10 ways to use Jamboard in class tomorrow

By Matt Miller Creator, Do More with Google Jamboard Online Course Do More with Google Jamboard

● 2+ hours of video instruction ● 40+ teaching ideas ● 100 templates ● Certificate of completion (2hr) ● Interactive infographics ● Ebooks full of ideas

Click here to enroll in the Do More with Google Jamboard Online Course 1. The collaborative brain dump

Recalling new learning is powerful for long-term memory. Create a brain dump space to help students retain new information.

Click here to get the template 2. The teacher white board

Use Jamboard as a super-powered white board remotely and face to face. Write. Share your screen. Then give students a link to review later.

Create a new jam to do this 3. The graphic organizer

Guide students through a line of thinking. Add a graphic organizer as a Jamboard background. Then let students complete it.

Click here to get the template 4. The image annotation

Drag and drop arrows, circles, and more on an image. Then, students add text to explain their answers. It’s very visual, brain-friendly learning!

Click here to get the template 5. Snap a picture

Use your webcam to add a picture to Jamboard. Then annotate. It’s a fun, easy way to make photo comic strips and to personalize learning.

Create a new jam to do this 6. Access version history

See revisions to a jam -- and who made them -- in version history. Just use the three dots menu button next to share.

Use an existing jam to do this 7. Use animated GIFs.

Draggable animated GIF images make interactive activities fun. Plus, you can make animated GIF backgrounds for your jams!

Click here to learn how 8. Make a scratch-off activity.

Scratch-offs let students reveal info in a fun, hands-on way. Just use the marker tool to color in the scratch-off, and students erase to reveal! Click here to get the template (via Esther Park) 9. Add files.

Use the mobile app to add images of docs, slides, and more to your jams. Then you can annotate on them and move them around!

App (iOS) App (Android) 10. Hide items in an object.

Create something to hide sticky notes in with the marker tool. Marker is always on top! Color in a space and hide things behind it.

Click here to get the template (via Alice Keeler) Ready to do more?

● 2+ hours of video instruction ● 40+ teaching ideas ● 100 templates ● Certificate of completion (2hr) ● Interactive infographics ● Ebooks full of ideas

Click here to enroll in the Do More with Google Jamboard Online Course