The Banner The South Civic Association Newsletter Winter 2004

Crime - Code Enforcement - Transportation Issues General Membership Meeting January 13, 2004 7:00 PM at the Central Chris- tian Church, located at Boulevard and W. Chelsea. (Enter from Clearfield St parking lot) At the recent Seminole Heights Town Hall meeting held last summer, these three issues had the greatest interest. We have invited three city leaders who can give us further information on what can be done to make our neighborhood more livable. Police Chief Stephen Hogue, Code Enforcement Director Curtis Lane and a representative from the City Transpor- tation Department will he at the meeting to answer your questions. This will be your meeting to ask the questions that are impor- tant to you. Our guests will be prepared to discuss property crime, auto theft, community policing, barking dogs, Ave code violations, cut-through traffic, vandalism and other concerns. Please plan to attend and bring your questions and see what’s in store to make South Seminole Heights a more livable neighborhood.

Rivercrest Park Amelioration Project- Complete!!!! By Ken Hacek On November 22, 2003, South Seminole Heights Civic Association, along with volunteers from the 16th Annual Mayor's Hillsborough River & Waterways Cleanup project, as well as City of Tampa Parks Department employees, completed a 3+ year effort to protect our Park from eroding further along the Hillsborough River. In August of 2000, Elizabeth Mitchell, then Secretary for SSHCA, applied to the Environmental Protection Commission for a grant from the Hillsborough County Pollution Recovery Fund to complete the embankment/erosion protection of Park along the Hillsborough River from the Pumping Station to the docks on the southern portion of the park. A couple of years prior, the City Parks Department had restored the riverfront Shoreline restoration and plantings of new along the northern end of the park. This was very expensive, and funding to complete the trees and saltwater-tolerant grass project would not become available for some time. Continued on Page 8

Thank you, What’s Inside Mark Your Calendars Catherine Griffin for N.E.A.T. Day President’s Letter Page 2 We would like to give special recogni- N.E.A.T. Details Page 3 tion to Catherine Griffin, from the City of Tampa February 28, 2004 Around the Neighborhood Page 7 Community Affairs office, for here untiring dedi- Details in this issue. A World of Fitness Page 4 cation to the South Seminole Heights Civic Asso- ______Porch Party Details Page 8 ciation. Even though she does not live here, Holiday Decoration Winners Catherine has been involved in our organization Porch Parties Resume Page 5 for many years. You will see her at most of our February 20th hosted by Peter Membership Application Back events and meetings. She has assisted us on plan- Cover ning the recent Day In the Park, has helped fill deGolian Board Members, Committee Chair- eggs for the spring carnivals, and even helped March 12th hosted by Randy persons Page 2 “sell” hot dogs at a meeting to raise funds. Sev- & Paulette Stribling and Valere- Ad Rates Page 2 eral years ago when the association was on the rie & Robert Holland Hillsborough County verge of collapse, she walked door to door in the Mini-Grant Award Page 9 neighborhood to find members to serve on a new board of directors. Please join us at the General Board of Directors meets on the 4th Membership Meeting on January 13th, when Tuesday of each month. we show our appreciation to Catherine. Page 2 Letter from the President

Greetings Neighbors!

As Editor of the newsletter, usually at this time I am turning to Ken Hacek to get the President’s letter in for the next issue. I http:// realized that now it’s ME who will write this column each quarter for the next year. President First, I want to thank Ken for the out- Ellsworth 813-404-5222 standing job he has done as President for the past three years. He has made it a very easy transition for the new Board of Directors, and I am glad that he will be continuing Vice-President on as a delegate at large, offering his expertise for the next year. I would also like to Rich Oches 813-234-4736 that outgoing Board members Doris Gagner and Jerry Hibbs for their hard work and contribution this past year. Secretary “To educate, promote and encourage civic pride and awareness of issues im- Gina Carnesecchi pacting the neighborhood known as South Seminole Heights, while revitalizing a sense of community in a safe and healthy residential neighborhood…” This is a section from Treasurer the Association By-laws and is our focus as we begin a new year. How will this be Sandy Drake done? We work hard together as a community. We look out for each other, we sup- port our local businesses, schools, library and take care of our public spaces. We take At-Large Delegates pride in our homes and neighborhood, and we get involved. Peter deGolian T.H.A.N. I recently had the opportunity to attend a meeting, where Ken Hacek Transportation residents of a Kennedy Blvd. Neighborhood spoke on behalf of a zoning change. Randy Stribling Greenways They had no neighborhood association, and it was a “crisis” that brought these people together to speak out. We are very lucky to already have an organization to champion Peer-to-Peer our causes. But an organization won’t run on its own without people. We need volun- (Code Enforcement Issues) teers on all committees. Please consider offering a few hours this year to help. We Carla Gorman have good committee chairpersons who are looking for members to join in their ef- Mail to: SSHCA forts. We are also looking for volunteers to help out on special events that we sponsor Box 360371, Tampa, FL 33673 throughout the year. Or e-mail: I am grateful for your support and thank those members who took the time to [email protected] vote in the October election. I encourage everyone to attend the January meeting. Membership Representatives from TPD, Code Enforcement and City Transportation will be present Bob Neville to answer any questions you have. This will be your chance to be heard. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting! Beautification Jeff Williams Regards, Communications/Webmaster Gary Ellsworth Les Berty

Crime Watch Valerie Holland 237-2996

Newsletter Staff Editor: Gary Ellsworth Layout Asst: Les Berty Distribution: Rick Oches Advertisements: Suzanne Warner

Ad Rates: Business Card Size $25 per issue 3” X 4” $50 per issue Half-page $100 per issue (10% discount for full year paid) All ads are accepted subject to ap- proval and available space. Page 3 Suzanne Cannella Warner, Esquire N.E.A.T. Day for South Seminole Attorney & Counselor At Law announces the re-opening of her law practice in Historic ; Saturday, February 28th Heights Mark your calendars now, and plan your after assisting her daughter in establishing spring cleaning. ‘Ashley’s on the Avenue’ Gift Shop The Neighborhood Environmental Action Team Suzanne C. Warner, P.A. (N.E.A.T.) was developed and initiated by Mayor Greco to 401 East Oak Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33602 improve the quality of life in Tampa's neighborhoods. N.E.A.T. is managed by the Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction TEL: 813-223-4610 FAX: 813-223-4710 with the Solid Waste Department, Stormwater, Neighborhood Se Habla Espanol Improvement, Community Affairs and the Police Department. Other participating agencies include Vista Volunteers, Salvation Areas of Specialty Army and the Mayor's Beautification Program. All items must be § FAMILY LAW curbside by 7:30 am the morning of the clean-up. Please do not § COHABITATION AGREEMENTS put items curbside more than 1 week before your scheduled § ESTATE PLANNING clean-up. Assistance with the loading of your materials is § LIVING WILLS & HEALTH CARE AD- appreciated, but not required. VANCE DIRECTIVES Materials accepted for collection during N.E.A.T Cleanup: Furniture, televisions, mattresses, tires without rims, carpet, yard § FLORIDA POWERS OF ATTORNEY waste, dried latex paint, and barbecue grills. Large appliances § PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL must be out on Saturday and will be picked up during the DEATH following week. The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not Materials not accepted: Auto parts, building materials such as be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask me sheds, fences, tile, pipe, wood/plywood, bricks, concrete blocks, to send you free written information about my qualifications & roofing materials, doors, windows or drywall, hazardous, toxic, experience. or combustible materials such as lead, mercury, asbestos, PCB's, chlorine, radioactive material, herbicides, pesticides, explosives, ammunition or pressurized gas cylinders, liquid wastes including paints, solvents or fuels, tires with rims, sludge, motor oil, metal drums, household garbage and tree trunks over 5 ft long or over 100 pounds

E-mail us at- [email protected] website- Page 4 and poise that comes with fit body awareness. Dietary infor- by Elizabeth Mitchell A World of Fitness mation and advice is based on a good balance of quality pro- Urban Fitness – that’s what we all want and need, tein, complex carbohydrates, and good sources of fat (more isn’t it? Imagine a private gym at 5 minutes distance, open omegas and less saturated animal fats) from 4 to 5 small whenever you wanted to go to it, with all the equipment meals per day, keeping the metabolism stimulated and blood necessary for a full work out – about a dozen machines, plus free sugar stabilized. weights, 3 treadmills, 2 elliptical trainers, and one recumbent Jana’s philosophy can be expressed: “Obey your bike. You could vary your workout, fitting it into your schedule Potential”. This means paying more attention to what you at your own perfect time. Imagine no longer – the experience can need, what you are, and what you can be from the inside – be yours. Check out Urban Fitness at 4705 N Florida Ave, just more than to outside pressures and concerns; that you will be south of Hanna on the East side. Call Jana at 232-5952 or 368- more able to take care of your family, friends and life con- 5262 to do more than look enviously thru the windows. cerns if you take care of your own physical self; that looking Jana Poat opened Urban Fitness in the Seminole Heights good is only for real if it comes from the inside out. area in May of 2001. This is the culmination of a life devoted to This writer is also a happy recent member of the gym. There fitness both personal and public. A shy and timid teenager, at are equal numbers of men and women, from ages 18 – 60+. thirteen Jana found the gym, and she found her life’s passion. In Jana says she has a wonderful group of members and clients the quiet town of Paducah, KY, there was not much to do other and she really appreciates everyone who comes to the gym. than watch television or bike sixteen miles to the gym to play She welcomes YOU to the world of Urban Fitness basketball, racquetball and swim. Track at High School was not enough for this teenager who begged her parents – folks who had no interest in healthy food and exercise – to buy her a membership. They did, and at fifteen she graduated to training with weights and instruction in Nautilus equipment. At 18, she met Jimmy Fields, the head of Nautilus diet and exercise program. As his protégé, she learned the program and was trained to teach it to others. Over the years, Jana has continued her education and certifications from more than one reputable fitness Myers Ad organization, as well as maintaining continuing education courses. Jana brings her experience of personal fitness training to us at her own gym. You can become a member with no training, or with one session to learn your way around, or take as many personal training sessions as often as you want or need. The gym has keyless entry – members have their own card to open the door – hence you can let yourself in at any hour. Turn on the radio, the TV or play any of the extensive CD collection and work out to your heart’s content – literally. It is like a private gym, you may often be there by yourself, or sometimes with a couple of others. There is never the intimidating feeling of a gym full of fitness fanatics and experts strutting their stuff. There is never a line waiting to use the equipment. Medicine balls, yoga mats, Velcro weights and large exercise balls allow for optional training modes. Inner and outer thighs will melt into firm con- tours with the thigh machine. The squat rack and bench press please many, and there is a shower available. Membership is $45 per month with the advantage of no contract – you pay month by month. Training sessions are $50 per hour, or $40 if several sessions are taken. Jana offers training in a circuit based workout - cardio vascular fitness and strength training are combined. As well as the basic body workout, more individualized training based on a client’s needs and goals - short term and long term - weight loss, muscle building, injury recov- ery, just to name a few, can be factored in to the training. Jana’s extreme desire and passion to be a personal trainer devel- oped through growing up with the pain of seeing her mother stressed and unhappy. She was unconfident about her body and unwilling or unable, in fact scared to go to the gym. Jana is happy to provide a place for people to start. It is her joy to see the psychological benefits that come along with the physical. The client who begins awkward and unconfident, avoiding the mir- rors, soon becomes one who glances happily in the mirrors, and walks with confidence continued next column Page 5 Hungarian Bean Soup by Jocelyn Myers

What to do with the leftover ham and soup bone from the holidays? This was one of my dad's favorites. When he Mar- ried my mom, a Key West girl, she had to learn how to make it. It's simple and delicious. Great warm up for a cool day. I like mine over noodles, but you can eat it plain.

1 lb. Navy Beans or Northern Beans (soak overnight in wa- ter) 4 stalks celery cut up 1 onion chopped 1 medium potato diced

Cover ham and beans with water. Add onion, celery, potato. Add salt and pepper if desired.Simmer for several hours. You can use a crock pot but make sure it is a large crock pot. You can test one of the beans to make sure it is soft. Then you know it's done. Enjoy!!!!

SSHCA Congratulates Holiday Decorations Winners by Gary Ellsworth The Holiday Decorations Organizing Committee, which included five of us, a supply of beverages and a tray of cheese and crackers, took to the streets of South Seminole Heights on December 16th to preview and determine win- ners of this year’s contest. I must confess, we were all full of excitement since our very first Board Meeting of the new year finished only minutes before. We finished the evening with three pages of house numbers that had beautiful deco- rations. It was a difficult task to decide on three winners. We are pleased to announce the following as winners of this year’s holiday light contest: 1st Place: 311 South 2nd Place: 506 W. Curtis 3rd Place: 323 W. Haya

I hope everyone had the opportunity to get out and see all the displays through- out the neighborhood.. In addition to the above winners, there were several honorable men- tions. These include: On Ida, 307, 309, 311. The 400 Block of North Bay, Fall 2003 Beautification Banner Winner Craig others on North Bay; 101, 102, 107, 304, 305, 306, 313, 316, 601 and 604. On Shatto, left, pictured here with Vice President Alva; 100 Block, 701 W River Heights, 4214 Riverside, 4208, 4210 and 4510 Rick Oches, who was Beautification Chairperson N Boulevard, 4401 and 4709 Clearfield. On Emma; 115, 315 and 510. 207, last year. Craig recently purchased his home lo- 210 and 310 W Genessee, 205 and 312 W Chelsea, the 100 and 200 block of cated on West Giddens Ave. He is also an asso- Cayuga. ciation member. We congratulate him, and thank On Curtis; 205, 208, 211, 310, 313, 504 and 506. On South, along with him for helping make our neighborhood what it the 1st place winner is 310, 304, 302, 209 and 204. Louisiana includes 108 and 313. Violet St; 209 and 213, 4816 Highland. Included also are; 308 and 310 Wilder, 209 and 312 Haya, 322 and 324 Crest. Along River Blvd are 5301, 4820, 4908, and 5301. Giddens includes 108, 109, 311. Fierson included 308, 310, 322 and 325. Congratulations to everyone, and apologies to any that may have been inadvertently left off the list. We can all be proud of our neighborhood, and all the hard work involved in the home decorations. Page 6 Membership Update ! By Robert W. Neville

Please allow this to be my introduction as your new Membership Chairperson. Welcome new members and special thanks to renewing members. Renewing Members: Gary Ellsworth and Tom Harman New Members: Jerry and Sandra Tippin, Joseph and Angela Horstman, Carrie Cox and Trent Williamson. If you are not already involved in our neighborhood as- sociation, we encourage you to become a member and participate on one of our committees. Reminders will be sent out soon to our neighbors if their membership has expired. Please return them to me as soon as possible. We appreciate you being part of the SSHCA and value your participation. Please give thanks to Michelle Hacek, former Member- ship Chairperson, for work in keeping us all up to date and pro- moting support throughout our neighborhood.

House Numbers Please remember, Tampa City Code requires that house numbers be placed on all homes. It is also important that the numbers if summoned. Recently, when we were judging holiday decorations, we noticed that several homes had inadequate identification. Some were difficult to find, others had been painted over and were the same color as the structure. If you need assistance in replacing house numbers on your home, please contact the Association, and we will assist you. Around the Neighborhood Page 7

Day In the Park Rivercrest Park Children and parents gathered in Rivercrest Park on October 18, 2004 for an early Halloween celebration. There were games for the children and a Bounce-A lot to burn up their energy. Cotton candy, popcorn, sno cones, hot dogs, hamburgers and sodas kept everyone full. Tampa Fire Rescue were on hand with two fire trucks, including a new aerial ladder truck pictured above. Thanks go out to Ladder Company 13 from the Busch Gardens area and Engine Company 7 from Nebraska and Hanna. A spe- cial thanks goes to Jerry Hibbs and Nick Keuler, who coordi- nated the event. Holiday Concert and Luminary Stroll Pictured at right is the Sunshine Brass Band warming up for the Winter Holiday Concert in Rivercrest Park. The band played holiday tunes, and was followed by the Broward Elementary School Chorus. There were over five hundred lighted luminar- ies throughout the park, and along River Boulevard. Coffee and hot chocolate were provided, complements of Indigo Coffee Thank you, Sunshine Brass Band and Broward School Cho- rus for providing the music, and thank you Indigo Coffee for the donation of hot beverages on that chilly evening. Rivercrest Park Amelioration continued from page 1 Page 8 Elizabeth worked with an environmental planner, Brian Schatz, on On November 22nd, volunteers from the neighborhood the grant, which eventually was awarded at $15,000. This is and from the Mayor’s beautification project came out to plant where the fun began, as this was the first time a private non-profit 30 -7 gallon Cypress Trees, 5 - 7 gallon pignut hickory, and organization had received a grant for work to be done on City 100 - 2" plugs of spartina alternifolia. Additionally, 4 pallets property. Julie Sternfels, formerly with the City of Tampa Parks of bahia sod were planted along a fill area on the south end of Department, spearheaded the project from there. She helped coor- the park. Mayor Pam Iorio and City Council person Linda dinate the agreement between the City and SSHCA to do the work Saul-Sena were there to assist. The Mayor laid sod while Ms. on city property, pulled permits and worked with city designers to Saul-Sena planted trees along the river. Finally, netting was coordinate efforts to complete the work within the grant budget laid down along the new canoe launch that was included in the and to EPC specifications project. Between the legal wrangling of satisfactory agreements SSHCA would like to thank everyone who was in- (again this had never been done before), an 18 month drought, volved in the project, from volunteering, to planning, to having which delayed work, sparking more legal wrangling in the exten- the patience to see this through. Rivercrest Park is the focal sions of both the grant and the agreements, work was finally set to point of our neighborhood and we are committed to keeping it commence for late fall of 2003. beautiful. The Parks Department re-graded the embankment all along the river in November, and began laying paspalum vagi- natum sod to keep the new riverbank from eroding. Rocks along the shore were rolled in closer and a coconut fiber “log” was in- Thank you!!!! stalled. This was a new technology not available when the project was first planned, however, it was much less expensive and al- Indigo Coffee located at the I-275 South lowed more trees to be purchased and planted. Non-indigenous on-ramp at MLK plants were then trimmed back and removed. Continued next column Sunshine Brass Band CD’s on sale from Board member Randy Stribling Broward Elementary School Chorus

Porch Parties Are Back In Gear Porch Parties are back by popular demand, and the schedule for the monthly event is filling up quickly. On Fri- day, February 20th, Peter deGolian will host the party at his home at 4709 N. Boulevard. The March gathering will be co- sponsored by the Striblings and Hollands who have adjacent yards at Violet St and River Blvd. Their party will be Friday, March 12th. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited to attend, and bring a snack or dish to share with others, and your bev- erage of choice. The hosts provide ice, utensils and napkins. Mark your calendars now for these two events!

Friday, Feb 20th 4709 N Boulevard Friday, March 12th Violet and River Blvd.

Where??? Did you know Rivercrest Park has an address? Often, when you want to report a crime or other problem, a dispatcher will need an address. The park address is: 4812 River Blvd. If you see suspicious activity in the park, please call the police immediately. If you see lights in the park that are out, please call the parks department at 931-2608 Page 9

SSHCA Awarded Mini-Grant The Association was recently awarded a $535.00 Mini-Grant by the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners. The award has been used to purchase a software upgrade for publishing THE BANNER. The grant money was a combina- tion of BOCC funding and a pledge from the Frank E. Duckwell Foun- dation. The purchase of the soft- ware will allow us to create an “electronic” version of the newslet- ter, which will then be placed on PageMaker Software purchased with County grant our website. It will also be used to create other publications and flyers as they are needed through- out the year. Thank you Hillsborough County for making this grant, and thank you Tampa City Councilwoman Mary Alvarez for sending us the grant notification and application.

Walking, Jogging, Cycling Trail Planned for Rivercrest Park City Parks and Recreation have met with Association Board members to discuss a hard-surface trail that will circle the park, connecting to present sidewalks on River Boulevard. In addition, the trail will have curb cut entrances from the street that will lead to the gazebo, facilitating people with disabilities. Karla Price, spokesperson for Parks and Recreation, estimates that the project should begin this spring and be completed quickly. It will follow Osborne and Boulevard, turn toward the river and then run adjacent to the docks. It will then lead north toward the pump station, then along the driveway access, connecting back to the sidewalk on River Blvd. Final determination of the trail width and surface composition have not been made, but plans should be finalized soon. Please be sure to watch for updates in the next issue of THE BANNER. IT’S YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD; JOIN AND BE A PART OF IT TODAY Business Membership is open to any business that has an interest in South Seminole Heights and in promoting the purpose of SSHCA. Business Members do not have to be located specifically in South Seminole Heights.

Annual membership is only $12. Two person household is $20 Business Membership is $35

South Seminole Heights Civic Association Membership I can assist on a committee (please check) Name(s) ______Crime Watch _____

Company Name (if Business) ______Peer-to-Peer (Code Enforcement) _____

Address______Membership _____

Beautification _____ City______State ______Zip ______Newsletter publication and Phone______e-mail ______distribution _____

Transportation concerns _____ Special Interests and abilities ______Grants _____

Special Events _____ Please send to: SSHCA ; PO Box 360371; Tampa, FL 33673

Attention: Membership Referred by Member ______Or bring to the next membership meeting Name

SSHCA, Inc. PO Box 360371 Tampa, FL 33673