Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email:
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[email protected] Volume 1, Issue 3, September – October 2012 ISSN 2278-6856 Algorithms for Generating Star and Path of Graphs using BFS Dr. H. B. Walikar2, Ravikumar H. Roogi1, Shreedevi V. Shindhe3, Ishwar. B4 2,4Prof. Dept of Computer Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad, 1,3Research Scholars, Dept of Computer Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad Abstract: In this paper we deal with BFS algorithm by 1.8 Diamond Graph: modifying it with some conditions and proper labeling of The diamond graph is the simple graph on nodes and vertices which results edges illustrated Fig.7. [2] and on applying it to some small basic 1.9 Paw Graph: class of graphs. The BFS algorithm has to modify The paw graph is the -pan graph, which is also accordingly. Some graphs will result in and by direct application of BFS where some need modifications isomorphic to the -tadpole graph. Fig.8 [2] in the algorithm. The BFS algorithm starts with a root vertex 1.10 Gem Graph: called start vertex. The resulted output tree structure will be The gem graph is the fan graph illustrated Fig.9 [2] in the form of Structure or in Structure. 1.11 Dart Graph: Keywords: BFS, Graph, Star, Path. The dart graph is the -vertex graph illustrated Fig.10.[2] 1.12 Tetrahedral Graph: 1. INTRODUCTION The tetrahedral graph is the Platonic graph that is the 1.1 Graph: unique polyhedral graph on four nodes which is also the A graph is a finite collection of objects called vertices complete graph and therefore also the wheel graph .