The Mendoza Review: an independent review of museums in England Neil Mendoza November 2017 We can also provide documents to meet the specific requirements for people with disabilities. Please email
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[email protected] This document is also available from our website at The Mendoza Review: an independent review of museums in England 3 Contents Introduction by Neil Mendoza 5 Executive Summary 9 Recommendations: Shaping the Future of Museums 12 A. A joined-up approach from government and its Arm’s Length Bodies 12 B. A clearer museums role for DCMS 13 C. National responsibilities for national museums 14 D. A stronger development function for ACE with museums 14 E. A more effective use of National Lottery funding for museums 15 F. The closer involvement of Historic England 16 Reflections on what the sector can do: 17 What can local authorities do to support thriving museums? 17 Best practice for museums 18 Museums in England Today 19 Public Funding for Museums 21 Understanding and Addressing the Priorities for Museums in England Today 30 I.