , l,YAC1:45:10 5, Jim H.1rchi.e, LIAC 1:45:12 6. Dr, Shaul walkers at both 20 and 50 ki.lcrnt>t~r~; ·"' The rankings are based on perf Ladany, LI,'.,C 1:46:49 7. Na.x Gould, Toronto YfJlA 1:47:55 8. Ron Kulik , ormances throughout the year and are a co,ypJ.etely .subjective opinion ;·iYAC1:5 1:05 9, Paul Schell , North l-:edford 1:51 :5 2 10, Dr. John Shilling of one man--yo ur editor . Consideration is given to best ti~es, perfor l,YFC 1: 53:54 11, Steve Reb~an , t.J<C 1:53:56 12. Bob Morse , Ni{C 1 :54:17 mance ar,airist other leadine walkers, and the record in major races, How 13, Larry ~:ehl'!:an, LHC 1: 54:37 14, Ben Brown, KJ.!C1:55:33 15, D:>n ever, I have probably given less consideration tothe ElrO~ean 20 ~~ Johnson, Shore AC 1:56:14 17, Eob Mimm, F-enn AC 2:00:52 18, T:iJnWason, Championship ti:an I nonnally would since the heat and humidity were so tW.C 2:01:50 19 . John Gray, tl/,;c 2:03:11 20. Jack Menend· ez, US~~MA2:03:~0 much a fa ctor arJd so many top walkers failed to finish. Incidentally, 21 . Ron Salvio, Shore AC 2:03:34 22, Rill Hungelrnan, US11HA 2:07:47 Vladimir Zhaloshik, who finished third in t!ia t race, was subsequently 23, Rill Hackulich, Penn AC 2:0B:02 24, Grant C<1rbarano, USNHA2:09:32 disqualified when a drug test proved posit ive, giving Roe er Hills the 25, Jin: Set:ulveda , USJ·~·'.\ 2:12:48 26. Louis Nione , un. 2:14:Ql 27, Dave. bronze medal and moving everyone else up a notch. No details on the Lakritz, un. 2:ll,:12 28 . Dr, Steven Schwarz, LIAC 2:17:14 :111, Dr, Jack indicent yet, so we don't know if this was some innocent use of medica foitano, Stratford Spartans 2:17:59 30 , Cliff Vii1m1,Penn AC 2:18:14 tion as with the U.S. swimr.er in Munich, or an actual attempt tog ain an 31. l\atha n Ringler, 92n d St , Y}:HA2:18:39 32, ,1J,,an Wood, Shere AC 2:18:42 advantare . In any case, ZhalGshi k is not ranked since the rest of his 33, Erad HcGee 2:19:50 3L1, Horr is Davis, 92 nd St YMHA2 :20:10 record did not merit it. So, here is the way I rank the 20 ¥.lll: Disqualified : R, Freund and Bob Falciola . t·JA,,U 15 riile, Long Branch 1 ~,ov. 3-1 . ibb Falci.ola, Shore AC 2:03:02 l. Vladimir Golubnichi.y , USSR 6, Peter Frenkel, E. Germany 2, Dr, Shaul Ladany, LIAC 2:11:14 3, John Fredericks, Shore AC 2 :!3 :58 1:28:2:i..2 (1) USSR Ch,, rfoscow 7/2 4 1:27:49.0 (3¢ Naumburg 5/1 4 , Fob lti:nm, Penn AC 2:15:34 5, Don J 0 hnson, Shore AC 2:21 :42 6. Alex 1:29:30,0 (1) Eur. Ch. , Rome 9/3 1:29 :34,2 (1) Lud~igsfilds 5/26 Turner, Shore /..C 2 : 24: 31 7. E:i.ll _i-!akulich, Penn AC 2: 31 : 54 8. l!arcus 1:21:35.8 (3) San Re¼o 6/9 (short) Ebah,Tight, Essex County .~A 2:40 :/,l 9. Tom Fyfe, Shere AC 2:l 15:08 2. Bernd Kanr:enberg, W. Germar,y 1:25:16.4 (2) EG Ch., Leipsig 7//20 10. Fred Spector, Shore AC 2:49:15 11, Bill Lloyd, Shere AC 2:5 0:4 7 1:29: 44 ,0 (1) Frankfurt 5/5 l :2 3 :30,0 (1) funska fystrica8/10 ;·ciA;·.U 20 fale , I.on,, F.ranch , rov . 10--1. Eob Falciola, Shere AC 2: 54:11 1:24:45,0 (1) fa JT,burg 5/25 (WR) nt:F Rome 9/3 2. Dr. Shaul Ladany , ll AC 2: 56:20 3, Jo:in Frederic ks and.Hay Florian i, Dt-,F &lcharest 5/19 S'::ore AC 3:18:30 5, ,,lex Torner, Sha- e AC 3:23:1,5 6. Eob J.i.i.uun,Pe nn AC 1:35:06 , 0 (1) vs, Poland 7/13 7. An~ando Zai~baldo, Italy 3:27:33 7. Don Johnson, Shore AC 3:35:02 8, Rill Ha l<ulich, Penn AC 1:29:48,0 (1) Eanover 7/26 1 :28 :41.8 (4) ·~aumburg 5/1 3 :i.1:20 9. Rill Uoyd , Shore AC 3:54:40 ~'.JAAU10 Hi.le Hdcp, Loni>: Branch l :2?:38,2 (2) Eur . Ch,, Rome 9/3 l : 2c,:21.2 (1) Rome 4/20 (tr) ~!ov. 17--1. John Kerrigan, ;'iill ingboro 1:37:45 2 , Cliff Hi.mm, \l'illin gboro 1 :22 :17.4 (4) San Remo6/9 (s hort) ·.l:45:14 3. Sam DeLosSar:tos, Likel<'ood 1:43:25 4. Sid Fains, IrvinBton 3. Karl-Heinz St adtm uller, E·. Gennany 1:33:04.8 (40 Eur . Ch., Rome-913 1:43:00 5. Fred S!)ector 1:39:2 5 6, Don Lowery 1 :49:35 7, George Gar 1:26:59 ,8 (1) Naumburg 5/1 1:33:31,4 (2) Florence 7/11 la:-:d 1:45:15 8.