ORW 1974-11.Pdf
C') W. Q £. c ~ O=- 3 Cl) :0 CT C o, ~ 3 (') - 3 C'D 0 -· :E :r ... Q) o· ~ ~ RACEWALKER ... (!) e :g .. N ..+ 0 N VOLUMEX I NUMEER9 COLUMI:9JS,OHIO NOVEHBER1974 8TH M,l\l!AL ELACKWRNAh;Uill TO ffivDCX::K In the fall of 1967, awed by the great performance of Larry 0 1 Neil in that year's firt 100 miler, Jac k El.ackburn, then publisher of the CRW, and I de cided to honor Larry with a sp eci al award and to make t hat award an anrrua 1 present~tioh to the athlete who turned in the single outstan~ ing perfonnance for the year. At the same time, we chose to honor Doc Blackbu rn, who has meant so much to Ohio race walking, by calling it the Dr. John f:l. maol(bu rn Award. Obviously, the first award went to La rry 0 1 Neil . ,,1111,J~ ' This year , the "walk-away""of the eth Annual Award is Sue Erodock with her 24:16, 2 world's best 5 Km in winning the In ternational ChaJ!!pion (') ~ v ship . Sue thus becomes the first woman to win th .is prestigious Award. () (") ~ In winning the race, Sue beat fo:nner record holder Ma r ga reta Simu of """' rt. Swede n b.v nea r ly 40 seconds, Earlier in the y~ar, Sue had finnly est Q... c:_ IV ., <.:_) al;>lished her credentials with a i'lorld 1 s best at 1 VJ.le, ~ ::s-- c:: ..... ,.. ~ Other forme r .:inners of the Award are · R,;dy Haluza , 1966; Eob Kitc hen, nV'> 1969 and 1971; Goetz Klopfe r, 1970; Larry Young, 1972; and Ron Laird, 1'1Tl3, ..." , ~g~ Sue thus joins a rather select gr oup of U,S.
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